235 lines
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235 lines
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![]() |
import os
import sys
import codecs
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from struct import unpack
import dsz, dsz.version.checks.windows
import ops, ops.cmd
from ops.pprint import pprint
def getsectionA(handle, offset, numentries):
sectionA = []
for i in range(0, numentries):
sectionA.append(fixendian(handle.read(4), 4))
return sectionA
def getsectionB(handle, offset, numentries):
sectionB = []
for i in range(0, numentries):
val1 = fixendian(handle.read(4), 4)
val2 = fixendian(handle.read(4), 4)
val3 = fixendian(handle.read(4), 4)
sectionB.append([val1, val2, val3])
return sectionB
def getsectionC(handle, offset, length):
sectionC = []
(files, thing) = codecs.getdecoder('utf_16')(handle.read(length), 'replace')
files = files.replace('\x00', '\n')
sectionC = files.strip().split('\n')
return sectionC
def getsectionD(handle, offset, numvols, length, version):
sectionD = []
for i in range(0, numvols):
data = {}
data['labeloffset'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
data['labellength'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
us = (int(fixendian(handle.read(8), 8), 16) / 10.0)
data['accesstimestamp'] = (datetime(1601, 1, 1) + timedelta(microseconds=us)).__str__()
data['volserial'] = fixendian(handle.read(4), 4)
data['subsec1offset'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
data['subsec1length'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
data['subsec2offset'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
data['subsec2length'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
if (version == 23):
data['vh9'] = unpack('<68s', handle.read(68))[0]
data['vh9'] = unpack('<4s', handle.read(4))[0]
data['vollabel'] = getvollabel(handle, offset, data['labeloffset'], data['labellength'])
data['subsec1'] = getDsubsection1(handle, offset, data['subsec1offset'], version)
data['subsec2'] = getDsubsection2(handle, offset, data['subsec2offset'], data['subsec2length'])
return sectionD
def getDsubsection1(handle, sectiondoffset, offset, version):
handle.seek((sectiondoffset + offset))
data = {}
data['vs1'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
data['numberentries'] = unpack('<i', handle.read(4))[0]
if (version == 23):
data['vs3'] = unpack('<4s', handle.read(4))[0]
data['entries'] = []
for i in range(0, data['numberentries']):
data['entries'].append(fixendian(handle.read(8), 8))
return data
def getDsubsection2(handle, sectiondoffset, offset, length):
handle.seek((sectiondoffset + offset))
data = []
for i in range(0, length):
strlength = unpack('<H', handle.read(2))[0]
unistring = codecs.getdecoder('utf_16')(handle.read((strlength * 2)), 'replace')[0].split('\x00')[0]
null = handle.read(2)
data.append([strlength, unistring])
return data
def getvollabel(handle, sectiondoffset, offset, length):
handle.seek((sectiondoffset + offset))
vollabel = handle.read((length * 2))
(vollabel, thing) = codecs.getdecoder('utf_16')(vollabel, 'replace')
return vollabel
def fixendian(bytes, length):
bytes = bytes.encode('hex')
packstring = ('2s' * length)
bytes = unpack(packstring, bytes)
bytes = tuple(reversed(bytes))
bytes = ''.join(map(str, bytes))
return bytes
def readfile(prefetchfile):
data = {}
file = open(prefetchfile, 'rb')
data['fileversion'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['magicstring'] = unpack('<4s', file.read(4))[0]
data['osindicator'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['prefetchfilelength'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['exename'] = codecs.getdecoder('utf_16')(file.read(60), 'replace')[0].split('\x00')[0]
data['prefetchhash'] = fixendian(file.read(4), 4)
data['h7'] = fixendian(file.read(4), 4)
data['sectionaoffset'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectionanumentries'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectionboffset'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectionbnumentries'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectioncoffset'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectionclength'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectiondoffset'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectiondnumvols'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['sectiondlength'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
if (data['fileversion'] == 23):
data['h17'] = fixendian(file.read(4), 4)
data['h18'] = fixendian(file.read(4), 4)
us = (int(fixendian(file.read(8), 8), 16) / 10.0)
data['lastexectimestamp'] = (datetime(1601, 1, 1) + timedelta(microseconds=us)).__str__()
data['h20'] = fixendian(file.read(16), 16)
data['numexec'] = unpack('<i', file.read(4))[0]
data['h22'] = fixendian(file.read(4), 4)
data['sectiona'] = getsectionA(file, data['sectionaoffset'], data['sectionanumentries'])
data['sectionb'] = getsectionB(file, data['sectionboffset'], data['sectionbnumentries'])
data['sectionc'] = getsectionC(file, data['sectioncoffset'], data['sectionclength'])
data['sectiond'] = getsectionD(file, data['sectiondoffset'], data['sectiondnumvols'], data['sectiondlength'], data['fileversion'])
return data
def getpretchfiles(prefetchdir):
cmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('dir')
cmd.mask = '*.pf'
cmd.path = prefetchdir
obj = cmd.execute()
prefetchfiles = []
index = 1
if cmd.success:
for dir in obj.diritem:
for file in dir.fileitem:
prefetchfiles.append({'index': index, 'name': file.name, 'size': file.size, 'path': dir.path, 'accessed': file.filetimes.accessed.time.split('.')[0].replace('T', ' '), 'modified': file.filetimes.modified.time.split('.')[0].replace('T', ' '), 'created': file.filetimes.created.time.split('.')[0].replace('T', ' ')})
index += 1
return prefetchfiles
def getfile(file):
cmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('get')
cmd.arglist = [('-mask %s -path %s' % (file['name'], file['path']))]
obj = cmd.execute()
if cmd.success:
return os.path.join(dsz.lp.GetLogsDirectory(), obj.filelocalname[0].subdir, obj.filelocalname[0].localname)
return None
def getlist(itemlist):
want = ''
want = dsz.ui.GetString('Please provide a list of indexes you would like (ex: "1,3,5-7,13"): ', want)
wantlist = want.split(',')
intlist = []
for item in wantlist:
if (len(item.split('-')) == 2):
itemrange = item.split('-')
for integer in range(int(itemrange[0]), (int(itemrange[1]) + 1)):
outlist = []
for item in itemlist:
if (item['index'] in intlist):
return outlist
def main():
if (len(sys.argv) == 1):
dsz.ui.Echo('= Getting a list of prefetch files =')
prefetch = getpretchfiles('c:\\windows\\prefetch')
pprint(prefetch, header=['Index', 'Name', 'Size', 'Created', 'Modified', 'Accessed'], dictorder=['index', 'name', 'size', 'created', 'modified', 'accessed'])
dsz.ui.Echo('Found the above files in the prefetch, please select which you would like to pull and parse', dsz.GOOD)
wantlist = getlist(prefetch)
shortparse = []
for file in wantlist:
localfile = getfile(file)
file['localfile'] = localfile
data = readfile(localfile)
good_data = {'index': file['index'], 'name': file['name'], 'bytes': data['prefetchfilelength'], 'runs': data['numexec'], 'last': data['lastexectimestamp'], 'localfile': file['localfile'], 'sectionc': data['sectionc'], 'sectiond': data['sectiond']}
print ''
dsz.ui.Echo('=========== Short Parse ============')
pprint(shortparse, header=['Index', 'Name', 'Byte Length', 'Number of Runs', 'Last Execute Time'], dictorder=['index', 'name', 'bytes', 'runs', 'last'])
dsz.ui.Echo('Of the files you pulled back, which would you like to see the called files?', dsz.GOOD)
parselist = getlist(shortparse)
print ''
for file in parselist:
bannerstring = ('================ %s ====================' % file['name'])
bannercap = ('=' * len(bannerstring))
dsz.ui.Echo(bannercap, dsz.GOOD)
dsz.ui.Echo(bannerstring, dsz.GOOD)
dsz.ui.Echo(bannercap, dsz.GOOD)
dsz.ui.Echo('Files Accessed:')
for dll in file['sectionc']:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\t\t%s' % ops.utf8(dll)))
dsz.ui.Echo('\\Volumes Accessed:')
for sectiond in file['sectiond']:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\tVolume Label: %s' % sectiond['vollabel']))
dsz.ui.Echo(('\tVolume Serial: %s' % sectiond['volserial']))
dsz.ui.Echo(('\tAccess timestamp: %s' % sectiond['accesstimestamp']))
dsz.ui.Echo('\tDirectories Accessed:')
for directory in sectiond['subsec2']:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\t\t%s' % ops.utf8(directory[1])))
prefetchFile = sys.argv[1]
data = readfile(prefetchFile)
good_data = [{'bytes': data['prefetchfilelength'], 'runs': data['numexec'], 'last': data['lastexectimestamp'], 'sectionc': data['sectionc'], 'sectiond': data['sectiond']}]
pprint(good_data, header=['Byte Length', 'Number of Runs', 'Last Execute Time'], dictorder=['bytes', 'runs', 'last'])
dsz.ui.Echo('Files Accessed:')
for dll in data['sectionc']:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\t\t%s' % ops.utf8(dll)))
dsz.ui.Echo('\\Volumes Accessed:')
for sectiond in data['sectiond']:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\tVolume Label: %s' % sectiond['vollabel']))
dsz.ui.Echo(('\tVolume Serial: %s' % sectiond['volserial']))
dsz.ui.Echo(('\tAccess timestamp: %s' % sectiond['accesstimestamp']))
dsz.ui.Echo('\tDirectories Accessed:')
for directory in sectiond['subsec2']:
dsz.ui.Echo(('\t\t%s' % ops.utf8(directory[1])))
if (__name__ == '__main__'):