2013-02-19 18:02:59 +11:00
* GET specs.
exports.fetch = function(req, res){
var _ = require('underscore'),
jsdom = require('jsdom'),
request = require('request');
2013-02-20 23:28:14 +11:00
var model = req.params.model,
isMinified = req.query.minified == 'true' ? true : false;
2013-02-22 01:23:12 +11:00
modifier = req.query.modifier;
2013-02-19 18:02:59 +11:00
2013-02-20 23:28:14 +11:00
console.log('Model requested: ', model, req.params, req.query, isMinified);
2013-02-19 18:02:59 +11:00
{ uri: 'http://www.mazda.com.au/vehicles/'+ model +'/specifications' },
function (error, response, body) {
// swift error checking
if (error && response.statusCode !== 200) {
console.log('Request error.');
// TODO: render error page here... make sure error check includes case when unknown model selected
// console.log(response);
// data for specs
var specs = [];
var tickUrl = 'http://www.mazda.com.au/brochures/base-framework/img/specs/specs_tick.gif',
falseString = '-';
html: body,
scripts: ['http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js']
function (error, window) {
var $ = window.jQuery,
$body = $(window.document.body),
$styles = $('.spec-body');
// For each Body Style (Sedan, Wagon, etc.)
// console.log(specs);
// console.log('FIRST BODY STYLE CATEGORIES YO: ', _.pluck(specs[0].categories, 'name'));
// res.send('There are ' + $styles.length + ' body style(s) for the ' + model);
var carName = $body.find('h1').text().replace(' Specifications','');
2013-02-22 01:23:12 +11:00
title: carName,
styles: specs,
modifier: modifier,
pretty: !isMinified
2013-02-19 18:02:59 +11:00
function _parseBodyStyleHtml(i,bodyStyle) {
var style = {
name: '',
image: '',
slug: '',
grades: [],
categories: []
var $bodyStyle = $(bodyStyle),
$cats = $bodyStyle.find('.spec-cat');
// Create array of grade names (e.g. 'Sport', 'Touring', etc.)
$cats.first().find('table thead th').each(function (i,grade) {
// the first <th> is not a grade header
if (i === 0) {
style.grades.push( $.trim($(grade).text()) );
// Assign Body Style name (e.g. 'Sedan')
style.name = $.trim( $bodyStyle.find('h3').text() );
style.image = 'http://www.mazda.com.au' + $('#specs-body').find('li').eq(i).find('img').attr('src');
style.slug = slugify(style.name);
// Collect specs for each category (e.g. 'Powertrain', 'Chassis', etc.)
$cats.each(function (i,cat) {
var $cat = $(cat),
$rows = $cat.find('tbody tr');
var category = {};
// category.name = $.trim( $cat.children('h4').text() );
category.name = $.trim( $('.specs-tabs').first().find('li').eq(i).text() );
category.specs = [];
category.slug = slugify(category.name);
// collect each row's cell data
$rows.each(function (i,rowHtml) {
var $row = $(rowHtml),
row = [];
$row.find('td').each(function (i,cell) {
var $cell = $(cell);
// strip out any <sup> elems
var text = $.trim( $(cell).text() ),
hasTick = $cell.html().search('/images/specs/tick.gif') !== -1,
hasDash = text === '-';
if (hasTick) {
// assign true boolean as cell value if cell has a tick image
else if (hasDash) {
else {
// Append Body Style object to main specs array
specs.push( style );
* Transform text into a URL slug: spaces turned into dashes, remove non alnum
* @param string text
function slugify(text) {
text = text.replace(/[^-a-zA-Z0-9,&\s]+/ig, '');
text = text.replace(/-/gi, "_");
text = text.replace(/\s/gi, "-");
text = text.toLowerCase();
return text;