use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Cwd; my $pattern = ""; my $help = 0; GetOptions("pattern=s"=>\$pattern,"help"=>\$help); #,"\/\?"=>\$help,"\?"=>\$help); if ( $help ){ print "Usage: e:/tools/ <-pattern xxx> [-help] ( note: you MUST be in the dir you want renamed. )\n"; print "Note: the pattern replaces the dit (.) not the dit%.\n"; exit ( 0 ); } if ($pattern eq ""){ print "You MUST supply a pattern for me to replace the dit(.) with.\n"; print "Usage: e:/tools/ <-pattern xxx> [-help] ( note: you MUST be in the dir you want renamed. )\n"; print "Note: the pattern replaces the dit (.) not the dit%.\n"; exit ( 0 ); } my $dir = cwd(); opendir DIR, $dir; my @dirlist = readdir DIR; closedir DIR; my $file; my $newFile; foreach $file ( @dirlist){ if ( $file =~ /^(\.)(%.*)/ ){ $newFile = "$pattern$2"; print "Renaming $file to $newFile\n"; `rename $file $newFile`; } } print " Done\n";