#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # File: PSP\kaspersky.eps # Description: Checks Kaspersky settings via avp.com # # Currently no FW (Anti_Hacker) queries # # This script handles the following Kaspersky versions: # 6.0 - KIS, KAV, FM # 7.0 - KIS, KAV, FM # 8.0 - very limited, only performs versioning. no settings are queried # # 2008-07-08 - First Release # 2008-08-08 - Added a lot more error checking # Background checksum of avp.com # Failout if avp.exe not in ps (After initial reg queries) # 2008-08-20 - Re-introduced some inline registry queries to check for # unmatched settinsg (reg vs. avp.com). # Detects klnagent.exe and pulls the server ip # 2008-11-14 - removed env safeties for KAV file server # added ability to handle KAVFSEE (file server enterprise edition) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @include "PerlFunctions.epm"; @include "PSPHelpers.epm"; @include "_NormalizePath.epm"; @include "_ProcessList.epm"; bool $debug = false; if($argc != 1) { echo "DEBUG: ON"; $debug = true; } # return value string $ret; # The struct is defined in PSPHelpers.epm metaData @metaData; string %envs; #initialize the struct init(@metaData, %envs); %envs{'noProcInfo'} = "FALSE"; @metaData.$vendor = "Kaspersky"; echo "Starting Kaspersky check"; @echo off; string $auditing = GetEnv("AUDITOFF"); if ($auditing == "TRUE"){ echo "Verified auditing was off/has been dorked. Moving on"; }else{ echo "auditing still on!"; } # will be set below with product type info string $tempFile = "~klset.txt"; # Dataroot Directory (e.g., logs directory) string $dataroot = ""; # Report Directory where log files are stored string $report = ""; # Quarantine Directory string $quarantine = ""; # Product Root (e.g., installation directory) string $productRoot = ""; string $productType = ""; int $version = 6; # Registry query value string $value; # registry query (sub)key string $key; # registry query base (used in conjuction with $key) string $reg_base = ""; # Informational string about the settings of the box string $data = ""; string $scriptsPath = GetEnv("ScriptsDir"); _NormalizePath($scriptsPath); # Is this an MP4 release bool $mp4 = false; @record on; if (`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP80"`) { undef($ret); undef($value); $key = "software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP80\\environment"; $value[0] = "ProductName"; $value[1] = "ProductVersion"; $value[2] = "ProductType"; if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { echo ""; $productType = $ret[2]; } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } $version = 6; $mp4 = true; $reg_base = "software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP80"; string $productString = "Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0"; if ($productType == "wks") { $productString = "$productString for Windows Workstations MP4"; } else if ($productType == "fs") { $productString = "$productString for Windows Servers MP4"; } else { $productString = "$productString MP4"; } echo ""; echo "Product Name: $productString"; echo " *** Not original KAV 6.0. This was released late 2009 *** "; @metaData.$product = $productString; @metaData.$version = "6.0.4"; } else if(`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\kasperskylab\\AVP6"`) { echo "Found registry keys for Kaspersky 6.0."; $version = 6; $reg_base = "software\\kasperskylab\\AVP6"; @metaData.$product = "Kaspersky 6.0"; @metaData.$version = "6"; } else if(`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP7"`) { echo "Found registry keys for Kaspersky 7.0."; $version = 7; $reg_base = "software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP7"; @metaData.$product = "Kaspersky 7.0"; @metaData.$version = "7"; @record on; `getnetaddr`; @record off; int $remote_peer_port = GetCmdData("remote_peer_port"); int $remote_port = GetCmdData("remote_port"); echo ""; echo "NOTE: Kaspersky 7 *can* create popups for traffic over \"encrypted\" ports."; echo "If you're using one of these ports (including 443)..."; echo "you may already be in trouble."; echo " Remote peer port: $remote_peer_port"; echo "Current implant port: $remote_port"; } else if(`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\kasperskylab\\KAVFSEE\\6.0"`) { #echo "Found registry keys for Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows File Servers Enterprise Edition"; $version = 6; @metaData.$product = "Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows File Servers Enterprise Edition"; @metaData.$version = "6"; undef($ret); undef($value); $key = "software\\kasperskylab\\Components\\34\\Connectors\\KAVFSEE\\"; $value[0] = "ProdDisplayName"; $value[1] = "ProdVersion"; if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { echo ""; echo "Product Name: $ret[0]"; $productType = "fsee"; echo "Product Type: $productType"; echo " Version: $ret[1]"; } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } $data = "$productType"; echo ""; echo "This Kaspersky installation is AV only."; echo ""; %envs{'noDriver'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noHide'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noInject'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noKeyboard'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noRegistry'} = "FALSE"; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } else if(`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\kasperskylab\\InstalledProducts\\Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal"` || `regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\kasperskylab\\InstalledProducts\\Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Workstation"`) { echo ""; string $values = GetCmdData("value"); string $data = GetCmdData("value_data"); string $value; bool $flag = false; int $i = 0; foreach $value ($values) { if($value == "Name") { echo " Product Name: $data[$i]"; @metaData.$product = "$data[$i]"; } if($value == "Version") { echo "Product Version: $data[$i]"; $version = $data[$i]; @metaData.$version="$data[$i]"; $flag = true; } $i++; } string $ver = ""; ifnot($flag == true) { $i = 0; string $tmp; foreach $value ($values) { if(($value == "VersionMajor") || ($value == "VerMajor")) { $tmp = $data[$i]; remove_zeroes($tmp); $version = $tmp; hex2dec($tmp); $ver = "$tmp"; } else if(($value == "VersionMinor") || ($value == "VerMinor")) { $tmp = $data[$i]; remove_zeroes($tmp); hex2dec($tmp); $ver = "$ver.$tmp"; } else if(($value == "VersionBuild") || ($value == "VerBuild")) { $tmp = $data[$i]; remove_zeroes($tmp); hex2dec($tmp); $ver = "$ver.$tmp"; } $i++; } echo "Product Version: $ver"; } echo ""; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } else if(`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP8"`) { echo "Found registry keys for Kaspersky 8.0 (aka Kaspersky 2009)."; $version = 8; $reg_base = "software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP8"; @metaData.$product = "Kaspersky 8.0"; @metaData.$version = "8"; } else if (`regquery -hive L -subkey "software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP9"`) { echo "Found registry keys for Kaspersky 9.0 (aka Kaspersky 2010)."; $version = 9; $reg_base = "software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP9"; @metaData.$product = "Kaspersky 9.0"; @metaData.$version = "9"; } else { echo "Did not find a known Kaspersky installation."; echo ""; if(prompt "Do you want to recursively dump HKLM\\Software\\KasperskyLab? (NOTE: this can produce a large result set)") { @echo on; `background log regquery -recursive -hive L -subkey "software\\kasperskylab"`; @echo off; } @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return false; } # Environment undef($ret); undef($value); $key = "$reg_base\\environment"; if($version < 8) { $value[0] = "Components"; $value[1] = "DataRoot"; $value[2] = "ProductName"; $value[3] = "ProductRoot"; $value[4] = "ProductType"; $value[5] = "ProductVersion"; $value[6] = "Quarantine"; $value[7] = "Report"; } else { $value[0] = "Build"; $value[1] = "DataRoot"; $value[2] = "ProductName"; $value[3] = "ProductRoot"; $value[4] = "ProductType"; $value[5] = "ProductVersion"; $value[6] = "Quarantine"; $value[7] = "Report"; } if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { echo ""; echo "Product Name: $ret[2]"; $productType = $ret[4]; echo "Product Type: $productType"; echo " Version: $ret[5]"; if($version < 8) { echo " Components: $ret[0]"; } echo ""; $dataroot = $ret[1]; $report = $ret[7]; string $r = split("\%\\", $report); $report = "$dataroot\\$r[1]"; $quarantine= $ret[6]; $r = split("\%\\", $quarantine); $quarantine = "$dataroot\\$r[1]"; $productRoot = "$ret[3]"; _NormalizePath($productRoot); $tempFile = "~kl$ret[4]set.txt"; #pause; } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } @metaData.$product = "$ret[2] ($ret[4])"; @metaData.$version = "$ret[5]"; @metaData.$logFile = "$report"; @metaData.$quarantine = "$quarantine"; $data = "$productType"; string $components = "$ret[0]"; replace($components, ";", ","); if($version < 8) { $data = "$data|Components:$components"; } if($productType == "fs") { echo "This Kaspersky installation is AV only."; echo "Verify by checking the Components list above."; echo ""; %envs{'noDriver'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noHide'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noInject'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noKeyboard'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noRegistry'} = "FALSE"; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } int $ids; string $names; ifnot(_GetProcessList($ids, $names)) { echo "Error getting process list."; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return false; } string $name; string $inList = "false"; foreach $name ($names) { if($name == "klnagent.exe" || $name == "KLNAGENT.EXE") { $inList = "true"; break; } } if($inList == "true") { echo "Target is part of the Kaspersky Administration Kit."; undef($ret); undef($value); string $settingsKey = SplitPath($reg_base); $key = "$settingsKey\\Components\\34"; $value[0] = "SS_SETTINGS"; if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { #echo "Settings file: $ret[0]"; if(prompt "Do you want to retrieve the klnaggent settings file (to retrieve the server IP)?") { ifnot(`get "$ret[0]" -foreground`) { echo "Error getting \"$ret[0]\""; echo ""; } else { string $settingsFile = SplitPath("$ret[0]"); undef($ret); getLastFile($settingsFile[1], $ret); @record on; `local run -command "perl $scriptsPath\\PSP\\kl_settings_parser.pl $ret" -redirect`; @record off; string $kl_server_ip = GetCmdData("output"); echo "Kaspersky Administration Server IP: $kl_server_ip"; } } echo ""; } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } } ifnot(prompt "Continue") { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return false; } $name; $inList = "false"; foreach $name ($names) { if($name == "avp.exe" || $name == "AVP.EXE") { $inList = "true"; break; } } if($inList == "false") { echo ""; echo "avp.exe not found in the process list"; echo ""; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return false; } echo ""; echo "Checking for avp.com ..."; @record on; `dir "$productRoot\\avp.com"`; @record off; string $tmp = getCmdData("name"); ifnot(defined($tmp)) { echo "Could not find avp.com"; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return false; } else { echo "Found avp.com in the following folder:"; echo "$productRoot"; } echo ""; @echo on; `fileperms -file "$productRoot\\avp.com"`; @echo off; echo "Check to make sure you have permissions to run this file"; ifnot(prompt "Continue") { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return false; } # Touch/Checksum avp.com for backtracking purposes @record on; `checksum -mask avp.com -path "$productRoot"`; @record off; string $checksum = GetCmdData("checksum_value"); ifnot(defined($checksum)) { echo "\nError checksumming \"$productRoot\\avp.com\"\n"; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return false; } #echo "md5(avp.com): $checksum"; #string $tempPath = "$report\\..\\.."; string $tempPath = GetEnv("tmppath"); _NormalizePath($tempPath); echo ""; echo "Do you want to dump Kaspersky settings to:"; echo "\"$tempPath\\$tempFile\""; echo "This involves the following run -command:"; echo ""; echo "----------"; echo "run -command \"\\\"$productRoot\\avp.com\\\" export rtp \\\"$tempPath\\$tempFile\\\"\""; echo "----------"; echo ""; echo "!!! WARNING: If Kaspersky (avp.exe) is not in the process list, get help!"; echo ""; echo "The result is usually >200K."; echo "Also, additional registry queries will be run, some may take while."; echo ""; if(prompt "") { echo ""; echo "Dumping Kaspersky settings ..."; #@echo on; ifnot(`run -command "\\"$productRoot\\avp.com\\" export rtp \\"$tempPath\\$tempFile\\""`) { echo "Error when trying to run:"; echo "\trun -command \"$productRoot\\avp.com\" export rtp \"$tempPath\\$tempFile\""; @echo off; echo "Listing \"$productRoot\""; `dir * -path "$productRoot" -recursive -max 0`; echo "Listing \"$dataRoot\""; `dir * -path "$dataRoot" -recursive -max 0`; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return false; } echo "Getting \"$tempFile\" ..."; ifnot(`get "$tempPath\\$tempFile" -foreground`) { echo "Error getting \"$tempPath\\$tempFile\""; echo ""; @echo on; `dir * -path "$tempPath"`; @echo off; echo ""; echo "Check for $tempFile and delete if it exists:"; echo ""; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return false; } echo "Deleting \"$tempFile\" ..."; ifnot(`del "$tempFile" -path "$tempPath"`) { echo "Error deleting \"$tempPath\\$tempFile\""; echo ""; @echo on; `dir * -path "$tempPath"`; @echo off; echo ""; echo "Check for $tempFile and delete if it exists:"; echo ""; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return false; } } echo ""; @echo on; `dir "$tempFile" -path "$tempPath"`; @echo off; echo ""; undef($ret); getLastFile($tempFile, $ret); #string $scriptsPath = GetEnv("ScriptsDir"); #_NormalizePath($scriptsPath); $scriptsPath = "$scriptsPath\\PSP"; @record on; if ($mp4) { `local run -command "perl $scriptsPath\\kaspersky_mp4.pl $ret" -redirect`; } else { `local run -command "perl $scriptsPath\\kaspersky.pl $ret" -redirect`; } @record off; $ret = GetCmdData("output"); string $results = split("\t", $ret); echo "hello ..."; if($version == 8) { echo "Settings have been pulled back."; echo "No parsing done."; echo "Recommend checking guidance."; echo ""; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } if ($version == 9) { echo "Settings have been pulled back."; echo "No parsing done."; echo "Recommend checking guidance."; echo ""; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } string $pdm_base; if ($mp4) { $pdm_base = "$reg_base\\profiles\\behavior_blocking2\\profiles\\pdm2"; } else { $pdm_base = "$reg_base\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\profiles\\pdm"; } echo "==================== avp.com results ===================="; echo "hello ...."; echo "Product Name: $results[0]"; echo " Version: $results[1]"; echo "Install Path: $results[2]"; echo ""; if($results[3] == "no") { undef($ret); undef($value); $key = "$reg_base"; $value[0] = "enabled"; if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { if($ret[0] != "00000000") { mismatchError("Kaspersky Protection"); } else { echo "Kaspersky Protection: OFF (made in the shade)"; echo ""; $data = "$data|Protection:OFF"; %envs{'noDriver'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noHide'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noInject'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noKeyboard'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noRegistry'} = "FALSE"; } } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } } else { echo "Kaspersky Protection: ON"; echo ""; $data = "$data|Protection:ON"; if($results[4] == "no") { undef($ret); undef($value); if ($mp4) { $key = "$reg_base\\profiles\\Behavior_Blocking2"; } else { $key = "$reg_base\\profiles\\behavior_blocking"; } $value[0] = "enabled"; if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { if($ret[0] != "00000000") { mismatchError("Behavior Blocking"); } else { echo "Behavior Blocking: OFF"; $data = "$data|BehaviorBlocking:OFF"; %envs{'noDriver'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noHide'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noInject'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noKeyboard'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noRegistry'} = "FALSE"; } } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } } else { $data = "$data|BehaviorBlocking:ON"; echo "Behavior Blocking: ON"; if($results[22] == "no") { ################################################################# # This will fail under MP4 as I don't yet understand the settings ################################################################# undef($ret); undef($value); $key = "$reg_base\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\profiles\\pdm\\settings"; $value[0] = "bBehaviourEnabled"; if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { if($ret[0] != "00000000") { mismatchError("Application Activity Analyzer"); } else { echo "\tApplication Activity Analyzer: OFF"; $data = "$data|ApplicationActivityAnalyzer:OFF"; } } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } } else { echo "\tApplication Activity Analyzer: ON"; $data = "$data|ApplicationActivityAnalyzer:ON"; if($results[5] == "no") { undef($ret); undef($value); $key = "$pdm_base\\settings\\Set\\0000"; $value[0] = "bEnabled"; if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { if($ret[0] != "00000000") { mismatchError("Dangerous Behavior"); } else { echo "\t\tDangerous Behavior: OFF"; $data = "$data|DangerousBehavior:OFF"; %envs{'noRegistry'} = "FALSE"; %envs{'noDriver'} = "FALSE"; } } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } } else { $data = "$data|DangerousBehavior:ON"; echo "\t\tDangerous Behavior: ON (DON'T Write to services key)"; #SetEnv("noRegistry","TRUE"); %envs{'noRegistry'} = "TRUE"; %envs{'noDriver'} = "TRUE"; undef($ret); bbAction($results[6], $ret); echo "$ret"; $data = "$data|DangerousBehaviorAction:$results[6]"; echo "\t\t\tLogging: $results[7]"; $data = "$data|DangerousBehaviorLogging:$results[7]"; echo "\t\t\tQuarantine: $results[8]"; $data = "$data|DangerousBehaviorQuarantine:$results[8]"; } if($results[9] == "no") { undef($ret); undef($value); $key = "$pdm_base\\settings\\Set\\0002"; $value[0] = "bEnabled"; if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { if($ret[0] != "00000000") { mismatchError("Process Injection"); } else { echo "\t\tProcess Injection Detection: OFF"; $data = "$data|ProcessInjection:OFF"; %envs{'noInject'} = "FALSE"; } } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } } else { $data = "$data|ProcessInjection:ON"; echo "\t\tProcess Injection Detection: ON (DON'T Process inject)"; #SetEnv("noInject","TRUE"); %envs{'noInject'} = "TRUE"; undef($ret); bbAction($results[10], $ret); echo "$ret"; $data = "$data|ProcessInjectionAction:$results[10]"; echo "\t\t\tLogging: $results[11]"; $data = "$data|ProcessInjectionLogging:$results[11]"; echo "\t\t\tQuarantine: $results[12]"; $data = "$data|ProcessInjectionQuarantine:$results[12]"; } if($results[13] == "no") { undef($ret); undef($value); $key = "$pdm_base\\settings\\Set\\0003"; $value[0] = "bEnabled"; if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { if($ret[0] != "00000000") { mismatchError("Process Hiding"); } else { echo "\t\tProcess Hiding Detection: OFF"; $data = "$data|ProcessHiding:OFF"; %envs{'noHide'} = "FALSE"; } } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } } else { $data = "$data|ProcessHiding:ON"; echo "\t\tProcess Hiding Detection: ON (DON't Process Hide)"; #SetEnv("noHide","TRUE"); %envs{'noHide'} = "TRUE"; undef($ret); bbAction($results[14], $ret); echo "$ret"; $data = "$data|ProcessHidingAction:$results[14]"; echo "\t\t\tLogging: $results[15]"; $data = "$data|ProcessHidingLogging:$results[15]"; echo "\t\t\tQuarantine: $results[16]"; $data = "$data|ProcessHidingQuarantine:$results[16]"; } ifnot($productType == "kav") { if($results[17] == "no") { undef($ret); undef($value); $key = "$pdm_base\\settings\\Set\\0007"; $value[0] = "bEnabled"; if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { if($ret[0] != "00000000") { mismatchError("Keylogger Detection"); } else { echo "\t\tKeylogger Detection: OFF"; $data = "$data|KeyloggerDetection:OFF"; %envs{'noKeyboard'} = "FALSE"; } } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } } else { $data = "$data|KeyloggerDetection:ON"; echo "\t\tKeyLogger Detection: ON (DON'T Monitor the keyboard)"; #SetEnv("noKeyboard","TRUE"); %envs{'noKeyboard'} = "TRUE"; undef($ret); bbAction($results[18], $ret); echo "$ret"; $data = "$data|KeyloggerDetectionAction:$results[18]"; echo "\t\t\tLogging: $results[19]"; $data = "$data|KeyloggerDetectionLogging:$results[19]"; echo "\t\t\tQuarantine: $results[20]"; $data = "$data|KeyloggerDetectionQuarantine:$results[20]"; } } } undef($ret); undef($value); $key = "$reg_base\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\profiles\\pdm\\settings"; $value[0] = "bAppMonitoring_Enabled"; $value[1] = "bRegMonitoring_Enabled"; string $appMonitoring = ""; string $regMonitoring = ""; # Don't see these here in MP4... # Reg guard settings controlled by software\kasperskylab\protected\AVP80\profiles\Behavior_Blocking2\profiles\regguard2 enabled ifnot($mp4) { if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { $appMonitoring = "$ret[0]"; $regMonitoring = "$ret[1]"; } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } } if($results[30] == "no") { if($appMonitoring != "00000000") { mismatchError("Application Integrity Control"); } else { echo "\tApplication Integrity Control: OFF"; $data = "$data|ApplicationIntegrityControl:OFF"; } } else { echo "\tApplication Integrity Control: ON (DON't Install PC)"; $data = "$data|ApplicationIntegrityControl:ON"; } if($results[21] == "no") { if($regMonitoring != "00000000") { mismatchError("Registry Guard"); } else { echo "\tRegistry Guard: OFF"; $data = "$data|RegistryGuard:OFF"; %envs{'noRegistry'} = "FALSE"; } } else { $data = "$data|RegistryGuard:ON"; #SetEnv("noRegistry","TRUE"); %envs{'noRegistry'} = "TRUE"; echo "\tRegistry Guard: ON (DON'T Install PC)"; echo "\t\t!!! Losing connection will probably cause a popup !!!"; echo "\t\t!!! Make sure you know what you're doing !!!"; echo "\t\t!!! Check guidance! !!!"; } } if($results[23] == "no") { #if($results[17] == "no") #{ undef($ret); undef($value); $key = "$reg_base\\profiles\\File_Monitoring"; $value[0] = "enabled"; if(reg_query($key, $value, $ret, true)) { if($ret[0] != "00000000") { mismatchError("File Monitoring"); } else { echo "File Monitor: OFF"; $data = "$data|FileMonitoring:OFF"; } } else { if(query_failed()) { @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); return true; } } #} } else { $data = "$data|FileMonitoring:ON"; echo "File Monitor: ON"; if($results[24] == "00000000") { echo "\tLevel: $results[24] (Default|Recommended)"; } if($results[24] == "00000002") { echo "\tLevel: $results[24] (Low)"; } if($results[24] == "00000003") { echo "\tLevel: $results[24] (High)"; } $data = "$data|FileMonitoringLevel:$results[24]"; echo "\tScan Packed: $results[25]"; $data = "$data|FileMonitoringScanPacked:$results[25]"; echo "\tScan Action: $results[26]"; $data = "$data|FileMonitoringScanAction:$results[26]"; echo "\tDisinfect: $results[27]"; $data = "$data|FileMonitoringDisinfect:$results[27]"; Echo "\tDelete: $results[28]"; $data = "$data|FileMonitoringDelete:$results[28]"; echo "\tDelete Container: $results[29]"; $data = "$data|FileMonitoringDeleteContainer:$results[29]"; } } echo ""; echo "========================================================="; echo ""; @metaData.$information = $data; writeData(@metaData, %envs); if($debug) { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; string $result; int $i = 0; foreach $result ($results) { echo "$i --- $result"; $i++; } echo ""; echo ""; foreach $result (keys %envs) { echo "$result: %envs{'$result'}"; } } return true; sub writeData(IN metaData @metaData, IN string %envs) { if(writeMetaData(@metaData, %envs)){ echo "Wrote meta data to disk"; }else{ echo "ERROR. could not write meta data to disk. ERROR"; } return true; } sub bbAction(IN string $data, REF string $ret) { $ret = "\t\t\tAction: $data"; string %translations; %translations{'00000000'} = "$ret (ALLOWED)"; %translations{'00000001'} = "$ret (ASK USER)"; %translations{'00000003'} = "$ret (TERMINATE/BLOCK)"; string $key; foreach $key (keys %translations) { if($data == $key) { $ret = "%translations{'$key'}"; break; } } return true; } # Search through the GetFilse directory for the settings dump # Returns the more recent settinsg dump sub getLastFile(IN string $tempFile, REF string $ret) { @record on; `getdirectory -logs`; @record off; string $dir = GetCmdData("dir"); @echo off; @record on; `local dir $tempFile* -path $dir\\Get_Files`; @record off; string $filePath = GetCmdData("path"); string $fileName = GetCmdData("name"); _NormalizePath($filePath[0]); string $currPath; string $currName; int $i = 0; while(defined($fileName[$i])) { $currPath = $filePath[$i]; $currName = $fileName[$i]; $i++; } @echo on; `local mkdir "$currPath\\NOSEND"`; `local move "$currPath\\$currName" "$currPath\\NOSEND\\$currName"`; @echo off; $ret = "$currPath\\NOSEND\\$currName"; return true; } # Failure case if regquery fails sub query_failed() { echo ""; echo "Registry query failure"; echo ""; if(prompt "Do you want to recursively dump HKLM\\Software\\KasperskyLab?\n(NOTE: this can produce a large result set)") { @echo on; `background log regquery -recursive -hive L -subkey "software\\kasperskylab"`; @echo off; } if(prompt "Do you want to exit") { return true; } return false; } # Remove preceeding zeros from a string sub remove_zeroes(REF string $data) { string $split = split("0", $data); undef($data); $data = "0"; string $tmp; foreach $tmp ($split) { if($tmp != "") { $data = $tmp; break; } } return true; } # Output error message if settings from avp.com and the registry do not match sub mismatchError(IN string $category) { echo ""; echo "**********!!!!!!!!!!**********"; echo "Settings from avp.com don't match the registry for \"$category\"."; echo "Assume that \"$category\" is ON"; echo "You should probably get help."; echo "**********!!!!!!!!!!**********"; echo ""; return true; }