my $version = " ver 2011.01.10"; my $opbase = 'D:/'; my $oplogs = "Logs/"; # TODO: uncomment me when alarm() works in ActiveState #$SIG{ALARM}= \&endProgram; # #sub endProgram { # exit(0); #} use strict; use FindBin; use File::Copy; system("title=$version"); print "\n$version\n\n"; my $opsdisk="$FindBin::Bin/.."; my $phonelog="$opsdisk/phonelog.txt"; # get ip my $ip=""; open IN, ") { if ($line =~ /linuxop/i) { $line =~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/; $ip = $1; last; } } if (!$ip) { print "Couldn't get Linux IP from suite info. Falling back to old way (tcp interface default gateway)...\n"; my @ipconfig=`ipconfig`; my $tcp=""; foreach my $line (@ipconfig) { if ($tcp) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : ([\d\.]*)/) { $ip=$1; last; } } else { if ($line =~ /^Ethernet adapter (Tcp|tcp)/i) { # if ($line =~ /^Ethernet adapter/i) { $tcp=1; } elsif ($line =~ /^\S/) { $tcp=""; } } } } print "Linux station appears to be at '$ip'. Is this where I should send the opnotes? [Y] "; my $tmp; chomp($tmp = ); if ($tmp =~ /[na]/i) { print "Please enter the correct IP now: "; chomp($ip = ); } # read this in, echo to screen and to file my $nc; if (-e "D:/DSZOpsDisk/Resources/LegacyWindowsExploits/Resources/Tools/nc.exe"){ $opsdisk = "D:/DSZOPSDisk"; $nc = "${opsdisk}/Resources/LegacyWindowsExploits/Resources/Tools/nc.exe"; } else { print "nc.exe not found! Please enter the full path to the nc.exe binary: "; chomp($nc = ); $nc =~ /^([^\/\\][\/\\]).*/; $opsdisk = $1; } #!!!!!!!!!! new section #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!remove me # opendir OPS, $opbase; my @files = grep { s/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/$opbase$1/ } readdir OPS; closedir OPS; opendir OPS, "$opbase$oplogs"; foreach my $file (readdir OPS) { if ($file eq '..' or $file eq '.') { next; } push @files, "$opbase$oplogs$file"; } closedir OPS; my @dirs; print "$opbase$oplogs\n@files\n"; while (my $dir = shift(@files)) { if (-d $dir) { push @dirs, $dir; } } # foreach my $dir (@dirs) { print "Found $dir\n"; } print "Finding opnotes.\n"; my @opnotes=(); my @dirfornotes=(); my %systype; foreach my $dir (@dirs) { if (-e "$dir/opnotes.txt") { push @opnotes, "$dir/opnotes.txt"; push @dirfornotes, "$dir"; } if (-e "$dir/router.log") { $systype{$dir}="r"; } if (-e "$dir/pbx.log") { $systype{$dir}="p"; } if (-e "$dir/FTP_ScreenDump") { $systype{$dir}="p"; } } my $opnotes=$opnotes[0]; my $dirfornotes=$dirfornotes[0]; if (not(-e $opnotes)) { print STDERR "Couldn't find any opnotes!!!!\n"; print STDERR "Do a ^C and go put your opnotes where I can find them (named opnotes.txt, in\n"; print STDERR " the top-level of one of the ops directories.\n"; ; exit; } #found opnotes, now nc them over to linux for vetting print "Sending opnotes over to linux box for validation.\n"; print "$nc -w 1 -n $ip 9999 < $opnotes:\n"; my $ncout = `$nc -w 1 -n $ip 9999 < $opnotes`; if ($ncout != "") { print "Some error occurred. Try again."; exit; } #print "Hit enter when you're ready for the Linux side to send the opnotes back."; #; #!!!!!!! end new section print "Running the following command (it is expected to hang; exit the window to end):\n"; print "$nc -l -p 9999:\n"; open NC, "$nc -l -p 9999 |"; while (my $line=) { # TODO: uncomment me when alarm() works in ActiveState # alarm(2); open PHONELOG, ">>$phonelog"; print $line; print PHONELOG $line; close PHONELOG; # TODO: timeout after a certain period } close NC; move("$opnotes", "$dirfornotes/prevet_opnotes.txt"); #copy("$phonelog", "$opnotes"); #no phone log needed anymore? it's already in the opnotes now. move("$phonelog", "$opnotes");