@include "_VersionChecks.dsi"; @echo off; @quiet off; if (($argc != 2 && $argc != 3) || (($argv[1] != "-enable") && ($argv[1] != "-disable"))) { echo("Usage: $argv[0] <-enable|-disable> [-nofree]", ERROR); echo(" Enables or disables FLAV use for Traceroute", ERROR); echo(" Use -nofree if you do not want to free the old version", ERROR); return false; } if (IsLocal()) { echo("You must be connected in order to run this script", ERROR); return false; } bool $rtn=true; string $impl = "DEFAULT"; string $nofree = ""; string $action = "Removing"; string $module = "TRACEROUTE"; if ($argv[1] == "-enable") { $impl = "FLAV"; $action = "Enabling"; } if ($argc == 3 && $argv[2] == "-nofree") { $nofree = "-nofree"; } echo "$action $module FLAV change"; if (`moduletoggle -system $module\_TARGET -set $impl $nofree `) { echo (" SUCCEEDED", GOOD); } else { echo (" FAILED", ERROR); $rtn = false; } return $rtn;