import ops.cmd import util.mac import dsz from scanengine2 import scan import os.path import re def _whats_your_job(): return 'daputouch\\|*' def _whats_your_name(): return 'daputouch' def _support_ipv6(): return False class daputouch(scan, ): def __init__(self, job, timeout=60): scan.__init__(self, job) if (len(job) > 1): self.port = job[0].split('|')[1] self.scan_type = _whats_your_name() self.timeout = timeout def execute_scan(self, verbose): redir_cmd = scan.gettunnel(self,, 'tcp', self.port) PATH_TO_DAPUTOUCH = scan.find_newest_touch(self, 'Darkpulsar', 'exe', touch_type='implants') PATH_TO_DAPUXML = scan.find_newest_touch(self, 'Darkpulsar', 'xml', touch_type='implants') dapucmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('run', dszquiet=(not verbose)) dapu_cmd_list = [] dapu_cmd_list.append(('--InConfig %s' % PATH_TO_DAPUXML)) dapu_cmd_list.append(('--TargetIp %s' % '')) dapu_cmd_list.append(('--TargetPort %s' % redir_cmd.lplisten)) dapu_cmd_list.append(('--NetworkTimeout %s' % self.timeout)) dapu_cmd_list.append(('--Protocol %s' % 'SMB')) dapu_cmd_list.append(('--ImplantAction %s' % 'PingPong')) outconfig = os.path.join(ops.LOGDIR, 'Logs', ('%s_%s_%s.xml' % (os.path.basename(PATH_TO_DAPUTOUCH),, dsz.Timestamp()))) dapu_cmd_list.append(('--OutConfig %s' % outconfig)) dapu_cmd_string = ((PATH_TO_DAPUTOUCH + ' ') + ' '.join(dapu_cmd_list)) dapucmd.command = ('cmd /C %s' % dapu_cmd_string) dapucmd.arglist.append('-redirect') dapucmd.arglist.append(('-directory %s' % os.path.join(ops.DSZDISKSDIR, 'lib', 'x86-Windows'))) dapucmd.prefixes.append('local') dapucmd.prefixes.append('log') dapuobject = dapucmd.execute() ops.networking.redirect.stop_tunnel(dsz_cmd=redir_cmd) screenlog = os.path.join(ops.PROJECTLOGDIR, dapuobject.commandmetadata.screenlog) f = open(screenlog, 'r') screenlog_lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in screenlog_lines: if ('Process terminated with status 0' in line): self.success = True break elif ('Process terminated with status 6' in line): self.success = False self.error = line.strip('Process terminated with status ').strip() break elif ('Process terminated with status' in line): self.error = line.strip('Process terminated with status ').strip() self.timestamp = dsz.Timestamp() def return_success_message(self): return ('DAPU PingPong success from %s' % def check_escalation(self, escalation_rule): daputouch = self try: if eval(escalation_rule): return True else: return False except: return False def verify_escalation(self, escalation_rule): daputouch = self try: eval_res = eval(escalation_rule) if ((eval_res == True) or (eval_res == False)): return True else: return False except: return False def return_data(self): return scan.return_data(self) def get_display_headers(self): return ['Targeted Address', 'Port', 'Success', 'Error'] def get_data_fields(self): return ['target', 'port', 'success', 'error'] def get_raw_fields(self): return (self.get_data_fields() + ['success']) def verify_job(self, job): if ((not (len(job) == 2)) or (not (int(job[1]) in [445]))): return False return True def min_time(self): return 30 def min_range(self): return 5