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# File: Add.eps
# Adds ports to firewall registry keys. Used via Firewall aliases.
# Modifications:
# 10/12/04 Created.
@case-sensitive off;
@echo off;
if ($argc != 3 ||
(<int>$argv[1] < 1) ||
(<int>$argv[1] > 65535) ||
(($argv[2] != "tcp") && ($argv[2] != "udp"))) {
echo "Usage: $argv[0] <port number> <TCP|UDP>";
return false;
# Make protocol consistent with other registry entries
if ( $argv[2] == "tcp"){
$argv[2] = "TCP";
} else if ($argv[2] == "udp" ){
$argv[2] = "UDP";
} else {
echo "Invalid protocol";
return false;
string $subkey = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SharedAccess\\Parameters\\FirewallPolicy";
# If the registry key does not exist, prompt user if they want to create it.
# If they create the key, the firewall port will be added; if not, registry does not change.
ifnot (`regquery -hive l -subkey $subkey\\StandardProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List`) {
ifnot (prompt "StandardProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List does not exist. Create key and add port?") {
# not adding port
echo "";
echo "Port $argv[1]:$argv[2] not added to StandardProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List";
echo "";
} else {
ifnot(`regadd -hive l -key $subkey\\StandardProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List -value $argv[1]:$argv[2] -type REG_SZ -data $argv[1]:$argv[2]:*:Enabled`) {
echo "";
echo "Error creating StandardProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List -value $argv[1]:$argv[2] -type REG_SZ -data $argv[1]:$argv[2]:*:Enabled";
echo "";
} else {
echo "";
echo "DomainProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List $argv[1]:$argv[2] added successfully.";
echo "";
} else {
ifnot(`regadd -hive l -key $subkey\\StandardProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List -value $argv[1]:$argv[2] -type REG_SZ -data $argv[1]:$argv[2]:*:Enabled`) {
echo "";
echo "Error creating StandardProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List -value $argv[1]:$argv[2] -type REG_SZ -data $argv[1]:$argv[2]:*:Enabled";
echo "";
} else {
echo "";
echo "StandardProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List $argv[1]:$argv[2] added successfully.";
echo "";
# If the registry key does not exist, prompt user if they want to create it.
# If they create the key, the firewall port will be added; if not, registry does not change.
ifnot (`regquery -hive l -subkey $subkey\\DomainProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List`) {
ifnot (prompt "DomainProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List does not exist. Create key and add port?") {
echo "";
echo "Port $argv[1]:$argv[2] not added to DomainProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List";
echo "";
} else {
ifnot(`regadd -hive l -key $subkey\\DomainProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List -value $argv[1]:$argv[2] -type REG_SZ -data $argv[1]:$argv[2]:*:Enabled`) {
echo "";
echo "Error creating DomainProfileProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List -value $argv[1]:$argv[2] -type REG_SZ -data $argv[1]:$argv[2]:*:Enabled";
echo "";
} else {
echo "";
echo "DomainProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List $argv[1]:$argv[2] added successfully.";
echo "";
} else {
ifnot(`regadd -hive l -key $subkey\\DomainProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List -value $argv[1]:$argv[2] -type REG_SZ -data $argv[1]:$argv[2]:*:Enabled`) {
echo "";
echo "Error creating DomainProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List -value $argv[1]:$argv[2] -type REG_SZ -data $argv[1]:$argv[2]:*:Enabled";
echo "";
} else {
echo "";
echo "DomainProfile\\GloballyOpenPorts\\List $argv[1]:$argv[2] added successfully.";
echo "";
echo "Sleeping to allow time for OS to see new port";
return true;