358 lines
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358 lines
17 KiB
![]() |
from __future__ import print_function
import math
import numbers
import platform
if (platform.python_version_tuple()[0] == '3'):
raw_input = input
__all__ = ['Menu']
_dsz_mode = False
import dsz
import dsz.ui
def utf8(s):
return (s.encode('utf8') if (type(s) is unicode) else str(s))
_dsz_mode = True
except ImportError:
_util_ip_mode = False
import ip
_util_ip_mode = True
except ImportError:
EXIT = 'Exit'
def _functiontype():
class Menu(object, ):
def __init__(self):
self.__section_order = ['']
self.__section_content = {'': []}
self.__heading = None
self.__current = None
self.__current_index = None
self.__current_section = None
self.__display = None
self.__output = None
self.__needs_update = True
def sections(self):
return self.__section_order
def current(self):
assert (self.__current is not None), 'This method can only be invoked from within a callback.'
return self.__current
def current_section(self):
assert (self.__current_section is not None), 'This method can only be invoked from within a callback.'
return self.__current_section
def set_current_text(self, text):
assert (self.__current_index is not None), 'This method can only be invoked from within a callback.'
assert ((type(text) is str) or (type(text) is unicode)), 'text must be str or unicode'
self.__section_content[self.__current_section][self.__current_index]['text'] = text
self.__needs_update = True
def set_current_state(self, state):
assert (self.__current_index is not None), 'This method can only be invoked from within a callback.'
self.__section_content[self.__current_section][self.__current_index]['state'] = state
self.__needs_update = True
def set_current_callback(self, callback):
assert (self.__current_index is not None), 'This method can only be invoked from within a callback.'
assert callable(callback), 'callback must be a function'
self.__section_content[self.__current_section][self.__current_index]['callback'] = callback
def set_current_cbparam(self, **optdict):
assert (self.__current_index is not None), 'This method can only be invoked from within a callback.'
self.__section_content[self.__current_section][self._current_index]['cbparam'] = optdict
def set_current_keywords(self, keywords):
assert (self.__current_index is not None), 'This method can only be invoked from within a callback.'
assert (type(keywords) is list), 'keywords must be a list'
self.__section_content[self.__current_index]['keywords'] = keywords
self.__needs_update = True
def add_section(self, section):
assert ((type(section) is str) or (type(section) is unicode)), 'str or unicode string required'
if (section not in self.__section_order):
self.__section_content[section] = []
self.__needs_update = True
return True
return False
def add_option(self, option, section='', keywords=[], callback=None, state=None, hex=False, **optdict):
assert ((type(section) is str) or (type(section) is unicode)), 'str or unicode string required'
assert ((type(option) is str) or (type(option) is unicode)), 'str or unicode string required'
assert ((callback is None) or (type(callback) is type(_functiontype)) or (type(callback) is type(self.add_option))), 'callback must be a function, instancemethod, or None'
self.__section_content[section].append({'text': option, 'keywords': keywords, 'callback': callback, 'cbparam': optdict, 'state': state, 'hex': hex})
self.__needs_update = True
def callback_str(self, allowempty=False, default=None):
result = None
while True:
result = self.__raw_input(('New value for "%s"' % self.current['text']), (self.current['state'] if (default is None) else default))
if (result or ((result == '') and allowempty)):
def add_str_option(self, option, state, section='', keywords=[], allowempty=False, default=None):
self.add_option(option=option, section=section, state=state, keywords=keywords, callback=self.callback_str, allowempty=allowempty, default=default)
def callback_int(self, default=None):
self.set_current_state(self.__int_input(('New value for "%s"' % self.current['text']), (self.current['state'] if (default is None) else default)))
def add_int_option(self, option, state, section='', keywords=[], default=None):
assert isinstance(state, numbers.Integral), 'State must be an integer.'
self.add_option(option=option, section=section, state=state, keywords=keywords, callback=self.callback_int, default=default)
def callback_hex(self, default=None):
defresponse = (hex(self.current['state']) if (default is None) else default)
if (defresponse[(-1)] == 'L'):
defresponse = defresponse[0:(-1)]
self.set_current_state(self.__int_input(('New value for "%s":' % self.current['text']), defresponse))
def add_hex_option(self, option, state, section='', keywords=[], default=None):
assert isinstance(state, numbers.Integral), 'State must be an integer.'
self.add_option(option=option, state=state, section=section, keywords=keywords, callback=self.callback_hex, default=default, hex=True)
def callback_toggle(self, enabled='Enabled', disabled='<DISABLED>'):
if (self.current['state'] == enabled):
def add_toggle_option(self, option, state=None, section='', keywords=[], enabled='Enabled', disabled='<DISABLED>'):
assert ((state is None) or (state == enabled) or (state == disabled)), 'Starting state must be either enabled or disabled.'
self.add_option(option=option, state=(state if (state is not None) else disabled), section=section, keywords=keywords, callback=self.callback_toggle, enabled=enabled, disabled=disabled)
def set_heading(self, heading):
assert ((type(heading) is list) or (type(heading) is str) or (type(heading) is unicode)), 'Heading content must be list, str, or unicode'
if ((type(heading) is str) or (type(heading) is unicode)):
self.__heading = [heading]
self.__heading = heading
self.__needs_update = True
def execute(self, prompt='Enter selection', default=None, keywords=[], menuloop=True, exit=EXIT, exiton=[]):
assert ((type(prompt) is str) or (type(prompt) is unicode)), 'Prompt must be str or unicode'
assert (type(menuloop) is bool), 'Must be a Boolean state.'
assert ((type(exit) is str) or (type(exit) is unicode)), 'str or unicode required'
assert ((default is None) or (type(default) is int)), 'Use None for no default or enter a valid integer.'
assert (type(exiton) is list), 'exiton must be a list'
self.build_menu(keywords, exit)
maxvalue = (len(self.__display) - 1)
if (type(default) is int):
assert ((default >= 0) and (default <= maxvalue)), 'Default value must be within range of options.'
if menuloop:
result = (-1)
while (result not in exiton):
if _dsz_mode:
self.display(keywords, exit)
result = self.__menu_input(prompt, default, maxvalue)
if result:
self.__callback(self.__display[result][0], self.__display[result][2])
self.display(keywords, exit)
result = self.__menu_input(prompt, default, maxvalue)
if result:
self.__callback(self.__display[result][0], self.__display[result][2])
exit_state = {'selection': result, 'option': (self.__display[result][1]['text'] if (result != 0) else exit), 'option_state': (self.__display[result][1]['state'] if (result != 0) else None), 'all_states': self.all_states()}
return exit_state
def all_states(self):
all = {}
for s in self.__section_order:
all[s] = {}
for i in self.__section_content[s]:
if i['state']:
all[s][i['text']] = i['state']
if (not all[s]):
del all[s]
return all
def display(self, keywords=[], exit=EXIT):
print(self.build_menu(keywords, exit))
def build_menu(self, keywords=[], exit=EXIT):
assert (type(keywords) is list)
assert ((type(exit) is str) or (type(exit) is unicode))
if (not self.__needs_update):
return self.__output
self.__output = '\n'
if self.__heading:
for i in self.__heading:
self.__output += (i + '\n')
self.__output += '\n'
lpad = str((int(math.log10((sum([len(i) for i in self.__section_content]) | 1))) + 3))
self.__output += ((('%' + lpad) + 'd) %s\n') % (0, exit))
self.__display = [None]
for s in self.__section_order:
if (s == ''):
self.__output += '\n'
self.__output += ('\n %s\n' % s)
longest = 0
for i in self.__section_content[s]:
if i['state']:
if (len(i['text']) > longest):
longest = len(i['text'])
index = 0
for i in self.__section_content[s]:
if ((not keywords) or (not i['keywords']) or (True in [(k in keywords) for k in i['keywords']])):
self.__output += ((('%' + lpad) + 'd) %s') % (len(self.__display), i['text']))
self.__display.append([s, i, index])
if i['state']:
self.__output += (' ' * (longest - len(i['text'])))
if i['hex']:
hexed = hex(i['state'])
if (hexed[(-1)] == 'L'):
hexed = hexed[0:(-1)]
self.__output += (': %s' % hexed)
self.__output += (': %s' % i['state'])
self.__output += '\n'
index += 1
self.__needs_update = False
return self.__output
def __callback(self, section, index):
content = self.__section_content[section][index]
if (content['callback'] is not None):
self.__current = content
self.__current_index = index
self.__current_section = section
if (content['cbparam'] is None):
self.__current = None
self.__current_index = None
self.__current_section = None
def __menu_input(self, prompt, default, maxvalue):
result = (-1)
while ((result < 0) or (result > maxvalue)):
result = self.__int_input(prompt, default)
return result
def __raw_input(self, prompt, default):
newprompt = (prompt if (prompt and (prompt[(-1)] in [':', '?'])) else (prompt + ':'))
if _dsz_mode:
return dsz.ui.GetString(utf8(newprompt), ('' if (default is None) else utf8(default)))
value = raw_input(((newprompt + (' [%s] ' % default)) if (default is not None) else newprompt))
if ((value == '') and (default is not None)):
return default
return value
def __int_input(self, prompt, default):
if _dsz_mode:
newprompt = (prompt if (prompt and (prompt[(-1)] in [':', '?'])) else (prompt + ':'))
return dsz.ui.GetInt(utf8(newprompt), ('' if (default is None) else str(default)))
while True:
value = self.__raw_input(prompt, default)
if (type(value) is int):
return value
if ((len(value) > 2) and (value[0:2].lower() == '0x')):
return int(value, 16)
return int(value)
except ValueError:
if _util_ip_mode:
def callback_ip(self, default=None):
valid = False
result = None
while (not valid):
result = self.__raw_input(('New IP address for "%s"' % self.current['text']), (self.current['state'] if (default is None) else default))
valid = util.ip.validate(result)
if (not valid):
if _dsz_mode:
dsz.ui.Echo('Invalid IP address.', dsz.ERROR)
print('Invalid IPv4 or IPv6 address.')
def add_ip_option(self, option, section='', keywords=[], ip=None, default=None):
assert ((ip is None) or util.ip.validate(ip)), 'ip must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, or None'
self.add_option(option=option, section=section, state=ip, keywords=keywords, callback=self.callback_ip, default=default)
def callback_ipv4(self, default=None):
valid = False
result = None
while (not valid):
result = self.__raw_input(('New IPv4 address for "%s"' % self.current['text']), (self.current['state'] if (default is None) else default))
valid = util.ip.validate_ipv4(result)
if (not valid):
if _dsz_mode:
dsz.ui.Echo('Invalid IPv4 address.', dsz.ERROR)
print('Invalid IP address.')
def add_ipv4_option(self, option, section='', keywords=[], ip=None, default=None):
assert ((ip is None) or util.ip.validate_ipv4(ip)), 'ip must be a valid IPv4, or None'
self.add_option(option=option, section=section, state=(ip if ip else ''), keywords=keywords, callback=self.callback_ipv4, default=default)
def callback_ipv6(self, default=None):
valid = False
result = None
while (not valid):
result = self.__raw_input(('New IPv6 address for "%s"' % self.current['text']), (self.current['state'] if (default is None) else default))
valid = util.ip.validate_ipv6(result)
if (not valid):
if _dsz_mode:
dsz.ui.Echo('Invalid IPv6 address.', dsz.ERROR)
print('Invalid IP address.')
def add_ipv6_option(self, option, section='', keywords=[], ip=None, default=None):
assert ((ip is None) or util.ip.validate_ipv6(ip)), 'ip must be a valid IPv6, or None'
self.add_option(option=option, section=section, state=(ip if ip else '::1'), keywords=keywords, callback=self.callback_ipv6, default=default)
def callback_frz(self, default=None):
valid = False
result = None
while (not valid):
result = self.__raw_input(('New FRZ address for "%s"' % self.current['text']), (self.current['state'] if (default is None) else default))
valid = (result and (result[0] == 'z') and util.ip.validate_ipv4(result[1:]))
if (not valid):
if _dsz_mode:
dsz.ui.Echo('Invalid IPv4 address.', dsz.ERROR)
print('Invalid FRZ address.')
def add_frz_option(self, option, section='', keywords=[], frz=None, default=None):
assert ((frz is None) or ((frz[0] == 'z') and util.ip.validate_ipv4(frz[1:]))), 'frz must be a valid FRZ address, or None'
self.add_option(option=option, section=section, state=(frz if frz else 'z0.0.0.1'), keywords=keywords, callback=self.callback_frz, default=default)
if (__name__ == '__main__'):
test = Menu()
test.add_option('Exit and do stuff')
test.add_str_option('Log', section='Configuration', state='C:\\Windows\\Temp\\log.log')
test.add_hex_option('ID', section='Configuration', state=268444485)
test.add_hex_option('ID', section='Configuration', state=17592454488901L)
test.add_int_option('Loops', section='Advanced', state=((((((((3 * 3) * 3) * 3) * 3) * 3) * 3) * 3) * 3))
if _util_ip_mode:
test.add_ip_option('IP', section='Configuration', ip='')
test.add_ipv4_option('IPv4', section='Configuration', ip='')
test.add_ipv6_option('IPv6', section='Configuration', ip='1234:abcd::5%9')
test.add_frz_option('FRZ', section='ADVANCED', frz='z7.7.7.7')
print(test.execute(exiton=[1], default=1))