import ops.cmd, ops.db, ops, ops.project import os.path import dsz from ops.pprint import pprint import sys, re from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import ops.timehelper import ops.system.drivers import ops.survey from ops.parseargs import ArgumentParser def processdir(dirobj): h = {} for dir in dirobj.diritem: path = dir.path if path.endswith('\\'): path = path[0:(-1)] for file in dir.fileitem: if ( in ['.', '..']): continue if continue name = size = file.size sha1_hash = None for hash in file.filehash: if (hash.type.lower() == 'sha1'): sha1_hash = hash.value modified = file.filetimes.modified.time accessed = file.filetimes.accessed.time created = file.filetimes.created.time h[os.path.join(path.lower(), name.lower())] = {'name': name, 'path': path, 'size': size, 'hash': sha1_hash, 'modified': modified, 'accessed': accessed, 'created': created} return h def getgrdobool(value): if value.lower().startswith('true'): return True elif value.lower().startswith('false'): return False return value def processgrdo(grdoobj): h = {} for fileentry in grdoobj.fileentry: this_entry = {'flags': []} wants = ['filename', 'signedstatus', 'dllexportname', 'signername', 'rootsignername', 'msstatus', 'resourceoriginalfilename', 'score'] flags = ['pechecksumstatus', 'dotnetstatus', 'sectionnamesstatus', 'noresourcesstatus', 'relocatablestatus', 'keyloggerstatus', 'noversioninfostatus', 'headersizestatus', 'timestampstatus', 'resdatastatus', 'sectionorderingstatus', 'exporttimestampstatus', 'cachematchstatus', 'taildatastatus', 'sizeofcodestatus', 'invaliddrvlocstatus', 'packedstatus', 'invalidattributesstatus', 'linkerversiontimestatus', 'namematchstatus', 'adsfilenamestatus', 'linkerstatus'] for hash in fileentry.hash: if (hash.type.lower() == 'sha1'): this_entry['hash'] = hash.value.lower() for want in wants: this_entry[want] = getattr(fileentry, want) for flag in flags: if (getgrdobool(getattr(fileentry, flag)) == True): this_entry['flags'].append(flag) h[this_entry['filename'].lower()] = this_entry return h def gethashes(driver_names=[], maxage=3600): h = {} voldb = ops.db.get_voldb() all_dirs = [] ops.system.drivers.run_drivers_dirs(maxage=maxage) all_dirs += voldb.load_ops_object_bytag('DRIVERLIST_DIRS_SYSDIR_DRIVERS') all_dirs += voldb.load_ops_object_bytag('DRIVERLIST_DIRS_SYSDIR') for driver in driver_names: try: this_dir = voldb.load_ops_object_bytag(('DRIVERLIST_DIRS_%s' % driver.upper())) if (( - this_dir[0].__dict__['cache_timestamp']) > timedelta(seconds=maxage)): continue all_dirs += this_dir except: continue for dirobj in all_dirs: h.update(processdir(dirobj)) return h def getgrdo(driver_names=[], maxage=3600, gath=False): h = {} voldb = ops.db.get_voldb() all_grdos = [] ops.system.drivers.run_drivers_grdo(maxage=maxage, gath=gath) all_grdos += voldb.load_ops_object_bytag('DRIVERLIST_GRDO_SYSDIR_DRIVERS') all_grdos += voldb.load_ops_object_bytag('DRIVERLIST_GRDO_SYSDIR') for driver in driver_names: try: this_grdo = voldb.load_ops_object_bytag(('DRIVERLIST_GRDO_%s' % driver.upper())) if (( - this_grdo[0].__dict__['cache_timestamp']) > timedelta(seconds=maxage)): continue all_grdos += this_grdo except: continue for grdoobj in all_grdos: h.update(processgrdo(grdoobj)) return h def rundriverlist(tdb, minimal=True, maxage=3600): driverlist = ops.system.drivers.get_drivers_list(maxage=maxage, targetID=None, use_volatile=False, minimal=minimal) return driverlist def gathget(targetfilename=None, recordid=None): if ((targetfilename is None) and (recordid is None)): return False gathcmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('gangsterthief') if (recordid is not None): gathcmd.arglist.append(('-get %s' % recordid)) else: gathcmd.arglist.append('-get') if (targetfilename is not None): gathcmd.arglist.append(('-path "%s"' % targetfilename)) gathobj = gathcmd.execute() if (gathobj.commandmetadata.status != 0): return False localfilename = os.path.join(ops.LOGDIR, gathobj.filelocalname.subdir, gathobj.filelocalname.localname) return localfilename def freshscan(driver_list, autofreshscan=False, gath=None): count = 1 unidentified_list = [] for driver in driver_list: if (not ('UNIDENTIFIED' in driver['flags'])): continue driver['index'] = count count += 1 project_name = ops.project.getTarget() targetid = ops.project.getTargetID() pulled_date = ops.system.drivers.get_driver_report_date(driver=driver['file'].lower(), path=driver['dir'].lower(), sha1=driver['hash'], field='pulled') driver['pulled_date'] = pulled_date unidentified_list.append(driver) if (len(unidentified_list) == 0): return print '\n' dsz.ui.Echo(('[%s] The following drivers were unidentified and have no associated name' % ops.timestamp())) if (autofreshscan == False): dsz.ui.Echo('Which would you like to freshscan?') else: dsz.ui.Echo(('These will be automatically sent to freshscan using userid %s' % autofreshscan)) pprint(unidentified_list, header=['Index', 'Driver', 'Path', 'Last Pulled', 'Size', 'Modified', 'Accessed', 'Created'], dictorder=['index', 'file', 'dir', 'pulled_date', 'size', 'modified', 'accessed', 'created']) intlist = [] if (autofreshscan == False): want = '' want = dsz.ui.GetString('Please provide a list of indexes you would like (ex: "1,3,5-7,13") (0 quits): ', want) wantlist = want.split(',') if ('0' in wantlist): dsz.ui.Echo('Quitting', dsz.ERROR) return False for item in wantlist: if (len(item.split('-')) == 2): itemrange = item.split('-') for integer in range(int(itemrange[0]), (int(itemrange[1]) + 1)): try: intlist.append(integer) except: continue else: try: intlist.append(int(item)) except: continue outlist = [] userid = dsz.ui.GetInt('Please enter your ID') else: for item in range(1, (len(unidentified_list) + 1)): intlist.append(item) userid = autofreshscan if ((gath is None) or (gath == False)): usegath = dsz.ui.Prompt('Do you want to use GATH to get the drivers? (You must know if it is safe to do so)') else: usegath = True for item in unidentified_list: if (item['index'] in intlist): try: if usegath: dsz.ui.Echo(('Using GATH to get %s' % os.path.join(item['dir'], item['file']))) localfile = gathget(targetfilename=os.path.join(item['dir'], item['file'])) if (localfile is not False): ops.system.drivers.database_report_driver(driver=item['file'].lower(), path=item['dir'].lower(), sha1=item['hash'], field='pulled') dsz.ui.Echo((('Running: %s' % 'python windows/ -args "-local %s -userid %s"') % (localfile, userid))) cmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('python', arglist=['windows/'], args=('"-local %s -userid %s"' % (localfile, userid))) cmd.execute() else: dsz.ui.Echo('Failed to get file via GATH.') else: ops.system.drivers.database_report_driver(driver=item['file'].lower(), path=item['dir'].lower(), sha1=item['hash'], field='pulled') dsz.ui.Echo((('Running: %s' % 'python windows/ -args "-remote %s -userid %s"') % (os.path.join(item['dir'], item['file']), userid))) cmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('python', arglist=['windows/'], args=('"-remote %s -userid %s"' % (os.path.join(item['dir'], item['file']), userid))) cmd.execute() except: dsz.ui.Echo(('Could not freshscan %s' % item['file']), dsz.ERROR) def cleanuptdb(tdb): tag_ids = tdb.get_cache_ids_by_tag(ops.system.drivers.DRIVERS_TAG) if (tag_ids > 3): tag_ids = tag_ids[:(-3)] for tag in tag_ids: tdb.delete_ops_object_byid(tag) return def setup_voldb(): voldb = ops.db.get_voldb() voldb.ensureTable('hashhunter', 'CREATE TABLE hashhunter (cpaddr, mask, path)') def hashhunter_add(cpaddr, mask, path): voldb = ops.db.get_voldb() conn = voldb.connection with conn: conn.execute('INSERT INTO hashhunter (cpaddr, mask, path) VALUES (?,?,?)', [cpaddr, mask, path]) def helpinghand(driver_to_find): target_objects = ops.project.getAllTargets() other_targets = [] found_drivers = ops.system.drivers.check_drivertracker(driver=driver_to_find, path=None, sha1=None) for target in target_objects: if (target.target_id == ops.project.getTargetID()): continue for found in found_drivers: if (found['targetid'] == target.target_id): other_targets.append(target.hostname) break return other_targets def randomdrivercheck(name): name = name.lower() re_out ='^a.{7}\\.sys$', name) if (re_out is not None): return ('*** POSSIBLE Alcohol Soft/DAEMON Tools ***', 'WARNING') re_out ='^sp..\\.sys$', name) if (re_out is not None): return ('*** POSSIBLE Alcohol Soft/DAEMON Tools ***', 'WARNING') re_out ='^sptd\\d{4}\\.sys$', name) if (re_out is not None): return ('*** POSSIBLE Alcohol Soft/DAEMON Tools ***', 'WARNING') re_out ='^mpksl[0-9a-f]{8}\\.sys$', name) if (re_out is not None): return ('!!! POSSIBLE PSP: Microsoft Security Essentials !!!', 'SECURITY_PRODUCT') re_out ='^dump_.*\\.sys$', name) if (re_out is not None): return ('!!! POSSIBLE driver mem dump !!!', 'WARNING') return (None, None) def checktype(driver_types, type_lists): for type in type_lists: if (type in driver_types): return True return False def driverlist(wait=False, quiet=False, maxage=3600, minimal=True, grabhashes=True, showall=False, autofreshscan=False, dofreshscan=True, gath=False, grdo=False): tdb = ops.db.get_tdb() setup_voldb() ops.system.drivers.verify_drivertracker() this_projectname = ops.project.getTarget() this_targetid = ops.project.getTargetID() filelist = {} driver_out = [] driver_final = [] colorcodes = [] report_list = [] lookup_list_hash = [] lookup_list_name = [] grdo_list = {} if (not quiet): dsz.ui.Echo(('[%s] Getting a driver list at most %s seconds old' % (ops.timestamp(), maxage))) this_driverlist = rundriverlist(tdb, minimal, maxage=maxage) driver_names = [] for driver in this_driverlist: driver_names.append('.'.join(os.path.basename('.')[:(-1)])) if (grabhashes and (not grdo)): if (not quiet): dsz.ui.Echo(('[%s] Running a series of dirs to get your driver hashes' % ops.timestamp())) filelist = gethashes(driver_names=driver_names, maxage=maxage) if grdo: if (not quiet): dsz.ui.Echo(('[%s] Running a series of grdo_filescanners to get your driver info' % ops.timestamp())) grdo_list = getgrdo(driver_names=driver_names, maxage=maxage, gath=gath) if (not quiet): dsz.ui.Echo(('[%s] Comparing information pulled with the dirs we have access to' % ops.timestamp())) for driver in this_driverlist: sysdir = dsz.env.Get('OPS_SYSTEMDIR') windir = dsz.env.Get('OPS_WINDOWSDIR') name = None if'\\systemroot\\system32'): name ='\\systemroot\\system32', sysdir) elif'\\windows'): name ='\\windows', windir) elif'\\winnt'): name ='\\winnt', windir) elif'\\??\\'): name ='\\??\\', '') else: name = (dir, file) = os.path.split(name) sha1 = None modified = None accessed = None created = None size = None grdo_data = None flags = [] signed = driver.signed if (signed == False): flags.append('UNSIGNED') if (wait and (not filelist.has_key(os.path.join(dir.lower(), file.lower()))) and (not (((dir is None) or (dir == '')) and filelist.has_key(os.path.join(sysdir.lower(), 'drivers', file.lower()))))): dircmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('dir -hash sha1 -max 0') dircmd.mask = file dircmd.path = dir cache_tag = ('DRIVERLIST_DIRS_%s' % file.upper().split('.')[0]) dirobj = ops.project.generic_cache_get(dircmd, cache_tag=cache_tag, cache_size=1, maxage=timedelta(seconds=maxage), targetID=None, use_volatile=True) filelist.update(processdir(dirobj)) if filelist.has_key(os.path.join(dir.lower(), file.lower())): this_file = os.path.join(dir.lower(), file.lower()) sha1 = filelist[this_file]['hash'] modified = filelist[this_file]['modified'] accessed = filelist[this_file]['accessed'] created = filelist[this_file]['created'] size = filelist[this_file]['size'] elif (((dir is None) or (dir == '')) and filelist.has_key(os.path.join(sysdir.lower(), 'drivers', file.lower()))): this_file = os.path.join(sysdir.lower(), 'drivers', file.lower()) sha1 = filelist[this_file]['hash'] modified = filelist[this_file]['modified'] accessed = filelist[this_file]['accessed'] created = filelist[this_file]['created'] size = filelist[this_file]['size'] if grdo_list.has_key(os.path.join(dir.lower(), file.lower())): this_file = os.path.join(dir.lower(), file.lower()) sha1 = grdo_list[this_file]['hash'] grdo_data = grdo_list[this_file] if (sha1 == None): if ((dir is not None) and (not (dir == ''))): path = ('"%s"' % dir) else: path = '""' if (not wait): hashhunter_add(ops.TARGET_ADDR, file, path) else: lookup_list_hash.append(sha1) lookup_list_name.append(file) first_seen = ops.system.drivers.get_driver_first_seen(project=this_projectname, targetid=this_targetid, driver=file) driver_out.append({'name': name, 'dir': dir, 'file': file, 'size': size, 'hash': sha1, 'modified': modified, 'accessed': accessed, 'created': created, 'comment': [], 'type': [], 'color': dsz.DEFAULT, 'flags': flags, 'signed': signed, 'db_name': [], 'first_seen': first_seen, 'other_targets': '', 'grdo_data': grdo_data}) driver_out.sort(key=(lambda x: x['file'])) if (not quiet): dsz.ui.Echo(('[%s] Comparing information pulled with the driver database' % ops.timestamp())) found_hashes = ops.system.drivers.query_driver_database(hash=lookup_list_hash) found_names = ops.system.drivers.query_driver_database(name=lookup_list_name) if (not quiet): dsz.ui.Echo(('[%s] Processing the data from the driver database' % ops.timestamp())) for driver in driver_out: found_matches = [] for found in found_hashes: if ((driver['hash'] is not None) and (found['hash'].lower() == driver['hash'].lower())): found_matches.append(found) if (len(found_matches) == 1): driver['db_name'] = [found_matches[0]['name'].lower()] driver['comment'] = [found_matches[0]['comment']] driver['type'] = [found_matches[0]['type']] driver['flags'].append('HASH_MATCH') elif (len(found_matches) > 1): driver['flags'].append('HASH_MATCH') driver['flags'].append('MULTI_MATCH') for item in found_matches: if (not (item['name'] in driver['db_name'])): driver['db_name'].append(item['name'].lower()) if (not (item['comment'] in driver['comment'])): driver['comment'].append(item['comment']) if (not (item['type'] in driver['type'])): driver['type'].append(item['type']) else: found_matches = [] for found in found_names: if (found['name'].lower() == driver['file'].lower()): found_matches.append(found) if (len(found_matches) == 1): driver['db_name'] = [found_matches[0]['name'].lower()] driver['comment'] = [found_matches[0]['comment']] driver['type'] = [found_matches[0]['type']] if ('ISO_HASH' in driver['type']): driver['type'] = ['ISO_NAME'] driver['flags'].append('NAME_MATCH') elif (len(found_matches) > 1): if ('ISO_HASH' in driver['type']): driver['type'].remove('ISO_HASH') driver['type'].append('ISO_NAME') driver['flags'].append('NAME_MATCH') for item in found_matches: if (not (item['name'] in driver['db_name'])): driver['db_name'].append(item['name'].lower()) if (not (item['comment'] in driver['comment'])): driver['comment'].append(item['comment']) if (not (item['type'] in driver['type'])): driver['type'].append(item['type']) else: pass if checktype(driver['type'], ['ISO_HASH']): if (not showall): continue else: if (driver['hash'] is not None): is_new = ops.system.drivers.try_add_driver(driver=driver['file'], path=driver['dir'], sha1=driver['hash']) else: is_new = ops.system.drivers.try_add_driver(driver=driver['file'], path=driver['dir']) if (is_new == True): driver['flags'].append('NEW') driver['score'] = None driver['grdo_flags'] = None if (grdo and (driver['grdo_data'] is not None)): driver['score'] = driver['grdo_data']['score'] driver['grdo_flags'] = ','.join(driver['grdo_data']['flags']) re_out ='(Signed by Catalog)|(TRUSTED SIGNATURE)|(NOT TESTED)', driver['grdo_data']['signedstatus'], re.IGNORECASE) if (re_out is None): flags.append('UNSIGNED') if (len(driver['comment']) == 0): (randcomment, randtype) = randomdrivercheck(driver['file']) if (randcomment is None): driver['flags'].append('UNIDENTIFIED') driver['comment'] = '' else: driver['comment'] = randcomment driver['type'] = [randtype] driver['flags'].append('RANDOM') else: temp_comment_list = {} for comment in driver['comment']: if (not temp_comment_list.has_key(comment.lower())): temp_comment_list[comment.lower()] = comment if (len(temp_comment_list.values()) > 1): driver['flags'].append('MULTI_MATCH') driver['comment'] = ' -OR- '.join(temp_comment_list.values()) if (not ('HASH_MATCH' in driver['flags'])): ops.system.drivers.report_driver(driver) report_list.append(driver) if checktype(driver['type'], ['SECURITY_PRODUCT', 'MALWARE', 'SIG']): if ('HASH_MATCH' in driver['flags']): driver['color'] = dsz.ERROR else: driver['color'] = dsz.ERROR elif checktype(driver['type'], ['WARNING', 'MENTAL', 'TOOL', 'ISO_NAME']): if ('HASH_MATCH' in driver['flags']): driver['color'] = dsz.WARNING else: driver['color'] = dsz.WARNING elif checktype(driver['type'], ['NORMAL', 'ISO_HASH']): if ('HASH_MATCH' in driver['flags']): driver['color'] = dsz.GOOD else: driver['color'] = dsz.WARNING else: driver['color'] = dsz.ERROR if (not (driver['type'] is None)): driver['type'] = ' -OR- '.join(driver['type']) else: driver['type'] = '' if (driver['hash'] is None): if grabhashes: driver['flags'].append('NO_HASH') driver['color'] = dsz.ERROR if (driver['signed'] == False): driver['color'] = dsz.ERROR if ((len(driver['db_name']) > 0) and (not (driver['file'].lower() in driver['db_name']))): driver['flags'].append('NAME_MISMATCH') driver['color'] = dsz.ERROR if (len(driver['db_name']) > 1): if (not ('MULTI_MATCH' in driver['flags'])): driver['flags'].append('MULTI_MATCH') driver['flags'] = ','.join(driver['flags']) if (not ('HASH_MATCH' in driver['flags'])): other_targets = helpinghand(driver['file']) if (len(other_targets) > 5): driver['other_targets'] = ('%d other targets' % len(other_targets)) else: driver['other_targets'] = ','.join(other_targets) driver_final.append(driver) colorcodes.append(driver['color']) outheader = ['Driver', 'Path', 'Flags', 'Comment', 'Type', 'First Seen', 'Also On'] outdictorder = ['file', 'dir', 'flags', 'comment', 'type', 'first_seen', 'other_targets'] if grdo: outheader.extend(['Score', 'GRDO Flags']) outdictorder.extend(['score', 'grdo_flags']) pprint(driver_final, header=outheader, dictorder=outdictorder, echocodes=colorcodes) if (not grabhashes): dsz.ui.Echo('Driverlist was run without hashes!', dsz.ERROR) if (grabhashes and (not wait)): ops.system.drivers.start_hashhunter(maxage=maxage, grdo=grdo, gath=gath) if dofreshscan: freshscan(report_list, autofreshscan=autofreshscan, gath=gath) def main(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--maxage', action='store', dest='maxage', default='1h', type=ops.timehelper.get_seconds_from_age, help='Default age is 1h. Accepts seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years. (Ex: 2h10m50s)') parser.add_argument('--nominimal', action='store_false', dest='minimal', default=True, help='Do not use -minimal when running the drivers -list (dangerous)') parser.add_argument('--nohashes', action='store_false', dest='grabhashes', default=True, help='Do not run the hashing functions to get our wonderful hashes') parser.add_argument('--showall', action='store_true', dest='showall', default=False, help='Show all drivers. By default, ISO_HASH items are excluded') parser.add_argument('--autofreshscan', action='store', dest='autofreshscan', default=False, type=int, help='Automatically freshscan UNIDENTIFIED drivers. Requires userid') parser.add_argument('--nofreshscan', action='store_false', dest='dofreshscan', default=True, help='Disable the freshscan prompt for UNIDENTIFIED drivers at the end of the script') parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_false', dest='quiet', default=True, help='Enable helpful output messages that state the progress of the script') parser.add_argument('--wait', action='store_true', dest='wait', default=False, help="Instead of running hashhunter, run the dir's from within the script") parser.add_argument('--grdo', action='store_true', dest='grdo', default=False, help='Run GRDO_FILESCANNER to get some extra information') parser.add_argument('--gath', action='store_true', dest='gath', default=False, help='Use GANGSTERTHIEF where we can (for grdo_filescanner and for freshscan)') options = parser.parse_args() if (options.autofreshscan is not False): re_out ='^[0-9]{5}$', options.autofreshscan) if (re_out is None): dsz.ui.Echo('Invalid user id for autofreshscan, must be five digits', dsz.ERROR) return False if ((options.autofreshscan is not False) and (dofreshscan == False)): dsz.ui.Echo('You cannot enable autofreshscan and disable freshscan', dsz.ERROR) return False driverlist(wait=options.wait, quiet=options.quiet, maxage=options.maxage, minimal=options.minimal, grabhashes=options.grabhashes, showall=options.showall, autofreshscan=options.autofreshscan, dofreshscan=options.dofreshscan, gath=options.gath, grdo=options.grdo) if ((__name__ == '__main__') or (__name__ == ops.survey.PLUGIN)): main()