993 lines
24 KiB
993 lines
24 KiB
![]() |
my $version = "finishOp.pl ver 2011.06.01";
my $opbase = 'D:/';
my $oplogs = "Logs/";
# Updated 12/09/2010
# 3/3/09 -- Stores data in to_pp instead of thumbdrive
# 3/4/09 -- Grabs BZ2 from smb share.
# 3/16/09 -- fixed prompt related to bz2 tarballs
# 3/20/09 -- Clarified the share mounting prompts
# 3/24/09 -- copy op.done.by* from share also
# 12/09/10 -- DSZ 1.1 support.
# 01/10/11 -- bugfixes, tweaked zipping for DSZ 1.1 folders to save base folder name in zip dir structure
# detect DSZ 1.1 connection conflicts
# 01/21/11 -- bug fix for systype (search SYSTYPEBUGFIX)
# find all IP directories
use FindBin;
#use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../tools/library';
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use File::Compare;
use Cwd;
use strict;
system ("title=$version");
print "\n$version\n\n";
my $mainpath=cwd();
my (@dirs, $answer, %TargetInOpnotes, @TargetInfo, $line);
my $OpStatus = 'successful';
if (not(-d "y:/")) {
print "\n\n** UNABLE TO DETECT LINUX SHARE **\n\n";
print "** Mount it now to copy PITCH data.\n\n";
print "Hit ENTER when ready or to continue with none.\n\n";
my $zipdisk='d:\\to_pp';
print "Please enter final output directory [$zipdisk]: ";
$answer = <STDIN>;
$zipdisk = $answer if $answer;
$zipdisk =~ s/([^\/\\])$/$1\//;
if (not(-e $zipdisk)) {
#while (! -e $zipdisk) {
# print "Can't find media in $zipdisk\nPlease enter drive of removable media: ";
# $zipdisk = <STDIN>;
# chomp($zipdisk);
# $zipdisk =~ s/[^\/\\]$/$1\//;
# print "Note: Please place *nix bz2 file in \"$zipdisk\" if applicable.\n\n";
my $phoneLog="$zipdisk/phonelog.txt";
my $deleteMe="$zipdisk/deleteme.txt";
#this script is in the Tools dir, so go up one directory to get the opdisk root dir
#(my $opsdisk = $mainpath) =~ s/[\/\\]+[^\/\\]+$//;
my $opsdisk = "D:\\DSZOPSDisk";
print "Please Enter Root Directory of the DSZOPSDisk [$opsdisk]: ";
$answer = <STDIN>;
$opsdisk = $answer if $answer;
while (!( -e $opsdisk)){
print "Can't find DSZOPSDisk in $opsdisk\nPlease Enter Root Directory of the OPSDisk: ";
$opsdisk = <STDIN>;
opendir OPS, $opbase;
my @files = grep { s/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/$opbase$1/ } readdir OPS;
closedir OPS;
opendir OPS, "$opbase$oplogs";
foreach my $file (readdir OPS) {
if ($file eq '..' or $file eq '.') {
push @files, "$opbase$oplogs$file";
closedir OPS;
my @dirs;
while (my $dir = shift(@files)) {
if (-d $dir) {
push @dirs, $dir;
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
print "Found $dir\n";
# Note project of targets
my %project=();
# Note system type of targets
my %systype=();
######find opnotes and copy into all directories
print "Finding opnotes.\n";
my @opnotes=();
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
if (-e "$dir/opnotes.txt") {
push @opnotes, "$dir/opnotes.txt";
if (-e "$dir/router.log") {
if (-e "$dir/pbx.log") {
if (-e "$dir/FTP_ScreenDump") {
my $opnotes=$opnotes[0];
if (scalar(@opnotes) > 1) {
# TODO: decide on an opnotes to use; maybe most recently changed or largest
if (not(-e $opnotes)) {
print "Couldn't find opnotes; trying opnotes in disk, $opnotes\n";
if (not(-e $opnotes)) {
print STDERR "Couldn't find any opnotes!!!!\n";
print STDERR "Hit return to continue, or ^C and go put your opnotes where I can find them (named opnotes.txt, in\n";
print STDERR " $zipdisk or the top-level of one of the ops directories.\n";
########## get project name
# TODO: write this into top of opnotes.txt if it's not already there
#any IPs with nonstandard projects should ask for later
my $defaultProject="";
open OPNOTES, $opnotes;
while ($line=<OPNOTES>) {
if ($line =~ /^project:\s*(\S+?)\s*$/i) {
close OPNOTES;
while ($defaultProject eq "") {
print "!!!! Whoa! Couldn't find default project name! You may want to check $opnotes and cancel out here!\n";
print "Please enter the project name for this op: ";
$defaultProject =~ s/\s*$//;
$defaultProject =~ s/^\s*//;
#### get true project names
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
if ($dir !~ /\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/ ) {
# project folders are easy
$dir =~ /.+[\/\\]([^\/\\]+)$/;
$project{$dir} = $1;
print "Enter project for $dir [$defaultProject]: ";
my $project=<STDIN>;
if ($project eq "") {
# Also get system type
unless ($systype{$dir}) {
# Override system type with directory name if it's named appropriately
if ($dir =~ /\b[\d._]+([a-zA-Z])$/) {
#print "Adding in local information.\n";
my $phoneWaiting=0;
#if (!(-e $phoneLog)) {
# my $tempp;
# print "$phoneLog Not Found!\r\n Is there a phonelog for finishOP to insert into the OP notes?[y/n]: ";
# $tempp = <STDIN>;
# $tempp =~ s/\n//g;
# if($tempp =~ /y/i){
# print "Please enter in the full path to phonelog.txt: ";
# $tempp = <STDIN>;
# $tempp =~ s/\n//g;
# $phoneLog = $tempp;
# $phoneWaiting=1;
# }
# $phoneWaiting=1;
my $hostWaiting=1;
my $hostname=`hostname`;
my $hostline="Ops Machine: $hostname";
open OPOLD, "$opnotes";
my @oldopnotes=<OPOLD>;
close OPOLD;
if (grep /^$hostline$/, @oldopnotes) {
} else {
my $newopnotes="$opnotes.new";
open OPNEW, ">$opnotes.new";
open OPOLD, "$opnotes";
while ($line=<OPOLD>) {
# capture target notes
if ($line =~ /^(NOTE|DONOTRUN|ERROR|IGNORE)\s*\(([^\(\)]*?)\)\s*:?\s*(\S.*)$/) {
my ($type, $target, $comment) = ($1,$2,$3);
if (-d "$opbase/$target") {
open TARGETNOTES, ">>$opbase/$target/targetnotes.txt";
print TARGETNOTES "$type: $comment\n";
} else {
print STDERR "Error! Couldn't find directory $opbase/$target to put target comment in:\n";
print STDERR " $line";
if ($line =~ /Results/) {
if ($phoneWaiting) {
open PHONE, $phoneLog;
print OPNEW "## From $phoneLog\n";
while (my $line=<PHONE>) {
print OPNEW $line;
print OPNEW "\n";
close PHONE;
if ($hostWaiting) {
print OPNEW "$hostline\n";
if ($line =~ /\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/) {
$TargetInOpnotes{$1}++ while ($line =~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/g);
push(@TargetInfo, $line) if ($line =~ /\>.+(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/);
if ($line =~ /^\s*Op Status\:/) {
$OpStatus = 'unsuccessful';
print OPNEW $line;
# Try printing out at the end, in case you didn't find a "Results" line in the opnotes
if ($phoneWaiting) {
open PHONE, $phoneLog;
print OPNEW "## From $phoneLog\n";
while ($line=<PHONE>) {
print OPNEW $line;
print OPNEW "\n";
close PHONE;
if ($hostWaiting) {
print OPNEW "$hostline\n";
close OPOLD;
close OPNEW;
if (($phoneWaiting==0) and (-e $phoneLog)) {
print "\n\nOverall ops status is \"$OpStatus\" - is this correct? [Y/n]: ";
$answer = <STDIN>;
print "You can correct the status by answering \"y\" to edit the opnotes below.\n\n" if ($answer =~ /n/i);
my $opnotes_problem = 0;
my @targets;
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
if ($dir !~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/) {
opendir OPS, $dir;
# omit all IPs with a 0 at the start and trim the z
my @iplist = grep { s/^z([1-9]\d{0,2}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/$1/ } readdir OPS;
closedir OPS;
push @targets, @iplist;
} else {
# old IP dir, add it to the list
push @targets, $1;
foreach my $targetip (@targets) {
unless (exists($TargetInOpnotes{$targetip})) {
print "\n$targetip wasn't found in the opnotes, though it has a data directory.\n";
print "If this IP address was accessed (or even just attempted) during the op,\n";
print "please add it and the full domain to the opnotes\n\n";
$opnotes_problem = 1;
&EditOpNotes($opnotes) if ($opnotes_problem);
print "\n\n******************** target info from opnotes ********************\n";
print "Each target should have IP(s), full domain name, and appropriate labels:\n";
print "- project (if different than main project)\n";
print "- *nix/firewall/router (for non-Windows targets)\n";
print "- unsuccessful (if not reached)\n\n";
foreach $line (@TargetInfo) {
print $line;
print "^^^^^^ Incomplete or missing domain name? Please list if known. ^^^^^^\n"
unless $line =~ /\d*[a-zA-Z]+\d*\.\d*[a-zA-Z]+\d*/;
print "\n******************************************************************\n\n";
# copy opnotes and writing project name into all directories
print "Copying opnotes and writing project name to all directories\n";
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
open PROJECT, ">$dir/project.txt";
print PROJECT $project{$dir};
print PROJECT "\n";
close PROJECT;
open PROJECT, ">$dir/systype.txt";
if ($systype{$dir}) {
print PROJECT $systype{$dir};
} else {
print PROJECT 'w';
print PROJECT "\n";
close PROJECT;
if ("$dir/opnotes.txt" eq $opnotes) {
if (-e "$dir/opnotes.txt") {
############ run renamer
print "Running renamer.exe and dotrenamer\n";
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
# check for any darkskyline logs
# &doDSParser($dir);
# check for any IDS systems on machine
# should already be done in idslogger.eps
# &doBootdepth($dir);
# run renamer.exe in all directories
# This also takes care of renaming copyget
########### detect DSZ 1.1 connection conflicts
print "Checking DSZ 1.1 data for connection conflicts... (no output is a good thing)\n";
while (1) {
my $conflict = 0;
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
next unless ($dir !~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/);
opendir OPS, "$dir";
my @zdirs = grep { /^z/ } readdir OPS;
closedir OPS;
foreach my $z (@zdirs) {
opendir OPS, "$dir/$z";
my @hostinfos = grep { /^hostinfo.*\.txt$/ } readdir OPS;
closedir OPS;
my $master = shift @hostinfos;
foreach my $hostinfo (@hostinfos) {
if (compare_macs("$dir/$z/$master", "$dir/$z/$hostinfo") != 0) {
print "Conflict detected! $dir/$z/$hostinfo differs from others.\n";
$conflict = 1;
if ($conflict) {
system('color c');
print "
Here is a command shell. Exiting this shell will return to this script,
which will then recheck for conflicts.
Good luck.
} else {
########### zip up directories
print "Remember to save the netmon capture.\n";
my $winzip="C:/Program Files/WinZip/WZZIP.EXE";
if (-e $winzip) {
print "Remember to finish any op notes and save the capture file.\n";
print "About to zip up directories. (Hit enter to continue.)\n";
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
} else {
print "Couldn't find $winzip; please install command-line winzip here.\n";
print "Can't yet command-line zip up directories. Do it yourself, please. Hit return when done.\n";
print "Remember to finish any op notes and save the capture file.\n";
############### move directories
my $date=`date /t`;
if ($date =~ /(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)/) {
} else {
my $tempNum=0;
my $opdir="${zipdisk}/${date}_$defaultProject";
while (-e $opdir) {
print "$opdir exists; renaming\n";
if (not(-e $opdir)) {
my $backpath="${opbase}/Old_ops";
#if (not(-d $backpath)) {
# print STDERR "No backup directory $backpath! Will backup to Zip drive.\n";
# $backpath="${zipdisk}/Old_ops";
my $backupdir="$backpath/$date/${date}_$defaultProject";
while (-e $backupdir) {
print "$backupdir exists; renaming\n";
$backupdir = "$backpath/$date/${date}_$defaultProject$tempNum";
if (not(-e $backupdir)) {
print "Backup dir is $backupdir\n";
print "Op dir is $opdir\n";
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
# copy zip
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
# move dir
##### copy any UNIX .tar.bz2 files
if (-d "y:/")
my $source = "y:/";
opendir ZIP, "$source/";
my @files=readdir ZIP;
closedir ZIP;
@files = grep /(^op.done.by|\d{8}-\d{4}\.tar\.bz2$)/, @files;
foreach my $file (@files) {
my $response = "";
while ($response !~ /^[yn]$/i) {
print "Move $file into $opdir? [y]/n: ";
if ($response eq "") {
$response = "y";
if ($response =~ /y/i) {
# copy $file into backup directory as well
unless (grep /bz2$/, @files) {
print "\n\n**********************************************************************\n";
print "\n\nNOTE: no Unix bz2 files found in $zipdisk. If you have any Unix data,\n";
print "including pitchimpair(s), you must move this manually to your media!!\n";
print "**********************************************************************\n\n";
my $remove="$mainpath/removeOldOps.pl";
unless (-e $remove) {
unless (-e $remove) {
unless (-e $remove) {
if (-e $remove) {
print "Removing old op files.\n";
system("$remove > $deleteMe");
if (-e $deleteMe) {
#Make sure all files were copied to the zip - alert user if any are missing
opendir(DIR, $backupdir) or warn "Can't list $backupdir: $!\n";
while(defined($_ = readdir(DIR))) {
next unless (/\.zip$/ || /\.bz2$/);
if (! -e "$opdir\\$_") {
warn "\n\n!!! $_ wasn't copied to your removable media !!!\n Make sure there is enough space, then copy this manually.\n\n";
closedir DIR;
print "\n\n*Files moved. Run the copy script now.*\n\n";
print "All done. Thank you, please come again. (Hit return to exit)\n";
sub zipDir {
my $dir=shift();
my $zipname="$dir.zip";
if (-e $zipname) {
print STDERR "Hey! $zipname Already exists! Remove it, then hit return to continue.\n";
print STDERR "(Or enter 'skip' to skip this)\n";
my $response=<STDIN>;
if ($response eq 'skip') {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
if ($dir =~ /(\d+\.){3}\d+/) {
# if IP folder do it the old way
if (system("\"$winzip\" -rp $zipname $dir/* > $deleteMe")!=0) {
print STDERR "Error zipping!\n";
} else {
# else DSZ 1.1 way (save base folder name)
$dir =~ /[\/\\]([^\/\\]+)$/;
my $projdir = $1;
chdir "D:\\Logs";
if (system("\"$winzip\" -rP $zipname $projdir/* > $deleteMe")!=0) {
print STDERR "Error zipping!\n";
return 1;
chdir "D:\\";
sub getIP {
my $dir=shift();
if ($dir =~ /\/([\d.]+)_?\w?\/?$/) {
return $1;
} else {
return "";
sub moveFiles {
my $dir=shift();
my $ip=&getIP($dir);
# if ($ip eq "") {
# print STDERR "moveFiles could not get ip from $dir. Skipping.\n";
# return 1;
# }
my $backupname = $ip;
if ($ip eq "") {
$dir =~ /.{3}(.+)/;
$backupname = $1;
while (-e "$backupdir/$backupname") {
print STDERR "Renaming $backupname to $backupname\_, to avoid duplication\n";
if (not(-e $backupdir)) {
print STDERR "$backupdir did not exist!\n";
if (not(-e "$backupdir\\Logs")) {
if (-e $dir) {
if (not(rename("$dir","$backupdir/$backupname"))) {
print STDERR "Couldn't rename $dir to $backupdir/$backupname: $!\n";
print STDERR "Please close all access to the directory, then hit return.\n";
print STDERR "(Or enter 'skip' to skip this)\n";
my $response=<STDIN>;
if ($response eq 'skip') {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
my $project = $project{$dir};
my $origZipName="$dir.zip";
my $targetZipName;
if ($ip eq "") {
$targetZipName = "$backupdir/$project.zip";
} else {
$targetZipName = "$backupdir/$project.$ip.zip";
print "Archiving: $origZipName to $targetZipName\n";
if (not(rename($origZipName,$targetZipName))) {
print STDERR "Couldn't rename $origZipName to $targetZipName ($!) Skipping.\n";
return 1;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
print "There was an error moving $dir. Fix manually or find help.\n";
return 1;
print STDERR "You are a monkey.\n";
return 1;
sub copyZip {
my $dir=shift();
my $ip=&getIP($dir);
# if ($ip eq "") {
# print STDERR "copyZip could not get ip from $dir. Skipping.\n";
# return 1;
# }
my $origZipName="$dir.zip";
if (not(-e $origZipName)) {
if (not(-e $origZipName)) {
print STDERR "Whoa. Did you forget about $dir? Zip it now. Hit return when you zipped it.\n";
print STDERR "(Or enter 'skip' to skip this)\n";
my $response=<STDIN>;
if ($response eq 'skip') {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
my $project=$project{$dir};
my $zipName;
if ($ip eq "") {
$zipName = $project;
} else {
$zipName ="$project.$ip";
if (-e "$opdir/$zipName.zip") {
print STDERR "Whoa!!! $opdir/$zipName.zip already exists. Please move it, then hit return to continue.\n";
print STDERR "(Or enter 'skip' to skip this)\n";
my $response=<STDIN>;
if ($response eq 'skip') {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
return 0;
if (not(copy($origZipName,"$opdir/$zipName.zip"))) {
print STDERR "!!! Couldn't copy $dir.zip to zipdisk ($!)!!! Skipping.\n";
return 1;
} else {
return 1;
print STDERR "You are a monkey.\n";
return 1;
sub retryUntilOkay {
my $subroutine=shift();
my @args=@_;
my $return=0;
while ($return==0) {
# unless ($return) {
# print STDERR "Bad retval ($return) with @args\n";
# }
return 1;
sub doBootdepth {
my $dir=shift();
if (not(-e "$dir/bootdepth.log")) {
my $bootDir="$mainpath/bootdepth";
my $bootdepth="$bootDir/bootdepth.pl";
if (-e $bootdepth) {
my $sysline="perl $bootdepth -x $bootDir -d $dir";
print "Running $bootdepth in $dir\n";
sub doDSParser {
my ($dir,$maindir)=@_;
if ((defined($dir)) and
not(defined($maindir))) {
return &doDSParser($dir,$dir);
print "DS parsing $dir ($maindir)\n";
my $ip=&getIP($maindir);
opendir DIR, $dir;
my @files=readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
foreach my $file (@files) {
# print " checking $file\n";
if ($file =~ /^\.\.?$/) {
if ($file =~ /^vga_ds.tff_(?:all_)?(.*)/i) {
my $sysline="$opsdisk/resources/darkskyline/DS_ParseLogs.exe $dir/$file ${ip}_$1";
print "Found DarkSkyline log: parsing out capture files.\n";
print " running $sysline\n";
my $dsDir="$maindir/darkskyline";
if (not(mkdir($dsDir))) {
print STDERR "Couldn't make directory $dsDir!\n";
print " results will be put in $dsDir\n";
if (-d "$dir/$file") {
sub dorenamer {
my ($dir,$maindir)=@_;
if ((defined($dir)) and
not(defined($maindir))) {
return &dorenamer($dir,$dir);
my $renamerLog="$dir/FILE_NAME_CONVERSION.LOG";
my $globalRenamerLog="$maindir/FILE_NAME_CONVERSION.LOG";
if (not(-e $renamerLog)) {
my $tempdir=cwd();
print("Running c:/batch/renamer.exe in $tempdir\n");
if (system("c:/batch/renamer.exe > $deleteMe") != 0) {
# TODO: put this back in once renamer doesn't break when not renaming any files
print STDERR "Error running renamer in $tempdir!!!!!!\n";
print STDERR "Run manually, please. Hit return when ready to continue.\n";
} else {
# TODO: change this to always run (will append, not overwrite)
print "$renamerLog already exists.\n";
if (-s $renamerLog) {
} else {
opendir DIR, $dir;
my @files=readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ($file =~ /^\.\.?$/) {
if (-d "$dir/$file") {
# This actually does copyget as well
# TODO: incorporate main renamer in here as well
sub dodotrenamer {
my ($dir,$maindir)=@_;
if ((defined($dir)) and
not(defined($maindir))) {
return &dodotrenamer($dir,$dir);
my $renamerLog="$dir/FILE_NAME_CONVERSION.LOG";
my $copygetRenamerLog="$dir/COPYGET_NAME_CONVERSION.LOG";
my $globalRenamerLog="$maindir/FILE_NAME_CONVERSION.LOG";
my $copygetLog="$dir/copyget.log";
my $globalCopygetLog="$maindir/copyget.log";
my $tempdir=cwd();
# print("Running c:/batch/dotrenamer.pl in $tempdir\n");
if (system("c:/batch/dotrenamer.pl -pattern Q > $deleteMe") != 0) {
print STDERR "Error running dotrenamer in $tempdir!!!!!!\n";
print STDERR "Run manually, please. Hit return when ready to continue.\n";
if (-s $renamerLog) {
} else {
if (-s $copygetLog) {
if (-s $copygetRenamerLog) {
opendir DIR, $dir;
my @files=readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ($file =~ /^\.\.?$/) {
if (-d "$dir/$file") {
sub append {
my ($input, $mainfile)=@_;
if ($input eq $mainfile) {
print "Appending $input to $mainfile\n";
open INPUT, $input or print STDERR "Can't open $input for reading!\n";
my $stripUniHeader=0;
if (-e $mainfile) {
open MAIN, ">>$mainfile" or print STDERR "Can't open $mainfile for appending!\n";
my $line;
if (defined($line=<INPUT>)) {
if ($stripUniHeader) {
$line =~ s/^\xff\xfe//;
if ($line) {
print MAIN $line;
while (defined($line=<INPUT>)) {
print MAIN $line;
close MAIN;
close INPUT;
sub EditOpNotes {
my $opnotes = shift;
print "Would you like to edit the $opnotes file now? y/[N] : ";
my $temp = <STDIN>;
if ($temp =~ /\s*y/i) {
print "exit opnotes to continue...\n\n";
system("notepad $opnotes");
sub compare_macs {
my ($file1, $file2) = @_;
my @macs;
open FILE1, "<$file1";
while (my $i = <FILE1>) {
if ($i =~ /MAC/i ) {
push @macs, $i;
close FILE1;
my $fail = 1;
open FILE2, "<$file2";
while (my $i = <FILE2>) {
if ($i =~ /MAC/i) {
foreach my $m (@macs) {
if ($i eq $m) {
$fail = 0;
close FILE2;
return $fail;