package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import kotlin.text.Typography; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class SerializeWriter extends Writer { public static final char[] DIGITS; static final byte[] specicalFlags_doubleQuotes; static final byte[] specicalFlags_singleQuotes; protected char[] buf; protected int count; protected int features; protected final Writer writer; private static final ThreadLocal bufLocal = new ThreadLocal<>(); static final int[] sizeTable = {9, 99, 999, 9999, 99999, 999999, 9999999, 99999999, 999999999, Integer.MAX_VALUE}; static final char[] digits = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'}; static final char[] DigitTens = {'0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '3', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '4', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '5', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '6', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '7', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9'}; static final char[] DigitOnes = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'}; static final char[] ascii_chars = {'0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '2', '0', '3', '0', '4', '0', '5', '0', '6', '0', '7', '0', '8', '0', '9', '0', 'A', '0', 'B', '0', 'C', '0', 'D', '0', 'E', '0', 'F', '1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', '3', '1', '4', '1', '5', '1', '6', '1', '7', '1', '8', '1', '9', '1', 'A', '1', 'B', '1', 'C', '1', 'D', '1', 'E', '1', 'F', '2', '0', '2', '1', '2', '2', '2', '3', '2', '4', '2', '5', '2', '6', '2', '7', '2', '8', '2', '9', '2', 'A', '2', 'B', '2', 'C', '2', 'D', '2', 'E', '2', 'F'}; static final char[] replaceChars = new char[93]; static { byte[] bArr = new byte[161]; specicalFlags_doubleQuotes = bArr; byte[] bArr2 = new byte[161]; specicalFlags_singleQuotes = bArr2; bArr[0] = 4; bArr[1] = 4; bArr[2] = 4; bArr[3] = 4; bArr[4] = 4; bArr[5] = 4; bArr[6] = 4; bArr[7] = 4; bArr[8] = 1; bArr[9] = 1; bArr[10] = 1; bArr[11] = 4; bArr[12] = 1; bArr[13] = 1; bArr[34] = 1; bArr[92] = 1; bArr2[0] = 4; bArr2[1] = 4; bArr2[2] = 4; bArr2[3] = 4; bArr2[4] = 4; bArr2[5] = 4; bArr2[6] = 4; bArr2[7] = 4; bArr2[8] = 1; bArr2[9] = 1; bArr2[10] = 1; bArr2[11] = 4; bArr2[12] = 1; bArr2[13] = 1; bArr2[92] = 1; bArr2[39] = 1; for (int i = 14; i <= 31; i++) { specicalFlags_doubleQuotes[i] = 4; specicalFlags_singleQuotes[i] = 4; } for (int i2 = 127; i2 < 160; i2++) { specicalFlags_doubleQuotes[i2] = 4; specicalFlags_singleQuotes[i2] = 4; } char[] cArr = replaceChars; cArr[0] = '0'; cArr[1] = '1'; cArr[2] = '2'; cArr[3] = '3'; cArr[4] = '4'; cArr[5] = '5'; cArr[6] = '6'; cArr[7] = '7'; cArr[8] = 'b'; cArr[9] = 't'; cArr[10] = 'n'; cArr[11] = 'v'; cArr[12] = 'f'; cArr[13] = 'r'; cArr[34] = Typography.quote; cArr[39] = '\''; cArr[47] = '/'; cArr[92] = '\\'; DIGITS = new char[]{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; } /* JADX WARN: 'this' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public SerializeWriter() { this((Writer) null); } public SerializeWriter(Writer writer) { this.writer = writer; this.features = JSON.DEFAULT_GENERATE_FEATURE; ThreadLocal threadLocal = bufLocal; this.buf = threadLocal.get(); if (threadLocal != null) { threadLocal.set(null); } if (this.buf == null) { this.buf = new char[1024]; } } public SerializeWriter(SerializerFeature... serializerFeatureArr) { this(null, 0, serializerFeatureArr); } public SerializeWriter(Writer writer, int i, SerializerFeature[] serializerFeatureArr) { this.writer = writer; ThreadLocal threadLocal = bufLocal; char[] cArr = threadLocal.get(); this.buf = cArr; if (cArr != null) { threadLocal.set(null); } if (this.buf == null) { this.buf = new char[1024]; } for (SerializerFeature serializerFeature : serializerFeatureArr) { i |= serializerFeature.mask; } this.features = i; } public SerializeWriter(int i) { this(null, i); } public SerializeWriter(Writer writer, int i) { this.writer = writer; if (i <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative initial size: " + i); } this.buf = new char[i]; } public void config(SerializerFeature serializerFeature, boolean z) { if (z) { this.features = serializerFeature.mask | this.features; } else { this.features = (~serializerFeature.mask) & this.features; } } public boolean isEnabled(SerializerFeature serializerFeature) { return (this.features & serializerFeature.mask) != 0; } @Override // public void write(int i) { int i2 = 1; int i3 = this.count + 1; if (i3 > this.buf.length) { if (this.writer == null) { expandCapacity(i3); } else { flush(); this.buf[this.count] = (char) i; this.count = i2; } } i2 = i3; this.buf[this.count] = (char) i; this.count = i2; } @Override // public void write(char[] cArr, int i, int i2) { int i3; if (i < 0 || i > cArr.length || i2 < 0 || (i3 = i + i2) > cArr.length || i3 < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } if (i2 == 0) { return; } int i4 = this.count + i2; if (i4 > this.buf.length) { if (this.writer == null) { expandCapacity(i4); } do { char[] cArr2 = this.buf; int length = cArr2.length; int i5 = this.count; int i6 = length - i5; System.arraycopy(cArr, i, cArr2, i5, i6); this.count = this.buf.length; flush(); i2 -= i6; i += i6; } while (i2 > this.buf.length); i4 = i2; } System.arraycopy(cArr, i, this.buf, this.count, i2); this.count = i4; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void expandCapacity(int i) { char[] cArr = this.buf; int length = ((cArr.length * 3) / 2) + 1; if (length >= i) { i = length; } char[] cArr2 = new char[i]; System.arraycopy(cArr, 0, cArr2, 0, this.count); this.buf = cArr2; } @Override // public void write(String str, int i, int i2) { int i3; int i4 = this.count + i2; if (i4 > this.buf.length) { if (this.writer == null) { expandCapacity(i4); } else { while (true) { char[] cArr = this.buf; int length = cArr.length; int i5 = this.count; int i6 = length - i5; i3 = i + i6; str.getChars(i, i3, cArr, i5); this.count = this.buf.length; flush(); i2 -= i6; if (i2 <= this.buf.length) { break; } else { i = i3; } } i4 = i2; i = i3; } } str.getChars(i, i2 + i, this.buf, this.count); this.count = i4; } public void writeTo(Writer writer) throws IOException { if (this.writer != null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("writer not null"); } writer.write(this.buf, 0, this.count); } public void writeTo(OutputStream outputStream, String str) throws IOException { writeTo(outputStream, Charset.forName(str)); } public void writeTo(OutputStream outputStream, Charset charset) throws IOException { if (this.writer != null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("writer not null"); } outputStream.write(new String(this.buf, 0, this.count).getBytes(; } @Override //, java.lang.Appendable public SerializeWriter append(CharSequence charSequence) { String charSequence2 = charSequence == null ? "null" : charSequence.toString(); write(charSequence2, 0, charSequence2.length()); return this; } @Override //, java.lang.Appendable public SerializeWriter append(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i2) { if (charSequence == null) { charSequence = "null"; } String charSequence2 = charSequence.subSequence(i, i2).toString(); write(charSequence2, 0, charSequence2.length()); return this; } @Override //, java.lang.Appendable public SerializeWriter append(char c) { write(c); return this; } public byte[] toBytes(String str) { if (this.writer != null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("writer not null"); } if (str == null) { str = C.UTF8_NAME; } try { return new String(this.buf, 0, this.count).getBytes(str); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new JSONException("toBytes error", e); } } public String toString() { return new String(this.buf, 0, this.count); } @Override //,, java.lang.AutoCloseable public void close() { if (this.writer != null && this.count > 0) { flush(); } char[] cArr = this.buf; if (cArr.length <= 8192) { bufLocal.set(cArr); } this.buf = null; } @Override // public void write(String str) { if (str == null) { writeNull(); } else { write(str, 0, str.length()); } } public void writeInt(int i) { if (i == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { write("-2147483648"); return; } int i2 = 0; while ((i < 0 ? -i : i) > sizeTable[i2]) { i2++; } int i3 = i2 + 1; if (i < 0) { i3 = i2 + 2; } int i4 = this.count + i3; if (i4 > this.buf.length) { if (this.writer == null) { expandCapacity(i4); } else { char[] cArr = new char[i3]; getChars(i, i3, cArr); write(cArr, 0, i3); return; } } getChars(i, i4, this.buf); this.count = i4; } public void writeByteArray(byte[] bArr) { int length = bArr.length; boolean z = (this.features & SerializerFeature.UseSingleQuotes.mask) != 0; char c = z ? '\'' : Typography.quote; if (length == 0) { write(z ? "''" : "\"\""); return; } char[] cArr = JSONLexer.CA; int i = (length / 3) * 3; int i2 = length - 1; int i3 = this.count; int i4 = (((i2 / 3) + 1) << 2) + i3; int i5 = i4 + 2; if (i5 > this.buf.length) { if (this.writer != null) { write(c); int i6 = 0; while (i6 < i) { int i7 = i6 + 2; int i8 = ((bArr[i6 + 1] & 255) << 8) | ((bArr[i6] & 255) << 16); i6 += 3; int i9 = i8 | (bArr[i7] & 255); write(cArr[(i9 >>> 18) & 63]); write(cArr[(i9 >>> 12) & 63]); write(cArr[(i9 >>> 6) & 63]); write(cArr[i9 & 63]); } int i10 = length - i; if (i10 > 0) { int i11 = ((bArr[i] & 255) << 10) | (i10 == 2 ? (bArr[i2] & 255) << 2 : 0); write(cArr[i11 >> 12]); write(cArr[(i11 >>> 6) & 63]); write(i10 == 2 ? cArr[i11 & 63] : '='); write(61); } write(c); return; } expandCapacity(i5); } this.count = i5; int i12 = i3 + 1; this.buf[i3] = c; int i13 = 0; while (i13 < i) { int i14 = i13 + 2; int i15 = ((bArr[i13 + 1] & 255) << 8) | ((bArr[i13] & 255) << 16); i13 += 3; int i16 = i15 | (bArr[i14] & 255); char[] cArr2 = this.buf; cArr2[i12] = cArr[(i16 >>> 18) & 63]; cArr2[i12 + 1] = cArr[(i16 >>> 12) & 63]; int i17 = i12 + 3; cArr2[i12 + 2] = cArr[(i16 >>> 6) & 63]; i12 += 4; cArr2[i17] = cArr[i16 & 63]; } int i18 = length - i; if (i18 > 0) { int i19 = ((bArr[i] & 255) << 10) | (i18 == 2 ? (bArr[i2] & 255) << 2 : 0); char[] cArr3 = this.buf; cArr3[i4 - 3] = cArr[i19 >> 12]; cArr3[i4 - 2] = cArr[(i19 >>> 6) & 63]; cArr3[i4 - 1] = i18 == 2 ? cArr[i19 & 63] : '='; cArr3[i4] = '='; } this.buf[i4 + 1] = c; } public void writeLong(long j) { if (j == Long.MIN_VALUE) { write("-9223372036854775808"); return; } long j2 = j < 0 ? -j : j; int i = 1; long j3 = 10; while (true) { if (i >= 19) { i = 0; break; } else { if (j2 < j3) { break; } j3 *= 10; i++; } } int i2 = i != 0 ? i : 19; if (j < 0) { i2++; } int i3 = this.count + i2; if (i3 > this.buf.length) { if (this.writer == null) { expandCapacity(i3); } else { char[] cArr = new char[i2]; getChars(j, i2, cArr); write(cArr, 0, i2); return; } } getChars(j, i3, this.buf); this.count = i3; } public void writeNull() { write("null"); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:46:0x0090, code lost: if (r14 == (-1)) goto L42; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:47:0x0092, code lost: r12 = r8; r14 = r13; r15 = r14; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:73:0x00dd, code lost: if (r14 == (-1)) goto L42; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public void writeStringWithDoubleQuote(java.lang.String r17, char r18, boolean r19) { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 585 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:, char, boolean):void"); } public void write(boolean z) { write(z ? "true" : "false"); } public void writeString(String str) { if ((this.features & SerializerFeature.UseSingleQuotes.mask) != 0) { writeStringWithSingleQuote(str); } else { writeStringWithDoubleQuote(str, (char) 0, true); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void writeStringWithSingleQuote(String str) { int i = 0; if (str == null) { int i2 = this.count + 4; if (i2 > this.buf.length) { expandCapacity(i2); } "null".getChars(0, 4, this.buf, this.count); this.count = i2; return; } int length = str.length(); int i3 = this.count + length + 2; if (i3 > this.buf.length) { if (this.writer != null) { write(39); while (i < str.length()) { char charAt = str.charAt(i); if (charAt <= '\r' || charAt == '\\' || charAt == '\'' || (charAt == '/' && (this.features & SerializerFeature.WriteSlashAsSpecial.mask) != 0)) { write(92); write(replaceChars[charAt]); } else { write(charAt); } i++; } write(39); return; } expandCapacity(i3); } int i4 = this.count; int i5 = i4 + 1; int i6 = i5 + length; char[] cArr = this.buf; cArr[i4] = '\''; str.getChars(0, length, cArr, i5); this.count = i3; int i7 = -1; char c = 0; for (int i8 = i5; i8 < i6; i8++) { char c2 = this.buf[i8]; if (c2 <= '\r' || c2 == '\\' || c2 == '\'' || (c2 == '/' && (this.features & SerializerFeature.WriteSlashAsSpecial.mask) != 0)) { i++; i7 = i8; c = c2; } } int i9 = i3 + i; if (i9 > this.buf.length) { expandCapacity(i9); } this.count = i9; if (i == 1) { char[] cArr2 = this.buf; int i10 = i7 + 1; System.arraycopy(cArr2, i10, cArr2, i7 + 2, (i6 - i7) - 1); char[] cArr3 = this.buf; cArr3[i7] = '\\'; cArr3[i10] = replaceChars[c]; } else if (i > 1) { char[] cArr4 = this.buf; int i11 = i7 + 1; System.arraycopy(cArr4, i11, cArr4, i7 + 2, (i6 - i7) - 1); char[] cArr5 = this.buf; cArr5[i7] = '\\'; cArr5[i11] = replaceChars[c]; int i12 = i6 + 1; for (int i13 = i7 - 1; i13 >= i5; i13--) { char c3 = this.buf[i13]; if (c3 <= '\r' || c3 == '\\' || c3 == '\'' || (c3 == '/' && (this.features & SerializerFeature.WriteSlashAsSpecial.mask) != 0)) { char[] cArr6 = this.buf; int i14 = i13 + 1; System.arraycopy(cArr6, i14, cArr6, i13 + 2, (i12 - i13) - 1); char[] cArr7 = this.buf; cArr7[i13] = '\\'; cArr7[i14] = replaceChars[c3]; i12++; } } } this.buf[this.count - 1] = '\''; } public void writeFieldName(String str, boolean z) { if ((this.features & SerializerFeature.UseSingleQuotes.mask) != 0) { if ((this.features & SerializerFeature.QuoteFieldNames.mask) != 0) { writeStringWithSingleQuote(str); write(58); return; } else { writeKeyWithSingleQuoteIfHasSpecial(str); return; } } if ((this.features & SerializerFeature.QuoteFieldNames.mask) != 0) { writeStringWithDoubleQuote(str, ':', z); } else { writeKeyWithDoubleQuoteIfHasSpecial(str); } } private void writeKeyWithDoubleQuoteIfHasSpecial(String str) { int length = str.length(); boolean z = true; int i = this.count + length + 1; if (i > this.buf.length) { if (this.writer != null) { if (length == 0) { write(34); write(34); write(58); return; } int i2 = 0; while (true) { if (i2 >= length) { z = false; break; } char charAt = str.charAt(i2); byte[] bArr = specicalFlags_doubleQuotes; if (charAt < bArr.length && bArr[charAt] != 0) { break; } else { i2++; } } if (z) { write(34); } for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) { char charAt2 = str.charAt(i3); byte[] bArr2 = specicalFlags_doubleQuotes; if (charAt2 < bArr2.length && bArr2[charAt2] != 0) { write(92); write(replaceChars[charAt2]); } else { write(charAt2); } } if (z) { write(34); } write(58); return; } expandCapacity(i); } if (length == 0) { int i4 = this.count; if (i4 + 3 > this.buf.length) { expandCapacity(i4 + 3); } char[] cArr = this.buf; int i5 = this.count; cArr[i5] = Typography.quote; cArr[i5 + 1] = Typography.quote; this.count = i5 + 3; cArr[i5 + 2] = ':'; return; } int i6 = this.count; int i7 = i6 + length; str.getChars(0, length, this.buf, i6); this.count = i; int i8 = i6; boolean z2 = false; while (i8 < i7) { char[] cArr2 = this.buf; char c = cArr2[i8]; byte[] bArr3 = specicalFlags_doubleQuotes; if (c < bArr3.length && bArr3[c] != 0) { if (!z2) { i += 3; if (i > cArr2.length) { expandCapacity(i); } this.count = i; char[] cArr3 = this.buf; int i9 = i8 + 1; System.arraycopy(cArr3, i9, cArr3, i8 + 3, (i7 - i8) - 1); char[] cArr4 = this.buf; System.arraycopy(cArr4, 0, cArr4, 1, i8); char[] cArr5 = this.buf; cArr5[i6] = Typography.quote; cArr5[i9] = '\\'; i8 += 2; cArr5[i8] = replaceChars[c]; i7 += 2; cArr5[this.count - 2] = Typography.quote; z2 = true; } else { i++; if (i > cArr2.length) { expandCapacity(i); } this.count = i; char[] cArr6 = this.buf; int i10 = i8 + 1; System.arraycopy(cArr6, i10, cArr6, i8 + 2, i7 - i8); char[] cArr7 = this.buf; cArr7[i8] = '\\'; cArr7[i10] = replaceChars[c]; i7++; i8 = i10; } } i8++; } this.buf[this.count - 1] = ':'; } private void writeKeyWithSingleQuoteIfHasSpecial(String str) { int length = str.length(); boolean z = true; int i = this.count + length + 1; if (i > this.buf.length) { if (this.writer != null) { if (length == 0) { write(39); write(39); write(58); return; } int i2 = 0; while (true) { if (i2 >= length) { z = false; break; } char charAt = str.charAt(i2); byte[] bArr = specicalFlags_singleQuotes; if (charAt < bArr.length && bArr[charAt] != 0) { break; } else { i2++; } } if (z) { write(39); } for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) { char charAt2 = str.charAt(i3); byte[] bArr2 = specicalFlags_singleQuotes; if (charAt2 < bArr2.length && bArr2[charAt2] != 0) { write(92); write(replaceChars[charAt2]); } else { write(charAt2); } } if (z) { write(39); } write(58); return; } expandCapacity(i); } if (length == 0) { int i4 = this.count; if (i4 + 3 > this.buf.length) { expandCapacity(i4 + 3); } char[] cArr = this.buf; int i5 = this.count; cArr[i5] = '\''; cArr[i5 + 1] = '\''; this.count = i5 + 3; cArr[i5 + 2] = ':'; return; } int i6 = this.count; int i7 = i6 + length; str.getChars(0, length, this.buf, i6); this.count = i; int i8 = i6; boolean z2 = false; while (i8 < i7) { char[] cArr2 = this.buf; char c = cArr2[i8]; byte[] bArr3 = specicalFlags_singleQuotes; if (c < bArr3.length && bArr3[c] != 0) { if (!z2) { i += 3; if (i > cArr2.length) { expandCapacity(i); } this.count = i; char[] cArr3 = this.buf; int i9 = i8 + 1; System.arraycopy(cArr3, i9, cArr3, i8 + 3, (i7 - i8) - 1); char[] cArr4 = this.buf; System.arraycopy(cArr4, 0, cArr4, 1, i8); char[] cArr5 = this.buf; cArr5[i6] = '\''; cArr5[i9] = '\\'; i8 += 2; cArr5[i8] = replaceChars[c]; i7 += 2; cArr5[this.count - 2] = '\''; z2 = true; } else { i++; if (i > cArr2.length) { expandCapacity(i); } this.count = i; char[] cArr6 = this.buf; int i10 = i8 + 1; System.arraycopy(cArr6, i10, cArr6, i8 + 2, i7 - i8); char[] cArr7 = this.buf; cArr7[i8] = '\\'; cArr7[i10] = replaceChars[c]; i7++; i8 = i10; } } i8++; } this.buf[i - 1] = ':'; } @Override //, public void flush() { Writer writer = this.writer; if (writer == null) { return; } try { writer.write(this.buf, 0, this.count); this.writer.flush(); this.count = 0; } catch (IOException e) { throw new JSONException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static void getChars(long j, int i, char[] cArr) { char c; if (j < 0) { j = -j; c = '-'; } else { c = 0; } while (j > 2147483647L) { long j2 = j / 100; int i2 = (int) (j - (((j2 << 6) + (j2 << 5)) + (j2 << 2))); cArr[i - 1] = DigitOnes[i2]; i -= 2; cArr[i] = DigitTens[i2]; j = j2; } int i3 = (int) j; while (i3 >= 65536) { int i4 = i3 / 100; int i5 = i3 - (((i4 << 6) + (i4 << 5)) + (i4 << 2)); cArr[i - 1] = DigitOnes[i5]; i -= 2; cArr[i] = DigitTens[i5]; i3 = i4; } while (true) { int i6 = (52429 * i3) >>> 19; int i7 = i - 1; cArr[i7] = digits[i3 - ((i6 << 3) + (i6 << 1))]; if (i6 == 0) { break; } i3 = i6; i = i7; } if (c != 0) { cArr[i - 2] = c; } } }