import sys import dsz.lp, dsz.cmd import random scans = ['1', '2', '3', '5', '7', '8', '9', '10', '13', '14', '15'] scanports = [{'port': '135', 'protocol': 'rpc_tcp', 'num': '1'}, {'port': '139', 'protocol': 'rpc_nbt', 'num': '2'}, {'port': '445', 'protocol': 'rpc_smb', 'num': '3'}, {'port': '80', 'protocol': 'rpc_http', 'num': '6'}] def __main__(arguments): if (len(arguments) != 3): dsz.ui.Echo('Usage: rpc ', dsz.ERROR) printhelp(arguments) return 0 resdir = dsz.lp.GetResourcesDirectory() target = arguments[0] type = arguments[1] port = arguments[2] ourscan = None if (not (type in scans)): dsz.ui.Echo('You must enter a valid scan type', dsz.ERROR) printhelp(arguments) return 0 for thisport in scanports: if (port == thisport['port']): ourscan = thisport if (ourscan is None): dsz.ui.Echo('You must enter a valid port', dsz.ERROR) printhelp(arguments) return 0 if (not checkip(target)): dsz.ui.Echo('You must enter a valid IP address', dsz.ERROR) return 0 if ((type == '15') and (not ((port == '139') or (port == '445')))): dsz.ui.Echo('You must use port 139 or 445 with ELV touch', dsz.ERROR) return 0 redircmdid = 0 redirport = 65500 while (redircmdid == 0): redirport = random.randint(10000, 65500) redircmdid = startredir(redirport, target, ourscan['port']) dsz.ui.Echo(('RPCTOUCH (type %s, %s) on %s' % (type, port, target))) if (type == '15'): PATH_TO_ELV = ('%s\\LegacyWindowsExploits\\Exploits\\ELV 2.1.3\\ELV.exe' % resdir) cmd = ('log local run -command "%s -i -p %s -r 2 -t 1 -b %s -o 60 -rpc -h %s" -redirect scan_%s-%s-%s' % (PATH_TO_ELV, redirport, ourscan['num'], target, target, type, ourscan['protocol'])) (scansucc, cmdid) = dsz.cmd.RunEx(cmd, dsz.RUN_FLAG_RECORD) if (not scansucc): dsz.ui.Echo('ELV failed', dsz.ERROR) else: PATH_TO_RPC = ('%s\\Ops\\Tools\\RPC2.exe' % resdir) cmd = ('log local run -command "%s -i -p %s -r %s -t 1 -b %s" -redirect scan_%s-%s-%s' % (PATH_TO_RPC, redirport, type, ourscan['num'], target, type, ourscan['protocol'])) (scansucc, cmdid) = dsz.cmd.RunEx(cmd, dsz.RUN_FLAG_RECORD) if (not scansucc): dsz.ui.Echo('RPC2 failed', dsz.ERROR) stopredir(redircmdid) def stopredir(redircmdid): cmd = ('stop %s' % redircmdid) dsz.control.echo.Off() (succ, cmdid) = dsz.cmd.RunEx(cmd, dsz.RUN_FLAG_RECORD) dsz.control.echo.On() if (not succ): dsz.ui.Echo(('Unable to stop redirector with cmdid %s' % redircmdid), dsz.ERROR) return False return True def startredir(redirport, target, port): dsz.control.echo.Off() cmd = ('redirect -tcp -lplisten %s -target %s %s' % (redirport, target, port)) dsz.control.echo.On() (succ, redircmdid) = dsz.cmd.RunEx(cmd, dsz.RUN_FLAG_RECORD) if (not succ): dsz.ui.Echo(('Failed: redirect -tcp -lplisten %s -target %s %s' % (redirport, target, port)), dsz.ERROR) return 0 return redircmdid def printhelp(args): dsz.ui.Echo('Usage: rpc [probeType] [portTypes]') dsz.ui.Echo(' probeType: \n\t1=General\n\t2=RegProbe\n\t3=XP Home/Pro\n\t4=Atsvc port req.\n\t5=W2K SP4 Atsvc\n\t7=probe for DCOM patches\n\t8=W2K3\n\t9=MGMT Probe\n\t10=EPMP Probe\n\t13=W2K3 SP0\n\t14=64-BIT\n\t15=ELV probe') dsz.ui.Echo(' portTypes: 135, 139, 445, 80') dsz.ui.Echo((' You provided %s arguments' % len(args))) def checkip(ipstring): try: ipsplit = ipstring.split('.') if (len(ipsplit) != 4): return False for oct in ipsplit: if ((int(oct) > 255) or (int(oct) < 0)): return False except: return False return True if (__name__ == '__main__'): try: __main__(sys.argv[1:]) except RuntimeError as e: dsz.ui.Echo(('\nCaught RuntimeError: %s' % e), dsz.ERROR)