const fs = require("fs"); const { execSync } = require("child_process"); const { Litterbox } = require("node-catbox"); const litterbox = new Litterbox(); //CHANGE THESE let decompName = "RabbitLauncher0517"; let uploadToLitterBox = false; //CHANGE THESE ^^^^^^^^^^ let base = `${decompName}_decompile_xml`; let imei = generateIMEI(); const getOSVersion = [ `.method private final getOSVersion()Ljava/lang/String;`, `.locals 0`, `.line 49`, `const-string p0, "rabbit_OS_v0.8.86_20240523151103"`, `return-object p0`, `.end method`, ]; const getImei = [ `.method public final getImei(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String;`, `.locals 0`, `.line 49`, `const-string p0, "${imei}"`, `return-object p0`, `.end method`, ]; const getDeviceId = [ `.method public final getDeviceId()Ljava/lang/String;`, `.locals 0`, `.line 34`, `const-string p0, "${imei}"`, `return-object p0`, `.end method`, ]; const onKeyUp = [ ".method public final onKeyUp(ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z", ".locals 3", "const/4 p0, -0x1", "sput p0, Ltech/rabbit/r1launcher/rabbit/KeyEventHandler;->lastKey:I", "sput p1, Ltech/rabbit/r1launcher/rabbit/KeyEventHandler;->lastUpKey:I", "const/16 p0, 0x18", "if-eq p1, p0, :setter", "const/16 p0, 0x19", "if-eq p1, p0, :setter", "const/16 p0, 0x13", "if-eq p1, p0, :cond_0", "const/16 p0, 0x14", "if-eq p1, p0, :cond_0", "packed-switch p1, :pswitch_data_0", "goto :goto_0", ":setter", "const/16 p1, 0x1A", ":cond_0", ":pswitch_0", ]; const onKeyDown = [ ".method public final onKeyDown(ILandroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z", ".locals 3", "const/16 p0, 0x18", "if-eq p1, p0, :setter", "const/16 p0, 0x19", "if-eq p1, p0, :setter", "const/16 p0, 0x13", "if-eq p1, p0, :cond_0", "const/16 p0, 0x14", "if-eq p1, p0, :cond_0", "packed-switch p1, :pswitch_data_0", "goto :goto_0", ":setter", "const/16 p1, 0x1A", ":cond_0", ":pswitch_0", ]; decomp(); modifyFunc( `.\\${base}\\smali\\classes\\tech\\rabbit\\r1launcher\\RLApp.smali`, getOSVersion ); modifyFunc( `.\\${base}\\smali\\classes\\tech\\rabbit\\r1launcher\\settings\\utils\\SystemControllerUtil.smali`, getImei ); modifyFunc(`.\\${base}\\smali\\classes\\AppConfig.smali`, getDeviceId); modifyFunc( `.\\${base}\\smali\\classes\\tech\\rabbit\\r1launcher\\rabbit\\KeyEventHandler.smali`, onKeyUp ); modifyFunc( `.\\${base}\\smali\\classes\\tech\\rabbit\\r1launcher\\rabbit\\KeyEventHandler.smali`, onKeyDown ); replaceLib(".\\", "") build(); fs.renameSync( `${base}_out-aligned-debugSigned.apk`, `${decompName}_Patched.apk` ); fs.rmdirSync(`.\\${base}`) fs.rmSync(`${base}_out.apk`) if (uploadToLitterBox) { console.log("Uploading to LitterBox"); litterbox .upload({ path: `${decompName}_Patched.apk`, duration: "24h", // or omit to default to 1h }) .then((response) => console.log("Output uploaded to LitterBox! Link: " + response) ); } function calculateChecksum(imeiWithoutChecksum) { let imeiArray = imeiWithoutChecksum.split("").map(Number); let sum = 0; let double = false; for (let i = 0; i < imeiArray.length; i++) { let digit = imeiArray[i]; if (double) { digit *= 2; if (digit > 9) { digit -= 9; } } sum += digit; double = !double; } let checksum = (10 - (sum % 10)) % 10; return String(checksum); } function generateIMEI() { const TAC = "35847631"; const serialNumberPrefix = "00"; let serialNumber = serialNumberPrefix; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { serialNumber += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); } let imeiWithoutChecksum = TAC + serialNumber; let checksum = calculateChecksum(imeiWithoutChecksum); let generatedIMEI = imeiWithoutChecksum + checksum; return generatedIMEI; } function decomp() { execSync( `java -jar APKEditor.jar d -i ${decompName}.apk`, (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return; } console.log("decompiled"); } ); } function modifyFunc(path, modifyWith) { let start = -1; //so we know what part to modify let end = -1; try { let data = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8"); let lineArr = data.split("\n"); let iter = 0; lineArr.forEach((element) => { if (element.includes(modifyWith[0])) { start = lineArr.indexOf(element); //console.log("start ", start); } if (start > 0 && end < 0) { if (element.includes(modifyWith[modifyWith.length - 1])) { end = iter; //console.log("end ", end); for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) { if (modifyWith[i - start] !== undefined) lineArr[i] = modifyWith[i - start]; else lineArr[i] = ""; } } } element.replace(" ", "\n"); iter++; }); fs.writeFileSync(path, lineArr.join("\n"), "utf-8"); console.log("File modified successfully"); } catch (err) { console.error("Error reading or writing file", err); } } function replaceLib(newLibLocation, oldLib) { fs.copyFileSync(newLibLocation, `.\\${base}\\root\\lib\\arm64-v8a\\${oldLib}`) } function build() { execSync(`java -jar APKEditor.jar b -i ${base}`, (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return; } console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`); }); execSync( `java -jar uber-apk-signer-1.2.1.jar -a ${decompName}_decompile_xml_out.apk`, (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return; } console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`); } ); }