487 lines
14 KiB
487 lines
14 KiB
# File: MailUsers.epm
# Modifications:
# 15 Apr 2004 Created
# 17 May 2004 Modified
# 17 Feb 2005 Modified to make listing mail users a top menu option
# 23 Jan 2006 Added option to main menu to just allow entering a user's
# database file without listing all users.
# Added message to the bottom of the user listing which
# gives the default path
# If the user chooses to copy the names.nsf file, by default,
# it is copied to the temp directory and the filename
# is prefaced with ~ and suffixed with .tmp
# A note was added to warn the user that copying the names.nsf
# database should only be done when the attempt to open
# the database has failed. The user is given a prompt
# about opening the database whenever the script is ended
# in an abnormal manner and this cannot be avoided. In
# these scenarios, the user should answer NO to the prompt.
@include "_FileExists.epm";
sub LotusMailUsers(IN BOOL $LNPathFound, IN STRING $dataPath, REF STRING $mailFile, REF STRING $firstName, REF STRING $lastName, REF STRING $internetAddress, IN INT $choice) {
# If Domino server, list Lotus Notes mail users. Otherwise, list contacts.
@echo off;
bool $ok = false;
string $destDirCopy = "";
string $srcDirCopy = "";
string $theDirPath = "";
string $theDirFile = "";
string $newDirFile = "";
string $testDirExt = "";
string $testColon = "";
int $dirFileCnt = 0;
string $theFile = "";
string $thePath = "";
string $dbnames="names.nsf";
string $listing = "";
string $userType = "";
bool $addrBookFound = true;
ifnot ($mailFile == "") {
PrintUsers($mailFile, $firstName, $lastName, $internetAddress, $dataPath, $choice);
return true;
if ($choice == 3) {
# Only Lotus Notes Client found on machine
if ($LNPathFound) {
echo "Since only the Lotus Client was found, mail databases cannot be listed.\r\nOnly the contact listing is available.";
$userType = "contacts";
else {
$userType = "mail users";
# Modified to just list users without asking if names.nsf is correct directory file
if (_FileExists($dbnames, "$dataPath")) {
$dbnames = "names.nsf";
echo "\r\nOpening the Lotus Notes Directory to list $userType. The\r\nDirectory file, names.nsf, has been located.";
# List lotus notes mail users or contacts
@record on;
$ok = `lotusnotesmailusers -db "$dbnames"`;
@record off;
else {
$addrBookFound = false;
echo "\r\nAddress Book/Directory Listing, \r\n$dataPath\\$dbnames, was not found";
$dbnames = "";
while ($addrBookFound == false) {
if (prompt "\r\nTry again using a new file name?") {
$dbnames = GetInput("\r\nEnter a new name for the Notes Directory\r\n(relative to $dataPath or full path)");
if ($dbnames == "quit") {
return false;
else {
return false;
# Check for existence of mail database before attempting to open
string $dbStr = "";
ifnot ($dbnames == "") {
# Test if database file exists on system before attempting to open it
# Use split with . as the delimeter to strip off .nsf file extension
echo "Verifying that file selected exists";
string $thePath = splitPath($dbnames);
string $theFile = $thePath[1];
string $testExt = split(".", $theFile);
string $newFile;
if (sizeof($testExt) == 1) {
$newFile = "$theFile.nsf";
else {
$newFile = $theFile;
$testColon = split(":", $thePath);
if (sizeof($testColon) == 2) {
$dbStr = "$thePath\\$newFile";
else {
if ($thePath == "") {
$dbStr = "$dataPath\\$newFile";
else {
$dbStr = "$dataPath\\$thePath\\$newFile";
if (_FileExists($dbStr, "")) {
echo "Database file, $dbStr, found";
# Try to List lotus notes mail users or contacts with new file name
@record on;
echo "Attempting to list $userType";
$ok = `lotusnotesmailusers -db "$dbnames"`;
$addrBookFound = true;
else {
echo "Database file, $dbStr, not found";
$addrBookFound = false;
# The Lotus Notes Directory could not be opened
# Possibly it is already open, so see if the user wants to make a copy and try again.
ifnot ($ok) {
echo "\r\nPLEASE NOTE: The following prompt may be the result of a CTRL-C or some other\r\nunexpected condition. If so, just say NO to the prompt! However, if you were\r\nin the process of opening a database which appears to be locked, consider\r\nmaking a copy.";
if(prompt "\r\nThe database required to obtain Lotus Notes users could not be opened or\r\ncontains 0 entries. This problem may be occurring because the database\r\nis already opened. Would you like to make a copy of the database and\r\ntry again?") {
# Get the temp directory
string $tempDir = "";
string $dbNamesCopy = "";
$srcDirCopy = "$dataPath\\$dbnames";
@record on;
$ok = `getsyspaths`;
@record off;
ifnot ($ok) {
echo "retrieving temp directory path failed";
else {
$tempDir = GetCmdData("temporaryPath");
$dbnames = "~$dbnames";
string $tmp = ".tmp";
$dbnames = "$dbnames$tmp";
$dbNamesCopy = "$tempDir$dbnames";
echo "\r\nDefault file name for storing the temporary copy: $dbNamesCopy";
if (prompt "\r\nIs this path/name for the file copy acceptable?") {
$destDirCopy[$dirFileCnt] = $dbNamesCopy;
else {
$dbNamesCopy = "";
if ($dbNamesCopy == "") {
$dbNamesCopy = GetInput("Enter a new file name for the copy of the Notes Directory database");
if ($dbNamesCopy == "quit") {
return false;
# $srcDirCopy = "$dataPath\\$dbnames";
string $theDirPath = splitPath($dbNamesCopy);
$theDirFile = $theDirPath[1];
$testDirExt = split(".", $theDirFile);
if (sizeof($testDirExt) == 1) {
$newDirFile = "$theDirFile.nsf";
else {
$newDirFile = $theDirFile;
string $testColon = split(":", $theDirPath);
if (sizeof($testColon) == 2) {
$destDirCopy[$dirFileCnt] = "$theDirPath\\$newDirFile";
else {
if ($theDirPath == "") {
$theDirPath = splitPath($srcDirCopy);
$destDirCopy[$dirFileCnt] = "$theDirPath\\$newDirFile";
else {
$destDirCopy[$dirFileCnt] = "$theDirPath\\$newDirFile";
if (prompt "\r\nAbout to copy $srcDirCopy to $destDirCopy[$dirFileCnt]--Continue?") {
@record on;
$ok = `copy "$srcDirCopy" "$destDirCopy[$dirFileCnt]"`;
@record off;
ifnot ($ok) {
echo "copy command failed";
return false;
else {
echo "copy successful\r\n";
echo "\r\nAttempting to list mail users: \r\n";
else {
return false;
$dbnames = $destDirCopy[$DirFileCnt];
@record on;
$ok = `lotusnotesmailusers -db "$dbnames"`;
@record off;
else {
$addrBookFound = false;
@record off;
# If the Lotus Notes Directory was found and opened successfully, then list out the users/contacts
if ($ok && $addrBookFound) {
$firstName = GetCmdData("firstName");
$lastName = GetCmdData("lastName");
$mailFile = GetCmdData("mailFile");
$internetAddress = GetCmdData("internetAddress");
ifnot (defined($firstName) && defined($lastName) && defined($mailFile) && defined($internetAddress)) {
echo " FAILED (all values not defined)";
else {
PrintUsers($mailFile, $firstName, $lastName, $internetAddress, $dataPath, $choice);
# Delete copy of directory
int $index = 0;
while ($index < $dirFileCnt) {
ifnot ($destDirCopy[$index] == "") {
if (prompt "\r\nDelete directory copy, $destDirCopy[$index]?") {
$thePath = splitPath($destDirCopy[$index]);
$theFile = $thePath[1];
$ok = `del "$theFile" -path "$thePath"`;
if ($ok) {
echo "$destDirCopy[$index] deleted successfully";
$dirFileCnt = 0;
# option is for entering user (#2)
else {
PrintUsers($mailFile, $firstName, $lastName, $internetAddress, $dataPath, $choice);
return true;
# end LotusMailUsers
# Print Mail Users to screen
Sub PrintUsers(IN STRING $mailFile, IN STRING $firstName, IN STRING $lastName, IN STRING $internetAddress, IN STRING $dataPath, IN INT $choice) {
bool $invaliddb = true;
string $curMailPath = "";
string $dbfile = "";
bool $badAnswer = true;
string $curMaildb = "";
int $answer = 0;
string $username = "";
string $internetAddr = "";
while ($invaliddb) {
if ($choice == 2) {
$curMaildb = GetEnv("kl_dbfile");
$curMailPath = splitPath($curMaildb);
if ($curMailPath == "") {
$curMailPath = $dataPath;
string $dbFileStr = GetInput("\r\nEnter name of mail database (relative to $curMailPath\\ or\r\nfull path)--enter \"quit\" to return to main menu");
if ($dbFileStr == "quit") {
# SetEnv("kl_dbfile", "None Selected");
return false;
else {
$dbfile = $dbFileStr;
# force answer to number of users to get the correct path
$answer = sizeof($mailFile);
$badAnswer = false;
else {
int $i = 0;
int $j = 1;
echo "\r\n Users Mail Database Internet Address\r\n";
# echo "\r\n Lotus Notes Users\r\n";
string $spaces = "";
string $spacesForNum = "";
string $spaces1 = " ";
string $spaces2 = " ";
echo "0. Exit to Main Menu\r\n";
while ($i < sizeof($mailFile)) {
int $numLen = strlen("$j");
int $k = 0;
$spacesForNum = "";
while ($k < $numLen) {
$spacesForNum = "$spacesForNum ";
int $lineLen = $numLen;
int $fNameLen = strlen($firstName[$i]);
int $lNameLen = strlen($lastName[$i]);
int $mailFileLen = strlen($mailFile[$i]);
int $addrLen = strlen($internetAddress[$i]);
$k = 0;
while ($k < $fNameLen) {
$k = 0;
while ($k < $lNameLen) {
$spaces1 = " ";
while ($lineLen < 23) {
$spaces1 = "$spaces1 ";
$k = 0;
while ($k < $mailFileLen) {
$spaces2 = " ";
while ($lineLen < 39) {
$spaces2 = "$spaces2 ";
if ($fNameLen > 0) {
$spaces = " ";
else {
$spaces = "";
$spaces1 = "$spaces1 ";
echo "$j. $firstName[$i]$spaces$lastName[$i]$spaces1$mailFile[$i]$spaces2$internetAddress[$i]";
# echo "$j. Name : $firstName[$i]$spaces$lastName[$i]\r\n$spacesForNum Mail Database : $dataPath\\$mailFile[$i]\r\n$spacesForNum Internet Address: $internetAddress[$i]\r\n";
echo " ";
echo "$j. Allow User to Type Name of Mail Database File";
$badAnswer = true;
$answer = 0;
$dbfile = "";
$curMailPath = "";
while ($badAnswer) {
$answer = GetInput("\r\nEnter the number corresponding to the mail database to open");
if ($answer < sizeof($mailFile)) {
if ($answer == -1) {
return false;
else if ($answer > -1) {
$badAnswer = false;
else {
$badAnswer = true;
echo "Invalid response -- try again!";
else if ($answer == sizeof($mailFile)) {
$curMaildb = GetEnv("kl_dbfile");
$curMailPath = splitPath($curMaildb);
if ($curMailPath == "") {
$curMailPath = $dataPath;
string $dbFileStr = GetInput("\r\nEnter name of mail database (relative to $curMailPath\\ or\r\nfull path)");
if ($dbFileStr == "quit") {
# SetEnv("kl_dbfile", "None Selected");
else {
$dbfile = $dbFileStr;
$badAnswer = false;
else {
$badAnswer = true;
echo "Invalid response -- try again!";
$username = "";
# $internetAddr = "";
# User chose mail database from menu
ifnot ($answer == sizeof($mailFile)) {
$username = "$firstName[$answer] $lastName[$answer]";
$dbfile = $mailFile[$answer];
$internetAddr = $internetAddress[$answer];
# Check for existence of chosen mail database
string $dbStr = "";
string $newFile = "";
ifnot ($dbfile == "") {
# Test if database file exists on system before attempting to open it
# Use split with . as the delimeter to strip off .nsf file extension
echo "Verifying that mail database selected exists";
string $thePath = splitPath($dbfile);
string $theFile = $thePath[1];
string $testExt = split(".", $theFile);
if (sizeof($testExt) == 1) {
$newFile = "$theFile.nsf";
else {
$newFile = $theFile;
string $testColon = split(":", $thePath);
if (sizeof($testColon) == 2) {
$dbStr = "$thePath\\$newFile";
else {
if ($thePath == "") {
ifnot ($answer == sizeof($mailFile)) {
$dbStr = "$dataPath\\$newFile";
else {
$dbStr = "$curMailPath\\$newFile";
else {
#user chose mail user from menu
ifnot ($answer == sizeof($mailFile)) {
$dbStr = "$dataPath\\$thePath\\$newFile";
#user typed in a user
else {
$dbStr = "$curMailPath\\$thePath\\$newFile";
if (_FileExists($dbStr, "")) {
echo "Database file, $dbStr, found";
$invaliddb = false;
SetEnv ("kl_dbfile", $dbStr);
SetEnv ("kl_username", $username);
SetEnv ("kl_internetAddr", $internetAddr);
else {
echo "\r\nDatabase file, $dbStr, not found";
else {
echo "\r\nMail database for this user cannot be found. Please select another user.\r\n";