var server = require('./server') , events = require('events') , stream = require('stream') , assert = require('assert') , fs = require('fs') , request = require('../main.js') , path = require('path') , util = require('util') ; var s = server.createServer(3453); function ValidationStream(str) { this.str = str this.buf = '' this.on('data', function (data) { this.buf += data }) this.on('end', function () { assert.equal(this.str, this.buf) }) this.writable = true } util.inherits(ValidationStream, stream.Stream) ValidationStream.prototype.write = function (chunk) { this.emit('data', chunk) } ValidationStream.prototype.end = function (chunk) { if (chunk) emit('data', chunk) this.emit('end') } s.listen(s.port, function () { counter = 0; var check = function () { counter = counter - 1 if (counter === 0) { console.log('All tests passed.') setTimeout(function () { process.exit(); }, 500) } } // Test pipeing to a request object s.once('/push', server.createPostValidator("mydata")); var mydata = new stream.Stream(); mydata.readable = true counter++ var r1 = request.put({url:'http://localhost:3453/push'}, function () { check(); }) mydata.pipe(r1) mydata.emit('data', 'mydata'); mydata.emit('end'); // Test pipeing to a request object with a json body s.once('/push-json', server.createPostValidator("{\"foo\":\"bar\"}", "application/json")); var mybodydata = new stream.Stream(); mybodydata.readable = true counter++ var r2 = request.put({url:'http://localhost:3453/push-json',json:true}, function () { check(); }) mybodydata.pipe(r2) mybodydata.emit('data', JSON.stringify({foo:"bar"})); mybodydata.emit('end'); // Test pipeing from a request object. s.once('/pull', server.createGetResponse("mypulldata")); var mypulldata = new stream.Stream(); mypulldata.writable = true counter++ request({url:'http://localhost:3453/pull'}).pipe(mypulldata) var d = ''; mypulldata.write = function (chunk) { d += chunk; } mypulldata.end = function () { assert.equal(d, 'mypulldata'); check(); }; s.on('/cat', function (req, resp) { if (req.method === "GET") { resp.writeHead(200, {'content-type':'text/plain-test', 'content-length':4}); resp.end('asdf') } else if (req.method === "PUT") { assert.equal(req.headers['content-type'], 'text/plain-test'); assert.equal(req.headers['content-length'], 4) var validate = ''; req.on('data', function (chunk) {validate += chunk}) req.on('end', function () { resp.writeHead(201); resp.end(); assert.equal(validate, 'asdf'); check(); }) } }) s.on('/pushjs', function (req, resp) { if (req.method === "PUT") { assert.equal(req.headers['content-type'], 'application/javascript'); check(); } }) s.on('/catresp', function (req, resp) { request.get('http://localhost:3453/cat').pipe(resp) }) s.on('/doodle', function (req, resp) { if (req.headers['x-oneline-proxy']) { resp.setHeader('x-oneline-proxy', 'yup') } resp.writeHead('200', {'content-type':'image/png'}) fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, 'googledoodle.png')).pipe(resp) }) s.on('/onelineproxy', function (req, resp) { var x = request('http://localhost:3453/doodle') req.pipe(x) x.pipe(resp) }) counter++ fs.createReadStream(__filename).pipe(request.put('http://localhost:3453/pushjs')) counter++ request.get('http://localhost:3453/cat').pipe(request.put('http://localhost:3453/cat')) counter++ request.get('http://localhost:3453/catresp', function (e, resp, body) { assert.equal(resp.headers['content-type'], 'text/plain-test'); assert.equal(resp.headers['content-length'], 4) check(); }) var doodleWrite = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname, 'test.png')) counter++ request.get('http://localhost:3453/doodle').pipe(doodleWrite) doodleWrite.on('close', function () { assert.deepEqual(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'googledoodle.png')), fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test.png'))) check() }) process.on('exit', function () { fs.unlinkSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test.png')) }) counter++ request.get({uri:'http://localhost:3453/onelineproxy', headers:{'x-oneline-proxy':'nope'}}, function (err, resp, body) { assert.equal(resp.headers['x-oneline-proxy'], 'yup') check() }) s.on('/afterresponse', function (req, resp) { resp.write('d') resp.end() }) counter++ var afterresp ='http://localhost:3453/afterresponse').on('response', function () { var v = new ValidationStream('d') afterresp.pipe(v) v.on('end', check) }) s.on('/forward1', function (req, resp) { resp.writeHead(302, {location:'/forward2'}) resp.end() }) s.on('/forward2', function (req, resp) { resp.writeHead('200', {'content-type':'image/png'}) resp.write('d') resp.end() }) counter++ var validateForward = new ValidationStream('d') validateForward.on('end', check) request.get('http://localhost:3453/forward1').pipe(validateForward) // Test pipe options s.once('/opts', server.createGetResponse('opts response')); var optsStream = new stream.Stream(); optsStream.writable = true var optsData = ''; optsStream.write = function (buf) { optsData += buf; if (optsData === 'opts response') { setTimeout(check, 10); } } optsStream.end = function () {'end called') }; counter++ request({url:'http://localhost:3453/opts'}).pipe(optsStream, { end : false }) })