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synced 2024-12-27 09:32:27 -06:00
366 lines
16 KiB
366 lines
16 KiB
package androidx.media3.extractor.ts;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import androidx.media3.common.Format;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions;
import androidx.media3.common.util.CodecSpecificDataUtil;
import androidx.media3.common.util.ParsableByteArray;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import androidx.media3.container.NalUnitUtil;
import androidx.media3.container.ParsableNalUnitBitArray;
import androidx.media3.extractor.ExtractorOutput;
import androidx.media3.extractor.TrackOutput;
import androidx.media3.extractor.ts.TsPayloadReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.RequiresNonNull;
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public final class H264Reader implements ElementaryStreamReader {
private final boolean allowNonIdrKeyframes;
private final boolean detectAccessUnits;
private String formatId;
private boolean hasOutputFormat;
private TrackOutput output;
private boolean randomAccessIndicator;
private SampleReader sampleReader;
private final SeiReader seiReader;
private long totalBytesWritten;
private final boolean[] prefixFlags = new boolean[3];
private final NalUnitTargetBuffer sps = new NalUnitTargetBuffer(7, 128);
private final NalUnitTargetBuffer pps = new NalUnitTargetBuffer(8, 128);
private final NalUnitTargetBuffer sei = new NalUnitTargetBuffer(6, 128);
private long pesTimeUs = -9223372036854775807L;
private final ParsableByteArray seiWrapper = new ParsableByteArray();
@Override // androidx.media3.extractor.ts.ElementaryStreamReader
public void packetFinished() {
@Override // androidx.media3.extractor.ts.ElementaryStreamReader
public void packetStarted(long j, int i) {
if (j != -9223372036854775807L) {
this.pesTimeUs = j;
this.randomAccessIndicator |= (i & 2) != 0;
public H264Reader(SeiReader seiReader, boolean z, boolean z2) {
this.seiReader = seiReader;
this.allowNonIdrKeyframes = z;
this.detectAccessUnits = z2;
@Override // androidx.media3.extractor.ts.ElementaryStreamReader
public void seek() {
this.totalBytesWritten = 0L;
this.randomAccessIndicator = false;
this.pesTimeUs = -9223372036854775807L;
SampleReader sampleReader = this.sampleReader;
if (sampleReader != null) {
@Override // androidx.media3.extractor.ts.ElementaryStreamReader
public void createTracks(ExtractorOutput extractorOutput, TsPayloadReader.TrackIdGenerator trackIdGenerator) {
this.formatId = trackIdGenerator.getFormatId();
this.output = extractorOutput.track(trackIdGenerator.getTrackId(), 2);
this.sampleReader = new SampleReader(this.output, this.allowNonIdrKeyframes, this.detectAccessUnits);
this.seiReader.createTracks(extractorOutput, trackIdGenerator);
@Override // androidx.media3.extractor.ts.ElementaryStreamReader
public void consume(ParsableByteArray parsableByteArray) {
int position = parsableByteArray.getPosition();
int limit = parsableByteArray.limit();
byte[] data = parsableByteArray.getData();
this.totalBytesWritten += parsableByteArray.bytesLeft();
this.output.sampleData(parsableByteArray, parsableByteArray.bytesLeft());
while (true) {
int findNalUnit = NalUnitUtil.findNalUnit(data, position, limit, this.prefixFlags);
if (findNalUnit == limit) {
nalUnitData(data, position, limit);
int nalUnitType = NalUnitUtil.getNalUnitType(data, findNalUnit);
int i = findNalUnit - position;
if (i > 0) {
nalUnitData(data, position, findNalUnit);
int i2 = limit - findNalUnit;
long j = this.totalBytesWritten - i2;
endNalUnit(j, i2, i < 0 ? -i : 0, this.pesTimeUs);
startNalUnit(j, nalUnitType, this.pesTimeUs);
position = findNalUnit + 3;
private void startNalUnit(long j, int i, long j2) {
if (!this.hasOutputFormat || this.sampleReader.needsSpsPps()) {
this.sampleReader.startNalUnit(j, i, j2);
private void nalUnitData(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) {
if (!this.hasOutputFormat || this.sampleReader.needsSpsPps()) {
this.sps.appendToNalUnit(bArr, i, i2);
this.pps.appendToNalUnit(bArr, i, i2);
this.sei.appendToNalUnit(bArr, i, i2);
this.sampleReader.appendToNalUnit(bArr, i, i2);
@RequiresNonNull({"output", "sampleReader"})
private void endNalUnit(long j, int i, int i2, long j2) {
if (!this.hasOutputFormat || this.sampleReader.needsSpsPps()) {
if (!this.hasOutputFormat) {
if (this.sps.isCompleted() && this.pps.isCompleted()) {
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
arrayList.add(Arrays.copyOf(this.sps.nalData, this.sps.nalLength));
arrayList.add(Arrays.copyOf(this.pps.nalData, this.pps.nalLength));
NalUnitUtil.SpsData parseSpsNalUnit = NalUnitUtil.parseSpsNalUnit(this.sps.nalData, 3, this.sps.nalLength);
NalUnitUtil.PpsData parsePpsNalUnit = NalUnitUtil.parsePpsNalUnit(this.pps.nalData, 3, this.pps.nalLength);
this.output.format(new Format.Builder().setId(this.formatId).setSampleMimeType("video/avc").setCodecs(CodecSpecificDataUtil.buildAvcCodecString(parseSpsNalUnit.profileIdc, parseSpsNalUnit.constraintsFlagsAndReservedZero2Bits, parseSpsNalUnit.levelIdc)).setWidth(parseSpsNalUnit.width).setHeight(parseSpsNalUnit.height).setPixelWidthHeightRatio(parseSpsNalUnit.pixelWidthHeightRatio).setInitializationData(arrayList).build());
this.hasOutputFormat = true;
} else if (this.sps.isCompleted()) {
this.sampleReader.putSps(NalUnitUtil.parseSpsNalUnit(this.sps.nalData, 3, this.sps.nalLength));
} else if (this.pps.isCompleted()) {
this.sampleReader.putPps(NalUnitUtil.parsePpsNalUnit(this.pps.nalData, 3, this.pps.nalLength));
if (this.sei.endNalUnit(i2)) {
this.seiWrapper.reset(this.sei.nalData, NalUnitUtil.unescapeStream(this.sei.nalData, this.sei.nalLength));
this.seiReader.consume(j2, this.seiWrapper);
if (this.sampleReader.endNalUnit(j, i, this.hasOutputFormat, this.randomAccessIndicator)) {
this.randomAccessIndicator = false;
@EnsuresNonNull({"output", "sampleReader"})
private void assertTracksCreated() {
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class SampleReader {
private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 128;
private final boolean allowNonIdrKeyframes;
private int bufferLength;
private final boolean detectAccessUnits;
private boolean isFilling;
private long nalUnitStartPosition;
private long nalUnitTimeUs;
private int nalUnitType;
private final TrackOutput output;
private SliceHeaderData previousSliceHeader;
private boolean readingSample;
private boolean sampleIsKeyframe;
private long samplePosition;
private long sampleTimeUs;
private SliceHeaderData sliceHeader;
private final SparseArray<NalUnitUtil.SpsData> sps = new SparseArray<>();
private final SparseArray<NalUnitUtil.PpsData> pps = new SparseArray<>();
private byte[] buffer = new byte[128];
private final ParsableNalUnitBitArray bitArray = new ParsableNalUnitBitArray(this.buffer, 0, 0);
public boolean needsSpsPps() {
return this.detectAccessUnits;
public SampleReader(TrackOutput trackOutput, boolean z, boolean z2) {
this.output = trackOutput;
this.allowNonIdrKeyframes = z;
this.detectAccessUnits = z2;
this.previousSliceHeader = new SliceHeaderData();
this.sliceHeader = new SliceHeaderData();
public void putSps(NalUnitUtil.SpsData spsData) {
this.sps.append(spsData.seqParameterSetId, spsData);
public void putPps(NalUnitUtil.PpsData ppsData) {
this.pps.append(ppsData.picParameterSetId, ppsData);
public void reset() {
this.isFilling = false;
this.readingSample = false;
public void startNalUnit(long j, int i, long j2) {
this.nalUnitType = i;
this.nalUnitTimeUs = j2;
this.nalUnitStartPosition = j;
if (!this.allowNonIdrKeyframes || i != 1) {
if (!this.detectAccessUnits) {
if (i != 5 && i != 1 && i != 2) {
SliceHeaderData sliceHeaderData = this.previousSliceHeader;
this.previousSliceHeader = this.sliceHeader;
this.sliceHeader = sliceHeaderData;
this.bufferLength = 0;
this.isFilling = true;
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:50:0x00ff */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:52:0x0106 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:58:0x011e */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:73:0x0152 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:89:0x0118 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:90:0x0102 */
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public void appendToNalUnit(byte[] r24, int r25, int r26) {
Method dump skipped, instructions count: 416
To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: androidx.media3.extractor.ts.H264Reader.SampleReader.appendToNalUnit(byte[], int, int):void");
public boolean endNalUnit(long j, int i, boolean z, boolean z2) {
boolean z3 = false;
if (this.nalUnitType == 9 || (this.detectAccessUnits && this.sliceHeader.isFirstVclNalUnitOfPicture(this.previousSliceHeader))) {
if (z && this.readingSample) {
outputSample(i + ((int) (j - this.nalUnitStartPosition)));
this.samplePosition = this.nalUnitStartPosition;
this.sampleTimeUs = this.nalUnitTimeUs;
this.sampleIsKeyframe = false;
this.readingSample = true;
if (this.allowNonIdrKeyframes) {
z2 = this.sliceHeader.isISlice();
boolean z4 = this.sampleIsKeyframe;
int i2 = this.nalUnitType;
if (i2 == 5 || (z2 && i2 == 1)) {
z3 = true;
boolean z5 = z4 | z3;
this.sampleIsKeyframe = z5;
return z5;
private void outputSample(int i) {
long j = this.sampleTimeUs;
if (j == -9223372036854775807L) {
boolean z = this.sampleIsKeyframe;
this.output.sampleMetadata(j, z ? 1 : 0, (int) (this.nalUnitStartPosition - this.samplePosition), i, null);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class SliceHeaderData {
private static final int SLICE_TYPE_ALL_I = 7;
private static final int SLICE_TYPE_I = 2;
private boolean bottomFieldFlag;
private boolean bottomFieldFlagPresent;
private int deltaPicOrderCnt0;
private int deltaPicOrderCnt1;
private int deltaPicOrderCntBottom;
private boolean fieldPicFlag;
private int frameNum;
private boolean hasSliceType;
private boolean idrPicFlag;
private int idrPicId;
private boolean isComplete;
private int nalRefIdc;
private int picOrderCntLsb;
private int picParameterSetId;
private int sliceType;
private NalUnitUtil.SpsData spsData;
public void clear() {
this.hasSliceType = false;
this.isComplete = false;
public boolean isISlice() {
int i;
return this.hasSliceType && ((i = this.sliceType) == 7 || i == 2);
public void setAll(NalUnitUtil.SpsData spsData, int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, boolean z, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, int i5, int i6, int i7, int i8, int i9) {
this.spsData = spsData;
this.nalRefIdc = i;
this.sliceType = i2;
this.frameNum = i3;
this.picParameterSetId = i4;
this.fieldPicFlag = z;
this.bottomFieldFlagPresent = z2;
this.bottomFieldFlag = z3;
this.idrPicFlag = z4;
this.idrPicId = i5;
this.picOrderCntLsb = i6;
this.deltaPicOrderCntBottom = i7;
this.deltaPicOrderCnt0 = i8;
this.deltaPicOrderCnt1 = i9;
this.isComplete = true;
this.hasSliceType = true;
public void setSliceType(int i) {
this.sliceType = i;
this.hasSliceType = true;
private SliceHeaderData() {
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public boolean isFirstVclNalUnitOfPicture(SliceHeaderData sliceHeaderData) {
int i;
int i2;
boolean z;
if (!this.isComplete) {
return false;
if (!sliceHeaderData.isComplete) {
return true;
NalUnitUtil.SpsData spsData = (NalUnitUtil.SpsData) Assertions.checkStateNotNull(this.spsData);
NalUnitUtil.SpsData spsData2 = (NalUnitUtil.SpsData) Assertions.checkStateNotNull(sliceHeaderData.spsData);
return (this.frameNum == sliceHeaderData.frameNum && this.picParameterSetId == sliceHeaderData.picParameterSetId && this.fieldPicFlag == sliceHeaderData.fieldPicFlag && (!this.bottomFieldFlagPresent || !sliceHeaderData.bottomFieldFlagPresent || this.bottomFieldFlag == sliceHeaderData.bottomFieldFlag) && (((i = this.nalRefIdc) == (i2 = sliceHeaderData.nalRefIdc) || (i != 0 && i2 != 0)) && ((spsData.picOrderCountType != 0 || spsData2.picOrderCountType != 0 || (this.picOrderCntLsb == sliceHeaderData.picOrderCntLsb && this.deltaPicOrderCntBottom == sliceHeaderData.deltaPicOrderCntBottom)) && ((spsData.picOrderCountType != 1 || spsData2.picOrderCountType != 1 || (this.deltaPicOrderCnt0 == sliceHeaderData.deltaPicOrderCnt0 && this.deltaPicOrderCnt1 == sliceHeaderData.deltaPicOrderCnt1)) && (z = this.idrPicFlag) == sliceHeaderData.idrPicFlag && (!z || this.idrPicId == sliceHeaderData.idrPicId))))) ? false : true;