import ops.networking.redirect import ops, ops.project import os.path import glob import sys import imp import re import util.ip def _whats_your_name(): return 'scan' class scan(object, ): def __init__(self, job, timeout=None): for field in self.get_data_fields(): setattr(self, field, '') setattr(self, 'success', False) self.job = job[0] if (len(job) > 1): = job[1] self.scan_type = _whats_your_name() self.multiple_responses = False def recall_data(self, old_data_dict): for key in old_data_dict.keys(): setattr(self, key, old_data_dict[key]) def execute_scan(self, target, verbose): pass def return_data(self): data_dict = {} for field in self.get_raw_fields(): data_dict[field] = getattr(self, field, '') try: data_dict['sort_field'] = util.ip.get_int_from_ip( except: data_dict['sort_field'] = return data_dict def get_data_fields(self): return [] def get_raw_fields(self): return [] def gettunnel(self, target, protocol, target_port): if (not protocol.startswith('-')): protocol = ('-' + protocol) redir_cmd = None success = False max_attempts = 5 for i in range(0, max_attempts): redir_cmd = ops.networking.redirect.generate_tunnel_cmd(arg_list=[protocol, '-target', target, target_port, '-lplisten'], random=True) redir_output = ops.networking.redirect.start_tunnel(dsz_cmd=redir_cmd) if ((redir_output is not False) and (type(redir_output) is int)): return redir_cmd return False def find_newest_touch(self, touch_name, touch_ext, touch_type='touches'): list_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(ops.DSZDISKSDIR, touch_type, ('%s-*.%s' % (touch_name, touch_ext)))) newest_file = ('%s-0.0.0.%s' % (touch_name, touch_ext)) for this_file in list_files: this_split = os.path.basename(this_file).split('-')[1].split('.')[:(-1)] newest_split = os.path.basename(newest_file).split('-')[1].split('.')[:(-1)] for i in range(0, len(this_split)): if (int(this_split[i]) > int(newest_split[i])): newest_file = this_file break return newest_file def search_project_data(self, macs=None, hostname=None): candidate = None macslist = [] if (macs is not None): for mac in macs: macslist.append(mac.lower()) if (hostname is not None): hostname = hostname.lower() try: candidate = ops.project.matchTarget(macs=macslist, hostname=hostname) except ops.project.MultipleTargetIDException: return 'Multiple possible' if (candidate is None): return '' if ((type(candidate) == type([])) and (len(candidate) > 1)): return 'Multiple possible' if ((type(candidate) == type([])) and (len(candidate) == 0)): return '' return candidate[(-1)]['target'].crypto_guid def min_time(self): return 5 def min_range(self): return 5 def get_scanengine(job, timeout=None): job_type = job[0] for import_job in scan_job_description.keys(): if (, job_type) is not None): name = scan_job_description[import_job]._whats_your_name() if (timeout is None): return scan_job_description[import_job].__dict__[name](job) else: return scan_job_description[import_job].__dict__[name](job, timeout) return False def load_plugins(): plugin_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) sys.path.append(plugin_path) path_to_glob = os.path.join(plugin_path, '*.py') all_python_files = glob.glob(path_to_glob) modules = [] for module in all_python_files: if ('__init__' in module): continue name = os.path.basename(module).replace('.py', '') module = import_by_name(name) if (not module): continue scan_job_description[module._whats_your_job()] = module def import_by_name(name): try: return sys.modules[name] except KeyError as e: pass (fp, pathname, description) = imp.find_module(name) try: module = imp.load_module(name, fp, pathname, description) return module except Exception as e: print ('Exception on import_by_name: %s' % e) return None finally: if fp: fp.close() scan_job_description = {} load_plugins()