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package androidx.transition;
import android.graphics.Path;
import android.graphics.PathMeasure;
import android.graphics.PointF;
import android.util.Property;
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
class PathProperty<T> extends Property<T, Float> {
private float mCurrentFraction;
private final float mPathLength;
private final PathMeasure mPathMeasure;
private final PointF mPointF;
private final float[] mPosition;
private final Property<T, PointF> mProperty;
/* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
@Override // android.util.Property
public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Float get(Object obj) {
return get((PathProperty<T>) obj);
/* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
@Override // android.util.Property
public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ void set(Object obj, Float f) {
set2((PathProperty<T>) obj, f);
PathProperty(Property<T, PointF> property, Path path) {
super(Float.class, property.getName());
this.mPosition = new float[2];
this.mPointF = new PointF();
this.mProperty = property;
PathMeasure pathMeasure = new PathMeasure(path, false);
this.mPathMeasure = pathMeasure;
this.mPathLength = pathMeasure.getLength();
/* JADX WARN: Can't rename method to resolve collision */
@Override // android.util.Property
public Float get(T t) {
return Float.valueOf(this.mCurrentFraction);
/* renamed from: set, reason: avoid collision after fix types in other method */
public void set2(T t, Float f) {
this.mCurrentFraction = f.floatValue();
this.mPathMeasure.getPosTan(this.mPathLength * f.floatValue(), this.mPosition, null);
this.mPointF.x = this.mPosition[0];
this.mPointF.y = this.mPosition[1];
this.mProperty.set(t, this.mPointF);