pc_installscript Install/_Install.dss -args "INSTALL " -project Pcpc_install Installs a Level4 PCpc_uninstallscript Install/_Uninstall.dss -args "" -project Pcpc_uninstall Uninstalls a Level4 PCpc_upgradescript Install/_Install.dss -args "UPGRADE " -project Pcpc_upgrade Upgrades a Level4 PCpc_preppython Payload/_Prep.py -args "-action configure" -project Pcpc_prep Configures a PC payload [-level3] Select from PC level 3 payloads only. (equivalent to -type level3) REJECT: -level4 [-level4] Select from PC level 4 payloads only. (equivalent to -type level4) REJECT: -level3 [-i386] Select from PC i386 payloads only. (equivalent to -arch i386) REJECT: -x64 [-x64] Select from PC x64 payloads only. (equivalent to -arch x64) REJECT: -i386 [-sharedlib] Choose only from DLL binaries. (equivalent to -bintype sharedlib) REJECT: -exe [-exe] Choose only from EXE binaries. (equivalent to -bintype exe) REJECT: -sharedlib [-tcp] Choose only from TCP binaries. REJECT: -http [-http] Choose only from HTTP binaries. REJECT: -tcp [-extra <extraInfo>] Extra payload information [-verbose] Print additional information [-utilityburst] Configure with utilityburst support REJECT: -appcompat -winsockhelperapi -generic [-appcompat] Configure with appcompat support (FREEPARKING) REJECT: -utilityburst -winsockhelperapi -generic [-winsockhelperapi] Configure with winsockhelperapi support REJECT: -utilityburst -appcompat -generic [-generic] Configure without specific persistence support (i.e. appinit or exe) REJECT: -utilityburst -appcompat -winsockhelperapi [-driver <name>] Sets the driver name [-process <name>] Sets the process name [-info <name>] Sets the extra info area [-file <file>] The payload file for the -disable optionpc_pickpython Payload/_Prep.py -args "-action pick" -project Pcpc_pick Selects an already configured PC payload [-level3] Select from PC level 3 payloads only. (equivalent to -type level3) REJECT: -level4 [-level4] Select from PC level 4 payloads only. (equivalent to -type level4) REJECT: -level3 [-i386] Select from PC i386 payloads only. (equivalent to -arch i386) REJECT: -x64 [-x64] Select from PC x64 payloads only. (equivalent to -arch x64) REJECT: -i386 [-sharedlib] Choose only from DLL binaries. (equivalent to -bintype sharedlib) REJECT: -exe [-exe] Choose only from EXE binaries. (equivalent to -bintype exe) REJECT: -sharedlib [-tcp] Choose only from TCP binaries. REJECT: -http [-http] Choose only from HTTP binaries. REJECT: -tcp [-extra <extraInfo>] Extra payload information [-verbose] Print additional information [-utilityburst] Configure with utilityburst support REJECT: -appcompat -winsockhelperapi -generic [-appcompat] Configure with appcompat support (FREEPARKING) REJECT: -utilityburst -winsockhelperapi -generic [-winsockhelperapi] Configure with winsockhelperapi support REJECT: -utilityburst -appcompat -generic [-generic] Configure without specific persistence support (i.e. appinit or exe) REJECT: -utilityburst -appcompat -winsockhelperapi [-driver <name>] Sets the driver name [-process <name>] Sets the process name [-info <name>] Sets the extra info area [-file <file>] The payload file for the -disable optionpc_masterpython Payload/_Prep.py -args "-action configure" -project Pcpc_master Configures a PC payload, with pre-specified answers to otherwise interactive questions. Usage: pc_master [expanded_pc_prep_options] Takes any options 'pc_prep' does, but also a ton more. For 'boolean' options, there is a -NOopt as well. UNSPECIFIED OR INCORRECT OPTIONS WILL RESULT IN INTERACTIVE QUESTIONS! Unused specification args will emit warnings. Arguments will still be sanity-checked. Incorrect args will emit errors. It is possible to generate a Level3 with no interactivity. Level4, not yet. Specification options: [-calladdr [iparg]] Set the callback address. Omit iparg to set default. [-callport [dstportarg1 srcportarg1]... [dstportargN srcportargN]] Set the callback port(s). Omit any ports to set all defaults. Every DEST port must have a SRC port (which may be 0). [-exename [namearg]] Set the "exe name in version information". Omit namearg to retain default. [-fire] [-nofire] "Update the Windows firewall when listening" (or not) [-tls] [-notls] Use HTTPS (TLS) for comms (-nohttps to use HTTP) (HTTP-PC only). [-imm] [-noimm] "IMMEDIATE CALLBACK" (or not) [-key namearg] Set the key name (e.g. Default). Will go interactive if namearg is missing. [-listen starthour stophour [-loops numarg] [-ldur secarg] [-laddr iparg] [-lport [portarg1] ... [portargN]]] [-nolisten] PC should listen (or not). Omit suboption(s), to retain defaults (TCP-PC only). (loops:) Number of listening loops. (ldur:) Duration per loop. (laddr:) Bind address for listening. (lport:) Set the listening port(s). Omit any ports to set all defaults. [-pcid [idarg]] Set the PC ID. Up to 64 bits, can use 0x prefix to set as hex. Omit idarg to set default. [-pcp [-maxdata sizearg] [-failwait secarg] [-sendwait secarg] [-maxfail numarg]] Set the proxy connection parameters. Omit suboption(s), to retain defaults (HTTP-PC only). (maxdata:) MAXIMUM DATA SEND SIZE (failwait:) WAIT TIME AFTER FAILURE (sendwait:) WAIT TIME BETWEEN SENDS (maxfail:) MAXIMUM SEND FAILURES [-proxyaddr [iparg]] Set the proxy address. Omit iparg, to not set an address (HTTP-PC only). [-proxyport [portarg]] Set the port to connect to, on the specified proxy server (HTTP-PC only). [-proxyuser [namearg] [-proxypass [passarg]]] Set the proxy username/password. Omit namearg, to not set credentials (can omit -proxypass). Important consideration, if password starts or ends with a space, or contains a quote (') or double-quote (") character, it must be interactively entered (HTTP-PC only). [-qdel] [-noqdel] Enable/disable quick self-deletion (Level3 EXE only). [-wind] [-nowind] Enable/disable window creation (DLL only).