@include "_LpHelperFunctions.dsi"; @include "_Processes.dsi"; # @include "_VersionChecks.dsi"; # @include "_Paths.dsi"; # @include "windows/_PathsWindows.dsi"; # @include "_Arrays.dsi"; struct OracleProcesses { string $oracle_process_exename; string $sql_process_exename; string $process_path; string $sqlplus_path; string $oracle_home; int $process_id; int $counter; bool $singleinstance; } struct OracleRegistry { string $myoraclesids; string $myoraclesidenvcmds; int $numsids; string $myoraclebases; string $myoraclebaseenvcmds; int $numbases; string $myoraclehomes; string $myoraclehomeenvcmds; int $numhomes; string $myoraclenlslangs; string $myoraclenlslangenvcmds; int $numlangs; } struct OraclePlugins { int $local_id; int $local_loadcount; string $local_name; int $remote_id; int $remote_loadcount; string $remote_name; } #---------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetTestScriptsUploadsDir(OUT string $testscriptsUploadsDir) { return _PFre_GetResourcesSubDir( "Uploads", "PFre", $testscriptsUploadsDir ); } #---------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetUploadsDir(OUT string $uploadsDir) { return _PFre_GetResourcesSubDir( "Uploads", "PFre", $uploadsDir ); } #---------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetTempDownloadDir(OUT string $uploadsDir) { return _PFre_GetResourcesSubDir( "TempDownloads", "PFre", $uploadsDir ); } #---------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetScriptsDir(OUT string $scriptsDir) { return _PFre_GetResourcesSubDir( "Scripts", "PFre", $scriptsDir ); } #---------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetResourcesSubDir(IN string $subDir, OUT string $resoucesSubDir) { return _PFre_GetResourcesSubDir( $subDir, "PFre", $resoucesSubDir ); } #---------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetResourcesSubDir(IN string $subDir, IN string $project, OUT string $resoucesSubDir) { string $resDir; if (!_GetLpResourcesDirectory($resDir) || !defined($resDir)) { echo "* Failed to get upload directory"; return false; } $resoucesSubDir = "$resDir\\$project"; if (defined($subDir) && (StrLen($subDir) > 0)) { $resoucesSubDir = "$resoucesSubDir\\$subDir"; } return true; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_DeleteFileAndStopId(IN string $file, IN int $id) { if ( `delete -file $file` ) { `background stop $id`; } return true; } /* END _PFre_DeleteFileAndStopId */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetPathForOraclePID(IN int $pid_counter, REF OracleProcesses @myOraProcInfo) { string $path; @record on; `processinfo -id @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$pid_counter] -elevate`; @record off; string $my_modulename; string $myorahome; object $my_modules; GetCmdData("processinfo::modules::module", $my_modules); for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($my_modules); $i++) { GetCmdData("processinfo::modules::module[$i]::modulename", $my_modulename); SplitPath($my_modulename, $path); if ($path[1] == @myOraProcInfo.$oracle_process_exename[$pid_counter] ) { @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$pid_counter] = $my_modulename; echo "Oracle Executable Path = @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$pid_counter]"; _PFre_GetOracleHomeFromPath($my_modulename, $myorahome); @myOraProcInfo.$oracle_home[$pid_counter] = $myorahome; break; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetOracleHomeFromPath(IN string $modulename, REF string $oraclehome) { string $path1; string $path2; SplitPath($modulename, $path1); SplitPath($path1[0], $path2); $oraclehome = $path2[0]; echo "ORACLE_HOME = $oraclehome"; return true; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_SetSqlPlus(REF OracleProcesses @myOraProcInfo) { for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof(@myOraProcInfo.$oracle_home); $i++) { @myOraProcInfo.$sqlplus_path[$i] = "@myOraProcInfo.$oracle_home[$i]\\bin\\@myOraProcInfo.$sql_process_exename"; if (@myOraProcInfo.$oracle_home[$i] != @myOraProcInfo.$oracle_home[0]) { @myOraProcInfo.$singleinstance = false; } } return true; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_VerifySqlPlus(REF OracleProcesses @myOraProcInfo) { bool $rtn = true; for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof(@myOraProcInfo.$sqlplus_path); $i++ ) { /************************************/ /* Verify the existence of the file */ /* by getting the file attributes */ /************************************/ if (! `fileattributes -file @myOraProcInfo.$sqlplus_path[$i]`) { string $msg = "FAILED: getfileattribs -file @myOraProcInfo.$sqlplus_path[$i]"; $msg[1] = ""; $msg[2] = "***WARNING*** SQLPlus Tool: @myOraProcInfo.$sqlplus_path[$i], might not exist, "; $msg[3] = " so we may not be able to query the database!"; _PFre_MyBannerMultiLine($msg, "\n"); $rtn = false; pause; } else { echo "SQLPLus Tool Exists: @myOraProcInfo.$sqlplus_path[$i]"; } } return $rtn; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_ResetSqlPlusHome(IN string $newsqlpluspath, REF OracleProcesses @myOraProcInfo) { for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof(@myOraProcInfo.$sqlplus_path); $i++ ) { /************************************/ /* Verify the existence of the file */ /* by getting the file attributes */ /************************************/ if (! `fileattributes -file @myOraProcInfo.$sqlplus_path[$i]`) { echo "\n\nResetting SQLPlus Tool: @myOraProcInfo.$sqlplus_path[$i] to: $newsqlpluspath\\@myOraProcInfo.$sql_process_exename\n\n"; @myOraProcInfo.$sqlplus_path[$i] = "$newsqlpluspath\\@myOraProcInfo.$sql_process_exename"; } } return true; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_OpenOracle(IN OracleProcesses @myOraProcInfo, REF OraclePlugins @myOraclePlugins) { bool $rtn = true; int $oraclePID; for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof(@myOraProcInfo.$process_id); $i++) { /**********************************/ /* Run the "oracle -open" command */ /**********************************/ if (! `oracle -open -file @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i] -pid @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i]`) { echo "Multiple Oracle versions on box? Trying Oracle open again after freeing Oracle plugins (PID @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i])"; _PFre_FreeOraclePlugins( @myOraclePlugins ); if (! `oracle -open -file @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i] -pid @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i]`) { echo "\n\nFAILED: oracle -open -file @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i] -pid @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i]\n\n"; $rtn = false; } } } return $rtn; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_CloseOracle(IN OracleProcesses @myOraProcInfo, REF OraclePlugins @myOraclePlugins) { bool $rtn = true; int $oraclePID; for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof(@myOraProcInfo.$process_id); $i++) { /***********************************/ /* Run the "oracle -close" command */ /***********************************/ if (! `oracle -close -file @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i] -pid @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i]`) { echo "Multiple Oracle versions on box? Trying Oracle close again after freeing Oracle plugins (PID @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i])"; _PFre_FreeOraclePlugins( @myOraclePlugins ); if (! `oracle -close -file @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i] -pid @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i]`) { echo "\n\nFAILED: oracle -close -file @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i] -pid @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i]\n\n"; $rtn = false; } } } return $rtn; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_Memorycheck(IN OracleProcesses @myOraProcInfo, REF OraclePlugins @myOraclePlugins) { bool $rtn = true; int $oraclePID; for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof(@myOraProcInfo.$process_id); $i++) { /**********************************************/ /* Run the "oracle -memcheck" command to make */ /* sure that we can exploit this database. */ /**********************************************/ @echo on; @echo on; if (! `oracle -memcheck -file @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i] -pid @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i]`) { echo "Multiple Oracle versions on box? Trying Oracle memcheck again after freeing Oracle plugins"; @echo off; @echo off; _PFre_FreeOraclePlugins( @myOraclePlugins ); @echo on; @echo on; if (! `oracle -memcheck -file @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i] -pid @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i]`) { echo "\n\nFAILED: oracle -memcheck -file @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i] -pid @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i]\n\n"; $rtn = false; } } @echo off; @echo off; } return $rtn; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_Crc(IN OracleProcesses @myOraProcInfo) { bool $rtn = true; int $oraclePID; for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof(@myOraProcInfo.$process_id); $i++) { echo "\n\nPID: @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i]\n"; /******************************************************/ /* Run the "oracle -crc" command to determine version */ /******************************************************/ @echo on; @echo on; if (! `oracle -crc -file @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i]`) { echo "\n\nFAILED: oracle -crc -file @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i] (PID: @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i])\n\n"; $rtn = false; } @echo off; @echo off; } return $rtn; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # _PFre_GetPluginsList # Retrieves the list of plugins on the remote system # Params: # local_ids - list of local plugin ids # local_names - list of local plugin names # remote_ids - list of remote plugin ids # remote_names - list of remote plugin names #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub _PFre_GetPluginsList(OUT INT $local_ids, OUT string $local_names, OUT INT $local_loadcounts, OUT INT $remote_ids, OUT string $remote_names, OUT INT $remote_loadcounts) { @echo off; @echo off; @record on; if (!`plugins`) { return false; } @record off; @echo on; @echo on; return (GetCmdData("Local::Plugin::id", $local_ids) && GetCmdData("Local::Plugin::name", $local_names) && GetCmdData("Local::Plugin::loadcount", $local_loadcounts) && GetCmdData("Remote::Plugin::id", $remote_ids) && GetCmdData("Remote::Plugin::name", $remote_names) && GetCmdData("Remote::Plugin::loadcount", $remote_loadcounts)); } /* END _PFre_GetPluginsList */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # _PFre_FreeOraclePlugins # Frees the loaded Oracle plugins (local and remote) # Params: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub _PFre_FreeOraclePlugins( REF OraclePlugins @myOraclePlugins ) { int $local_ids; string $local_names; int $local_loadcounts; int $remote_ids; string $remote_names; int $remote_loadcounts; if (! _PFre_GetPluginsList($local_ids, $local_names, $local_loadcounts, $remote_ids, $remote_names, $remote_loadcounts) ) { echo "Failed to get list of plugins."; return false; } for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($local_names); $i++) { if ($local_names[$i] == @myOraclePlugins.$local_name ) { @myOraclePlugins.$local_id = $local_ids[$i]; @myOraclePlugins.$local_loadcount = $local_loadcounts[$i]; # echo "Local Oracle Plugin ID = @myOraclePlugins.$local_id"; } } for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($remote_names); $i++) { if ($remote_names[$i] == @myOraclePlugins.$remote_name ) { @myOraclePlugins.$remote_id = $remote_ids[$i]; @myOraclePlugins.$remote_loadcount = $remote_loadcounts[$i]; # echo "Remote Oracle Plugin ID = @myOraclePlugins.$remote_id"; } } # echo "Oracle Plugins (name::id::loadcount): Local - @myOraclePlugins.$local_name::@myOraclePlugins.$local_id::@myOraclePlugins.$local_loadcount Remote - @myOraclePlugins.$remote_name::@myOraclePlugins.$remote_id::@myOraclePlugins.$remote_loadcount"; /* Free the oracle plugins */ if ( ( @myOraclePlugins.$local_id != 0 ) && (@myOraclePlugins.$remote_id != 0 ) ) { # @echo on; # @echo on; # echo "Freeing Oracle Plugin - local"; for (int $i=0; $i < @myOraclePlugins.$local_loadcount; $i++) { `local freeplugin -id @myOraclePlugins.$local_id`; } # echo "Freeing Oracle Plugin - remote"; for (int $i=0; $i < @myOraclePlugins.$remote_loadcount; $i++) { `freeplugin -id @myOraclePlugins.$remote_id`; } # @echo off; # @echo off; } else { echo "Could not identify Oracle plugin running"; } } /* END _PFre_FreeOraclePlugins */ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetOraclePIDs(IN string $oracleexecutables, IN string $sqlplusexecutables, REF OracleProcesses @myOraProcInfo, IN int $oraclePID) { int $ids; string $names; if (_GetProcessList($ids, $names)) { for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($ids); $i++) { if ($ids[$i] == $oraclePID) { @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[@myOraProcInfo.$counter] = $ids[$i]; @myOraProcInfo.$oracle_process_exename[@myOraProcInfo.$counter] = $names[$i]; echo "Oracle process ID = @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[@myOraProcInfo.$counter], (@myOraProcInfo.$oracle_process_exename[@myOraProcInfo.$counter])"; _PFre_GetPathForOraclePID(@myOraProcInfo.$counter, @myOraProcInfo); for (int $j=0; $j < sizeof($oracleexecutables); $j++) { if ($names[$i] == $oracleexecutables[$j]) { @myOraProcInfo.$sql_process_exename[@myOraProcInfo.$counter] = $sqlplusexecutables[$j]; @myOraProcInfo.$counter++; } } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetOraclePIDs(IN string $oracleexecutables, IN string $sqlplusexecutables, REF OracleProcesses @myOraProcInfo) { int $ids; string $names; if (_GetProcessList($ids, $names)) { for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($ids); $i++) { int $myloopcount = 0; for (int $j=0; $j < sizeof($oracleexecutables); $j++) { if ($names[$i] == $oracleexecutables[$j]) { @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[@myOraProcInfo.$counter] = $ids[$i]; @myOraProcInfo.$oracle_process_exename[@myOraProcInfo.$counter] = $names[$i]; @myOraProcInfo.$sql_process_exename[@myOraProcInfo.$counter] = $sqlplusexecutables[$myloopcount]; echo "Oracle process ID = @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[@myOraProcInfo.$counter], (@myOraProcInfo.$oracle_process_exename[@myOraProcInfo.$counter])"; _PFre_GetPathForOraclePID(@myOraProcInfo.$counter, @myOraProcInfo); @myOraProcInfo.$counter++; } $myloopcount++; } } return true; } else { return false; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_MyBanner_( IN string $msg ) { if (sizeof($msg) > 0) { _PFre_MySeparator( ); echo "$msg"; _PFre_MySeparator( ); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_MyBanner( IN string $msg ) { if (sizeof($msg) > 0) { _PFre_MySeparator(StrLen($msg)); echo "$msg"; _PFre_MySeparator(StrLen($msg)); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_MyBanner( IN string $msg, IN string $msg2 ) { if (sizeof($msg) > 0) { _PFre_MySeparator(StrLen($msg)); echo "$msg"; _PFre_MySeparator(StrLen($msg)); echo "$msg2"; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_MyBannerMultiLine(IN string $msg ) { if (sizeof($msg) > 0) { int $longestLineSize = StrLen($msg); for (int $i = 1; $i < sizeof($msg); $i++) { if ( $longestLineSize < StrLen($msg[$i]) ) { /* Save off the longest line length */ $longestLineSize = StrLen($msg[$i]); } } _PFre_MySeparator($longestLineSize); for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($msg); $i++) { echo "$msg[$i]"; } _PFre_MySeparator($longestLineSize); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_MyBannerMultiLine(IN string $msg, IN string $msg2 ) { if (sizeof($msg) > 0) { int $longestLineSize = StrLen($msg); for (int $i = 1; $i < sizeof($msg); $i++) { if ( $longestLineSize < StrLen($msg[$i]) ) { /* Save off the longest line length */ $longestLineSize = StrLen($msg[$i]); } } _PFre_MySeparator($longestLineSize); for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($msg); $i++) { echo "$msg[$i]"; } _PFre_MySeparator($longestLineSize); } echo "$msg2"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_MySeparator (IN int $len) { if ( $len < 43 ) { $len = 43; } string $line = "-------------------------------------------"; for (int $i = 43; $i < $len; $i++) { StrCat($line, "-"); } echo "$line"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_MySeparator (IN int $len, OUT string $line) { if ( $len < 43 ) { $len = 43; } $line = "-------------------------------------------"; for (int $i = 43; $i < $len; $i++) { StrCat($line, "-"); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_MySeparator () { echo "-------------------------------------------"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_MySeparator2() { echo "-------------------------------------------\n\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_ParseOracleRegistry( IN object $values, REF OracleRegistry @myOraReg ) { for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof($values); $i++) { string $value, $name; if (GetObjectData($values[$i], "Value", $value) && GetObjectData($values[$i], "Name", $name) ) { if ( $name == "NLS_LANG" ) { if (! ($value == "NA") ) { bool $bFound = false; if ( @myOraReg.$numlangs == 0 ) { @myOraReg.$myoraclenlslangs[@myOraReg.$numlangs] = $value; @myOraReg.$myoraclenlslangenvcmds[@myOraReg.$numlangs] = "environment -var $name -set $value"; @myOraReg.$numlangs++; } else { for (int $j=0; $j < sizeof(@myOraReg.$myoraclenlslangs); $j++) { if ( @myOraReg.$myoraclenlslangs[$j] == $value ) { $bFound = true; } } if ( $bFound == false ) { @myOraReg.$myoraclenlslangs[@myOraReg.$numlangs] = $value; @myOraReg.$myoraclenlslangenvcmds[@myOraReg.$numlangs] = "environment -var $name -set $value"; @myOraReg.$numlangs++; } } } else { } } else if ( $name == "ORACLE_HOME" ) { bool $bFound = false; if ( @myOraReg.$numhomes == 0 ) { @myOraReg.$myoraclehomes[@myOraReg.$numhomes] = $value; @myOraReg.$myoraclehomeenvcmds[@myOraReg.$numhomes] = "environment -var $name -set $value"; @myOraReg.$numhomes++; } else { for (int $j=0; $j < sizeof(@myOraReg.$myoraclehomes); $j++) { if ( @myOraReg.$myoraclehomes[$j] == $value ) { $bFound = true; } } if ( $bFound == false ) { @myOraReg.$myoraclehomes[@myOraReg.$numhomes] = $value; @myOraReg.$myoraclehomeenvcmds[@myOraReg.$numhomes] = "environment -var $name -set $value"; @myOraReg.$numhomes++; } } } else if ( $name == "ORACLE_BASE" ) { bool $bFound = false; if ( @myOraReg.$numbases == 0 ) { @myOraReg.$myoraclebases[@myOraReg.$numbases] = $value; @myOraReg.$myoraclebaseenvcmds[@myOraReg.$numbases] = "environment -var $name -set $value"; @myOraReg.$numbases++; } else { for (int $j=0; $j < sizeof(@myOraReg.$myoraclebases); $j++) { if ( @myOraReg.$myoraclebases[$j] == $value ) { $bFound = true; } } if ( $bFound == false ) { @myOraReg.$myoraclebases[@myOraReg.$numbases] = $value; @myOraReg.$myoraclebaseenvcmds[@myOraReg.$numbases] = "environment -var $name -set $value"; @myOraReg.$numbases++; } } } else if ( $name == "ORACLE_SID" ) { bool $bFound = false; if ( @myOraReg.$numsids == 0 ) { @myOraReg.$myoraclesids[@myOraReg.$numsids] = $value; @myOraReg.$myoraclesidenvcmds[@myOraReg.$numsids] = "environment -var $name -set $value"; @myOraReg.$numsids++; } else { for (int $j=0; $j < sizeof(@myOraReg.$myoraclesids); $j++) { if ( @myOraReg.$myoraclesids[$j] == $value ) { $bFound = true; } } if ( $bFound == false ) { @myOraReg.$myoraclesids[@myOraReg.$numsids] = $value; @myOraReg.$myoraclesidenvcmds[@myOraReg.$numsids] = "environment -var $name -set $value"; @myOraReg.$numsids++; } } } else { } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetAndParseOracleRegistry(REF OracleRegistry @myOraReg) { @record on; `registryquery -hive L -key software\\oracle -recursive`; @record off; object $key; if (GetCmdData("Key", $key) ) { object $values, $subkeys; string $keyname; for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($key); $i++ ) { if (GetObjectData($key[$i], "Value", $values)) { # Call the registry parsing function for the top level objects _PFre_ParseOracleRegistry( $values, @myOraReg ); } } } string $element; int $arraycounter = 0; _PFre_MyBanner ("Registry Values of Interest"); for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof(@myOraReg.$myoraclebases); $i++) { echo "ORACLE_BASE = @myOraReg.$myoraclebases[$i]"; } for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof(@myOraReg.$myoraclehomes); $i++) { echo "ORACLE_HOME = @myOraReg.$myoraclehomes[$i]"; } for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof(@myOraReg.$myoraclesids); $i++) { echo "ORACLE_SID = @myOraReg.$myoraclesids[$i]"; } for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof(@myOraReg.$myoraclenlslangs); $i++) { echo "NLS_LANG = @myOraReg.$myoraclenlslangs[$i]"; } _PFre_MySeparator(); echo "\n"; _PFre_MyBanner("Possible Environment Commands"); for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof(@myOraReg.$myoraclebaseenvcmds); $i++) { echo "@myOraReg.$myoraclebaseenvcmds[$i]"; } for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof(@myOraReg.$myoraclehomeenvcmds); $i++) { echo "@myOraReg.$myoraclehomeenvcmds[$i]"; } for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof(@myOraReg.$myoraclesidenvcmds); $i++) { echo "@myOraReg.$myoraclesidenvcmds[$i]"; } for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof(@myOraReg.$myoraclenlslangenvcmds); $i++) { echo "@myOraReg.$myoraclenlslangenvcmds[$i]"; } _PFre_MySeparator(); echo "\n"; return true; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_InitOraReg(REF OracleRegistry @myOraReg) { @myOraReg.$numsids = 0; @myOraReg.$numbases = 0; @myOraReg.$numhomes = 0; @myOraReg.$numlangs = 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetDateForOracleAuditQuery(REF string $myMonth, REF string $myYear) { @record on; `time`; @record off; string $myDate; GetCmdData("timeitem::gmttime::date", $myDate); string $dateParts; RegExSplit("-", $myDate, 3, $dateParts); int $iMM = $dateParts[1]; int $iYYYY = $dateParts[0]; if ($iMM == 0) { /* Get rid of leading 0 so everything below works */ string $monthParts; RegExSplit("0", $dateParts[1], 0, $monthParts); $iMM = $monthParts[1]; } if ($iMM == 1) { $iYYYY--; $iMM = 12; } else { $iMM--; } if ($iMM == 1) { $myMonth = "JAN"; } else if ($iMM == 2) { $myMonth = "FEB"; } else if ($iMM == 3) { $myMonth = "MAR"; } else if ($iMM == 4) { $myMonth = "APR"; } else if ($iMM == 5) { $myMonth = "MAY"; } else if ($iMM == 6) { $myMonth = "JUN"; } else if ($iMM == 7) { $myMonth = "JUL"; } else if ($iMM == 8) { $myMonth = "AUG"; } else if ($iMM == 9) { $myMonth = "SEP"; } else if ($iMM == 10) { $myMonth = "OCT"; } else if ($iMM == 11) { $myMonth = "NOV"; } else if ($iMM == 12) { $myMonth = "DEC"; } else { $myMonth = "Could not determine month"; } $myYear = $iYYYY; return true; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_DiagnoseOracleProblem(IN OracleProcesses @myOraProcInfo, REF OraclePlugins @myOraclePlugins) { bool $bProblemFound = false; bool $bProblemFixed = false; if ( _PFre_Crc(@myOraProcInfo) ) { echo "\n"; echo "It looks like we know the version(s) of Oracle running on the box.\n\n"; } else { echo "\n"; echo "PROBLEM FOUND! There is an unknown version of Oracle running on the box!\n"; echo " It could be that you just need an updated version of PASSFREELY. If not, you"; echo " should grab the Oracle symbol file and executable that failed the CRC check above!\n\n"; $bProblemFound = true; } if ( $bProblemFound == false ) { if ( _PFre_Memorycheck(@myOraProcInfo, @myOraclePlugins) ) { echo "\n"; echo "It looks like PASSFREELY has verified all of the memory modification locations.\n\n"; } else { $bProblemFound = true; echo "\n"; echo "PROBLEM FOUND! The memory check failed. This could be caused by the memory already being modified."; echo " Check to see if the memory value matches the expected MODIFIED value.\n\n"; if ( prompt ("Does the memory value match the modified value?" )) { echo "\n"; echo "I will try resetting the memory ...\n"; if ( _PFre_CloseOracle(@myOraProcInfo, @myOraclePlugins) ) { echo "... Successful\n"; } echo "Trying the _PFre_Memorycheck command again ...\n\n"; if ( _PFre_Memorycheck(@myOraProcInfo, @myOraclePlugins) ) { echo "\n"; echo "It looks like that was most likely the problem!\n\n"; $bProblemFixed = true; } else { echo "\n"; echo "OK, that wasn't it or at least I couldn't fix the problem. It could be that this"; echo "is an unknown version of Oracle (verify that the CRC identified a version string) "; echo "If the version isn't identified, then that is the problem, otherwise the problem "; echo "is with PASSFREELY itself, so please contact the developer!\n\n"; echo "If the version is unknown, you should bring back the Oracle executable and"; echo "the associated symbol file so that it can be incorporated it into this plugin."; for (int $i=0; $i < sizeof(@myOraProcInfo.$process_id); $i++) { echo "\n\nPID: @myOraProcInfo.$process_id[$i]\n"; /******************************************************/ /* Run the "oracle -crc" command to determine version */ /******************************************************/ @echo on; @echo on; `oracle -crc -file @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i]`; @echo off; @echo off; if (! prompt("Is the version identified?")) { if ( prompt("Do you want to get the file: @myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i]?") ) { _PFre_GetAndNameFileInTheBackground(@myOraProcInfo.$process_path[$i], "@myOraProcInfo.$oracle_process_exename[$i]_"); } if ( prompt("Do you want to get the file: @myOraProcInfo.$oracle_home[0]\\rdbms\\admin\\oracle.sym?") ) { _PFre_GetAndNameFileInTheBackground("@myOraProcInfo.$oracle_home[0]\\rdbms\\admin\\oracle.sym", "oracle.sym_"); } } } } } else { echo"\n"; if (@myOraProcInfo.$singleinstance == false) { echo "It looks like there are multiple versions of Oracle running on the box.\n\n"; if (prompt ("Did the memory check for one of the versions succeed and another fail?" ) ) { echo "OK, that issue is a problem that might be able to be solved, but even so,"; echo "you will not be able to use this script to continue with the OP.\n\n"; echo "A likely cause to this problem is that the multiple versions have the Oracle"; echo "executable loaded at different base address. If this is the case, then you would"; echo "have to manually run the Oracle Open command for each version and between versions"; echo "you would need to free the Oracle plugin before you can modify the next version."; echo "You would also have to do this same thing for the Oracle Close command.\n\n"; echo "This scenario would require an intimate knowledge of PASSFREELY commands and being"; echo "able to manually run the Oracle survey commands without the aid of this script.\n\n"; } else { echo "\n"; echo "OK, this is something that I can't further diagnose.\n\n"; } } else { echo "\n"; echo "OK, it looks like this is a single instance of Oracle, so it could be that this"; echo "is a problem with PASSFREELY itself. Please contact the developer!\n\n"; } } } } if ( $bProblemFound == false ) { echo "\n"; echo "OK, everything checks out with PASSFREELY, so the most likely cause of this problem"; echo "is a bad ORACLE SID being used or the database for this ORACLE SID is shutdown."; echo "Please try the survey again using a different Oracle SID.\n\n"; echo "If you don't think that this is the problem, then this will require further attention."; echo "Please contact the developer to try and diagnose further!\n\n"; $bProblemFound = true; } else if ( $bProblemFixed == true ) { echo "\n"; echo "It looks like we corrected the problem. Please try the survey again for the same Oracle SID.\n\n"; $bProblemFound = false; } return $bProblemFound; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_FindOracleSids(IN string $directoryToSearch, IN string $oracle_home, REF string $mySids, REF int $imySids ) { _PFre_MyBanner("Database SIDs"); string $oraHomeDir; SplitPath($oracle_home, $oraHomeDir); @record on; `dir -path "$directoryToSearch"`; @record off; object $mydiritems; GetCmdData("diritem::fileitem", $mydiritems); string $dirs; int $count = 0; for(int $j = 0; $j < sizeof($mydiritems); $j++) { string $filename; bool $isDirectory; GetCmdData("$mydiritems[$j]::name", $filename); GetCmdData("$mydiritems[$j]::attributes::directory", $isDirectory); if ( $isDirectory == false ) { continue; } if ( $filename == "." ) { continue; } if ( $filename == ".." ) { continue; } if ( $filename == $oraHomeDir[1] ) { continue; } /* Save off the directory */ $dirs[$count] = "$directoryToSearch\\$filename"; $count++; } for (int $j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) { @record on; `dir -mask *.dbf -path $dirs[$j] -recursive`; @record off; object $diritems; GetCmdData("diritem", $diritems); string $mysidpath; string $current_sid = "Unknown"; for ( int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($diritems); $i++) { string $filespath; GetCmdData("$diritems[$i]::path", $filespath); string $mysid; SplitPath($filespath, $mysid); if ($mysid[1] != $current_sid) { $mySids[$imySids] = $mysid[1]; $imySids++; $current_sid = $mysid[1]; echo "$current_sid"; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_DeleteStar(IN string $path, IN string $mask, IN bool $verifydelete ) { @record on; `dir -mask $mask -path $path`; @record off; string $files; GetCmdData("diritem::fileitem::name", $files); for ( int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++) { if ( $files[$i] == "." ) { continue; } if ( $files[$i] == ".." ) { continue; } if ($verifydelete == true) { if ( prompt ("Do you want to delete: $path\\$files[$i] ?" )) { `delete -file "$path\\$files[$i]"`; } } else { `delete -file "$path\\$files[$i]"`; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_IsCommandRunning(IN string $cmdToLookFor, IN string $strToLookFor) { @record on; `commands`; @record off; string $cmdName; string $cmdString; GetCmdData("command::name", $cmdName); GetCmdData("command::fullcommand", $cmdString); for (int $i = 0; $i < sizeof($cmdName); $i++) { if ($cmdName[$i] == $cmdToLookFor) { /* Check that get is the one we are looking for */ string $matches; if (RegExMatch($strToLookFor, $cmdString[$i], $matches) == true) { return true; } } } return false; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_WaitUntilCmdFinished(IN string $cmdToLookFor, IN string $strToLookFor) { while(_PFre_IsCommandRunning($cmdToLookFor, $strToLookFor)) { sleep(1000); } return true; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_WaitUntilCmdFinished(IN string $cmdToLookFor, IN string $strToLookFor, IN bool $verbose) { int $delay = 5000; sleep(1000); while ( _PFre_IsCommandRunning($cmdToLookFor, $strToLookFor)) { int $sec = $delay; $sec /= 1000; if ( $verbose == true ) { echo "Waiting $sec seconds for command to finish"; } sleep ($delay); if ($delay < 25000) { $delay += 5000; } else { _PFre_MyBanner( "Pausing script after waiting 1:15 (command is still running).", "Continue script to wait again for command to finish."); pause; $delay = 5000; } } return true; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_RunCmdAndWaitUntilFinished(IN string $cmdToRun) { _PFre_MyBanner("Running: $cmdToRun"); if (! `$cmdToRun`) { _PFre_MyBanner( "*** Command Failed! ***" ); return false; } string $tokens; RegExSplit(" ", $cmdToRun, 0, $tokens); int $iCmd = 0; int $iSearch; if ($tokens[$iCmd] == "background") { $iCmd++; } $iSearch = $iCmd; $iSearch++; string $matches; while (RegExMatch("^-", $tokens[$iSearch], $matches) == true) { $iSearch++; } string $myCmd; SplitPath($tokens[$iSearch], $myCmd); _PFre_WaitUntilCmdFinished($tokens[$iCmd], $myCmd[1], true); return true; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetAndNameFile(IN string $sFileToGet, IN string $sNameToSaveAs) { /************************** User-settable parameters *************************/ /* If a file is bigger than this, it will prompt you before getting it */ int $bigsize=2000000; /* If a file is bigger than this, it will prompt you twice before getting it */ int $hugesize=20000000; /************************** User-settable parameters *************************/ @record on; `dir $sFileToGet`; @record off; int $size; GetCmdData("diritem::fileitem::size", $size); if ( $size > $bigsize ) { if ( $size > $hugesize ) { _PFre_MyBanner("This file is huge ( $size bytes )!"); if ( prompt ("Do you REALLY want to get this file?", false )) { if ( prompt ( "Are you positive?" )) { _PFre_RunCmdAndWaitUntilFinished("background get $sFileToGet -name $sNameToSaveAs"); } else { echo "Skipped\n"; return false; } } else { echo "Skipped\n"; return false; } } else { _PFre_MyBanner("This file is large ($size bytes)."); if ( prompt ("Do you want to get it?" ) ) { _PFre_RunCmdAndWaitUntilFinished("background get $sFileToGet -name $sNameToSaveAs"); } } } else { _PFre_RunCmdAndWaitUntilFinished("get $sFileToGet -name $sNameToSaveAs"); } return true; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_RunCmd(IN string $cmdToRun) { _PFre_MyBanner("Running: $cmdToRun"); if (! `$cmdToRun`) { _PFre_MyBanner( "*** Command Failed! ***" ); return false; } return true; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _PFre_GetAndNameFileInTheBackground(IN string $sFileToGet, IN string $sNameToSaveAs) { /************************** User-settable parameters *************************/ /* If a file is bigger than this, it will prompt you before getting it */ int $bigsize=2000000; /* If a file is bigger than this, it will prompt you twice before getting it */ int $hugesize=20000000; /************************** User-settable parameters *************************/ @record on; `dir $sFileToGet`; @record off; int $size; GetCmdData("diritem::fileitem::size", $size); if ( $size > $bigsize ) { if ( $size > $hugesize ) { _PFre_MyBanner("This file is huge ( $size bytes )!"); if ( prompt ("Do you REALLY want to get this file?", false )) { if ( prompt ( "Are you positive?" )) { _PFre_RunCmd("background get $sFileToGet -name $sNameToSaveAs"); } else { echo "Skipped\n"; return false; } } else { echo "Skipped\n"; return false; } } else { _PFre_MyBanner("This file is large ($size bytes)."); if ( prompt ("Do you want to get it?" ) ) { _PFre_RunCmd("background get $sFileToGet -name $sNameToSaveAs"); } } } else { _PFre_RunCmd("get $sFileToGet -name $sNameToSaveAs"); } return true; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub(string) _PFre_GetProjectVersion() { string $resDir; if (_GetLpResourcesDirectory($resDir)) { string $xmlFile = "$resDir/PFre/Version.xml"; _XmlElement @version; if (_XmlReadFile($xmlFile, "Version", @version)) { return @version.$text; } } return "PFre"; }