288 lines
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288 lines
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# File: mcafee85.eps
# Description: Checks the status of McAfee Framework Services 8.5 and logging
# v0.1 2007-08-22 Initial creation
# v0.2 2007-10-11 Modified to take advantage of new "grep" include
# v0.3 2007-10-19 Added registry checks and additional warning outputs
# v0.4 2008-10-16 Added checks for AntiSpyware Module
# v0.5 2009-01-07 Fixed code to account for "bug" in grep function
@include "PerlFunctions.epm";
@include "PSPHelpers.epm";
#string $root = GetEnv("_SYSDIRROOT");
string $system32 = GetEnv("SYSPATH");
string $rootDrive = split(":",$system32);
int $major = GetEnv("OSMAJOR");
int $minor = GetEnv("OSMINOR");
int $fsize;
string $mDate;
string $mTime;
echo "\r+++++++++++++++++++\r";
echo "Pulling registry values to help determine current enforcement settings.\rThe default value is: AccessProtection{..}\r";
@echo off;
@record on;
`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\McAfee\\VSCore\\On Access Scanner\\BehaviourBlocking" -value AccessProtectionUserRules`;
string $regResults = GetCmdData("value_data");
@record off;
@echo on;
#crazy hex hash
string %lookFor;
%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652041564F30342031'} = "BLOCK remote creation/modification of executable and configuration files\r !!!WILL PREVENT ZB ATTEMPT; USE ZZ!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652041564F30342030'} = "FALSE = Block remote creation/modification of executable and configuration files";
%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742041564F30342031'} = "LOG Remote creation/modification of executable and configuration files\r !!!WILL LOG ZB ATTEMPT; USE ZZ!!!";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742041564F30342030'} = "FALSE = Log remote creation/modification of executable and configuration files";
%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652041564F30372031'} = "BLOCK Svchost executing non-Windows executables\r !!!WILL LOG DRIVERS -LIST IN DSZ!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652041564F30372030'} = "FALSE = Block svchost executing non-Windows executables";
%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742041564F30372031'} = "LOG Svchost executing non-Windows executables\r !!!WILL LOG DRIVERS -LIST IN DSZ!!!";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742041564F30372030'} = "FALSE = Log svchost executing non-Windows executables";
%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652043573031612031'} = "BLOCK Programs registering to autorun\r !!!WILL PREVENT PC INSTALL!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652043573031612030'} = "FALSE = Block programs registering to autorun";
%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742043573031612031'} = "LOG Programs registering to autorun\r !!!WILL LOG PC INSTALL!!!";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742043573031612030'} = "FALSE = Log programs registering to autorun";
%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652043573031622031'} = "BLOCK Programs registering as a service\r !!!WILL PREVENT DG/FLAV/ST/OLY/YAK/DS INSTALL!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652043573031622030'} = "FALSE = Block programs registering as a service";
%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742043573031622031'} = "LOG Programs registering as a service\r !!!WILL LOG DG/FLAV/ST/OLY/YAK/DS INSTALL!!!";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742043573031622030'} = "FALSE = Log programs registering as a service";
%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652043573032612031'} = "BLOCK Creation of new EXE/DLL in the Windows folder\r !!!WILL PREVENT PC/OLY/UR/YAK INSTALL!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652043573032612030'} = "FALSE = Block creation of new EXE/DLL in the Windows folder";
%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742043573032612031'} = "LOG Creation of new EXE/DLL in the Windows folder\r !!!WILL LOG PC/OLY/UR/YAK INSTALL!!!";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742043573032612030'} = "FALSE = Log creation of new EXE/DLL in the Windows folder";
%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652041564F30382031'} = "BLOCK Windows process spoofing\r !!!DONT USE COMMON WINDOWS NAMES!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652041564F30382030'} = "FALSE = Block Windows process spoofing";
%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742041564F30382031'} = "LOG Windows process spoofing\r !!!DONT USE COMMON WINDOWS NAMES!!!";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742041564F30382030'} = "FALSE = Log Windows process spoofing";
%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652041565730322031'} = "BLOCK Cached files from password and email address stealers \r !!!WILL PREVENT UR/MB RUNNING!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652041565730322030'} = "FALSE = Block cached files from password and email address stealers";
%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742041565730322031'} = "LOG Cached files from password and email address stealers\r !!!WILL PREVENT UR/MB RUNNING!!!";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742041565730322030'} = "FALSE = Log cached files from password and email address stealers";
%lookFor{'557365725265706f72742041534f30312031'} = "LOG Protect Internet Explorer favorites and settings \r !!!WILL LOG ANY VAL/OLY/UR CONNECTIONS!!!";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706f72742041534f30312030'} = "FALSE = Log Protect Internet Explorer favorites and settings \rWas enabled at some point. Would have logged ANY VAL/OLY/UR connections";
%lookFor{'55736572456e666f7263652041534f30312031'} = "BLOCK Protect Internet Explorer favorites and settings \r !!!WILL BLOCK AND LOG ANY VAL/OLY/UR CONNECTIONS!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456e666f7263652041534f30312030'} = "FALSE = Block Protect Internet Explorer favorites and settings \rWas enabled at some point. Would have blocked/logged ANY VAL/OLY/UR connections";
%lookFor{'557365725265706f72742041535730322031'} = "LOG Prevent all programs from running files from the Temp folder\r !!!WILL LOG DMW RUNNING!!!";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706f72742041535730322030'} = "FALSE = Log Prevent all programs from running files from the Temp folder";
%lookFor{'55736572456e666f7263652041535730322031'} = "BLOCK Prevent all programs from running files from the Temp folder\r !!!WILL LOG DMW RUNNING!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456e666f7263652041535730322030'} = "FALSE = Block Prevent all programs from running files from the Temp folder";
%lookFor{'55736572456e666f7263652043573032622031'} = "BLOCK Creation of new EXE/DLL in the Program Files folder\r !!!WATCH WHERE YOU DROP FILES!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456e666f7263652043573032622030'} = "FALSE = Block creation of new EXE/DLL in the Program Files folder\r Was enabled at some time.";
%lookFor{'557365725265706f72742043573032622031'} = "LOG Creation of new EXE/DLL in the Program Files folder\r !!!WATCH WHERE YOU DROP FILES!!!";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706f72742043573032622030'} = "FALSE = Log creation of new EXE/DLL in the Program Files folder\r !!!Watch where you drop files!!!";
%lookFor{'55736572456e666f72636520435730362031'} = "BLOCK HTTP Communication\r !!!AVOID PORTS 80/443/CANGETOUT!!!";
%lookFor{'557365725265706f727420435730362031'} = "LOG HTTP Communication\r !!!AVOID PORTS 80/443/CANGETOUT!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456e666f72636520435730362030'} = "FALSE = Block HTTP Communication";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706f727420435730362030'} = "FALSE = Log HTTP Communication";
%lookFor{'55736572456e666f72636520435730352031'} = "BLOCK FTP Communication\r !!!AVOID PORT 20!!!";
%lookFor{'557365725265706f727420435730352031'} = "LOG FTP Communication\r !!!AVOID PORT 20!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456e666f72636520435730352030'} = "FALSE = Block FTP Communication";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706f727420435730352030'} = "FALSE = Log FTP Communication";
%lookFor{'55736572456e666f72636520434f30362031'} = "BLOCK Installation of Browser Helper Objects and Shell Extensions";
%lookFor{'557365725265706f727420434f30362031'} = "LOG Installation of Browser Helper Objects and Shell Extensions";
#%lookFor{'55736572456e666f72636520434f30362030'} = "FALSE = Block installation of Browser Helper Objects and Shell Extensions";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706f727420434f30362030'} = "FALSE = Log installation of Browser Helper Objects and Shell Extensions";
%lookFor{'55736572456e666f72636520434f31322031'} = "BLOCK Protect Network Settings\r !!!WILL BLOCK PC2 INSTALL!!!";
#%lookFor{'55736572456e666f72636520434f31322030'} = "FALSE = (Block) Protect Network Setting";
%lookFor{'557365725265706f727420434f31322031'} = "LOG Protect Network Settings\r !!!WILL LOG PC2 INSTALL!!!";
#%lookFor{'557365725265706f727420434f31322030'} = "FALSE = Log Protect Network Setting";
%lookFor{'55736572456E666F726365204153573031'} = "BLOCK Prevent installation of new CLSIDs, APPIDs and TYPELIBs\r !!!WILL BLOCK VAL INSTALL!!!";
%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742041535730312031'} = "LOG Prevent installation of new CLSIDs, APPIDs and TYPELIBs\r !!!WILL LOG VAL INSTALL!!!";
%lookFor{'55736572456E666F7263652041564F31302031'} = "BLOCK Prevent mass mailing worm from sending mail\r !!!AVOID PORT 25/110/587!!!";
%lookFor{'557365725265706F72742041564F31302031'} = "LOG Prevent mass mailing worm from sending mail\r !!!AVOID PORT 25/110/587!!!";
%lookFor{'557365725265706F7274204F4230312031'} = "LOG Make shares read-only\r !!!WILL LOG ZB ATTEMPT!!!";
%lookFor{'55736572456E666F726365204F4230312031'} = "BLOCK Make shares read-only\r !!!WILL BLOCK ZB ATTEMPT!!!";
%lookFor{'557365725265706F7274204F4230312031'} = "BLOCK Block read and write access to all shares\r !!!WILL BLOCK ZB ATTEMPT!!!";
%lookFor{'55736572456E666F726365204F4230312031'} = "LOG Block read and write access to all shares\r !!!WILL LOG ZB ATTEMPT!!!";
%lookFor{'55736572537472696E67'} = "!!!POSSIBLE CUSTOM RULES. REVIEW ASCII IN REGISTRY KEY!!!";
string $key;
#if they have the default value, don't even bother checking
string $defaultSettings = "41636365737350726f74656374696f6e207b0d0a7d0d0a";
if( $defaultSettings == $regResults){
echo "They are using the default settings for a McAfee 8.5 install.\rYou should be good";
#let the fun begin.
echo "They are not using the default settings.\rAttempting to display any troublesome settings. No output = safe\r";
@echo off ;
bool $status = TRUE;
foreach $key(keys %lookFor){
echo "%lookFor{'$key'}\n";
#did any of the call's to grep crash the function due to string size?
#struct defined in PSPHelpers.epm
metaData @metaData;
string $scripts = GetEnv("SCRIPTSDIR");
@echo on;
echo "!!!Targets registry value is very large, indicitive of custom rule sets. Review custom rules before proceeding!!!\rAttempting to parse known values...";
echo "\r!!!I couldn't write the registry values to disk!!!\r";
@echo off;
@record on;
`local run -command "perl $scripts\\PSP\\mcafee-parse.pl @metaData.$logdir\\mcafee-reg-overflow.txt" -redirect`;
#when called via checkpsp, you must manually force the output from the run -command to print
string $perlOut = GetCmdData("output");
string $tmpVar;
@echo on;
foreach $tmpVar($perlOut){
echo $tmpVar;
@echo off;
@record on;
`local run -command "perl $scripts\\PSP\\mcafee_hex2ascii.pl @metaData.$logdir\\mcafee-reg-overflow.txt" -redirect`;
string $perlOut3 = GetCmdData("output");
echo "***********************************************************************";
echo "!!!!!!Wrote mcafeecustomrules.txt...open to review custom settings!!!!!!";
echo "***********************************************************************";
echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++";
echo "\rChecking to see if we are calling home to an ePO server...";
#what OS are we on? Found out 2k3 boxes may put things in different locations than XP boxes.
#Not only does OS matter, other mcafee software changes things. just check both locations...
string $2k3Path = "Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\Network Associates\\Common Framework";
string $xpPath = "Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\McAfee\\Common Framework";
string $sslist = "$rootDrive[0]:\\$2k3Path\\ServerSiteList.xml";
string $sslist2 = "$rootDrive[0]:\\$xpPath\\ServerSiteList.xml";
string $smlist = "$rootDrive[0]:\\$2k3Path\\SiteMapList.xml";
string $smlist2 = "$rootDrive[0]:\\$xpPath\\SiteMapList.xml";
string $agent = "$rootDrive[0]:\\$2k3Path\\Agent.ini";
string $agent2 = "$rootDrive[0]:\\$xpPath\\Agent.ini";
string $xmlDir = "$rootDrive[0]:\\$2k3Path\\AgentEvents";
string $xmlDir2 = "$rootDrive[0]:\\$xpPath\\AgentEvents";
@echo off;
@record on;
bool $ssl = `getfileattribs -file "$sslist"`;
bool $sml = `getfileattribs -file "$smlist"`;
bool $aml = `getfileattribs -file "$agent"`;
bool $ssl2 = `getfileattribs -file "$sslist2"`;
bool $sml2 = `getfileattribs -file "$smlist2"`;
bool $aml2 = `getfileattribs -file "$agent2"`;
bool $xmlDirCheck = `getfileattribs -file "$xmlDir"`;
bool $xmlDirCheck2 = `getfileattribs -file "$xmlDir2"`;
@record off;
@echo on;
#ServerSiteList.xml tells us where the ePO server lives
#SiteMapList.xml is created when the software tries to update itself for the first time
#Agent.ini should aways exist, if we can't find it, we are looking in the wrong place
#If we can't find one of the .xml files, this is a very recent install
@echo on;
if ( ($ssl && $sml) || ($ssl2 && $sml2) )
echo "\r***********\rServerSiteList.xml file exists\rLooks like we have an ePO server somewhere.\r***********\r";
if( prompt "Try to grep out the ePO Server IP?" ) { `grep -mask "$sslist" -pattern ServerIP`; }
if( prompt "Would you like to pull back the configuration file for inspection?" ) { `copyget "$sslist"`; }
}else if ( ($sml && ($ssl != true) ) || ($sml2 && ($ssl2 != true) ) ){
#Stand alone
echo "\rSiteMapList.xml = True\rServerSiteList.xml = False\rLooks like a stand alone install.\r";
}else if( ( ($ssl != true) && ($sml != true) && ($aml != true) ) && ( ($ssl2 != true) && ($sml2 != true) && ($aml2 != true) ) ){
#Wrong path?
echo "\r***************\rCannot Verify Status!\rMost likely cause is the files are not in the default location.\rI checked:\r";
echo "$sslist";
echo "$smlist";
echo "$sslist2";
echo "$smlist2 \r***************\r";
if (prompt "The rest of these checks will probably fail. Should I stop?") { return false; }
}else if( ($aml && $ssl) || ($aml2 && $ssl2) ){
#Fresh agent install? Needs manual verification
echo "\r***********\rServerSiteList.xml file exists but SiteMapList.xml does not.\rLooks like we have an ePO server somewhere.\rThis may be a very recently installed box.\rPAY ATTENTION! NETWORK SECURITY MAY BE INCREASING!\r***********\r";
if( prompt "Try to grep out the ePO Server IP?" ) { `grep -mask "$sslist" -pattern ServerIP`; }
if( prompt "Would you like to pull back the configuration file for inspection?" ) { `copyget "$sslist"`; }
}else if( $aml || $aml2 ){
#We are looking in the right spot
echo "\r***********\rThis looks like a brand new install. No ePO server found.\rPAY ATTENTION! NETWORK SECURITY MAY BE INCREASING!\r***********\r";
echo "\r*************\rIf you are reading this, you've found some weird state. I'm of no use to you. Good luck!\r***********";
return false;
echo "\rCurrent target time for reference is:";
@record on;
@record off;
#Any chance we are in the logs?
string $aplog = "$rootDrive[0]:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\McAfee\\DesktopProtection\\AccessProtectionLog.txt";
string $bolog = "$rootDrive[0]:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\McAfee\\DesktopProtection\\BufferOverflowProtectionLog.txt";
@echo off;
echo "\r+++++++++++++++++++\rChecking out AccessProtectionLog\r+++++++++++++++++++\r";
@record on;
bool $check = `getfileattribs -file "$aplog"`;
@record off;
@echo on;
if ($check)
$fsize = GetCmdData("Size");
$mDate = GetCmdData("ModifiedDate");
$mTime = GetCmdData("ModifiedTime");
echo "AccessProtectionLog details:\rLast modified on $mDate at $mTime \rFile size of $fsize bytes.\r";
if($fsize == 3){ echo "It appears the file is empty"; }
else { if( prompt "Would you like to copyget the file?" ) { `copyget "$aplog"`; } }
echo "Sorry, I cannot find AccessProtectionLog in the default location. I looked in:\r\"$aplog\"\r";
@echo off;
echo "\r+++++++++++++++++++\rChecking out BufferOverflowProtectionLog\r+++++++++++++++++++\r";
@record on;
$check = `getfileattribs -file "$bolog"`;
@record off;
@echo on;
if ($check)
$fsize = GetCmdData("Size");
$mDate = GetCmdData("ModifiedDate");
$mTime = GetCmdData("ModifiedTime");
echo "BufferOverFlowProtectionLog details:\rLast modified on $mDate at $mTime \rFile size of $fsize bytes.\r";
if($fsize == 3){ echo "It appears the file is empty"; }
else { if( prompt "Would you like to copyget the file?" ) { `copyget "$bolog"`; } }
echo "Sorry, I cannot find BufferOverflowProtectionLog in the default location. I looked in:\r\"$bolog\"\r";
@echo on;
echo "\r\rNo longer displaying .xml files on 8.5 boxes. No need.\r\r";
#echo "\r+++++++++++++++++++\rPreparing to list any .xml event files.\rIf you have been logged, you may see evidence of that here.\r+++++++++++++++++++\r";
#echo "This listing has the potential to be very large.\rYou can always background it if it gets out of hand.";
# `dir "$xmlDir\\*"`;
#}else if($xmlDirCheck2){
# `dir "$xmlDir2\\*"`;
# echo "Sorry, I can't find where the xml files might live. I checked\r$xmlDir\r$xmlDir2";