from __future__ import print_function import xml.etree.ElementTree import dsz, dsz.lp import util, import json import os import ops.db import sys import traceback def wrappers(): dsz.ui.Echo(('-' * 50)) dsz.ui.Echo('Registering global wrappers') dsz.ui.Echo(('-' * 50)) with open(os.path.join(dsz.lp.GetResourcesDirectory(), 'Ops', 'Data', 'wrappers.json'), 'r') as input: wrappers = json.load(input) for wrapper in wrappers: dsz.cmd.Run(('wrappers -register %s -script %s -location all %s -project %s' % (wrapper['command'], wrapper['script'], ('-pre' if (('hook' not in wrapper.keys()) or (wrapper['hook'] == 'pre')) else '-post'), ('Ops' if ('project' not in wrapper.keys()) else wrapper['project'])))) dsz.ui.Echo((wrapper['command'] if ('reason' not in wrapper.keys()) else ' - '.join([wrapper['command'], wrapper['reason']]))) dsz.ui.Echo(('-' * 50)) return True def addlibrary(): libpath = dsz.env.Get('_PYTHON_SUFFIX_LIB_PATH', addr='') if (libpath.find('%RESDIR%Ops/PyScripts/Lib') < 0): libpath += '%RESDIR%Ops/PyScripts/Lib;' dsz.env.Set('_PYTHON_SUFFIX_LIB_PATH', libpath, addr='') dsz.ui.Echo('Added Ops library to Python search path.', dsz.GOOD) else: dsz.ui.Echo('Ops library already in search path? *shrug* Not modifying.', dsz.GOOD) return True def cp_check(): if (dsz.script.Env['local_address'] != 'z0.0.0.1'): print() dsz.ui.Echo('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', dsz.ERROR) dsz.ui.Echo('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', dsz.ERROR) dsz.ui.Echo('ERROR: Your local CP address is not z0.0.0.1.', dsz.ERROR) dsz.ui.Echo('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', dsz.ERROR) dsz.ui.Echo('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', dsz.ERROR) print() print('YOU MUST RECONFIGURE YOUR SESSION TO CONTINUE!') print('YOU MUST RECONFIGURE YOUR SESSION TO CONTINUE!') print() dsz.lp.alias.DisableCommand('pc_listen') dsz.lp.alias.DisableCommand('pc_connect') print() print('YOU MUST RECONFIGURE YOUR SESSION TO CONTINUE!') print('YOU MUST RECONFIGURE YOUR SESSION TO CONTINUE!') return False else: dsz.ui.Echo('Local CP address is z0.0.0.1.', dsz.GOOD) return True def detect_project_name(): logdir = dsz.lp.GetLogsDirectory() projectdir = os.path.split(logdir)[0] [logroot, project] = os.path.split(projectdir) if ((logroot.lower()[3:] != 'logs') or (not project)): print() dsz.ui.Echo('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', dsz.ERROR) dsz.ui.Echo('ERROR: You did not correctly configure the LP logging directory.', dsz.ERROR) dsz.ui.Echo('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', dsz.ERROR) print() dsz.lp.alias.DisableCommand('pc_listen') dsz.lp.alias.DisableCommand('pc_connect') print() print('Correct format: D:\\Logs\\') print(('You provided : %s' % projectdir)) print() print('YOU MUST RECONFIGURE YOUR SESSION TO CONTINUE.') print('CLEAN ANY EXTRANEOUS DATA CREATED BY THIS CONFIGURATION FROM THE LOGS DIRECTORY.') return False dsz.env.Set('OPS_PROJECTNAME', project, addr='') dsz.ui.Echo(("Setting environment variable OPS_PROJECTNAME to '%s'" % project.lower()), dsz.GOOD) return True def disk_info(): logdir = dsz.lp.GetLogsDirectory() projectdir = os.path.split(logdir)[0] infofile = os.path.join(projectdir, 'disk-version.txt') if os.path.exists(infofile): dsz.ui.Echo(('Disk version already logged; if you switched disks for some reason, rename %s and restart the LP please.' % infofile), dsz.GOOD) return True opsdisk_root = os.path.normpath((dsz.lp.GetResourcesDirectory() + '/..')) dszfiles = util.listdir(opsdisk_root, '^DSZOpsDisk-.+\\.zip$') disk = None if (len(dszfiles) == 1): disk = dszfiles[0] elif (len(dszfiles) > 1): menu ='Found mulitple DSZOpsDisk zips:', dszfiles, None, 'Which one are you executing? ') index = ([0] - 1) if ((index > 0) and (index < len(dszfiles))): disk = dszfiles[index] else: dsz.ui.Echo('Could not determine which opsdisk is running. Version NOT recorded.', dsz.ERROR) return False else: dsz.ui.Echo('Could not find DSZOpsDisk zip. Disk version NOT recorded.', dsz.ERROR) return False with open(infofile, 'w') as output: output.write(('%s\n' % disk)) dsz.ui.Echo(('Disk version %s recorded to %s.' % (disk, infofile)), dsz.GOOD) return True def bgprecompile(): dsz.cmd.Run('background python -project Ops') return True def setwindowtitle(): logdir = dsz.lp.GetLogsDirectory() projectdir = os.path.split(logdir)[0] infofile = os.path.join(projectdir, 'disk-version.txt') if os.path.exists(infofile): with open(infofile, 'r') as input: diskver = else: diskver = '' dszdir = os.path.join(dsz.lp.GetResourcesDirectory(), 'Dsz') baseversion = os.path.join(dszdir, 'Version.xml') if os.path.exists(baseversion): tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree(file=baseversion) v = tree.getroot() major = v.get('major') minor = v.get('minor') fix = v.get('fix') build = v.get('build') dszver = ('%s.%s.%s.%s' % (major, minor, fix, build)) else: dszver = '' if dsz.env.Check('OPS_PROJECTNAME'): proj = dsz.env.Get('OPS_PROJECTNAME') else: proj = '' dsz.cmd.Run(('gui -command ".setwindowtitle %s -- DanderSpritz %s (%s)"' % (proj, dszver, diskver))) return True def prep_target_dbs(): good = False try: ops.db.copy_target_db_files() good = True except: pass return good TASKS = [wrappers, addlibrary, cp_check, detect_project_name, disk_info, bgprecompile, setwindowtitle, prep_target_dbs] def main(): print() dsz.control.echo.Off() failures = 0 for func in TASKS: try: ret = func() if (ret != True): failures += 1 except: traceback.print_exc() dsz.ui.Echo('Exception in startup task. You must determine if it is safe to proceed.', dsz.WARNING) failures += 1 if (failures > 0): dsz.ui.Echo(('%d of %d startup items indicated failure to execute correctly.' % (failures, len(TASKS))), dsz.ERROR) return False elif (failures < 0): dsz.ui.Echo('You are a negative failure.', dsz.WARNING) return False else: return True if (__name__ == '__main__'): if (not dsz.script.IsLocal()): dsz.ui.Echo('This script is run automatically at startup and is not run on remote targets.', dsz.ERROR) sys.exit((-1)) if (not main()): dsz.ui.Echo('Session did not pass configuration sanity check. Close, clean up if necessary, and try again.', dsz.ERROR) sys.exit((-1)) print()