class baseconsole: def __init__(self): pass def bell(self): raise NotImplementedError def pos(self, x=None, y=None): u'''Move or query the window cursor.''' raise NotImplementedError def size(self): raise NotImplementedError def rectangle(self, rect, attr=None, fill=u' '): u'''Fill Rectangle.''' raise NotImplementedError def write_scrolling(self, text, attr=None): u'''write text at current cursor position while watching for scrolling. If the window scrolls because you are at the bottom of the screen buffer, all positions that you are storing will be shifted by the scroll amount. For example, I remember the cursor position of the prompt so that I can redraw the line but if the window scrolls, the remembered position is off. This variant of write tries to keep track of the cursor position so that it will know when the screen buffer is scrolled. It returns the number of lines that the buffer scrolled. ''' raise NotImplementedError def getkeypress(self): u'''Return next key press event from the queue, ignoring others.''' raise NotImplementedError def write(self, text): raise NotImplementedError def page(self, attr=None, fill=' '): u'''Fill the entire screen.''' raise NotImplementedError def isatty(self): return True def flush(self): pass