759 lines
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759 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Gary Bishop.
# Copyright (C) 2006 Jorgen Stenarson. <jorgen.stenarson@bostream.nu>
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
# the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
'''Cursor control and color for the Windows console.
This was modeled after the C extension of the same name by Fredrik Lundh.
# primitive debug printing that won't interfere with the screen
import sys
import traceback
import re
from pyreadline.logger import log,log_sock
from ctypes import *
from _ctypes import call_function
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("You need ctypes to run this code")
# my code
from pyreadline.keysyms import make_KeyPress
from pyreadline.console.ansi import AnsiState,AnsiWriter
# some constants we need
WHITE = 0x7
MENU_EVENT = 0x0008
KEY_EVENT = 0x0001
MOUSE_MOVED = 0x0001
MOUSE_EVENT = 0x0002
FOCUS_EVENT = 0x0010
MENU_EVENT = 0x0008
VK_SHIFT = 0x10
VK_MENU = 0x12
GENERIC_READ = int(0x80000000L)
GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000
# Windows structures we'll need later
class COORD(Structure):
_fields_ = [("X", c_short),
("Y", c_short)]
class SMALL_RECT(Structure):
_fields_ = [("Left", c_short),
("Top", c_short),
("Right", c_short),
("Bottom", c_short)]
_fields_ = [("dwSize", COORD),
("dwCursorPosition", COORD),
("wAttributes", c_short),
("srWindow", SMALL_RECT),
("dwMaximumWindowSize", COORD)]
class CHAR_UNION(Union):
_fields_ = [("UnicodeChar", c_short),
("AsciiChar", c_char)]
class CHAR_INFO(Structure):
_fields_ = [("Char", CHAR_UNION),
("Attributes", c_short)]
class KEY_EVENT_RECORD(Structure):
_fields_ = [("bKeyDown", c_byte),
("pad2", c_byte),
('pad1', c_short),
("wRepeatCount", c_short),
("wVirtualKeyCode", c_short),
("wVirtualScanCode", c_short),
("uChar", CHAR_UNION),
("dwControlKeyState", c_int)]
class MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD(Structure):
_fields_ = [("dwMousePosition", COORD),
("dwButtonState", c_int),
("dwControlKeyState", c_int),
("dwEventFlags", c_int)]
_fields_ = [("dwSize", COORD)]
class MENU_EVENT_RECORD(Structure):
_fields_ = [("dwCommandId", c_uint)]
class FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD(Structure):
_fields_ = [("bSetFocus", c_byte)]
class INPUT_UNION(Union):
_fields_ = [("KeyEvent", KEY_EVENT_RECORD),
("WindowBufferSizeEvent", WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_RECORD),
class INPUT_RECORD(Structure):
_fields_ = [("EventType", c_short),
("Event", INPUT_UNION)]
class CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO(Structure):
_fields_ = [("dwSize", c_int),
("bVisible", c_byte)]
except AttributeError: #This error occurs when pdb imports readline and doctest has replaced
#stdout with stdout collector
consolecodepage="ascii" #assume ascii codepage
def ensure_text(text):
"""helper to ensure that text passed to WriteConsoleA is ascii"""
if isinstance(text, unicode):
return text.encode(consolecodepage,"replace")
return text
# I didn't want to have to individually import these so I made a list, they are
# added to the Console class later in this file.
funcs = [
# I don't want events for these keys, they are just a bother for my application
key_modifiers = { VK_SHIFT:1,
VK_MENU:1, # alt key
0x5b:1, # windows key
class Console(object):
'''Console driver for Windows.
def __init__(self, newbuffer=0):
'''Initialize the Console object.
newbuffer=1 will allocate a new buffer so the old content will be restored
on exit.
#Do I need the following line? It causes a console to be created whenever
#readline is imported into a pythonw application which seems wrong. Things
#seem to work without it...
if newbuffer:
self.hout = self.CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
0, None, 1, None)
self.hout = self.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
self.hin = self.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
self.inmode = c_int(0)
self.GetConsoleMode(self.hin, byref(self.inmode))
self.SetConsoleMode(self.hin, 0xf)
self.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hout, byref(info))
self.attr = info.wAttributes
self.saveattr = info.wAttributes # remember the initial colors
# self.ansiwriter.defaultstate.bold=False
background = self.attr & 0xf0
for escape in self.escape_to_color:
if self.escape_to_color[escape] is not None:
self.escape_to_color[escape] |= background
log('initial attr=%x' % self.attr)
self.softspace = 0 # this is for using it as a file-like object
self.serial = 0
self.pythondll = CDLL('python%s%s' % (sys.version[0], sys.version[2]))
self.inputHookPtr = c_int.from_address(addressof(self.pythondll.PyOS_InputHook)).value
setattr(Console, 'PyMem_Malloc', self.pythondll.PyMem_Malloc)
def __del__(self):
'''Cleanup the console when finished.'''
# I don't think this ever gets called
self.SetConsoleTextAttribute(self.hout, self.saveattr)
self.SetConsoleMode(self.hin, self.inmode)
def _get_top_bot(self):
self.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hout, byref(info))
rect = info.srWindow
top = rect.Top
bot = rect.Bottom
return top,bot
def fixcoord(self, x, y):
'''Return a long with x and y packed inside, also handle negative x and y.'''
if x < 0 or y < 0:
self.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hout, byref(info))
if x < 0:
x = info.srWindow.Right - x
y = info.srWindow.Bottom + y
# this is a hack! ctypes won't pass structures but COORD is just like a
# long, so this works.
return c_int(y << 16 | x)
def pos(self, x=None, y=None):
'''Move or query the window cursor.'''
if x is None:
self.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hout, byref(info))
return (info.dwCursorPosition.X, info.dwCursorPosition.Y)
return self.SetConsoleCursorPosition(self.hout, self.fixcoord(x, y))
def home(self):
'''Move to home.'''
# Map ANSI color escape sequences into Windows Console Attributes
terminal_escape = re.compile('(\001?\033\\[[0-9;]+m\002?)')
escape_parts = re.compile('\001?\033\\[([0-9;]+)m\002?')
escape_to_color = { '0;30': 0x0, #black
'0;31': 0x4, #red
'0;32': 0x2, #green
'0;33': 0x4+0x2, #brown?
'0;34': 0x1, #blue
'0;35': 0x1+0x4, #purple
'0;36': 0x2+0x4, #cyan
'0;37': 0x1+0x2+0x4, #grey
'1;30': 0x1+0x2+0x4, #dark gray
'1;31': 0x4+0x8, #red
'1;32': 0x2+0x8, #light green
'1;33': 0x4+0x2+0x8, #yellow
'1;34': 0x1+0x8, #light blue
'1;35': 0x1+0x4+0x8, #light purple
'1;36': 0x1+0x2+0x8, #light cyan
'1;37': 0x1+0x2+0x4+0x8, #white
'0': None,
# This pattern should match all characters that change the cursor position differently
# than a normal character.
motion_char_re = re.compile('([\n\r\t\010\007])')
def write_scrolling(self, text, attr=None):
'''write text at current cursor position while watching for scrolling.
If the window scrolls because you are at the bottom of the screen
buffer, all positions that you are storing will be shifted by the
scroll amount. For example, I remember the cursor position of the
prompt so that I can redraw the line but if the window scrolls,
the remembered position is off.
This variant of write tries to keep track of the cursor position
so that it will know when the screen buffer is scrolled. It
returns the number of lines that the buffer scrolled.
x, y = self.pos()
w, h = self.size()
scroll = 0 # the result
# split the string into ordinary characters and funny characters
chunks = self.motion_char_re.split(text)
for chunk in chunks:
n = self.write_color(chunk, attr)
if len(chunk) == 1: # the funny characters will be alone
if chunk[0] == '\n': # newline
x = 0
y += 1
elif chunk[0] == '\r': # carriage return
x = 0
elif chunk[0] == '\t': # tab
x = 8*(int(x/8)+1)
if x > w: # newline
x -= w
y += 1
elif chunk[0] == '\007': # bell
elif chunk[0] == '\010':
x -= 1
if x < 0:
y -= 1 # backed up 1 line
else: # ordinary character
x += 1
if x == w: # wrap
x = 0
y += 1
if y == h: # scroll
scroll += 1
y = h - 1
else: # chunk of ordinary characters
x += n
l = int(x / w) # lines we advanced
x = x % w # new x value
y += l
if y >= h: # scroll
scroll += y - h + 1
y = h - 1
return scroll
def write_color(self, text, attr=None):
'''write text at current cursor position and interpret color escapes.
return the number of characters written.
log('write_color("%s", %s)' % (text, attr))
chunks = self.terminal_escape.split(text)
log('chunks=%s' % repr(chunks))
junk = c_int(0)
n = 0 # count the characters we actually write, omitting the escapes
for chunk in chunks:
m = self.escape_parts.match(chunk)
if m:
attr = self.escape_to_color[m.group(1)]
n += len(chunk)
log('attr=%s' % attr)
if attr is None:
attr = self.attr
self.SetConsoleTextAttribute(self.hout, attr)
self.WriteConsoleA(self.hout, ensure_text(chunk), len(chunk), byref(junk), None)
return n
def write_color(self, text, attr=None):
n,res= self.ansiwriter.write_color(text,attr)
junk = c_int(0)
for attr,chunk in res:
self.SetConsoleTextAttribute(self.hout, attr.winattr)
self.WriteConsoleA(self.hout, ensure_text(chunk), len(chunk), byref(junk), None)
return n
def write_plain(self, text, attr=None):
'''write text at current cursor position.'''
log('write("%s", %s)' %(text,attr))
if attr is None:
attr = self.attr
n = c_int(0)
self.SetConsoleTextAttribute(self.hout, attr)
self.WriteConsoleA(self.hout, ensure_text(chunk), len(chunk), byref(junk), None)
return len(text)
# make this class look like a file object
def write(self, text):
log('write("%s")' % text)
return self.write_color(text)
#write = write_scrolling
def isatty(self):
return True
def flush(self):
def page(self, attr=None, fill=' '):
'''Fill the entire screen.'''
if attr is None:
attr = self.attr
if len(fill) != 1:
raise ValueError
self.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hout, byref(info))
if info.dwCursorPosition.X != 0 or info.dwCursorPosition.Y != 0:
self.SetConsoleCursorPosition(self.hout, self.fixcoord(0, 0))
w = info.dwSize.X
n = c_int(0)
for y in range(info.dwSize.Y):
self.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(self.hout, attr, w, self.fixcoord(0, y), byref(n))
self.FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(self.hout, ord(fill[0]), w, self.fixcoord(0, y), byref(n))
self.attr = attr
def text(self, x, y, text, attr=None):
'''Write text at the given position.'''
if attr is None:
attr = self.attr
pos = self.fixcoord(x, y)
n = c_int(0)
self.WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(self.hout, text, len(text), pos, byref(n))
self.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(self.hout, attr, n, pos, byref(n))
def clear_to_end_of_window(self):
self.rectangle( (pos[0],pos[1],w,pos[1]+1))
if pos[1]<bot:
def rectangle(self, rect, attr=None, fill=' '):
'''Fill Rectangle.'''
x0, y0, x1, y1 = rect
n = c_int(0)
if attr is None:
attr = self.attr
for y in range(y0, y1):
pos = self.fixcoord(x0, y)
self.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(self.hout, attr, x1-x0, pos, byref(n))
self.FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(self.hout, ord(fill[0]), x1-x0, pos, byref(n))
def scroll(self, rect, dx, dy, attr=None, fill=' '):
'''Scroll a rectangle.'''
if attr is None:
attr = self.attr
x0, y0, x1, y1 = rect
source = SMALL_RECT(x0, y0, x1-1, y1-1)
dest = self.fixcoord(x0+dx, y0+dy)
style = CHAR_INFO()
style.Char.AsciiChar = fill[0]
style.Attributes = attr
return self.ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA(self.hout, byref(source), byref(source),
dest, byref(style))
def scroll_window(self, lines):
'''Scroll the window by the indicated number of lines.'''
self.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hout, byref(info))
rect = info.srWindow
log('sw: rtop=%d rbot=%d' % (rect.Top, rect.Bottom))
top = rect.Top + lines
bot = rect.Bottom + lines
h = bot - top
maxbot = info.dwSize.Y-1
if top < 0:
top = 0
bot = h
if bot > maxbot:
bot = maxbot
top = bot - h
nrect = SMALL_RECT()
nrect.Top = top
nrect.Bottom = bot
nrect.Left = rect.Left
nrect.Right = rect.Right
log('sn: top=%d bot=%d' % (top,bot))
r=self.SetConsoleWindowInfo(self.hout, True, byref(nrect))
log('r=%d' % r)
def get(self):
'''Get next event from queue.'''
inputHookFunc = c_int.from_address(self.inputHookPtr).value
count = c_int(0)
while 1:
if inputHookFunc:
call_function(inputHookFunc, ())
status = self.ReadConsoleInputA(self.hin, byref(Cevent), 1, byref(count))
if status and count.value == 1:
e = event(self, Cevent)
return e
def getkeypress(self):
'''Return next key press event from the queue, ignoring others.'''
while 1:
e = self.get()
if e.type == 'KeyPress' and e.keycode not in key_modifiers:
if e.keyinfo.keyname == 'next':
elif e.keyinfo.keyname == 'prior':
return e
elif e.type == 'KeyRelease' and e.keyinfo==(True, False, False, 83):
return e
def getchar(self):
'''Get next character from queue.'''
count = c_int(0)
while 1:
status = self.ReadConsoleInputA(self.hin, byref(Cevent), 1, byref(count))
if (status and count.value==1 and Cevent.EventType == 1 and
sym = keysym(Cevent.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode)
if len(sym) == 0:
sym = Cevent.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar
return sym
def peek(self):
'''Check event queue.'''
count = c_int(0)
status = self.PeekConsoleInputA(self.hin, byref(Cevent), 1, byref(count))
log_sock("%s %s %s"%(status,count,Cevent))
if status and count == 1:
return event(self, Cevent)
def title(self, txt=None):
'''Set/get title.'''
if txt:
buffer = c_buffer(200)
n = self.GetConsoleTitleA(buffer, 200)
if n > 0:
return buffer.value[:n]
def size(self, width=None, height=None):
'''Set/get window size.'''
status = self.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hout, byref(info))
if not status:
return None
if width is not None and height is not None:
wmin = info.srWindow.Right - info.srWindow.Left + 1
hmin = info.srWindow.Bottom - info.srWindow.Top + 1
#print wmin, hmin
width = max(width, wmin)
height = max(height, hmin)
#print width, height
self.SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(self.hout, self.fixcoord(width, height))
return (info.dwSize.X, info.dwSize.Y)
def cursor(self, visible=None, size=None):
'''Set cursor on or off.'''
if self.GetConsoleCursorInfo(self.hout, byref(info)):
if visible is not None:
info.bVisible = visible
if size is not None:
info.dwSize = size
self.SetConsoleCursorInfo(self.hout, byref(info))
def bell(self):
def next_serial(self):
'''Get next event serial number.'''
self.serial += 1
return self.serial
# add the functions from the dll to the class
for func in funcs:
setattr(Console, func, getattr(windll.kernel32, func))
from event import Event
VkKeyScan = windll.user32.VkKeyScanA
class event(Event):
'''Represent events from the console.'''
def __init__(self, console, input):
'''Initialize an event from the Windows input structure.'''
self.type = '??'
self.serial = console.next_serial()
self.width = 0
self.height = 0
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.char = ''
self.keycode = 0
self.keysym = '??'
self.keyinfo = None # a tuple with (control, meta, shift, keycode) for dispatch
self.width = None
if input.EventType == KEY_EVENT:
if input.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown:
self.type = "KeyPress"
self.type = "KeyRelease"
self.char = input.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar
self.keycode = input.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode
self.state = input.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState
elif input.EventType == MOUSE_EVENT:
if input.Event.MouseEvent.dwEventFlags & MOUSE_MOVED:
self.type = "Motion"
self.type = "Button"
self.x = input.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.X
self.y = input.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.Y
self.state = input.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState
elif input.EventType == WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT:
self.type = "Configure"
self.width = input.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize.X
self.height = input.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize.Y
elif input.EventType == FOCUS_EVENT:
if input.Event.FocusEvent.bSetFocus:
self.type = "FocusIn"
self.type = "FocusOut"
elif input.EventType == MENU_EVENT:
self.type = "Menu"
self.state = input.Event.MenuEvent.dwCommandId
def getconsole(buffer=1):
"""Get a console handle.
If buffer is non-zero, a new console buffer is allocated and
installed. Otherwise, this returns a handle to the current
console buffer"""
c = Console(buffer)
return c
# The following code uses ctypes to allow a Python callable to
# substitute for GNU readline within the Python interpreter. Calling
# raw_input or other functions that do input, inside your callable
# might be a bad idea, then again, it might work.
# The Python callable can raise EOFError or KeyboardInterrupt and
# these will be translated into the appropriate outputs from readline
# so that they will then be translated back!
# If the Python callable raises any other exception, a traceback will
# be printed and readline will appear to return an empty line.
# I use ctypes to create a C-callable from a Python wrapper that
# handles the exceptions and gets the result into the right form.
# the type for our C-callable wrapper
HOOKFUNC22 = CFUNCTYPE(c_char_p, c_char_p)
HOOKFUNC23 = CFUNCTYPE(c_char_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_char_p)
readline_hook = None # the python hook goes here
readline_ref = None # this holds a reference to the c-callable to keep it alive
def hook_wrapper_23(stdin, stdout, prompt):
'''Wrap a Python readline so it behaves like GNU readline.'''
# call the Python hook
res = readline_hook(prompt)
# make sure it returned the right sort of thing
if res and not isinstance(res, str):
raise TypeError, 'readline must return a string.'
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# GNU readline returns 0 on keyboard interrupt
return 0
except EOFError:
# It returns an empty string on EOF
res = ''
print >>sys.stderr, 'Readline internal error'
res = '\n'
# we have to make a copy because the caller expects to free the result
n = len(res)
p = Console.PyMem_Malloc(n+1)
cdll.msvcrt.strncpy(p, res, n+1)
return p
def hook_wrapper(prompt):
'''Wrap a Python readline so it behaves like GNU readline.'''
# call the Python hook
res = readline_hook(prompt)
# make sure it returned the right sort of thing
if res and not isinstance(res, str):
raise TypeError, 'readline must return a string.'
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# GNU readline returns 0 on keyboard interrupt
return 0
except EOFError:
# It returns an empty string on EOF
res = ''
print >>sys.stderr, 'Readline internal error'
res = '\n'
# we have to make a copy because the caller expects to free the result
p = cdll.msvcrt._strdup(res)
return p
def install_readline(hook):
'''Set up things for the interpreter to call our function like GNU readline.'''
global readline_hook, readline_ref
# save the hook so the wrapper can call it
readline_hook = hook
# get the address of PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer so we can update it
PyOS_RFP = c_int.from_address(Console.GetProcAddress(sys.dllhandle,
# save a reference to the generated C-callable so it doesn't go away
if sys.version < '2.3':
readline_ref = HOOKFUNC22(hook_wrapper)
readline_ref = HOOKFUNC23(hook_wrapper_23)
# get the address of the function
func_start = c_int.from_address(addressof(readline_ref)).value
# write the function address into PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer
PyOS_RFP.value = func_start
if __name__ == '__main__':
import time, sys
def p(char):
return chr(VkKeyScan(ord(char)) & 0xff)
c = Console(0)
sys.stdout = c
sys.stderr = c
print p("d"),p("D")
c.pos(5, 10)
c.write('hi there')
print 'some printed output'
for i in range(10):
del c