103 lines
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103 lines
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import ftplib, hashlib, zipfile, binascii
import os, os.path, sys, time, StringIO
from globalconfig import config
ftphost = config['hosts']['ftp']
def zip_file(infilename, outfilename=''):
if (infilename == outfilename):
raise Exception('You have tried to zip something into itself, that is a problem, quitting...')
if (outfilename == ''):
outfilename = (infilename + '.zip')
outzip = zipfile.ZipFile(outfilename, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
outzip.write(infilename, os.path.split(infilename)[1])
def zippath(dirname, outfilename):
normdirname = os.path.normpath(dirname).lower()
normfilename = os.path.normpath(outfilename).lower()
if os.path.split(normfilename)[0].startswith(normdirname):
raise Exception('You have tried to zip something into itself, that is a problem, quitting...')
outzip = zipfile.ZipFile(outfilename, 'w')
for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(dirname):
zippath = root.replace(dirname, '')
for filename in files:
outzip.write(((root + os.sep) + filename), ((zippath + os.sep) + filename))
def getSuite():
f = open('C:\\suite.txt', 'r')
a = f.read()
return int(a)
return 0
def ftpfile(filename, ftpdir='fast'):
if (ftpdir not in config):
raise Exception('No credentials available for directory {0}.'.format(ftpdir))
elif ('username' not in config[ftpdir]):
raise Exception('No username available for directory {0}.'.format(ftpdir))
elif ('password' not in config[ftpdir]):
raise Exception('No password available for directory {0}.'.format(ftpdir))
username = config[ftpdir]['username']
password = config[ftpdir]['password']
ftpsock = ftplib.FTP(ftphost, username, password)
remotename = filename.split(os.sep)[(-1)]
f = open(filename, 'rb')
ziphash = hashlib.md5()
md5stream = StringIO.StringIO((binascii.hexlify(ziphash.digest()) + (' *%s' % remotename)))
ftpsock.storbinary(('STOR %s' % remotename), f)
ftpsock.storbinary(('STOR %s' % (remotename + '.md5')), md5stream)
print 'Exception while trying to FTP files'
print sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]
def main(infilename, outdir='', outfilebasename='', destfolder='fast', outfilename=''):
if (outdir == ''):
outdir = config['paths']['tmp']
if (outfilebasename == ''):
outfilebasename = os.path.split(infilename)[1].replace('.', '_')
if (outfilename == ''):
now = time.gmtime()
outfilename = ('%s-W-%s-%d%s%s-%s%s.zip' % (outfilebasename, str(getSuite()), now.tm_year, str(now.tm_mon).ljust(2, '0'), str(now.tm_mday).ljust(2, '0'), str(now.tm_hour).ljust(2, '0'), str(now.tm_min).ljust(2, '0')))
print ('Making %s' % ((outdir + os.sep) + outfilename))
if os.path.isdir(infilename):
zippath(infilename, ((outdir + os.sep) + outfilename))
elif os.path.isfile(infilename):
zip_file(infilename, ((outdir + os.sep) + outfilename))
raise Exception('The given path does not exist')
print ('Sending %s to %s' % (((outdir + os.sep) + outfilename), destfolder))
ftpfile(((outdir + os.sep) + outfilename), destfolder)
if (__name__ == '__main__'):
i = 1
(infile, outfile, dest) = ('', '', 'fast')
if (len(sys.argv) < 3):
print ('Usage: %s -Options-\n\n -i or --infilename [filename]\n File or directory name to FTP (must be specified)\n\n -o or --outfilename [filenameprefix]\n Name to give zip file (defaults to infilename)\n\n -dd or --destdir [fast|imps|slow|...]\n Destination directory on FTP server (defaults to fast)\n\n -di or --destip [FTP_server_IP]\n IP of FTP server (defaults to that given in C:\\utils\\config.cfg, currently %s)' % (sys.argv[0], ftphost))
while (i < len(sys.argv)):
option = sys.argv[i]
if ((option == '--outfilename') or (option == '-o')):
outfile = sys.argv[(i + 1)]
i += 2
elif ((option == '--infilename') or (option == '-i')):
infile = sys.argv[(i + 1)]
i += 2
elif ((option == '--destdir') or (option == '-dd')):
dest = sys.argv[(i + 1)]
i += 2
elif ((option == '--destip') or (option == '-di')):
ftphost = sys.argv[(i + 1)]
i += 2
print ('Invalid option %s' % sys.argv[i])
raise Exception(('Invalid option %s' % sys.argv[i]))
main(infile, outfilebasename=outfile, destfolder=dest)
print 'Sent your file successfully'