Rabbit-R1/original r1/java/sources/androidx/compose/runtime/SlotWriter.java
2024-05-21 17:08:36 -04:00

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package androidx.compose.runtime;
import io.sentry.SentryLockReason;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import kotlin.KotlinNothingValueException;
import kotlin.Metadata;
import kotlin.collections.ArraysKt;
import kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics;
import kotlin.ranges.RangesKt;
/* compiled from: SlotTable.kt */
@Metadata(d1 = {"\u0000z\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\u0000\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\b\n\u0002\b\u0003\n\u0002\u0010\u000b\n\u0002\b\t\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\b\u0003\n\u0002\u0010\u0015\n\u0002\b\b\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\b\u0003\n\u0002\u0010\u0011\n\u0002\b\b\n\u0002\u0010\u0002\n\u0002\b \n\u0002\u0010(\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\u000e\n\u0002\b\n\n\u0002\u0010 \n\u0002\b9\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\b\u0005\b\u0000\u0018\u0000 \u009f\u00012\u00020\u0001:\u0002\u009f\u0001B\r\u0012\u0006\u0010\u0002\u001a\u00020\u0003¢\u0006\u0002\u0010\u0004J\u0016\u00101\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u00103\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00104\u001a\u00020\nJ\u000e\u00105\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u00104\u001a\u00020\nJ\u0010\u00106\u001a\u00020\u00072\b\b\u0002\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u000e\u00108\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00106\u001a\u00020\u0007J\r\u00109\u001a\u000202H\u0000¢\u0006\u0002\b:J\u0006\u0010;\u001a\u000202J\u0010\u0010<\u001a\u00020\u000e2\u0006\u0010=\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\b\u0010>\u001a\u000202H\u0002J\u0006\u0010?\u001a\u000202J\u0010\u0010@\u001a\u00020\u000e2\u0006\u0010=\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0010\u0010A\u001a\u00020\u000e2\u0006\u0010=\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J \u0010B\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00106\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010C\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010\t\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0010\u0010D\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0010\u0010E\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010D\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J(\u0010F\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010G\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010C\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010\t\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0006\u0010H\u001a\u00020\nJ\u0006\u0010I\u001a\u000202J\u000e\u0010J\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u00106\u001a\u00020\u0007J\u000e\u0010J\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ \u0010K\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010\"\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010H\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010L\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0010\u0010M\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00012\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u0010\u0010N\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u000e\u0010O\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u0010\u0010P\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00012\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u000e\u0010Q\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u000e\u0010R\u001a\n\u0012\u0006\u0012\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00010SJ\u0006\u0010T\u001a\u00020UJ\u000e\u0010V\u001a\u00020\u000e2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u0016\u0010W\u001a\u00020\u000e2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010=\u001a\u00020\nJ\u000e\u0010X\u001a\u00020\u000e2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u0010\u0010Y\u001a\u0002022\b\u0010Z\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J\u0010\u0010[\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010&\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u000e\u0010\\\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010]\u001a\u00020\nJ\u0018\u0010^\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010&\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010=\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u000e\u0010\u001f\u001a\u00020\u000e2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u000e\u0010_\u001a\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\n0`H\u0002J\u0010\u0010a\u001a\u0002022\b\b\u0002\u0010=\u001a\u00020\nJ \u0010b\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010c\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010d\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010&\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J&\u0010e\u001a\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\u00070`2\u0006\u0010\u0002\u001a\u00020\u00032\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\n2\b\b\u0002\u0010f\u001a\u00020\u000eJ\u000e\u0010g\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010h\u001a\u00020\nJ\u0010\u0010i\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J$\u0010j\u001a\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\u00070`2\u0006\u0010h\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010\u0002\u001a\u00020\u00032\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u0018\u0010k\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010=\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J$\u0010l\u001a\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\u00070`2\u0006\u00106\u001a\u00020\u00072\u0006\u0010h\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010m\u001a\u00020\u0000J\u0010\u0010n\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00012\u0006\u00106\u001a\u00020\u0007J\u0010\u0010n\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00012\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u000e\u0010 \u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u000e\u0010\"\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00106\u001a\u00020\u0007J\u000e\u0010\"\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u0010\u0010o\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0018\u0010p\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010G\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\b\u0010q\u001a\u000202H\u0002J\u0018\u0010r\u001a\u00020\u000e2\u0006\u0010G\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010&\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0006\u0010s\u001a\u00020\u000eJ\u0018\u0010t\u001a\u00020\u000e2\u0006\u0010u\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010v\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J \u0010w\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010u\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010v\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010=\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0006\u0010x\u001a\u000202J\b\u0010y\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\b\u0010z\u001a\u000202H\u0002J\u000e\u0010{\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u00106\u001a\u00020\u0007J\u0010\u0010|\u001a\u0002022\b\u0010Z\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J\u001a\u0010|\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00012\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\n2\b\u0010Z\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J\b\u0010}\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J\u0006\u0010~\u001a\u00020\nJ\u0006\u0010\u007f\u001a\u000202J\u0019\u0010\u0080\u0001\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00012\u0006\u00106\u001a\u00020\u00072\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u001a\u0010\u0080\u0001\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00012\u0007\u0010\u0081\u0001\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nJ\u001a\u0010\u0082\u0001\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010]\u001a\u00020\n2\t\u0010\u0083\u0001\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J%\u0010\u0082\u0001\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010]\u001a\u00020\n2\t\u0010\u0084\u0001\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00012\t\u0010\u0083\u0001\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J\u0007\u0010\u0085\u0001\u001a\u000202J\u000f\u0010\u0085\u0001\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010]\u001a\u00020\nJ\u001a\u0010\u0085\u0001\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010]\u001a\u00020\n2\t\u0010\u0086\u0001\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J/\u0010\u0085\u0001\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010]\u001a\u00020\n2\t\u0010\u0084\u0001\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00012\u0006\u0010\u001f\u001a\u00020\u000e2\t\u0010\u0083\u0001\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001H\u0002J\u001a\u0010\u0087\u0001\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010]\u001a\u00020\n2\t\u0010\u0084\u0001\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J$\u0010\u0087\u0001\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010]\u001a\u00020\n2\t\u0010\u0084\u0001\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00012\b\u0010n\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J\t\u0010\u0088\u0001\u001a\u00020UH\u0016J\u0013\u0010\u0089\u0001\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00012\b\u0010Z\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J\u001b\u0010\u008a\u0001\u001a\u0002022\u0007\u0010\u008b\u0001\u001a\u00020\n2\u0007\u0010\u008c\u0001\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0011\u0010\u008d\u0001\u001a\u0002022\b\u0010Z\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J\u0011\u0010\u008e\u0001\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010=\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0019\u0010\u008f\u0001\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u0010=\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010|\u001a\u00020%H\u0002J\u0019\u0010\u0090\u0001\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u00106\u001a\u00020\u00072\b\u0010Z\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J\u0011\u0010\u0090\u0001\u001a\u0002022\b\u0010Z\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J\u001b\u0010\u0091\u0001\u001a\u0002022\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\n2\b\u0010Z\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001H\u0002J\u0011\u0010\u0092\u0001\u001a\u0002022\b\u0010Z\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0001J\u000f\u0010\u0093\u0001\u001a\u000202H\u0000¢\u0006\u0003\b\u0094\u0001J\u000f\u0010\u0095\u0001\u001a\u000202H\u0000¢\u0006\u0003\b\u0096\u0001J\u0015\u0010\u0097\u0001\u001a\u00020\n*\u00020\u001c2\u0006\u00103\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0014\u0010D\u001a\u00020\n*\u00020\u001c2\u0006\u00103\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0013\u0010\u0098\u0001\u001a\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\n0`*\u00020\u001cH\u0002J\u001b\u0010\u0099\u0001\u001a\u000202*\b0\u009a\u0001j\u0003`\u009b\u00012\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0015\u0010\u009c\u0001\u001a\u00020\n*\u00020\u001c2\u0006\u00103\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0014\u0010\"\u001a\u00020\n*\u00020\u001c2\u0006\u00107\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u0015\u0010\u009d\u0001\u001a\u00020\n*\u00020\u001c2\u0006\u00103\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002J\u001d\u0010\u009e\u0001\u001a\u000202*\u00020\u001c2\u0006\u00103\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010D\u001a\u00020\nH\u0002R\u001e\u0010\u0005\u001a\u0012\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\u00070\u0006j\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\u0007`\bX\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u0014\u0010\t\u001a\u00020\n8BX\u0082\u0004¢\u0006\u0006\u001a\u0004\b\u000b\u0010\fR\u001e\u0010\u000f\u001a\u00020\u000e2\u0006\u0010\r\u001a\u00020\u000e@BX\u0086\u000e¢\u0006\b\n\u0000\u001a\u0004\b\u0010\u0010\u0011R\u001e\u0010\u0012\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010\r\u001a\u00020\n@BX\u0086\u000e¢\u0006\b\n\u0000\u001a\u0004\b\u0013\u0010\fR\u000e\u0010\u0014\u001a\u00020\nX\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\u0015\u001a\u00020\nX\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\u0016\u001a\u00020\nX\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\u0017\u001a\u00020\u0018X\u0082\u0004¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\u0019\u001a\u00020\nX\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\u001a\u001a\u00020\nX\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\u001b\u001a\u00020\u001cX\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010\u001d\u001a\u00020\nX\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u0011\u0010\u001e\u001a\u00020\u000e8F¢\u0006\u0006\u001a\u0004\b\u001e\u0010\u0011R\u0011\u0010\u001f\u001a\u00020\u000e8F¢\u0006\u0006\u001a\u0004\b\u001f\u0010\u0011R\u000e\u0010 \u001a\u00020\nX\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010!\u001a\u00020\u0018X\u0082\u0004¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u001e\u0010\"\u001a\u00020\n2\u0006\u0010\r\u001a\u00020\n@BX\u0086\u000e¢\u0006\b\n\u0000\u001a\u0004\b#\u0010\fR\u0010\u0010$\u001a\u0004\u0018\u00010%X\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u0014\u0010&\u001a\u00020\n8@X\u0080\u0004¢\u0006\u0006\u001a\u0004\b'\u0010\fR\u0018\u0010(\u001a\n\u0012\u0006\u0012\u0004\u0018\u00010\u00010)X\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0004\n\u0002\u0010*R\u000e\u0010+\u001a\u00020\nX\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010,\u001a\u00020\nX\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010-\u001a\u00020\nX\u0082\u000e¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u000e\u0010.\u001a\u00020\u0018X\u0082\u0004¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000R\u0014\u0010\u0002\u001a\u00020\u0003X\u0080\u0004¢\u0006\b\n\u0000\u001a\u0004\b/\u00100¨\u0006 \u0001"}, d2 = {"Landroidx/compose/runtime/SlotWriter;", "", "table", "Landroidx/compose/runtime/SlotTable;", "(Landroidx/compose/runtime/SlotTable;)V", "anchors", "Ljava/util/ArrayList;", "Landroidx/compose/runtime/Anchor;", "Lkotlin/collections/ArrayList;", "capacity", "", "getCapacity", "()I", "<set-?>", "", "closed", "getClosed", "()Z", "currentGroup", "getCurrentGroup", "currentGroupEnd", "currentSlot", "currentSlotEnd", "endStack", "Landroidx/compose/runtime/IntStack;", "groupGapLen", "groupGapStart", "groups", "", "insertCount", "isGroupEnd", "isNode", "nodeCount", "nodeCountStack", "parent", "getParent", "pendingRecalculateMarks", "Landroidx/compose/runtime/PrioritySet;", "size", "getSize$runtime_release", "slots", "", "[Ljava/lang/Object;", "slotsGapLen", "slotsGapOwner", "slotsGapStart", "startStack", "getTable$runtime_release", "()Landroidx/compose/runtime/SlotTable;", "addToGroupSizeAlongSpine", "", SentryLockReason.JsonKeys.ADDRESS, "amount", "advanceBy", "anchor", "index", "anchorIndex", "bashGroup", "bashGroup$runtime_release", "beginInsert", "childContainsAnyMarks", "group", "clearSlotGap", "close", "containsAnyGroupMarks", "containsGroupMark", "dataAnchorToDataIndex", "gapLen", "dataIndex", "dataIndexToDataAddress", "dataIndexToDataAnchor", "gapStart", "endGroup", "endInsert", "ensureStarted", "fixParentAnchorsFor", "firstChild", "groupAux", "groupIndexToAddress", "groupKey", "groupObjectKey", "groupSize", "groupSlots", "", "groupsAsString", "", "indexInCurrentGroup", "indexInGroup", "indexInParent", "insertAux", "value", "insertGroups", "insertParentGroup", "key", "insertSlots", "keys", "", "markGroup", "moveAnchors", "originalLocation", "newLocation", "moveFrom", "removeSourceGroup", "moveGroup", "offset", "moveGroupGapTo", "moveIntoGroupFrom", "moveSlotGapTo", "moveTo", "writer", "node", "parentAnchorToIndex", "parentIndexToAnchor", "recalculateMarks", "removeAnchors", "removeGroup", "removeGroups", "start", "len", "removeSlots", "reset", "restoreCurrentGroupEnd", "saveCurrentGroupEnd", "seek", "set", "skip", "skipGroup", "skipToGroupEnd", "slot", "groupIndex", "startData", "aux", "objectKey", "startGroup", "dataKey", "startNode", "toString", "update", "updateAnchors", "previousGapStart", "newGapStart", "updateAux", "updateContainsMark", "updateContainsMarkNow", "updateNode", "updateNodeOfGroup", "updateParentNode", "verifyDataAnchors", "verifyDataAnchors$runtime_release", "verifyParentAnchors", "verifyParentAnchors$runtime_release", "auxIndex", "dataIndexes", "groupAsString", "Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;", "Lkotlin/text/StringBuilder;", "nodeIndex", "slotIndex", "updateDataIndex", "Companion", "runtime_release"}, k = 1, mv = {1, 8, 0}, xi = 48)
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public final class SlotWriter {
/* renamed from: Companion, reason: from kotlin metadata */
public static final Companion INSTANCE = new Companion(null);
private ArrayList<Anchor> anchors;
private boolean closed;
private int currentGroup;
private int currentGroupEnd;
private int currentSlot;
private int currentSlotEnd;
private final IntStack endStack;
private int groupGapLen;
private int groupGapStart;
private int[] groups;
private int insertCount;
private int nodeCount;
private final IntStack nodeCountStack;
private int parent;
private PrioritySet pendingRecalculateMarks;
private Object[] slots;
private int slotsGapLen;
private int slotsGapOwner;
private int slotsGapStart;
private final IntStack startStack;
private final SlotTable table;
private final int dataAnchorToDataIndex(int anchor, int gapLen, int capacity) {
return anchor < 0 ? (capacity - gapLen) + anchor + 1 : anchor;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final int dataIndexToDataAddress(int dataIndex) {
return dataIndex < this.slotsGapStart ? dataIndex : dataIndex + this.slotsGapLen;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final int dataIndexToDataAnchor(int index, int gapStart, int gapLen, int capacity) {
return index > gapStart ? -(((capacity - gapLen) - index) + 1) : index;
private final int groupIndexToAddress(int index) {
return index < this.groupGapStart ? index : index + this.groupGapLen;
public final boolean getClosed() {
return this.closed;
public final int getCurrentGroup() {
return this.currentGroup;
public final int getParent() {
return this.parent;
/* renamed from: getTable$runtime_release, reason: from getter */
public final SlotTable getTable() {
return this.table;
public final boolean indexInParent(int index) {
int i = this.parent;
return (index > i && index < this.currentGroupEnd) || (i == 0 && index == 0);
public final boolean isGroupEnd() {
return this.currentGroup == this.currentGroupEnd;
public SlotWriter(SlotTable table) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(table, "table");
this.table = table;
this.groups = table.getGroups();
this.slots = table.getSlots();
this.anchors = table.getAnchors$runtime_release();
this.groupGapStart = table.getGroupsSize();
this.groupGapLen = (this.groups.length / 5) - table.getGroupsSize();
this.currentGroupEnd = table.getGroupsSize();
this.slotsGapStart = table.getSlotsSize();
this.slotsGapLen = this.slots.length - table.getSlotsSize();
this.slotsGapOwner = table.getGroupsSize();
this.startStack = new IntStack();
this.endStack = new IntStack();
this.nodeCountStack = new IntStack();
this.parent = -1;
public final boolean isNode() {
boolean isNode;
int i = this.currentGroup;
if (i < this.currentGroupEnd) {
isNode = SlotTableKt.isNode(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(i));
if (isNode) {
return true;
return false;
public final boolean isNode(int index) {
boolean isNode;
isNode = SlotTableKt.isNode(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(index));
return isNode;
public final int nodeCount(int index) {
int nodeCount;
nodeCount = SlotTableKt.nodeCount(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(index));
return nodeCount;
public final int groupKey(int index) {
int key;
key = SlotTableKt.key(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(index));
return key;
public final Object groupObjectKey(int index) {
boolean hasObjectKey;
int objectKeyIndex;
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(index);
hasObjectKey = SlotTableKt.hasObjectKey(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (!hasObjectKey) {
return null;
Object[] objArr = this.slots;
objectKeyIndex = SlotTableKt.objectKeyIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
return objArr[objectKeyIndex];
public final int groupSize(int index) {
int groupSize;
groupSize = SlotTableKt.groupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(index));
return groupSize;
public final Object groupAux(int index) {
boolean hasAux;
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(index);
hasAux = SlotTableKt.hasAux(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
return hasAux ? this.slots[auxIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress)] : Composer.INSTANCE.getEmpty();
public final boolean indexInCurrentGroup(int index) {
return indexInGroup(index, this.currentGroup);
public final boolean indexInGroup(int index, int group) {
int capacity;
int groupSize;
if (group == this.parent) {
capacity = this.currentGroupEnd;
} else {
if (group > this.startStack.peekOr(0)) {
groupSize = groupSize(group);
} else {
int indexOf = this.startStack.indexOf(group);
if (indexOf < 0) {
groupSize = groupSize(group);
} else {
capacity = (getCapacity() - this.groupGapLen) - this.endStack.peek(indexOf);
capacity = groupSize + group;
return index > group && index < capacity;
public final Object node(int index) {
boolean isNode;
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(index);
isNode = SlotTableKt.isNode(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (isNode) {
return this.slots[dataIndexToDataAddress(nodeIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress))];
return null;
public final Object node(Anchor anchor) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(anchor, "anchor");
return node(anchor.toIndexFor(this));
public final int parent(int index) {
return parent(this.groups, index);
public final int parent(Anchor anchor) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(anchor, "anchor");
if (anchor.getValid()) {
return parent(this.groups, anchorIndex(anchor));
return -1;
public final void close() {
this.closed = true;
if (this.startStack.isEmpty()) {
moveSlotGapTo(this.slots.length - this.slotsGapLen, this.groupGapStart);
this.table.close$runtime_release(this, this.groups, this.groupGapStart, this.slots, this.slotsGapStart, this.anchors);
public final void reset() {
if (this.insertCount == 0) {
this.currentGroup = 0;
this.currentGroupEnd = getCapacity() - this.groupGapLen;
this.currentSlot = 0;
this.currentSlotEnd = 0;
this.nodeCount = 0;
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Cannot reset when inserting".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
public final Object update(Object value) {
Object skip = skip();
return skip;
public final void updateAux(Object value) {
boolean hasAux;
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(this.currentGroup);
hasAux = SlotTableKt.hasAux(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (hasAux) {
this.slots[dataIndexToDataAddress(auxIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress))] = value;
} else {
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Updating the data of a group that was not created with a data slot".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
public final void insertAux(Object value) {
boolean hasAux;
if (this.insertCount >= 0) {
int i = this.parent;
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(i);
hasAux = SlotTableKt.hasAux(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (!hasAux) {
insertSlots(1, i);
int auxIndex = auxIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
int dataIndexToDataAddress = dataIndexToDataAddress(auxIndex);
int i2 = this.currentSlot;
if (i2 > auxIndex) {
int i3 = i2 - auxIndex;
if (i3 >= 3) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Moving more than two slot not supported".toString());
if (i3 > 1) {
Object[] objArr = this.slots;
objArr[dataIndexToDataAddress + 2] = objArr[dataIndexToDataAddress + 1];
Object[] objArr2 = this.slots;
objArr2[dataIndexToDataAddress + 1] = objArr2[dataIndexToDataAddress];
SlotTableKt.addAux(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
this.slots[dataIndexToDataAddress] = value;
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Group already has auxiliary data".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Cannot insert auxiliary data when not inserting".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
public final void updateNode(Object value) {
updateNodeOfGroup(this.currentGroup, value);
public final void updateNode(Anchor anchor, Object value) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(anchor, "anchor");
updateNodeOfGroup(anchor.toIndexFor(this), value);
public final void updateParentNode(Object value) {
updateNodeOfGroup(this.parent, value);
public final void set(Object value) {
int i = this.currentSlot;
if (i <= this.currentSlotEnd) {
this.slots[dataIndexToDataAddress(i - 1)] = value;
} else {
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Writing to an invalid slot".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
public final Object set(int index, Object value) {
int slotIndex = slotIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(this.currentGroup));
int i = slotIndex + index;
if (i >= slotIndex && i < dataIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(this.currentGroup + 1))) {
int dataIndexToDataAddress = dataIndexToDataAddress(i);
Object[] objArr = this.slots;
Object obj = objArr[dataIndexToDataAddress];
objArr[dataIndexToDataAddress] = value;
return obj;
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError(("Write to an invalid slot index " + index + " for group " + this.currentGroup).toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
public final Object skip() {
if (this.insertCount > 0) {
insertSlots(1, this.parent);
Object[] objArr = this.slots;
int i = this.currentSlot;
this.currentSlot = i + 1;
return objArr[dataIndexToDataAddress(i)];
public final Object slot(Anchor anchor, int index) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(anchor, "anchor");
return slot(anchorIndex(anchor), index);
public final Object slot(int groupIndex, int index) {
int slotIndex = slotIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(groupIndex));
int dataIndex = dataIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(groupIndex + 1));
int i = index + slotIndex;
if (slotIndex > i || i >= dataIndex) {
return Composer.INSTANCE.getEmpty();
return this.slots[dataIndexToDataAddress(i)];
public final void advanceBy(int amount) {
if (!(amount >= 0)) {
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Cannot seek backwards".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
if (this.insertCount > 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot call seek() while inserting".toString());
if (amount == 0) {
int i = this.currentGroup + amount;
if (i >= this.parent && i <= this.currentGroupEnd) {
this.currentGroup = i;
int dataIndex = dataIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(i));
this.currentSlot = dataIndex;
this.currentSlotEnd = dataIndex;
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError(("Cannot seek outside the current group (" + this.parent + '-' + this.currentGroupEnd + ')').toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
public final void seek(Anchor anchor) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(anchor, "anchor");
advanceBy(anchor.toIndexFor(this) - this.currentGroup);
public final void skipToGroupEnd() {
int i = this.currentGroupEnd;
this.currentGroup = i;
this.currentSlot = dataIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(i));
public final void beginInsert() {
int i = this.insertCount;
this.insertCount = i + 1;
if (i == 0) {
public final void endInsert() {
int i = this.insertCount;
if (i <= 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unbalanced begin/end insert".toString());
int i2 = i - 1;
this.insertCount = i2;
if (i2 == 0) {
if (this.nodeCountStack.getTos() == this.startStack.getTos()) {
} else {
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("startGroup/endGroup mismatch while inserting".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
public final void startGroup() {
if (this.insertCount == 0) {
startGroup(0, Composer.INSTANCE.getEmpty(), false, Composer.INSTANCE.getEmpty());
} else {
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Key must be supplied when inserting".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
public final void startGroup(int key) {
startGroup(key, Composer.INSTANCE.getEmpty(), false, Composer.INSTANCE.getEmpty());
public final void startGroup(int key, Object dataKey) {
startGroup(key, dataKey, false, Composer.INSTANCE.getEmpty());
public final void startNode(int key, Object objectKey) {
startGroup(key, objectKey, true, Composer.INSTANCE.getEmpty());
public final void startNode(int key, Object objectKey, Object node) {
startGroup(key, objectKey, true, node);
public final void startData(int key, Object objectKey, Object aux) {
startGroup(key, objectKey, false, aux);
public final void startData(int key, Object aux) {
startGroup(key, Composer.INSTANCE.getEmpty(), false, aux);
/* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
private final void startGroup(int key, Object objectKey, boolean isNode, Object aux) {
int nodeCount;
int groupSize;
int i;
Object[] objArr = this.insertCount > 0;
if (objArr != false) {
int i2 = this.currentGroup;
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(i2);
int i3 = objectKey != Composer.INSTANCE.getEmpty() ? 1 : 0;
int i4 = (isNode || aux == Composer.INSTANCE.getEmpty()) ? 0 : 1;
SlotTableKt.initGroup(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress, key, isNode, i3, i4, this.parent, this.currentSlot);
this.currentSlotEnd = this.currentSlot;
int i5 = (isNode ? 1 : 0) + i3 + i4;
if (i5 > 0) {
insertSlots(i5, i2);
Object[] objArr2 = this.slots;
int i6 = this.currentSlot;
if (isNode) {
objArr2[i6] = aux;
if (i3 != 0) {
objArr2[i6] = objectKey;
if (i4 != 0) {
objArr2[i6] = aux;
this.currentSlot = i6;
this.nodeCount = 0;
i = i2 + 1;
this.parent = i2;
this.currentGroup = i;
} else {
int i7 = this.currentGroup;
int groupIndexToAddress2 = groupIndexToAddress(i7);
if (!Intrinsics.areEqual(aux, Composer.INSTANCE.getEmpty())) {
if (isNode) {
} else {
this.currentSlot = slotIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress2);
this.currentSlotEnd = dataIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(this.currentGroup + 1));
nodeCount = SlotTableKt.nodeCount(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress2);
this.nodeCount = nodeCount;
this.parent = i7;
this.currentGroup = i7 + 1;
groupSize = SlotTableKt.groupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress2);
i = i7 + groupSize;
this.currentGroupEnd = i;
public final int endGroup() {
boolean isNode;
int groupSize;
int nodeCount;
boolean isNode2;
int nodeCount2;
int groupSize2;
boolean z = this.insertCount > 0;
int i = this.currentGroup;
int i2 = this.currentGroupEnd;
int i3 = this.parent;
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(i3);
int i4 = this.nodeCount;
int i5 = i - i3;
isNode = SlotTableKt.isNode(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (z) {
SlotTableKt.updateGroupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress, i5);
SlotTableKt.updateNodeCount(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress, i4);
this.nodeCount = this.nodeCountStack.pop() + (isNode ? 1 : i4);
this.parent = parent(this.groups, i3);
} else {
if ((i != i2 ? 0 : 1) != 0) {
groupSize = SlotTableKt.groupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
nodeCount = SlotTableKt.nodeCount(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
SlotTableKt.updateGroupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress, i5);
SlotTableKt.updateNodeCount(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress, i4);
int pop = this.startStack.pop();
this.parent = pop;
int parent = parent(this.groups, i3);
int pop2 = this.nodeCountStack.pop();
this.nodeCount = pop2;
if (parent == pop) {
this.nodeCount = pop2 + (isNode ? 0 : i4 - nodeCount);
} else {
int i6 = i5 - groupSize;
int i7 = isNode ? 0 : i4 - nodeCount;
if (i6 != 0 || i7 != 0) {
while (parent != 0 && parent != pop && (i7 != 0 || i6 != 0)) {
int groupIndexToAddress2 = groupIndexToAddress(parent);
if (i6 != 0) {
groupSize2 = SlotTableKt.groupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress2);
SlotTableKt.updateGroupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress2, groupSize2 + i6);
if (i7 != 0) {
int[] iArr = this.groups;
nodeCount2 = SlotTableKt.nodeCount(iArr, groupIndexToAddress2);
SlotTableKt.updateNodeCount(iArr, groupIndexToAddress2, nodeCount2 + i7);
isNode2 = SlotTableKt.isNode(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress2);
if (isNode2) {
i7 = 0;
parent = parent(this.groups, parent);
this.nodeCount += i7;
} else {
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Expected to be at the end of a group".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
return i4;
public final void bashGroup$runtime_release() {
while (!isGroupEnd()) {
public final void ensureStarted(int index) {
if (!(this.insertCount <= 0)) {
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Cannot call ensureStarted() while inserting".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
int i = this.parent;
if (i != index) {
if (index >= i && index < this.currentGroupEnd) {
int i2 = this.currentGroup;
int i3 = this.currentSlot;
int i4 = this.currentSlotEnd;
this.currentGroup = index;
this.currentGroup = i2;
this.currentSlot = i3;
this.currentSlotEnd = i4;
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError(("Started group at " + index + " must be a subgroup of the group at " + i).toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
public final void ensureStarted(Anchor anchor) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(anchor, "anchor");
public final int skipGroup() {
int groupSize;
boolean isNode;
int nodeCount;
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(this.currentGroup);
int i = this.currentGroup;
groupSize = SlotTableKt.groupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
int i2 = i + groupSize;
this.currentGroup = i2;
this.currentSlot = dataIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(i2));
isNode = SlotTableKt.isNode(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (isNode) {
return 1;
nodeCount = SlotTableKt.nodeCount(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
return nodeCount;
public final boolean removeGroup() {
if (this.insertCount == 0) {
int i = this.currentGroup;
int i2 = this.currentSlot;
int skipGroup = skipGroup();
PrioritySet prioritySet = this.pendingRecalculateMarks;
if (prioritySet != null) {
while (prioritySet.isNotEmpty() && prioritySet.peek() >= i) {
boolean removeGroups = removeGroups(i, this.currentGroup - i);
removeSlots(i2, this.currentSlot - i2, i - 1);
this.currentGroup = i;
this.currentSlot = i2;
this.nodeCount -= skipGroup;
return removeGroups;
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Cannot remove group while inserting".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
public final Iterator<Object> groupSlots() {
int dataIndex = dataIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(this.currentGroup));
int[] iArr = this.groups;
int i = this.currentGroup;
return new SlotWriter$groupSlots$1(dataIndex, dataIndex(iArr, groupIndexToAddress(i + groupSize(i))), this);
public final void moveGroup(int offset) {
int groupSize;
int groupSize2;
if (!(this.insertCount == 0)) {
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Cannot move a group while inserting".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
if (!(offset >= 0)) {
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Parameter offset is out of bounds".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
if (offset == 0) {
int i = this.currentGroup;
int i2 = this.parent;
int i3 = this.currentGroupEnd;
int i4 = i;
for (int i5 = offset; i5 > 0; i5--) {
groupSize2 = SlotTableKt.groupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(i4));
i4 += groupSize2;
if (!(i4 <= i3)) {
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Parameter offset is out of bounds".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
groupSize = SlotTableKt.groupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(i4));
int i6 = this.currentSlot;
int dataIndex = dataIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(i4));
int i7 = i4 + groupSize;
int dataIndex2 = dataIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(i7));
int i8 = dataIndex2 - dataIndex;
insertSlots(i8, Math.max(this.currentGroup - 1, 0));
int[] iArr = this.groups;
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(i7) * 5;
ArraysKt.copyInto(iArr, iArr, groupIndexToAddress(i) * 5, groupIndexToAddress, (groupSize * 5) + groupIndexToAddress);
if (i8 > 0) {
Object[] objArr = this.slots;
ArraysKt.copyInto(objArr, objArr, i6, dataIndexToDataAddress(dataIndex + i8), dataIndexToDataAddress(dataIndex2 + i8));
int i9 = dataIndex + i8;
int i10 = i9 - i6;
int i11 = this.slotsGapStart;
int i12 = this.slotsGapLen;
int length = this.slots.length;
int i13 = this.slotsGapOwner;
int i14 = i + groupSize;
int i15 = i;
while (i15 < i14) {
int groupIndexToAddress2 = groupIndexToAddress(i15);
int i16 = i11;
int i17 = i10;
updateDataIndex(iArr, groupIndexToAddress2, dataIndexToDataAnchor(dataIndex(iArr, groupIndexToAddress2) - i10, i13 < groupIndexToAddress2 ? 0 : i16, i12, length));
i11 = i16;
i10 = i17;
moveAnchors(i7, i, groupSize);
if (!removeGroups(i7, groupSize)) {
fixParentAnchorsFor(i2, this.currentGroupEnd, i);
if (i8 > 0) {
removeSlots(i9, i8, i7 - 1);
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Unexpectedly removed anchors".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
/* compiled from: SlotTable.kt */
@Metadata(d1 = {"\u0000,\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\u0000\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0010 \n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\b\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\u000b\n\u0002\b\u0003\b\u0086\u0003\u0018\u00002\u00020\u0001B\u0007\b\u0002¢\u0006\u0002\u0010\u0002J@\u0010\u0003\u001a\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u00020\u00050\u00042\u0006\u0010\u0006\u001a\u00020\u00072\u0006\u0010\b\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\n\u001a\u00020\u00072\u0006\u0010\u000b\u001a\u00020\f2\u0006\u0010\r\u001a\u00020\f2\b\b\u0002\u0010\u000e\u001a\u00020\fH\u0002¨\u0006\u000f"}, d2 = {"Landroidx/compose/runtime/SlotWriter$Companion;", "", "()V", "moveGroup", "", "Landroidx/compose/runtime/Anchor;", "fromWriter", "Landroidx/compose/runtime/SlotWriter;", "fromIndex", "", "toWriter", "updateFromCursor", "", "updateToCursor", "removeSourceGroup", "runtime_release"}, k = 1, mv = {1, 8, 0}, xi = 48)
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public static final class Companion {
public /* synthetic */ Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) {
private Companion() {
static /* synthetic */ List moveGroup$default(Companion companion, SlotWriter slotWriter, int i, SlotWriter slotWriter2, boolean z, boolean z2, boolean z3, int i2, Object obj) {
if ((i2 & 32) != 0) {
z3 = true;
return companion.moveGroup(slotWriter, i, slotWriter2, z, z2, z3);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
/* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
public final List<Anchor> moveGroup(SlotWriter fromWriter, int fromIndex, SlotWriter toWriter, boolean updateFromCursor, boolean updateToCursor, boolean removeSourceGroup) {
boolean z;
int locationOf;
int locationOf2;
ArrayList emptyList;
boolean isNode;
int locationOf3;
int i;
int parentAnchor;
int groupSize = fromWriter.groupSize(fromIndex);
int i2 = fromIndex + groupSize;
int dataIndex = fromWriter.dataIndex(fromIndex);
int dataIndex2 = fromWriter.dataIndex(i2);
int i3 = dataIndex2 - dataIndex;
boolean containsAnyGroupMarks = fromWriter.containsAnyGroupMarks(fromIndex);
toWriter.insertSlots(i3, toWriter.getCurrentGroup());
if (fromWriter.groupGapStart < i2) {
if (fromWriter.slotsGapStart < dataIndex2) {
fromWriter.moveSlotGapTo(dataIndex2, i2);
int[] iArr = toWriter.groups;
int currentGroup = toWriter.getCurrentGroup();
ArraysKt.copyInto(fromWriter.groups, iArr, currentGroup * 5, fromIndex * 5, i2 * 5);
Object[] objArr = toWriter.slots;
int i4 = toWriter.currentSlot;
ArraysKt.copyInto(fromWriter.slots, objArr, i4, dataIndex, dataIndex2);
int parent = toWriter.getParent();
SlotTableKt.updateParentAnchor(iArr, currentGroup, parent);
int i5 = currentGroup - fromIndex;
int i6 = currentGroup + groupSize;
int dataIndex3 = i4 - toWriter.dataIndex(iArr, currentGroup);
int i7 = toWriter.slotsGapOwner;
int i8 = toWriter.slotsGapLen;
int length = objArr.length;
int i9 = i7;
int i10 = currentGroup;
while (true) {
z = 0;
if (i10 >= i6) {
if (i10 != currentGroup) {
parentAnchor = SlotTableKt.parentAnchor(iArr, i10);
i = i6;
SlotTableKt.updateParentAnchor(iArr, i10, parentAnchor + i5);
} else {
i = i6;
int i11 = dataIndex3;
SlotTableKt.updateDataAnchor(iArr, i10, toWriter.dataIndexToDataAnchor(toWriter.dataIndex(iArr, i10) + dataIndex3, i9 >= i10 ? toWriter.slotsGapStart : 0, i8, length));
if (i10 == i9) {
dataIndex3 = i11;
i6 = i;
int i12 = i6;
toWriter.slotsGapOwner = i9;
locationOf = SlotTableKt.locationOf(fromWriter.anchors, fromIndex, fromWriter.getSize$runtime_release());
locationOf2 = SlotTableKt.locationOf(fromWriter.anchors, i2, fromWriter.getSize$runtime_release());
if (locationOf < locationOf2) {
ArrayList arrayList = fromWriter.anchors;
ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(locationOf2 - locationOf);
for (int i13 = locationOf; i13 < locationOf2; i13++) {
Object obj = arrayList.get(i13);
Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(obj, "sourceAnchors[anchorIndex]");
Anchor anchor = (Anchor) obj;
anchor.setLocation$runtime_release(anchor.getLocation() + i5);
locationOf3 = SlotTableKt.locationOf(toWriter.anchors, toWriter.getCurrentGroup(), toWriter.getSize$runtime_release());
toWriter.anchors.addAll(locationOf3, arrayList2);
arrayList.subList(locationOf, locationOf2).clear();
emptyList = arrayList2;
} else {
emptyList = CollectionsKt.emptyList();
int parent2 = fromWriter.parent(fromIndex);
if (removeSourceGroup) {
if (!updateFromCursor) {
boolean removeGroups = fromWriter.removeGroups(fromIndex, groupSize);
fromWriter.removeSlots(dataIndex, i3, fromIndex - 1);
z = removeGroups;
} else {
boolean z2 = parent2 >= 0;
if (z2) {
fromWriter.advanceBy(parent2 - fromWriter.getCurrentGroup());
fromWriter.advanceBy(fromIndex - fromWriter.getCurrentGroup());
boolean removeGroup = fromWriter.removeGroup();
if (z2) {
z = removeGroup;
if ((!z) != 0) {
int i14 = toWriter.nodeCount;
isNode = SlotTableKt.isNode(iArr, currentGroup);
toWriter.nodeCount = i14 + (isNode ? 1 : SlotTableKt.nodeCount(iArr, currentGroup));
if (updateToCursor) {
toWriter.currentGroup = i12;
toWriter.currentSlot = i4 + i3;
if (containsAnyGroupMarks) {
return emptyList;
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Unexpectedly removed anchors".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
public final List<Anchor> moveTo(Anchor anchor, int offset, SlotWriter writer) {
int groupSize;
boolean isNode;
int nodeCount;
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(anchor, "anchor");
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(writer, "writer");
ComposerKt.runtimeCheck(writer.insertCount > 0);
ComposerKt.runtimeCheck(this.insertCount == 0);
int anchorIndex = anchorIndex(anchor) + offset;
int i = this.currentGroup;
ComposerKt.runtimeCheck(i <= anchorIndex && anchorIndex < this.currentGroupEnd);
int parent = parent(anchorIndex);
int groupSize2 = groupSize(anchorIndex);
int nodeCount2 = isNode(anchorIndex) ? 1 : nodeCount(anchorIndex);
List<Anchor> moveGroup$default = Companion.moveGroup$default(INSTANCE, this, anchorIndex, writer, false, false, false, 32, null);
boolean z = nodeCount2 > 0;
while (parent >= i) {
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(parent);
int[] iArr = this.groups;
groupSize = SlotTableKt.groupSize(iArr, groupIndexToAddress);
SlotTableKt.updateGroupSize(iArr, groupIndexToAddress, groupSize - groupSize2);
if (z) {
isNode = SlotTableKt.isNode(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (isNode) {
z = false;
} else {
int[] iArr2 = this.groups;
nodeCount = SlotTableKt.nodeCount(iArr2, groupIndexToAddress);
SlotTableKt.updateNodeCount(iArr2, groupIndexToAddress, nodeCount - nodeCount2);
parent = parent(parent);
if (z) {
ComposerKt.runtimeCheck(this.nodeCount >= nodeCount2);
this.nodeCount -= nodeCount2;
return moveGroup$default;
public static /* synthetic */ List moveFrom$default(SlotWriter slotWriter, SlotTable slotTable, int i, boolean z, int i2, Object obj) {
if ((i2 & 4) != 0) {
z = true;
return slotWriter.moveFrom(slotTable, i, z);
public final List<Anchor> moveFrom(SlotTable table, int index, boolean removeSourceGroup) {
int groupSize;
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(table, "table");
ComposerKt.runtimeCheck(this.insertCount > 0);
if (index == 0 && this.currentGroup == 0 && this.table.getGroupsSize() == 0) {
groupSize = SlotTableKt.groupSize(table.getGroups(), index);
if (groupSize == table.getGroupsSize()) {
int[] iArr = this.groups;
Object[] objArr = this.slots;
ArrayList<Anchor> arrayList = this.anchors;
int[] groups = table.getGroups();
int groupsSize = table.getGroupsSize();
Object[] slots = table.getSlots();
int slotsSize = table.getSlotsSize();
this.groups = groups;
this.slots = slots;
this.anchors = table.getAnchors$runtime_release();
this.groupGapStart = groupsSize;
this.groupGapLen = (groups.length / 5) - groupsSize;
this.slotsGapStart = slotsSize;
this.slotsGapLen = slots.length - slotsSize;
this.slotsGapOwner = groupsSize;
table.setTo$runtime_release(iArr, 0, objArr, 0, arrayList);
return this.anchors;
SlotWriter openWriter = table.openWriter();
try {
return INSTANCE.moveGroup(openWriter, index, this, true, true, removeSourceGroup);
} finally {
public final void insertParentGroup(int key) {
int dataAnchor;
int nodeCount;
int groupSize;
int i = 0;
if (this.insertCount == 0) {
if (isGroupEnd()) {
int i2 = this.currentGroup;
int parent = parent(this.groups, i2);
int groupSize2 = parent + groupSize(parent);
int i3 = groupSize2 - i2;
int i4 = i2;
while (i4 < groupSize2) {
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(i4);
nodeCount = SlotTableKt.nodeCount(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
i += nodeCount;
groupSize = SlotTableKt.groupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
i4 += groupSize;
dataAnchor = SlotTableKt.dataAnchor(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(i2));
int groupIndexToAddress2 = groupIndexToAddress(i2);
SlotTableKt.initGroup(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress2, key, false, false, false, parent, dataAnchor);
SlotTableKt.updateGroupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress2, i3 + 1);
SlotTableKt.updateNodeCount(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress2, i);
addToGroupSizeAlongSpine(groupIndexToAddress(parent), 1);
fixParentAnchorsFor(parent, groupSize2, i2);
this.currentGroup = groupSize2;
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Writer cannot be inserting".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
public final void addToGroupSizeAlongSpine(int address, int amount) {
int groupSize;
int parentAnchor;
while (address > 0) {
int[] iArr = this.groups;
groupSize = SlotTableKt.groupSize(iArr, address);
SlotTableKt.updateGroupSize(iArr, address, groupSize + amount);
parentAnchor = SlotTableKt.parentAnchor(this.groups, address);
address = groupIndexToAddress(parentAnchorToIndex(parentAnchor));
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:4:0x0012, code lost:
if (groupSize(r12.currentGroup + r13) == 1) goto L8;
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public final java.util.List<androidx.compose.runtime.Anchor> moveIntoGroupFrom(int r13, androidx.compose.runtime.SlotTable r14, int r15) {
r12 = this;
java.lang.String r0 = "table"
kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(r14, r0)
int r0 = r12.insertCount
if (r0 > 0) goto L15
int r0 = r12.currentGroup
int r0 = r0 + r13
int r0 = r12.groupSize(r0)
r1 = 1
if (r0 != r1) goto L15
goto L16
r1 = 0
int r0 = r12.currentGroup
int r1 = r12.currentSlot
int r2 = r12.currentSlotEnd
androidx.compose.runtime.SlotWriter r13 = r14.openWriter()
androidx.compose.runtime.SlotWriter$Companion r3 = androidx.compose.runtime.SlotWriter.INSTANCE // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L4b
r7 = 0
r8 = 1
r9 = 0
r10 = 32
r11 = 0
r4 = r13
r5 = r15
r6 = r12
java.util.List r14 = androidx.compose.runtime.SlotWriter.Companion.moveGroup$default(r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L4b
r12.currentGroup = r0
r12.currentSlot = r1
r12.currentSlotEnd = r2
return r14
r12 = move-exception
throw r12
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: androidx.compose.runtime.SlotWriter.moveIntoGroupFrom(int, androidx.compose.runtime.SlotTable, int):java.util.List");
public static /* synthetic */ Anchor anchor$default(SlotWriter slotWriter, int i, int i2, Object obj) {
if ((i2 & 1) != 0) {
i = slotWriter.currentGroup;
return slotWriter.anchor(i);
public final Anchor anchor(int index) {
ArrayList<Anchor> arrayList = this.anchors;
int search = SlotTableKt.search(arrayList, index, getSize$runtime_release());
if (search < 0) {
if (index > this.groupGapStart) {
index = -(getSize$runtime_release() - index);
Anchor anchor = new Anchor(index);
arrayList.add(-(search + 1), anchor);
return anchor;
Anchor anchor2 = arrayList.get(search);
Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(anchor2, "get(location)");
return anchor2;
public static /* synthetic */ void markGroup$default(SlotWriter slotWriter, int i, int i2, Object obj) {
if ((i2 & 1) != 0) {
i = slotWriter.parent;
public final void markGroup(int group) {
boolean hasMark;
boolean containsMark;
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(group);
hasMark = SlotTableKt.hasMark(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (hasMark) {
SlotTableKt.updateMark(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress, true);
containsMark = SlotTableKt.containsMark(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (containsMark) {
private final boolean containsGroupMark(int group) {
boolean containsMark;
if (group >= 0) {
containsMark = SlotTableKt.containsMark(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(group));
if (containsMark) {
return true;
return false;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final boolean containsAnyGroupMarks(int group) {
boolean containsAnyMark;
if (group >= 0) {
containsAnyMark = SlotTableKt.containsAnyMark(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(group));
if (containsAnyMark) {
return true;
return false;
private final void recalculateMarks() {
PrioritySet prioritySet = this.pendingRecalculateMarks;
if (prioritySet != null) {
while (prioritySet.isNotEmpty()) {
updateContainsMarkNow(prioritySet.takeMax(), prioritySet);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
/* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
public final void updateContainsMark(int group) {
if (group >= 0) {
PrioritySet prioritySet = this.pendingRecalculateMarks;
if (prioritySet == null) {
prioritySet = new PrioritySet(null, 1, 0 == true ? 1 : 0);
this.pendingRecalculateMarks = prioritySet;
private final void updateContainsMarkNow(int group, PrioritySet set) {
boolean containsMark;
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(group);
boolean childContainsAnyMarks = childContainsAnyMarks(group);
containsMark = SlotTableKt.containsMark(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (containsMark != childContainsAnyMarks) {
SlotTableKt.updateContainsMark(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress, childContainsAnyMarks);
int parent = parent(group);
if (parent >= 0) {
private final boolean childContainsAnyMarks(int group) {
boolean containsAnyMark;
int i = group + 1;
int groupSize = group + groupSize(group);
while (i < groupSize) {
containsAnyMark = SlotTableKt.containsAnyMark(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(i));
if (containsAnyMark) {
return true;
i += groupSize(i);
return false;
public final int anchorIndex(Anchor anchor) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(anchor, "anchor");
int location = anchor.getLocation();
return location < 0 ? location + getSize$runtime_release() : location;
public String toString() {
return "SlotWriter(current = " + this.currentGroup + " end=" + this.currentGroupEnd + " size = " + getSize$runtime_release() + " gap=" + this.groupGapStart + '-' + (this.groupGapStart + this.groupGapLen) + ')';
private final void saveCurrentGroupEnd() {
this.endStack.push((getCapacity() - this.groupGapLen) - this.currentGroupEnd);
private final int restoreCurrentGroupEnd() {
int capacity = (getCapacity() - this.groupGapLen) - this.endStack.pop();
this.currentGroupEnd = capacity;
return capacity;
private final void fixParentAnchorsFor(int parent, int endGroup, int firstChild) {
int groupSize;
int parentIndexToAnchor = parentIndexToAnchor(parent, this.groupGapStart);
while (firstChild < endGroup) {
SlotTableKt.updateParentAnchor(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(firstChild), parentIndexToAnchor);
groupSize = SlotTableKt.groupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(firstChild));
int i = groupSize + firstChild;
fixParentAnchorsFor(firstChild, i, firstChild + 1);
firstChild = i;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final void moveGroupGapTo(int index) {
int parentAnchor;
int i = this.groupGapLen;
int i2 = this.groupGapStart;
if (i2 != index) {
if (!this.anchors.isEmpty()) {
updateAnchors(i2, index);
if (i > 0) {
int[] iArr = this.groups;
int i3 = index * 5;
int i4 = i * 5;
int i5 = i2 * 5;
if (index < i2) {
ArraysKt.copyInto(iArr, iArr, i4 + i3, i3, i5);
} else {
ArraysKt.copyInto(iArr, iArr, i5, i5 + i4, i3 + i4);
if (index < i2) {
i2 = index + i;
int capacity = getCapacity();
ComposerKt.runtimeCheck(i2 < capacity);
while (i2 < capacity) {
parentAnchor = SlotTableKt.parentAnchor(this.groups, i2);
int parentIndexToAnchor = parentIndexToAnchor(parentAnchorToIndex(parentAnchor), index);
if (parentIndexToAnchor != parentAnchor) {
SlotTableKt.updateParentAnchor(this.groups, i2, parentIndexToAnchor);
if (i2 == index) {
i2 += i;
this.groupGapStart = index;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final void moveSlotGapTo(int index, int group) {
int dataAnchor;
int dataAnchor2;
int i = this.slotsGapLen;
int i2 = this.slotsGapStart;
int i3 = this.slotsGapOwner;
if (i2 != index) {
Object[] objArr = this.slots;
if (index < i2) {
ArraysKt.copyInto(objArr, objArr, index + i, index, i2);
} else {
ArraysKt.copyInto(objArr, objArr, i2, i2 + i, index + i);
int min = Math.min(group + 1, getSize$runtime_release());
if (i3 != min) {
int length = this.slots.length - i;
if (min < i3) {
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(min);
int groupIndexToAddress2 = groupIndexToAddress(i3);
int i4 = this.groupGapStart;
while (groupIndexToAddress < groupIndexToAddress2) {
dataAnchor2 = SlotTableKt.dataAnchor(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (dataAnchor2 >= 0) {
SlotTableKt.updateDataAnchor(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress, -((length - dataAnchor2) + 1));
if (groupIndexToAddress == i4) {
groupIndexToAddress += this.groupGapLen;
} else {
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Unexpected anchor value, expected a positive anchor".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
} else {
int groupIndexToAddress3 = groupIndexToAddress(i3);
int groupIndexToAddress4 = groupIndexToAddress(min);
while (groupIndexToAddress3 < groupIndexToAddress4) {
dataAnchor = SlotTableKt.dataAnchor(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress3);
if (dataAnchor < 0) {
SlotTableKt.updateDataAnchor(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress3, dataAnchor + length + 1);
if (groupIndexToAddress3 == this.groupGapStart) {
groupIndexToAddress3 += this.groupGapLen;
} else {
ComposerKt.composeRuntimeError("Unexpected anchor value, expected a negative anchor".toString());
throw new KotlinNothingValueException();
this.slotsGapOwner = min;
this.slotsGapStart = index;
private final void clearSlotGap() {
int i = this.slotsGapStart;
ArraysKt.fill(this.slots, (Object) null, i, this.slotsGapLen + i);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final void insertGroups(int size) {
if (size > 0) {
int i = this.currentGroup;
int i2 = this.groupGapStart;
int i3 = this.groupGapLen;
int[] iArr = this.groups;
int length = iArr.length / 5;
int i4 = length - i3;
if (i3 < size) {
int max = Math.max(Math.max(length * 2, i4 + size), 32);
int[] iArr2 = new int[max * 5];
int i5 = max - i4;
ArraysKt.copyInto(iArr, iArr2, 0, 0, i2 * 5);
ArraysKt.copyInto(iArr, iArr2, (i2 + i5) * 5, (i3 + i2) * 5, length * 5);
this.groups = iArr2;
i3 = i5;
int i6 = this.currentGroupEnd;
if (i6 >= i2) {
this.currentGroupEnd = i6 + size;
int i7 = i2 + size;
this.groupGapStart = i7;
this.groupGapLen = i3 - size;
int dataIndexToDataAnchor = dataIndexToDataAnchor(i4 > 0 ? dataIndex(i + size) : 0, this.slotsGapOwner >= i2 ? this.slotsGapStart : 0, this.slotsGapLen, this.slots.length);
for (int i8 = i2; i8 < i7; i8++) {
SlotTableKt.updateDataAnchor(this.groups, i8, dataIndexToDataAnchor);
int i9 = this.slotsGapOwner;
if (i9 >= i2) {
this.slotsGapOwner = i9 + size;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final void insertSlots(int size, int group) {
if (size > 0) {
moveSlotGapTo(this.currentSlot, group);
int i = this.slotsGapStart;
int i2 = this.slotsGapLen;
if (i2 < size) {
Object[] objArr = this.slots;
int length = objArr.length;
int i3 = length - i2;
int max = Math.max(Math.max(length * 2, i3 + size), 32);
Object[] objArr2 = new Object[max];
for (int i4 = 0; i4 < max; i4++) {
objArr2[i4] = null;
int i5 = max - i3;
ArraysKt.copyInto(objArr, objArr2, 0, 0, i);
ArraysKt.copyInto(objArr, objArr2, i + i5, i2 + i, length);
this.slots = objArr2;
i2 = i5;
int i6 = this.currentSlotEnd;
if (i6 >= i) {
this.currentSlotEnd = i6 + size;
this.slotsGapStart = i + size;
this.slotsGapLen = i2 - size;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final boolean removeGroups(int start, int len) {
if (len > 0) {
ArrayList<Anchor> arrayList = this.anchors;
r0 = arrayList.isEmpty() ^ true ? removeAnchors(start, len) : false;
this.groupGapStart = start;
this.groupGapLen += len;
int i = this.slotsGapOwner;
if (i > start) {
this.slotsGapOwner = Math.max(start, i - len);
int i2 = this.currentGroupEnd;
if (i2 >= this.groupGapStart) {
this.currentGroupEnd = i2 - len;
if (containsGroupMark(this.parent)) {
return r0;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final void removeSlots(int start, int len, int group) {
if (len > 0) {
int i = this.slotsGapLen;
int i2 = start + len;
moveSlotGapTo(i2, group);
this.slotsGapStart = start;
this.slotsGapLen = i + len;
ArraysKt.fill(this.slots, (Object) null, start, i2);
int i3 = this.currentSlotEnd;
if (i3 >= start) {
this.currentSlotEnd = i3 - len;
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:10:0x0023 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:7:0x0014 */
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
private final void updateNodeOfGroup(int r4, java.lang.Object r5) {
r3 = this;
int r0 = r3.groupIndexToAddress(r4)
int[] r1 = r3.groups
int r2 = r1.length
if (r0 >= r2) goto L11
boolean r1 = androidx.compose.runtime.SlotTableKt.access$isNode(r1, r0)
if (r1 == 0) goto L11
r1 = 1
goto L12
r1 = 0
if (r1 == 0) goto L23
java.lang.Object[] r4 = r3.slots
int[] r1 = r3.groups
int r0 = r3.nodeIndex(r1, r0)
int r3 = r3.dataIndexToDataAddress(r0)
r4[r3] = r5
java.lang.StringBuilder r3 = new java.lang.StringBuilder
java.lang.String r5 = "Updating the node of a group at "
java.lang.StringBuilder r3 = r3.append(r4)
java.lang.String r4 = " that was not created with as a node group"
java.lang.StringBuilder r3 = r3.append(r4)
java.lang.String r3 = r3.toString()
java.lang.String r3 = r3.toString()
kotlin.KotlinNothingValueException r3 = new kotlin.KotlinNothingValueException
throw r3
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: androidx.compose.runtime.SlotWriter.updateNodeOfGroup(int, java.lang.Object):void");
private final void updateAnchors(int previousGapStart, int newGapStart) {
int locationOf;
int locationOf2;
int i;
int capacity = getCapacity() - this.groupGapLen;
if (previousGapStart < newGapStart) {
for (locationOf2 = SlotTableKt.locationOf(this.anchors, previousGapStart, capacity); locationOf2 < this.anchors.size(); locationOf2++) {
Anchor anchor = this.anchors.get(locationOf2);
Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(anchor, "anchors[index]");
Anchor anchor2 = anchor;
int location = anchor2.getLocation();
if (location >= 0 || (i = location + capacity) >= newGapStart) {
for (locationOf = SlotTableKt.locationOf(this.anchors, newGapStart, capacity); locationOf < this.anchors.size(); locationOf++) {
Anchor anchor3 = this.anchors.get(locationOf);
Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(anchor3, "anchors[index]");
Anchor anchor4 = anchor3;
int location2 = anchor4.getLocation();
if (location2 < 0) {
anchor4.setLocation$runtime_release(-(capacity - location2));
private final boolean removeAnchors(int gapStart, int size) {
int locationOf;
int i = size + gapStart;
locationOf = SlotTableKt.locationOf(this.anchors, i, getCapacity() - this.groupGapLen);
if (locationOf >= this.anchors.size()) {
int i2 = locationOf + 1;
int i3 = 0;
while (locationOf >= 0) {
Anchor anchor = this.anchors.get(locationOf);
Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(anchor, "anchors[index]");
Anchor anchor2 = anchor;
int anchorIndex = anchorIndex(anchor2);
if (anchorIndex < gapStart) {
if (anchorIndex < i) {
if (i3 == 0) {
i3 = locationOf + 1;
i2 = locationOf;
boolean z = i2 < i3;
if (z) {
this.anchors.subList(i2, i3).clear();
return z;
private final void moveAnchors(int originalLocation, int newLocation, int size) {
int locationOf;
int locationOf2;
int i = size + originalLocation;
int size$runtime_release = getSize$runtime_release();
locationOf = SlotTableKt.locationOf(this.anchors, originalLocation, size$runtime_release);
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
if (locationOf >= 0) {
while (locationOf < this.anchors.size()) {
Anchor anchor = this.anchors.get(locationOf);
Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(anchor, "anchors[index]");
Anchor anchor2 = anchor;
int anchorIndex = anchorIndex(anchor2);
if (anchorIndex < originalLocation || anchorIndex >= i) {
int i2 = newLocation - originalLocation;
int size2 = arrayList.size();
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < size2; i3++) {
Anchor anchor3 = (Anchor) arrayList.get(i3);
int anchorIndex2 = anchorIndex(anchor3) + i2;
if (anchorIndex2 >= this.groupGapStart) {
anchor3.setLocation$runtime_release(-(size$runtime_release - anchorIndex2));
} else {
locationOf2 = SlotTableKt.locationOf(this.anchors, anchorIndex2, size$runtime_release);
this.anchors.add(locationOf2, anchor3);
public final String groupsAsString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int size$runtime_release = getSize$runtime_release();
for (int i = 0; i < size$runtime_release; i++) {
groupAsString(sb, i);
String sb2 = sb.toString();
Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(sb2, "StringBuilder().apply(builderAction).toString()");
return sb2;
private final void groupAsString(StringBuilder sb, int i) {
int groupSize;
int parentAnchor;
int key;
int nodeCount;
int dataAnchor;
int parentAnchor2;
boolean isNode;
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(i);
if (i < 10) {
sb.append(' ');
if (i < 100) {
sb.append(' ');
if (i < 1000) {
sb.append(' ');
if (groupIndexToAddress != i) {
groupSize = SlotTableKt.groupSize(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
boolean groupAsString$isStarted = groupAsString$isStarted(this, i);
if (groupAsString$isStarted) {
parentAnchor = SlotTableKt.parentAnchor(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
sb.append(": key=");
key = SlotTableKt.key(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
sb.append(", nodes=");
nodeCount = SlotTableKt.nodeCount(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (groupAsString$isStarted) {
sb.append(", dataAnchor=");
dataAnchor = SlotTableKt.dataAnchor(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
sb.append(", parentAnchor=");
parentAnchor2 = SlotTableKt.parentAnchor(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
isNode = SlotTableKt.isNode(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (isNode) {
sb.append(", node=" + this.slots[dataIndexToDataAddress(nodeIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress))]);
int slotIndex = slotIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
int dataIndex = dataIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress + 1);
if (dataIndex > slotIndex) {
sb.append(", [");
for (int i2 = slotIndex; i2 < dataIndex; i2++) {
if (i2 != slotIndex) {
sb.append(", ");
private static final boolean groupAsString$isStarted(SlotWriter slotWriter, int i) {
return i < slotWriter.currentGroup && (i == slotWriter.parent || slotWriter.startStack.indexOf(i) >= 0 || groupAsString$isStarted(slotWriter, slotWriter.parent(i)));
public final void verifyDataAnchors$runtime_release() {
int dataAnchor;
int i = this.slotsGapOwner;
int length = this.slots.length - this.slotsGapLen;
int size$runtime_release = getSize$runtime_release();
int i2 = 0;
int i3 = 0;
boolean z = false;
while (i2 < size$runtime_release) {
int groupIndexToAddress = groupIndexToAddress(i2);
dataAnchor = SlotTableKt.dataAnchor(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
int dataIndex = dataIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress);
if (dataIndex < i3) {
throw new IllegalStateException(("Data index out of order at " + i2 + ", previous = " + i3 + ", current = " + dataIndex).toString());
if (dataIndex > length) {
throw new IllegalStateException(("Data index, " + dataIndex + ", out of bound at " + i2).toString());
if (dataAnchor < 0 && !z) {
if (i != i2) {
throw new IllegalStateException(("Expected the slot gap owner to be " + i + " found gap at " + i2).toString());
z = true;
i3 = dataIndex;
public final void verifyParentAnchors$runtime_release() {
int parentAnchor;
int parentAnchor2;
int i = this.groupGapStart;
int i2 = this.groupGapLen;
int capacity = getCapacity();
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < i; i3++) {
parentAnchor2 = SlotTableKt.parentAnchor(this.groups, i3);
if (parentAnchor2 <= -2) {
throw new IllegalStateException(("Expected a start relative anchor at " + i3).toString());
for (int i4 = i2 + i; i4 < capacity; i4++) {
parentAnchor = SlotTableKt.parentAnchor(this.groups, i4);
if (parentAnchorToIndex(parentAnchor) < i) {
if (parentAnchor <= -2) {
throw new IllegalStateException(("Expected a start relative anchor at " + i4).toString());
} else if (parentAnchor > -2) {
throw new IllegalStateException(("Expected an end relative anchor at " + i4).toString());
public final int getSize$runtime_release() {
return getCapacity() - this.groupGapLen;
private final int getCapacity() {
return this.groups.length / 5;
private final int parent(int[] iArr, int i) {
int parentAnchor;
parentAnchor = SlotTableKt.parentAnchor(iArr, groupIndexToAddress(i));
return parentAnchorToIndex(parentAnchor);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final int dataIndex(int index) {
return dataIndex(this.groups, groupIndexToAddress(index));
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final int dataIndex(int[] iArr, int i) {
int dataAnchor;
if (i >= getCapacity()) {
return this.slots.length - this.slotsGapLen;
dataAnchor = SlotTableKt.dataAnchor(iArr, i);
return dataAnchorToDataIndex(dataAnchor, this.slotsGapLen, this.slots.length);
private final int slotIndex(int[] iArr, int i) {
int slotAnchor;
if (i >= getCapacity()) {
return this.slots.length - this.slotsGapLen;
slotAnchor = SlotTableKt.slotAnchor(iArr, i);
return dataAnchorToDataIndex(slotAnchor, this.slotsGapLen, this.slots.length);
private final void updateDataIndex(int[] iArr, int i, int i2) {
SlotTableKt.updateDataAnchor(iArr, i, dataIndexToDataAnchor(i2, this.slotsGapStart, this.slotsGapLen, this.slots.length));
private final int nodeIndex(int[] iArr, int i) {
return dataIndex(iArr, i);
private final int auxIndex(int[] iArr, int i) {
int groupInfo;
int countOneBits;
int dataIndex = dataIndex(iArr, i);
groupInfo = SlotTableKt.groupInfo(iArr, i);
countOneBits = SlotTableKt.countOneBits(groupInfo >> 29);
return dataIndex + countOneBits;
private final List<Integer> dataIndexes(int[] iArr) {
List dataAnchors$default = SlotTableKt.dataAnchors$default(this.groups, 0, 1, null);
List plus = CollectionsKt.plus((Collection) CollectionsKt.slice(dataAnchors$default, RangesKt.until(0, this.groupGapStart)), (Iterable) CollectionsKt.slice(dataAnchors$default, RangesKt.until(this.groupGapStart + this.groupGapLen, iArr.length / 5)));
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(plus.size());
int size = plus.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
arrayList.add(Integer.valueOf(dataAnchorToDataIndex(((Number) plus.get(i)).intValue(), this.slotsGapLen, this.slots.length)));
return arrayList;
private final List<Integer> keys() {
List keys$default = SlotTableKt.keys$default(this.groups, 0, 1, null);
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(keys$default.size());
int size = keys$default.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Object obj = keys$default.get(i);
((Number) obj).intValue();
int i2 = this.groupGapStart;
if (i < i2 || i >= i2 + this.groupGapLen) {
return arrayList;
private final int parentIndexToAnchor(int index, int gapStart) {
return index < gapStart ? index : -((getSize$runtime_release() - index) + 2);
private final int parentAnchorToIndex(int index) {
return index > -2 ? index : getSize$runtime_release() + index + 2;