package io.sentry.protocol; import io.sentry.DateUtils; import io.sentry.ILogger; import io.sentry.JsonDeserializer; import io.sentry.JsonObjectReader; import io.sentry.JsonSerializable; import io.sentry.JsonUnknown; import io.sentry.ObjectWriter; import io.sentry.SentryBaseEvent; import io.sentry.SentryTracer; import io.sentry.Span; import io.sentry.SpanContext; import io.sentry.SpanStatus; import io.sentry.TracesSamplingDecision; import io.sentry.metrics.LocalMetricsAggregator; import io.sentry.protocol.MeasurementValue; import io.sentry.protocol.MetricSummary; import io.sentry.protocol.SentrySpan; import io.sentry.protocol.TransactionInfo; import io.sentry.util.Objects; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import tech.rabbit.r1launcher.BuildConfig; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class SentryTransaction extends SentryBaseEvent implements JsonUnknown, JsonSerializable { private final Map measurements; private Map> metricSummaries; private final List spans; private Double startTimestamp; private Double timestamp; private String transaction; private TransactionInfo transactionInfo; private final String type; private Map unknown; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class JsonKeys { public static final String MEASUREMENTS = "measurements"; public static final String METRICS_SUMMARY = "_metrics_summary"; public static final String SPANS = "spans"; public static final String START_TIMESTAMP = "start_timestamp"; public static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; public static final String TRANSACTION = "transaction"; public static final String TRANSACTION_INFO = "transaction_info"; public static final String TYPE = "type"; } public Map getMeasurements() { return this.measurements; } public Map> getMetricSummaries() { return this.metricSummaries; } public List getSpans() { return this.spans; } public Double getStartTimestamp() { return this.startTimestamp; } public Double getTimestamp() { return this.timestamp; } public String getTransaction() { return this.transaction; } public String getType() { return "transaction"; } @Override // io.sentry.JsonUnknown public Map getUnknown() { return this.unknown; } public boolean isFinished() { return this.timestamp != null; } public void setMetricSummaries(Map> map) { this.metricSummaries = map; } @Override // io.sentry.JsonUnknown public void setUnknown(Map map) { this.unknown = map; } public SentryTransaction(SentryTracer sentryTracer) { super(sentryTracer.getEventId()); this.spans = new ArrayList(); this.type = "transaction"; this.measurements = new HashMap(); Objects.requireNonNull(sentryTracer, "sentryTracer is required"); this.startTimestamp = Double.valueOf(DateUtils.nanosToSeconds(sentryTracer.getStartDate().nanoTimestamp())); this.timestamp = Double.valueOf(DateUtils.nanosToSeconds(sentryTracer.getStartDate().laterDateNanosTimestampByDiff(sentryTracer.getFinishDate()))); this.transaction = sentryTracer.getName(); for (Span span : sentryTracer.getChildren()) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(span.isSampled())) { this.spans.add(new SentrySpan(span)); } } Contexts contexts = getContexts(); contexts.putAll(sentryTracer.getContexts()); SpanContext spanContext = sentryTracer.getSpanContext(); contexts.setTrace(new SpanContext(spanContext.getTraceId(), spanContext.getSpanId(), spanContext.getParentSpanId(), spanContext.getOperation(), spanContext.getDescription(), spanContext.getSamplingDecision(), spanContext.getStatus(), spanContext.getOrigin())); for (Map.Entry entry : spanContext.getTags().entrySet()) { setTag(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } Map data = sentryTracer.getData(); if (data != null) { for (Map.Entry entry2 : data.entrySet()) { setExtra(entry2.getKey(), entry2.getValue()); } } this.transactionInfo = new TransactionInfo(sentryTracer.getTransactionNameSource().apiName()); LocalMetricsAggregator localMetricsAggregator = sentryTracer.getLocalMetricsAggregator(); if (localMetricsAggregator != null) { this.metricSummaries = localMetricsAggregator.getSummaries(); } else { this.metricSummaries = null; } } public SentryTransaction(String str, Double d, Double d2, List list, Map map, Map> map2, TransactionInfo transactionInfo) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); this.spans = arrayList; this.type = "transaction"; HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); this.measurements = hashMap; this.transaction = str; this.startTimestamp = d; this.timestamp = d2; arrayList.addAll(list); hashMap.putAll(map); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { this.measurements.putAll(; } this.transactionInfo = transactionInfo; this.metricSummaries = map2; } public SpanStatus getStatus() { SpanContext trace = getContexts().getTrace(); if (trace != null) { return trace.getStatus(); } return null; } public boolean isSampled() { TracesSamplingDecision samplingDecision = getSamplingDecision(); if (samplingDecision == null) { return false; } return samplingDecision.getSampled().booleanValue(); } public TracesSamplingDecision getSamplingDecision() { SpanContext trace = getContexts().getTrace(); if (trace == null) { return null; } return trace.getSamplingDecision(); } @Override // io.sentry.JsonSerializable public void serialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter, ILogger iLogger) throws IOException { objectWriter.beginObject(); if (this.transaction != null) {"transaction").value(this.transaction); }"start_timestamp").value(iLogger, doubleToBigDecimal(this.startTimestamp)); if (this.timestamp != null) {"timestamp").value(iLogger, doubleToBigDecimal(this.timestamp)); } if (!this.spans.isEmpty()) {, this.spans); }"type").value("transaction"); if (!this.measurements.isEmpty()) {"measurements").value(iLogger, this.measurements); } Map> map = this.metricSummaries; if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) {"_metrics_summary").value(iLogger, this.metricSummaries); }, this.transactionInfo); new SentryBaseEvent.Serializer().serialize(this, objectWriter, iLogger); Map map2 = this.unknown; if (map2 != null) { for (String str : map2.keySet()) { Object obj = this.unknown.get(str);; objectWriter.value(iLogger, obj); } } objectWriter.endObject(); } private BigDecimal doubleToBigDecimal(Double d) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(d.doubleValue()).setScale(6, RoundingMode.DOWN); } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class Deserializer implements JsonDeserializer { /* JADX WARN: Can't rename method to resolve collision */ /* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:5:0x0042. Please report as an issue. */ @Override // io.sentry.JsonDeserializer public SentryTransaction deserialize(JsonObjectReader jsonObjectReader, ILogger iLogger) throws Exception { jsonObjectReader.beginObject(); SentryTransaction sentryTransaction = new SentryTransaction("", Double.valueOf(BuildConfig.SENTRY_SAMPLE_RATE), null, new ArrayList(), new HashMap(), null, new TransactionInfo(TransactionNameSource.CUSTOM.apiName())); SentryBaseEvent.Deserializer deserializer = new SentryBaseEvent.Deserializer(); ConcurrentHashMap concurrentHashMap = null; while (jsonObjectReader.peek() == JsonToken.NAME) { String nextName = jsonObjectReader.nextName(); nextName.hashCode(); char c = 65535; switch (nextName.hashCode()) { case -1526966919: if (nextName.equals("start_timestamp")) { c = 0; break; } break; case -682561045: if (nextName.equals("_metrics_summary")) { c = 1; break; } break; case -362243017: if (nextName.equals("measurements")) { c = 2; break; } break; case 3575610: if (nextName.equals("type")) { c = 3; break; } break; case 55126294: if (nextName.equals("timestamp")) { c = 4; break; } break; case 109638249: if (nextName.equals(JsonKeys.SPANS)) { c = 5; break; } break; case 508716399: if (nextName.equals(JsonKeys.TRANSACTION_INFO)) { c = 6; break; } break; case 2141246174: if (nextName.equals("transaction")) { c = 7; break; } break; } switch (c) { case 0: try { Double nextDoubleOrNull = jsonObjectReader.nextDoubleOrNull(); if (nextDoubleOrNull == null) { break; } else { sentryTransaction.startTimestamp = nextDoubleOrNull; break; } } catch (NumberFormatException unused) { Date nextDateOrNull = jsonObjectReader.nextDateOrNull(iLogger); if (nextDateOrNull == null) { break; } else { sentryTransaction.startTimestamp = Double.valueOf(DateUtils.dateToSeconds(nextDateOrNull)); break; } } case 1: sentryTransaction.metricSummaries = jsonObjectReader.nextMapOfListOrNull(iLogger, new MetricSummary.Deserializer()); break; case 2: Map nextMapOrNull = jsonObjectReader.nextMapOrNull(iLogger, new MeasurementValue.Deserializer()); if (nextMapOrNull == null) { break; } else { sentryTransaction.measurements.putAll(nextMapOrNull); break; } case 3: jsonObjectReader.nextString(); break; case 4: try { Double nextDoubleOrNull2 = jsonObjectReader.nextDoubleOrNull(); if (nextDoubleOrNull2 == null) { break; } else { sentryTransaction.timestamp = nextDoubleOrNull2; break; } } catch (NumberFormatException unused2) { Date nextDateOrNull2 = jsonObjectReader.nextDateOrNull(iLogger); if (nextDateOrNull2 == null) { break; } else { sentryTransaction.timestamp = Double.valueOf(DateUtils.dateToSeconds(nextDateOrNull2)); break; } } case 5: List nextListOrNull = jsonObjectReader.nextListOrNull(iLogger, new SentrySpan.Deserializer()); if (nextListOrNull == null) { break; } else { sentryTransaction.spans.addAll(nextListOrNull); break; } case 6: sentryTransaction.transactionInfo = new TransactionInfo.Deserializer().deserialize(jsonObjectReader, iLogger); break; case 7: sentryTransaction.transaction = jsonObjectReader.nextStringOrNull(); break; default: if (!deserializer.deserializeValue(sentryTransaction, nextName, jsonObjectReader, iLogger)) { if (concurrentHashMap == null) { concurrentHashMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); } jsonObjectReader.nextUnknown(iLogger, concurrentHashMap, nextName); break; } else { break; } } } sentryTransaction.setUnknown(concurrentHashMap); jsonObjectReader.endObject(); return sentryTransaction; } } }