package; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; @Immutable @ElementTypesAreNonnullByDefault /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ final class SipHashFunction extends AbstractHashFunction implements Serializable { static final HashFunction SIP_HASH_24 = new SipHashFunction(2, 4, 506097522914230528L, 1084818905618843912L); private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; private final int c; private final int d; private final long k0; private final long k1; @Override // public int bits() { return 64; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public SipHashFunction(int i, int i2, long j, long j2) { Preconditions.checkArgument(i > 0, "The number of SipRound iterations (c=%s) during Compression must be positive.", i); Preconditions.checkArgument(i2 > 0, "The number of SipRound iterations (d=%s) during Finalization must be positive.", i2); this.c = i; this.d = i2; this.k0 = j; this.k1 = j2; } @Override // public Hasher newHasher() { return new SipHasher(this.c, this.d, this.k0, this.k1); } public String toString() { int i = this.c; int i2 = this.d; long j = this.k0; return new StringBuilder(81).append("Hashing.sipHash").append(i).append(i2).append("(").append(j).append(", ").append(this.k1).append(")").toString(); } public boolean equals(@CheckForNull Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof SipHashFunction)) { return false; } SipHashFunction sipHashFunction = (SipHashFunction) obj; return this.c == sipHashFunction.c && this.d == sipHashFunction.d && this.k0 == sipHashFunction.k0 && this.k1 == sipHashFunction.k1; } public int hashCode() { return (int) ((((getClass().hashCode() ^ this.c) ^ this.d) ^ this.k0) ^ this.k1); } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ private static final class SipHasher extends AbstractStreamingHasher { private static final int CHUNK_SIZE = 8; private long b; private final int c; private final int d; private long finalM; private long v0; private long v1; private long v2; private long v3; SipHasher(int i, int i2, long j, long j2) { super(8); this.b = 0L; this.finalM = 0L; this.c = i; this.d = i2; this.v0 = 8317987319222330741L ^ j; this.v1 = 7237128888997146477L ^ j2; this.v2 = 7816392313619706465L ^ j; this.v3 = 8387220255154660723L ^ j2; } @Override // protected void process(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { this.b += 8; processM(byteBuffer.getLong()); } @Override // protected void processRemaining(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { this.b += byteBuffer.remaining(); int i = 0; while (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { this.finalM ^= (byteBuffer.get() & 255) << i; i += 8; } } @Override // protected HashCode makeHash() { long j = this.finalM ^ (this.b << 56); this.finalM = j; processM(j); this.v2 ^= 255; sipRound(this.d); return HashCode.fromLong(((this.v0 ^ this.v1) ^ this.v2) ^ this.v3); } private void processM(long j) { this.v3 ^= j; sipRound(this.c); this.v0 = j ^ this.v0; } private void sipRound(int i) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) { long j = this.v0; long j2 = this.v1; this.v0 = j + j2; this.v2 += this.v3; this.v1 = Long.rotateLeft(j2, 13); long rotateLeft = Long.rotateLeft(this.v3, 16); long j3 = this.v1; long j4 = this.v0; this.v1 = j3 ^ j4; this.v3 = rotateLeft ^ this.v2; long rotateLeft2 = Long.rotateLeft(j4, 32); long j5 = this.v2; long j6 = this.v1; this.v2 = j5 + j6; this.v0 = rotateLeft2 + this.v3; this.v1 = Long.rotateLeft(j6, 17); long rotateLeft3 = Long.rotateLeft(this.v3, 21); long j7 = this.v1; long j8 = this.v2; this.v1 = j7 ^ j8; this.v3 = rotateLeft3 ^ this.v0; this.v2 = Long.rotateLeft(j8, 32); } } } }