import util.DSZPyLogger as logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree from Queue import Queue acfwlog = logging.getLogger('ActionFramework') acfwlog.setFileLogLevel(logging.WARNING) class Forest(object, ): def __init__(self, trees=None): self.trees = (trees or []) def __len__(self): return len(self.trees) def addTree(self, tree): self.trees.append(tree) acfwlog.debug('added new tree, trees: {0}'.format(self.trees)) def printTrees(self): map(self.__printNodes, self.trees) def __printNodes(self, node, level=1): print '{0:-<{1}} {2}'.format(' ', level, node) for child in node.children: self.__printNodes(child, (level + 1)) def getiterator(self): allnodes = [] for tree in self.trees: allnodes.extend(tree.getiterator()) return allnodes class TreeItem(object, ): def __init__(self, parent=None, children=set([])): acfwlog.debug('New Treeitem: s:{2},p:{0},c:{1}'.format(parent, children, self)) self.parent = parent self.children = set([]) self.addChildren(children) if parent: parent.addChild(self) def addChildren(self, children): for child in children: self.addChild(child) def addChild(self, child): acfwlog.debug('Adding a child: p:{0},c:{1}'.format(self, child)) child.parent = self self.children.add(child) def getiterator(self): allnodes = [] allnodes.append(self) for child in self.children: allnodes.extend(child.getiterator()) return allnodes class ValidationFailure(object, ): def __init__(self, act, msg): assert isinstance(act, Action) self.act = act self.msg = msg = None def AddAttribute(self, at): = at def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs): repout = 'Attribute: {0}\nAction: {1}\nMessage: {2}'.format(, self.act, self.msg) return repout class AttributePackage(TreeItem, ): def __init__(self, attribname, attribval=None, actmgr=None, attribconfig=False, attribdisplay=None, attribdefault=None, **kwargs): self.attribname = attribname self.attribval = attribval self.attribconfig = attribconfig self.attribdisplay = (attribdisplay or self.attribname) self.attribdefault = attribdefault self.actmgr = actmgr self.valid = False TreeItem.__init__(self, **kwargs) def Validate(self): validationfailures = [] validationfailures.extend(self.actmgr.Validate()) for fail in validationfailures: fail.AddAttribute(self) for child in self.children: validationfailures.extend(child.Validate()) return validationfailures def Execute(self): self.valid = self.actmgr.Execute() if ((not self.valid) and (self.attribdefault is not None)): self.attribval = self.attribdefault self.valid = True if self.valid: if ('%' in self.attribval): self.attribval = re.sub('%(.+)%', (lambda m: ('%%{0}%%'.format( if (self.actmgr.GetActionVar( is None) else self.actmgr.GetActionVar(, self.attribval) for child in self.children: child.Execute() return self.valid def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): return ''.format(str(self.attribname), str(self.attribval), str(self.attribconfig), str(self.attribdisplay)) def __unicode__(self, *args, **kwargs): return u''.format(self.attribname, self.attribval, self.attribconfig, self.attribdisplay) def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs): return ''.format(repr(self.attribname), repr(self.attribval), repr(self.attribconfig), repr(self.attribdisplay)) class ActionDataSource(object, ): def __init__(self, rootActions=[], **kwargs): self.rootActs = rootActions def GetRootActions(self): return self.rootActs class XMLAttributeActionDataSource(ActionDataSource, ): def __init__(self, xmlactions, xmltoattributemap): self.xmlacts = xmlactions acfwlog.debug('XMLActions: {0}'.format(xmlactions)) self.actionmap = xmltoattributemap self.atpkg = self._buildActPkgs(xmlactions) ActionDataSource.__init__(self, [self.atpkg]) def __getActionsAttributes(self, act, attriblist): params = act.mandatoryparams[:] params.extend(act.optionalparams) strippedattribs = {} for param in params: try: if (param in attriblist): acfwlog.debug('Removing this attribute: {0}'.format(param)) strippedattribs[param] = attriblist.pop(param) except: acfwlog.debug('Removing attrib failed.', exc_info=True) return strippedattribs def _buildActPkgs(self, element, parent=None): acfwlog.debug('Building AttributePackage for element: {0}'.format(element)) actions = [] try: attriblist = element.attrib.copy() attribvalue = attriblist.pop('value') attribconfig = (attriblist.pop('config', 'false').lower() == 'true') attribdisplay = attriblist.pop('display', None) attribdefault = attriblist.pop('default', None) for param in element.attrib: if (not (param in attriblist)): continue try: actklass = self.actionmap[param.lower()] actparams = self.__getActionsAttributes(actklass, attriblist) except: acfwlog.debug('no map for param {0}'.format(param)) continue currentact = actklass(actparams, parent=None) actions.append(currentact) except: acfwlog.error('Error while processing element. See OPLOGS for more info.', exc_info=True) acfwlog.debug(xml.etree.ElementTree.dump(element)) return None actmgr = ActionManager(actions) atpkg = AttributePackage(attribname=element.tag, attribval=attribvalue, attribconfig=attribconfig, attribdisplay=attribdisplay, attribdefault=attribdefault, actmgr=actmgr, parent=parent) for childelem in element.getchildren(): child = self._buildActPkgs(childelem, atpkg) if (child is not None): atpkg.addChild(child) return atpkg class XMLActionDataSource(ActionDataSource, ): def __init__(self, xmlactions, xmltoattributemap, **kwargs): self.xmlacts = xmlactions acfwlog.debug('XMLActions: {0}'.format(xmlactions)) self.actionmap = xmltoattributemap actTree = self.buildActionTree(xmlactions, **kwargs) ActionDataSource.__init__(self, actTree, **kwargs) def buildActionTree(self, element, parent=None, **kwargs): acfwlog.debug('Building Action tree.') try: actklass = self.actionmap[element.tag.lower()] except: return [] acttree = [] actparams = element.attrib currentact = actklass(actparams, parent) acttree.append(currentact) for subactel in element.getchildren(): acttree.append(self.__buildActionTree(subactel, currentact)) return acttree class XMLConditionalActionDataSource(XMLActionDataSource, ): def __init__(self, xmlactions, xmltoattributemap, conditionalobjs): self.conditionalobjs = (conditionalobjs if (type(conditionalobjs) is list) else [conditionalobjs]) XMLActionDataSource.__init__(self, xmlactions, xmltoattributemap, conditionalobjs=self.conditionalobjs) def buildActionTree(self, element, parent=None, conditionalobjs=[], **kwargs): acfwlog.debug('XMLCond - Building Action tree for element: {0}'.format(element)) acttree = [] acfwlog.debug('cond objs: {0}'.format(conditionalobjs)) applicableconobjs = conditionalobjs[:] currentact = None try: if (element.tag.lower() in self.actionmap): actklass = self.actionmap[element.tag.lower()] actparams = element.attrib currentact = actklass(actparams, parent=parent) if (len(conditionalobjs) > 0): currentact.additionaldata = conditionalobjs[0] else: currentact.additionaldata = None if parent: parent.addChild(currentact) acttree.append(currentact) else: attriblist = element.attrib.copy() attribname = element.tag.lower() attribvalue = attriblist.pop('value') acfwlog.debug('attribname,val: {0},{1}'.format(attribname, attribvalue)) applicableconobjs = filter((lambda x: (x.__dict__.has_key(attribname) and (x.__dict__[attribname] == attribvalue))), applicableconobjs) except: acfwlog.error('Error while processing element. See OPLOGS for more info.', exc_info=True) acfwlog.debug(xml.etree.ElementTree.dump(element)) return [] acfwlog.debug('appcond objs: {0}'.format(applicableconobjs)) for subactel in element.getchildren(): acttree.extend(self.buildActionTree(subactel, conditionalobjs=applicableconobjs)) return acttree class ProcessableAction(object, ): def __init__(self, processparams): self.mandatoryprocessparams = processparams def process(self): raise NotImplementedError('Subclass must implement this.') def validateprocess(self, params): for mandatoryparam in self.mandatoryprocessparams: if (params.get(mandatoryparam) is None): return False return True def isprocparam(self, param): return (param in self.mandatoryprocessparams) class Action(TreeItem, ): mandatoryparams = [] optionalparams = [] validparamvalues = {} def __init__(self, execparams, **kwargs): TreeItem.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.actmgr = None self.execparams = execparams self.additionaldata = None self.done = False if (self.mandatoryparams is None): self.mandatoryparams = [] if (self.optionalparams is None): self.optionalparams = [] for param in self.mandatoryparams: setattr(self, param, None) for param in self.optionalparams: setattr(self, param, None) acfwlog.debug('action {0}:'.format(self)) def RegisterAM(self, actmgr): self.actmgr = actmgr def Execute(self): acfwlog.debug('{0} is executing'.format(self.__class__)) acfwlog.debug('My execparams: {0}'.format(self.execparams)) self.done = True def Validate(self): validfails = [] acfwlog.debug('Validating {0}'.format(self)) for manparam in self.mandatoryparams: if (not (manparam in self.execparams.keys())): validfails.append(ValidationFailure(self, 'Failed Validation! MANDATORY parameter missing: {0}'.format(manparam))) for param in self.execparams.keys(): if ((not (param in self.optionalparams)) and (not (param in self.mandatoryparams))): validfails.append(ValidationFailure(self, 'Failed Validation! This parameter is not a mandatory or optional parameter: {0}'.format(param))) elif ((param in self.validparamvalues.keys()) and (not (self.execparams[param] in self.validparamvalues[param]))): validfails.append(ValidationFailure(self, "Failed Validation! This parameter's value is not a valid value. Please ensure the value is one of the following:\nParam: {0}\nValue: {1}\nValid Values: {2}".format(param, self.execparams[param], self.validparamvalues[param]))) return validfails def GetVariable(self, varname): if self.parent: return self.parent.GetVariable(varname) return None def FindParamHandler(self, param): if ((param in self.mandatoryparams) or (param in self.optionalparams)): return self elif (not (self.parent is None)): return self.parent.FindParamHandler(param) else: return None def GetLastResult(self): if getattr(self, 'result', None): return self.result elif (not (self.parent is None)): return self.parent.GetLastResult() else: return None def __repr__(self): return '<{0} {1}>'.format(type(self), [(x, self.__dict__[x]) for x in filter((lambda x: (not (x.startswith('__') or (x == 'parent') or (x == 'children')))), self.__dict__)]) class ProcessAction(Action, ): def __init__(self, params, parent): Action.__init__(self, execparams=params, parent=parent) def Execute(self): Action.Execute(self) return None def Validate(self): Action.Validate(self) return ValidationFailure(self, 'This action is not implemented') class AttributePackageManager(Forest, ): def __init__(self): Forest.__init__(self) self.valid = False def walkAndCollect(self, procfunc): q = Queue() repolist = [{}] for pkg in self.trees: if pkg.valid: q.put(pkg) while (not q.empty()): atpkg = q.get_nowait() procfunc(atpkg, repolist) for child in atpkg.children: if child.valid: q.put_nowait(child) return repolist def addAttributePackage(self, atpkg): try: results = atpkg.Validate() if (len(results) == 0): self.addTree(atpkg) valid = True self.valid = valid else: acfwlog.critical('Your attribute package failed validation. Please review the results and fix as needed.\n{0}'.format(results)) return False except: acfwlog.critical('Unhandled exception!', exc_info=True) return self.valid def GetResults(self): def cbfunc(atpkg, repolist): if ( not in repolist): repolist[atpkg.attribname] = atpkg dicts = self.walkAndCollect(cbfunc) return dicts def Execute(self): for atpkg in self.trees: atpkg.Execute() class ActionManager(Forest, ): def __init__(self, actions): Forest.__init__(self, trees=actions) for act in self.getiterator(): act.RegisterAM(self) def ParentAction(self, act): return act.parent def Execute(self): return all(map(self.__execute, self.trees)) def GetActionVar(self, varname): varvalue = None for act in self.getiterator(): varvalue = act.GetVariable(varname) if varvalue: break return varvalue def GetActionResults(self, actklass=Action): acts = filter((lambda x: (isinstance(x, actklass) and x.done)), self.getiterator()) try: return [act.result for act in acts] except: acfwlog.critical('Unhandled exception in GetActionResults. See log for more informaiton.', exc_info=True) return [] def Validate(self): allacts = self.getiterator() acfwlog.debug('allacts,trees {0},{1}'.format(allacts, self.trees)) results = [] for act in allacts: results.extend(act.Validate()) acfwlog.debug('ActMgr Validate results: {0}'.format(results)) return results def __execute(self, act): try: suc = act.Execute() except: acfwlog.critical('Unexpected Error while executing action: {0}'.format(act), exc_info=True) suc = False if suc: acfwlog.debug('This actions children: {0}'.format(act.children)) for child in act.children: suc = self.__execute(child) return suc class ActionParameter(object, ): pass class ActionParamterGroup(ActionParameter, ): def __init__(self, grpname): = grpname self.params = [] def add(self, actionparam): self.params.append(actionparam)