import optparse import os import struct import time import dsz import ops.cmd import getutils __version__ = '1.0' def main(): parser = get_option_parser() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if ((len(args) < 1) and (not options.all) and (not options.recent_documents) and (not options.nethood) and (not options.desktop)): parser.print_help() parser.exit(1) if options.all: lnk_files = _dir_listing(mask='*.lnk') for filename in lnk_files: remote_lnk_info(filename) return if options.recent_documents: parse_folders_of_type('Recent', options.force_get) if options.nethood: parse_folders_of_type('NetHood', options.force_get) if options.desktop: parse_folders_of_type('Desktop', options.force_get) for item in args: lnk_files = _dir_listing(path=item, mask='*.lnk') if (not lnk_files): lnk_files = [item] else: print '' prompt_text = ('Found %s lnk files in %s, would you like to get & parse them?' % (len(lnk_files), item)) if ((not options.force_get) and (not dsz.ui.Prompt(prompt_text, dsz.GOOD))): continue for filename in lnk_files: if filename.lower().endswith('.lnk'): remote_lnk_info(filename) def get_option_parser(): usage = 'usage: %prog [options] [filename] [directory of files]' description = 'Parse the contents of a .lnk file (or folder of .lnks)' parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version=__version__, description=description) parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option('-r', '--recent-documents', action='store_true', default=False, help='Find all Recent document folders and parse the lnk files in those folders') parser.add_option('-n', '--nethood', action='store_true', default=False, help='Find all NetHood folders and parse the lnk files in those folders') parser.add_option('-d', '--desktop', action='store_true', default=False, help='Find all Desktop folders and parse the lnk files in those folders') parser.add_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', default=False, help='Search for and parse all lnk files on the target') parser.add_option('-f', '--force-get', action='store_true', default=False, help="Automatically get lnk files, don't prompt per each folder") return parser def remote_lnk_info(filename, verbose=True): result = getutils.wrapget(filename) if (not result.successful): return None lnk_file = LnkParser(result.FullLocalName) if verbose: _print_lnk_info(lnk_file) return lnk_file def parse_folders_of_type(folder_mask, force=False): print '' dsz.ui.Echo(("Searching for all '%s' folders..." % folder_mask), dsz.GOOD) mask_dirs = _dir_listing(mask=folder_mask, dirsonly=True) for directory in mask_dirs: lnk_files = _dir_listing(path=directory, mask='*.lnk') if (not lnk_files): continue print '' prompt_text = ('Found %s lnk files in %s, would you like to get & parse them?' % (len(lnk_files), directory)) if ((not force) and (not dsz.ui.Prompt(prompt_text, dsz.GOOD))): continue for filename in lnk_files: remote_lnk_info(filename) def _dir_listing(path='*', mask='*', recursive=True, dirsonly=False): if ((' ' in path) and ('"' not in path)): path = (('"' + path) + '"') cmd = ops.cmd.getDszCommand('dir', path=path, mask=mask, recursive=recursive, dirsonly=dirsonly) obj = cmd.execute() if (not cmd.success): return [] files = [] for dir_item in obj.diritem: for file_item in dir_item.fileitem: files.append(os.path.join(dir_item.path, return files def _print_lnk_info(lnk_file): print ('Local or Network: %s' % ('Local Volume' if lnk_file.is_local else 'Network Share')) print ('Link Target: %s' % lnk_file.target_filename) print ('Volume Type: %s' % lnk_file.volume_type) print ('Volume Label: %s' % lnk_file.volume_label) print ('Volume Serial Number: %s' % lnk_file.volume_serial_number) print ('Relative Path: %s' % lnk_file.relative_path) print ('Command Line: %s' % lnk_file.command_line) print ('Working Directory: %s' % lnk_file.working_directory) print ('Target Creation Time: %s' % lnk_file.ctime) print ('Target Mod Time: %s' % lnk_file.mtime) print ('Target Access Time: %s' % lnk_file.atime) print ('Description: %s' % lnk_file.description) print '' HEADER_LEN = 76 LNK_HEADER = {'unknown1': [0, 4, ' 0): parsed_data[key] = struct.unpack(key_format[CONV], txt)[0] else: parsed_data[key] = txt return parsed_data def process_volume_table(raw_data, info_offset, parse_dict): txt = raw_data[info_offset:(info_offset + 4)] size = struct.unpack(' 0): self.target_type = 'File or Directory' else: self.target_type = 'Unknown' self.file_attributes = [] for index in range(len(FILE_ATTRIBUTES)): if ((self.header['file_attributes'] & (2 ** index)) > 0): self.file_attributes.append(FILE_ATTRIBUTES[index]) self.ctime = conv_time(int(self.header['ctimeL']), int(self.header['ctimeH'])) self.mtime = conv_time(int(self.header['mtimeL']), int(self.header['mtimeH'])) self.atime = conv_time(int(self.header['atimeL']), int(self.header['atimeH'])) self.file_length = self.header['file_length'] self.icon_number = self.header['icon_number'] self.show_window = [] for index in range(len(SHOW_WINDOW_STATES)): if ((self.header['show_wnd'] & (2 ** index)) > 0): self.show_window.append(SHOW_WINDOW_STATES[index]) self.hot_key = str(hex(self.header['hot_key'])) self.shell_item_id_list = self._get_val(file_handle, 1, 1) if ((int(self.header['flags']) & 2) > 0): txt = self.file_loc = {} self.file_loc['size'] = struct.unpack(' 0): local_vol_table = process_volume_table(file_loc_raw, self.file_loc['local_vol_info_offset'], LOCAL_VOL_TBL) self.file_loc['local_vol_table'] = local_vol_table offset = self.file_loc['local_base_path_offset'] self.file_loc['base_pathname'] = ' '.join(file_loc_raw[offset:].split('\x00')) self.is_local = True self.target_filename = self.file_loc['base_pathname'] if self.file_loc['remaining_pathname']: self.target_filename += '\\' self.target_filename += self.file_loc['remaining_pathname'] self.volume_type = VOLUME_TYPE[(local_vol_table['vol_type'] - 1)] self.volume_label = local_vol_table['volume_label'] self.volume_serial_number = str(local_vol_table['vol_serial_num']) else: self.file_loc['local_vol_table'] = None if ((self.file_loc['flags'] & 2) > 0): net_vol_table = process_volume_table(file_loc_raw, self.file_loc['net_vol_info_offset'], NET_VOL_TBL) share_names = net_vol_table['net_sharename'].split('\x00') net_vol_table['net_sharename'] = ('(%s) %s' % (share_names[0], share_names[1])) self.file_loc['net_vol_table'] = net_vol_table self.is_local = False self.volume_type = 'N/A' self.volume_label = 'N/A' self.volume_serial_number = 'N/A' self.target_filename = net_vol_table['net_sharename'] if self.file_loc['remaining_pathname']: self.target_filename += '\\' self.target_filename += self.file_loc['remaining_pathname'] else: self.file_loc['net_vol_table'] = None self.description = self._get_val(file_handle, 4, 2) self.relative_path = self._get_val(file_handle, 8, 2) self.working_directory = self._get_val(file_handle, 16, 2) self.command_line = self._get_val(file_handle, 32, 2) self.icon_filename = self._get_val(file_handle, 64, 2) def _get_val(self, file_handle, mask, size): if ((int(self.header['flags']) & mask) <= 0): return txt = length = struct.unpack('