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import sys
import truantchild
import exma
from optparse import OptionParser
import logging
import ctypes
# @todo coli needs a logger that will duplicate output to stdout and the file
# ID - sha1 of Name-Maj.Min.Rev of the version number. See EDF/noarch/EDF-CMake/
class ExploitConfigError(ValueError):
def get_logger(logfile):
# configure the root logger
logger = logging.getLogger()
if logfile is not None:
fh = logging.FileHandler(logfile, mode="w")
fhFormatter = logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)-8s] %(filename)-18s (line %(lineno)-4s) -- %(message)s')
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
chFormatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")
return logger
class CommandlineWrapper(object):
def __init__(self):
# This takes care of addWrapperInputs
self.__coli_parser = OptionParser()
self.__coli_parser.add_option("--InConfig", dest="InConfig", help="The Input XML file" )
self.__coli_parser.add_option("--OutConfig", dest="OutConfig", default=sys.stdout,
help="Output XML file")
self.__coli_parser.add_option("--LogFile", dest="LogFile", default=None,
help="Truantchild log file")
self.__coli_parser.add_option("--ValidateOnly", dest="ValidateOnly", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Valid params")
def __hack_params_parseCommandLine(self, params, args, doHelp):
params = ctypes.pointer(params)
cArgs = len(args)
args = ctypes.pointer(args)
doHelp = ctypes.c_uint()
def __call__(self, argv):
"""Effectively "main" from Commandlinewrapper"""
logConfig = None
context = {}
rendezvous = None
(opts, args) = self.__coli_parser.parse_args(argv)
if opts.InConfig is None:
raise ExploitConfigError("You must pass a valid --InConfig option")
# Read the input config and create a truanchild Config object
self.config = truantchild.Config([opts.InConfig])
# make sure the id from the binary matches the config
if self.getID() !=
print "Mismatching configurations!!"
return 1
# XXX Add the bit about help, line 215
inputs = self.config._inputParams
outputs= self.config._outputParams
constants = None # Fuzzbunch doesn't support these yet
#pytrch.Params_parseCommandLine( inputs.parameters, len(sys.argv), sys.argv, doHelp)
# Convert the options from Truanchild to easy-to-handle input for the plugin
iOptions = self.tc2List( inputs )
oOptions = self.tc2Dict( outputs )
# add the params from the wrapper
valid = self.validateParams(iOptions)
# XXX Print the invalid options
if opts.ValidateOnly is True:
return 0
(fhNo, logConfig) = self.processWrapperParams( opts )
# Setup all of the existing sockets
retval = self.processParams(iOptions, constants, oOptions, context, logConfig)
self.options2Tc( oOptions, outputs )
except Exception as e:
# If this fails, the plugin was not successful
print str(oOptions)
print "Failed: {0}".format(e)
return 1
# Add the output parameter for the rendezvous
(rendezvous, sock) = self.addWrapperOutputParams( outputs, self.config.namespaceUri, self.config.schemaVersion )
exma.writeParamsToEM( fhNo, self.config.getMarshalledInConfig() )
# This sends us into a send/recv loop
self.doRendezvousServer( rendezvous, sock )
self.cleanup( EDF_CLEANUP_WAIT, context, logConfig )
except Exception as e:
print "Failed: {0}".format(e)
def __putConfig(self, config, outfile):
self.config.putMarshalledConfig( opts.OutConfig )
def processWrapperParams(self, options):
"""Setup so that we can do logging"""
fh = None
if options.LogFile is not None:
print "logging to file"
fh = exma.openEMForWriting( options.OutConfig )
logger = get_logger(options.LogFile)
#logging.basicConfig(filename=options.LogFile, filemode="w", format="%(message)s", level=logging.INFO)
print "logging to stdout"
fh = exma.openEMForWriting( None ) # Will cause stdout to be used
logger = get_logger( None )
#logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)
return (fh, logger)
def tc2Dict(self, params):
"""Convert Truantchild parameters into a dictionary for easy processing"""
d = {}
for k,v in params.getParameterList():
d[k] = v
return d
def tc2List(self, inputs):
"""Convert inputs to optparse style options for ease of processing in Python"""
args = []
for k,v in inputs.getParameterList():
args += ["--{0}".format(k), str(v)]
return args
def iterParams(self, params):
"""A parameter iterator"""
for k,v in params.getParameterList():
yield k
def options2Tc( self, options, outputs ):
"""Convert from optparse options back to Truantchild parameters after execution"""
# Need to match between the names of the outputs and the types in the config
for name, val in outputs.getParameterList():
if name in options.keys():
# set the value
outputs.set(name, options[name])
def __needRendezvous(self, params, checkForContract):
"""Basically stolen from plugin::createsRendezvous"""
if checkForContract:
for name,val in params.getParameterList():
if "Socket" == params.findOption(name).getType():
return True
return False
def __exma_bindRendezvous(self, outputs, namespaceUri, schemaVersion):
"""bindRendezvous taken from exma.dll"""
rendezvous = ctypes.c_ushort()
sock = ctypes.c_uint()
ret = exma.bindRendezvous(ctypes.pointer(rendezvous), ctypes.pointer(sock))
return (rendezvous.value, sock.value)
def addWrapperOutputParams(self, outputs, namespaceUri, schemaVersion):
"""Add output parameters after the script runs to do rendezvous"""
rendezvous = None
sock = None
if self.__needRendezvous(outputs, True):
(rendezvous, sock) = self.__exma_bindRendezvous( outputs, namespaceUri, schemaVersion)
outputs.addRendezvousParam( str(rendezvous) ) # addRendezvous needs a string
return (rendezvous, sock)
def __transformSocket(self, rendezvous, remoteSocket, localSocket, cache):
"""Perform the rendezvous socket transfer between plugins"""
ls = ctypes.c_uint()
if remoteSocket is None:
localSocket = None
# Look in the cache
for (l,r) in cache:
if remoteSocket == r:
localSocket = l
# Didn't find it in the cache, so add it
exma.recvSocket( ctypes.c_uint(rendezvous), ctypes.c_uint(remoteSocket), ctypes.pointer(ls) )
localSocket = ls.value
entry = (ls.value, remoteSocket )
def doRendezvousClient(self, inputs):
"""Connect all sockets to rendezvous server sockets"""
cache = []
rendezvousLocation = None
sock = ctypes.c_uint()
local = None
sockparams = []
for name,val in inputs.getParameterList():
if name == "Rendezvous" and inputs.hasValidValue("Rendezvous"):
rendezvousLocation = inputs.get("Rendezvous")
elif "Socket" == inputs.findOption(name).getType():
if rendezvousLocation is not None and sockparam is not None:
exma.connectRendezvous( rendezvousLocation, ctypes.pointer(sock) )
for param in sockparams:
if param.getFormat() == "Scalar":
remote = param.getValue()
self.__transformSocket( sock.value, remote, local, cache)
socks = params.getvalue() # this is a list
for i in xrange(remotes):
self.__transformSocket( sock, socks[i], local, cache )
socks[i] = local
exma.disconnectRendezvous( sock )
# Now get rid of the rendezvous parameter
def doRendezvousServer(self, rendezvous, sock):
"""Setup the rendezvous server so the next plugin can talk 'through' us"""
if sock is not None:
r = ctypes.c_uint(sock)
if -1 == exma.sendSockets(r):
return -1
exma.closeRendezvous( ctypes.c_ushort(rendezvous), r)
sock = None
return 0
# These need to be implemented by the exploit
def processParams(self, inputs, constants, outputs, context, logConfig):
"""Process the input parameters and achieve the intended purpose"""
raise NotImplementedError("processParams must be implemented")
def getID(self):
"""Return the plugin ID"""
raise NotImplementedError("getID must be implemented")
def cleanup(self, flags, context, logConfig):
"""Cleanup any errant connections or data after the rendezvous is done"""
raise NotImplementedError("cleanup must be implemented")
def validateParams(self, inputs):
"""Validate parameters to verify sane values"""
raise NotImplementedError("validateParams must be implemented")