package okhttp3.internal.publicsuffix; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import kotlin.Metadata; import kotlin.Unit; import kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt; import; import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker; import kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics; import kotlin.sequences.SequencesKt; import kotlin.text.StringsKt; import okhttp3.internal.Util; import okhttp3.internal.platform.Platform; import okio.BufferedSource; import okio.GzipSource; import okio.Okio; /* compiled from: PublicSuffixDatabase.kt */ @Metadata(bv = {1, 0, 3}, d1 = {"\u00004\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\u0000\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\u0012\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010 \n\u0002\u0010\u000e\n\u0002\b\u0004\n\u0002\u0010\u0002\n\u0002\b\u0005\u0018\u0000 \u00152\u00020\u0001:\u0001\u0015B\u0005¢\u0006\u0002\u0010\u0002J\u001c\u0010\n\u001a\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\f0\u000b2\f\u0010\r\u001a\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\f0\u000bH\u0002J\u0010\u0010\u000e\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\f2\u0006\u0010\u000f\u001a\u00020\fJ\b\u0010\u0010\u001a\u00020\u0011H\u0002J\b\u0010\u0012\u001a\u00020\u0011H\u0002J\u0016\u0010\u0013\u001a\u00020\u00112\u0006\u0010\u0007\u001a\u00020\u00062\u0006\u0010\u0005\u001a\u00020\u0006J\u0016\u0010\u0014\u001a\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\f0\u000b2\u0006\u0010\u000f\u001a\u00020\fH\u0002R\u000e\u0010\u0003\u001a\u00020\u0004X\u0082\u0004¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\u0005\u001a\u00020\u0006X\u0082.¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\u0007\u001a\u00020\u0006X\u0082.¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\b\u001a\u00020\tX\u0082\u0004¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000¨\u0006\u0016"}, d2 = {"Lokhttp3/internal/publicsuffix/PublicSuffixDatabase;", "", "()V", "listRead", "Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicBoolean;", "publicSuffixExceptionListBytes", "", "publicSuffixListBytes", "readCompleteLatch", "Ljava/util/concurrent/CountDownLatch;", "findMatchingRule", "", "", "domainLabels", "getEffectiveTldPlusOne", "domain", "readTheList", "", "readTheListUninterruptibly", "setListBytes", "splitDomain", "Companion", "okhttp"}, k = 1, mv = {1, 4, 0}) /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class PublicSuffixDatabase { private static final char EXCEPTION_MARKER = '!'; public static final String PUBLIC_SUFFIX_RESOURCE = "publicsuffixes.gz"; private byte[] publicSuffixExceptionListBytes; private byte[] publicSuffixListBytes; /* renamed from: Companion, reason: from kotlin metadata */ public static final Companion INSTANCE = new Companion(null); private static final byte[] WILDCARD_LABEL = {(byte) 42}; private static final List PREVAILING_RULE = CollectionsKt.listOf("*"); private static final PublicSuffixDatabase instance = new PublicSuffixDatabase(); private final AtomicBoolean listRead = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final CountDownLatch readCompleteLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); public static final /* synthetic */ byte[] access$getPublicSuffixListBytes$p(PublicSuffixDatabase publicSuffixDatabase) { byte[] bArr = publicSuffixDatabase.publicSuffixListBytes; if (bArr == null) { Intrinsics.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("publicSuffixListBytes"); } return bArr; } public final String getEffectiveTldPlusOne(String domain) { int size; int size2; Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(domain, "domain"); String unicodeDomain = IDN.toUnicode(domain); Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(unicodeDomain, "unicodeDomain"); List splitDomain = splitDomain(unicodeDomain); List findMatchingRule = findMatchingRule(splitDomain); if (splitDomain.size() == findMatchingRule.size() && findMatchingRule.get(0).charAt(0) != '!') { return null; } if (findMatchingRule.get(0).charAt(0) == '!') { size = splitDomain.size(); size2 = findMatchingRule.size(); } else { size = splitDomain.size(); size2 = findMatchingRule.size() + 1; } return SequencesKt.joinToString$default(SequencesKt.drop(CollectionsKt.asSequence(splitDomain(domain)), size - size2), ".", null, null, 0, null, null, 62, null); } private final List splitDomain(String domain) { List split$default = StringsKt.split$default((CharSequence) domain, new char[]{'.'}, false, 0, 6, (Object) null); return Intrinsics.areEqual((String) CollectionsKt.last((List) split$default), "") ? CollectionsKt.dropLast(split$default, 1) : split$default; } private final List findMatchingRule(List domainLabels) { String str; String str2; List emptyList; List emptyList2; if (!this.listRead.get() && this.listRead.compareAndSet(false, true)) { readTheListUninterruptibly(); } else { try { this.readCompleteLatch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException unused) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } if (!(this.publicSuffixListBytes != null)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to load publicsuffixes.gz resource from the classpath.".toString()); } int size = domainLabels.size(); byte[][] bArr = new byte[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String str3 = domainLabels.get(i); Charset UTF_8 = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(UTF_8, "UTF_8"); if (str3 == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String"); } byte[] bytes = str3.getBytes(UTF_8); Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(bytes, "(this as java.lang.String).getBytes(charset)"); bArr[i] = bytes; } byte[][] bArr2 = bArr; String str4 = null; int length = bArr2.length; int i2 = 0; while (true) { if (i2 >= length) { str = null; break; } Companion companion = INSTANCE; byte[] bArr3 = this.publicSuffixListBytes; if (bArr3 == null) { Intrinsics.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("publicSuffixListBytes"); } str = companion.binarySearch(bArr3, bArr2, i2); if (str != null) { break; } i2++; } byte[][] bArr4 = bArr2; if (bArr4.length > 1) { byte[][] bArr5 = (byte[][]) bArr4.clone(); int length2 = bArr5.length - 1; for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length2; i3++) { bArr5[i3] = WILDCARD_LABEL; Companion companion2 = INSTANCE; byte[] bArr6 = this.publicSuffixListBytes; if (bArr6 == null) { Intrinsics.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("publicSuffixListBytes"); } str2 = companion2.binarySearch(bArr6, bArr5, i3); if (str2 != null) { break; } } } str2 = null; if (str2 != null) { int length3 = bArr4.length - 1; int i4 = 0; while (true) { if (i4 >= length3) { break; } Companion companion3 = INSTANCE; byte[] bArr7 = this.publicSuffixExceptionListBytes; if (bArr7 == null) { Intrinsics.throwUninitializedPropertyAccessException("publicSuffixExceptionListBytes"); } String binarySearch = companion3.binarySearch(bArr7, bArr2, i4); if (binarySearch != null) { str4 = binarySearch; break; } i4++; } } if (str4 != null) { return StringsKt.split$default((CharSequence) ("!" + str4), new char[]{'.'}, false, 0, 6, (Object) null); } if (str == null && str2 == null) { return PREVAILING_RULE; } if (str == null || (emptyList = StringsKt.split$default((CharSequence) str, new char[]{'.'}, false, 0, 6, (Object) null)) == null) { emptyList = CollectionsKt.emptyList(); } if (str2 == null || (emptyList2 = StringsKt.split$default((CharSequence) str2, new char[]{'.'}, false, 0, 6, (Object) null)) == null) { emptyList2 = CollectionsKt.emptyList(); } return emptyList.size() > emptyList2.size() ? emptyList : emptyList2; } private final void readTheListUninterruptibly() { boolean z = false; while (true) { try { try { readTheList(); break; } catch (InterruptedIOException unused) { Thread.interrupted(); z = true; } catch (IOException e) { Platform.INSTANCE.get().log("Failed to read public suffix list", 5, e); if (z) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return; } return; } } catch (Throwable th) { if (z) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } throw th; } } if (z) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } private final void readTheList() throws IOException { InputStream resourceAsStream = PublicSuffixDatabase.class.getResourceAsStream(PUBLIC_SUFFIX_RESOURCE); if (resourceAsStream == null) { return; } BufferedSource buffer = Okio.buffer(new GzipSource(Okio.source(resourceAsStream))); try { BufferedSource bufferedSource = buffer; byte[] readByteArray = bufferedSource.readByteArray(bufferedSource.readInt()); byte[] readByteArray2 = bufferedSource.readByteArray(bufferedSource.readInt()); Unit unit = Unit.INSTANCE; CloseableKt.closeFinally(buffer, null); synchronized (this) { Intrinsics.checkNotNull(readByteArray); this.publicSuffixListBytes = readByteArray; Intrinsics.checkNotNull(readByteArray2); this.publicSuffixExceptionListBytes = readByteArray2; Unit unit2 = Unit.INSTANCE; } this.readCompleteLatch.countDown(); } finally { } } public final void setListBytes(byte[] publicSuffixListBytes, byte[] publicSuffixExceptionListBytes) { Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(publicSuffixListBytes, "publicSuffixListBytes"); Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(publicSuffixExceptionListBytes, "publicSuffixExceptionListBytes"); this.publicSuffixListBytes = publicSuffixListBytes; this.publicSuffixExceptionListBytes = publicSuffixExceptionListBytes; this.listRead.set(true); this.readCompleteLatch.countDown(); } /* compiled from: PublicSuffixDatabase.kt */ @Metadata(bv = {1, 0, 3}, d1 = {"\u0000:\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\u0000\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\f\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010 \n\u0002\u0010\u000e\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\u0012\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\b\u0003\n\u0002\u0010\u0011\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\b\n\u0002\b\u0002\b\u0086\u0003\u0018\u00002\u00020\u0001B\u0007\b\u0002¢\u0006\u0002\u0010\u0002J\u0006\u0010\r\u001a\u00020\fJ)\u0010\u000e\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0007*\u00020\n2\f\u0010\u000f\u001a\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\n0\u00102\u0006\u0010\u0011\u001a\u00020\u0012H\u0002¢\u0006\u0002\u0010\u0013R\u000e\u0010\u0003\u001a\u00020\u0004X\u0082T¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u0014\u0010\u0005\u001a\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\u00070\u0006X\u0082\u0004¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\b\u001a\u00020\u0007X\u0086T¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\t\u001a\u00020\nX\u0082\u0004¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\u000b\u001a\u00020\fX\u0082\u0004¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000¨\u0006\u0014"}, d2 = {"Lokhttp3/internal/publicsuffix/PublicSuffixDatabase$Companion;", "", "()V", "EXCEPTION_MARKER", "", "PREVAILING_RULE", "", "", "PUBLIC_SUFFIX_RESOURCE", "WILDCARD_LABEL", "", "instance", "Lokhttp3/internal/publicsuffix/PublicSuffixDatabase;", "get", "binarySearch", "labels", "", "labelIndex", "", "([B[[BI)Ljava/lang/String;", "okhttp"}, k = 1, mv = {1, 4, 0}) /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class Companion { private Companion() { } public /* synthetic */ Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(); } public final PublicSuffixDatabase get() { return PublicSuffixDatabase.instance; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final String binarySearch(byte[] bArr, byte[][] bArr2, int i) { int i2; int and; boolean z; int and2; int length = bArr.length; int i3 = 0; while (i3 < length) { int i4 = (i3 + length) / 2; while (i4 > -1 && bArr[i4] != ((byte) 10)) { i4--; } int i5 = i4 + 1; int i6 = 1; while (true) { i2 = i5 + i6; if (bArr[i2] == ((byte) 10)) { break; } i6++; } int i7 = i2 - i5; int i8 = i; boolean z2 = false; int i9 = 0; int i10 = 0; while (true) { if (z2) { and = 46; z = false; } else { boolean z3 = z2; and = Util.and(bArr2[i8][i9], 255); z = z3; } and2 = and - Util.and(bArr[i5 + i10], 255); if (and2 != 0) { break; } i10++; i9++; if (i10 == i7) { break; } if (bArr2[i8].length != i9) { z2 = z; } else { if (i8 == bArr2.length - 1) { break; } i8++; i9 = -1; z2 = true; } } if (and2 >= 0) { if (and2 <= 0) { int i11 = i7 - i10; int length2 = bArr2[i8].length - i9; int length3 = bArr2.length; for (int i12 = i8 + 1; i12 < length3; i12++) { length2 += bArr2[i12].length; } if (length2 >= i11) { if (length2 <= i11) { Charset UTF_8 = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(UTF_8, "UTF_8"); return new String(bArr, i5, i7, UTF_8); } } } i3 = i2 + 1; } length = i4; } return null; } } }