# compare a local and remote checksum if ($argc < 5) { echo "Compare checksums for a local and target file."; echo "Usage: "; echo "$argv[0] "; return false; } string $localname=$argv[1]; string $localpath=$argv[2]; string $targetname=$argv[3]; string $targetpath=$argv[4]; @record on; `checksum -mask "$targetname" -path "$targetpath"`; string $targetChecksum=GetCmdData("checksum_value"); `local checksum -mask "$localname" -path "$localpath"`; string $localChecksum=GetCmdData("checksum_value"); @record off; if ($targetChecksum != $localChecksum) { echo "Checksums do not match!"; echo " Local: $localChecksum"; echo " Remote: $targetchecksum"; return false; } else { echo "Checksums have been automatically verified."; echo " Local: $localChecksum"; echo " Remote: $targetchecksum"; return true; }