package; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Objects; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @ElementTypesAreNonnullByDefault /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class StandardMutableValueGraph extends StandardValueGraph implements MutableValueGraph { private final ElementOrder incidentEdgeOrder; @Override //,, public ElementOrder incidentEdgeOrder() { return this.incidentEdgeOrder; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public StandardMutableValueGraph(AbstractGraphBuilder abstractGraphBuilder) { super(abstractGraphBuilder); this.incidentEdgeOrder = (ElementOrder) abstractGraphBuilder.incidentEdgeOrder.cast(); } @Override // public boolean addNode(N n) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(n, "node"); if (containsNode(n)) { return false; } addNodeInternal(n); return true; } private GraphConnections addNodeInternal(N n) { GraphConnections newConnections = newConnections(); Preconditions.checkState(this.nodeConnections.put(n, newConnections) == null); return newConnections; } @Override // @CheckForNull public V putEdgeValue(N n, N n2, V v) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(n, "nodeU"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(n2, "nodeV"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(v, "value"); if (!allowsSelfLoops()) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!n.equals(n2), "Cannot add self-loop edge on node %s, as self-loops are not allowed. To construct a graph that allows self-loops, call allowsSelfLoops(true) on the Builder.", n); } GraphConnections graphConnections = this.nodeConnections.get(n); if (graphConnections == null) { graphConnections = addNodeInternal(n); } V addSuccessor = graphConnections.addSuccessor(n2, v); GraphConnections graphConnections2 = this.nodeConnections.get(n2); if (graphConnections2 == null) { graphConnections2 = addNodeInternal(n2); } graphConnections2.addPredecessor(n, v); if (addSuccessor == null) { long j = this.edgeCount + 1; this.edgeCount = j; Graphs.checkPositive(j); } return addSuccessor; } @Override // @CheckForNull public V putEdgeValue(EndpointPair endpointPair, V v) { validateEndpoints(endpointPair); return putEdgeValue(endpointPair.nodeU(), endpointPair.nodeV(), v); } @Override // public boolean removeNode(N n) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(n, "node"); GraphConnections graphConnections = this.nodeConnections.get(n); if (graphConnections == null) { return false; } if (allowsSelfLoops() && graphConnections.removeSuccessor(n) != null) { graphConnections.removePredecessor(n); this.edgeCount--; } Iterator it = graphConnections.successors().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ((GraphConnections) Objects.requireNonNull(this.nodeConnections.getWithoutCaching(; this.edgeCount--; } if (isDirected()) { Iterator it2 = graphConnections.predecessors().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Preconditions.checkState(((GraphConnections) Objects.requireNonNull(this.nodeConnections.getWithoutCaching( != null); this.edgeCount--; } } this.nodeConnections.remove(n); Graphs.checkNonNegative(this.edgeCount); return true; } @Override // @CheckForNull public V removeEdge(N n, N n2) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(n, "nodeU"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(n2, "nodeV"); GraphConnections graphConnections = this.nodeConnections.get(n); GraphConnections graphConnections2 = this.nodeConnections.get(n2); if (graphConnections == null || graphConnections2 == null) { return null; } V removeSuccessor = graphConnections.removeSuccessor(n2); if (removeSuccessor != null) { graphConnections2.removePredecessor(n); long j = this.edgeCount - 1; this.edgeCount = j; Graphs.checkNonNegative(j); } return removeSuccessor; } @Override // @CheckForNull public V removeEdge(EndpointPair endpointPair) { validateEndpoints(endpointPair); return removeEdge(endpointPair.nodeU(), endpointPair.nodeV()); } private GraphConnections newConnections() { if (isDirected()) { return DirectedGraphConnections.of(this.incidentEdgeOrder); } return UndirectedGraphConnections.of(this.incidentEdgeOrder); } }