import operator, os, os.path, shutil, struct, sys from ops.parseargs import ArgumentParser import dsz.ui, ops.cmd, ops.env, ops.files.dirs, ops.system.environment GETFILES = os.path.join(ops.env.get('_LOGPATH'), 'GetFiles') NOSEND = os.path.join(GETFILES, 'NOSEND') SOTIContainers = ['consolad.ttf', 'davidbi.ttf', 'georgiad.ttf', 'palabd.ttf', 'tahomabi.ttf', 'timesbc.ttf', 'trebucbc.ttf', 'verdanad.ttf'] remoteFontsDir = '' remoteSystemDrive = '' remoteEnv = ops.system.environment.get_environment() for sysVar in remoteEnv.environment.value: if ( == 'systemdrive'): remoteSystemDrive = sysVar.value if ( == 'systemroot'): remoteFontsDir = os.path.join(sysVar.value, 'Fonts') _logmsgs = [] def log(lmsg, smsg): global _logmsgs _logmsgs.append([lmsg, smsg]) def printlog(quietprint=True): global _logmsgs if (quietprint is True): smsg = 'soti_check: ' for msg in _logmsgs: if (msg[1] != ''): smsg += (msg[1] + ' ') dsz.ui.Echo(smsg, dsz.GOOD) else: dsz.ui.Echo('soti_check:', dsz.GOOD) for msg in _logmsgs: if (msg[0] != ''): dsz.ui.Echo(msg[0], dsz.GOOD) def containers(quiet=False): global remoteFontsDirs, SOTIContainers fontsdir = ops.files.dirs.get_dirlisting(path=remoteFontsDir, mask='*.ttf', maxage=0) foundContainers = [] for diritem in fontsdir.diritem: for font in diritem.fileitem: if ( in SOTIContainers): foundContainers.append(font) if (int(len(foundContainers)) > 0): log((' Found %d SOTI container(s);' % int(len(foundContainers))), ('Found %d SOTI container(s);' % int(len(foundContainers)))) for container in foundContainers: log((' %s (%d)' % (container.fullpath, container.size)), '') else: log('No SOTI containers', 'No SOTI containers') def get8k(): global remoteSystemDrive cmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('get') cmd.arglist = [('"\\\\?\\%s"' % remoteSystemDrive)] cmd.optdict = {'range': '0 8191', 'name': 'BootSector'} obj = cmd.execute() if cmd.success: gfBootSector = os.path.join(GETFILES, obj.filelocalname[0].localname) nsBootSector = os.path.join(NOSEND, obj.filelocalname[0].localname) if (not os.path.exists(NOSEND)): os.makedirs(NOSEND) shutil.move(gfBootSector, nsBootSector) localhash(nsBootSector) else: log(('get MBR failed. cmd %d' % obj._cmdid), ('get %d failed' % obj._cmdid)) def localhash(localFile=None): dataOffset = 656 dataLen = 7024 BootSectorDict = {} BootSectorDict[3045655125L] = 'Pre-Vista - SOTI 1.3.2' BootSectorDict[4057611551L] = 'VISTA+ - SOTI 1.3.2' BootSectorDict[2135347019] = 'Pre-Vista - SOTI 1.3.3 / 1.3.4' BootSectorDict[1284376162] = 'VISTA+ - SOTI 1.3.3 / 1.3.4' BootSectorDict[1125905602] = 'Windows 7 32/64 bit default' BootSectorDict[4194054995L] = 'W2k3 32 bit default' BootSectorDict[2744352803L] = 'XPSP3 32 bit default' BootSectorDict[2949997747L] = 'w7ldr / WindowsLoader' def CRCData(data): crc = 0 length = len(data) for i in range(length): crc = (((crc >> 9) & 8388607) | ((crc << 23) & 4286578688L)) crc += ((i + 1) * struct.unpack('b', data[i])[0]) return crc def CRCBootSectorFile(path): if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'rb') as f: s = if (len(s) != 8192): log(' MBR getfile is not exactly 8192 bytes', '') return None return CRCData(s[dataOffset:(dataOffset + dataLen)]) else: log(" couldn't open getfile", '') return None if (localFile is None): localFile = dsz.ui.GetString('Enter local path to collected boot sector') crc = CRCBootSectorFile(localFile) if (crc is not None): strCrc = ('0x%08X' % crc) if ((strCrc == '0x431BF4C2') or (strCrc == '0xF9FC3353') or (strCrc == '0xA3938023') or (strCrc == '0xAFD564B3')): log(' known MS/other boot hash', 'MS/other') if ((strCrc == '0x7F46CF4B') or (strCrc == '0x4C8E0662')): log(' SOTI 1.3.3 or 1.3.4. doublefeature will confirm', 'MBR 1.3.3 or 1.3.4') if ((strCrc == '0xB5890255') or (strCrc == '0xF1DA3D1F')): log(' SOTI 1.3.2, UPGRADE!', '1.3.2, UPGRADE!') def parse_program_arguments(arguments): parser = ArgumentParser(prog='check_soti', description='performs some checks for SOTI') parser.add_argument('-c', '--containers', dest='containers', help='look for SOTI containers', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-g', '--get8k', dest='get8k', help='gets the first 8k bytes from target boot drive', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-l', '--localhash', dest='localhash', help='locally hashes first 8k bytes from target', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', help='one line output, intended for survey', action='store_true') options = parser.parse_args() if (options.localhash and (options.get8k is not True)): if options.containers: containers() localhash(None) printlog(options.quiet) return if operator.xor(options.containers, options.get8k): if options.containers: containers() if options.get8k: get8k() if options.localhash: log(' not running -l since -g ran', '-g ran -> no -l') else: containers() get8k() if options.localhash: log(' not running -l since -g ran', '-g ran -> no -l') printlog(options.quiet) if (__name__ == '__main__'): parse_program_arguments(sys.argv)