my $version = " ver 2012.06.01"; my $opbase = 'D:/'; my $oplogs = "Logs/"; use strict; use FindBin; use File::Copy; use File::Basename; use File::Find; use English; use Term::ReadKey; # for input masking use feature ":5.10"; # to be able to use the 'say' and 'given/when' features use Cwd 'chdir'; # for changing the PWD for the renamer $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1; # makes sure stuff gets printed ASAP $PROGRAM_NAME = basename($PROGRAM_NAME); system ("title=$version"); say "\n$version\n"; my $sourcePath = "T:"; my $prepsourcePath = "Y:"; my $destPath = "D:"; my $winzip="C:\\Program Files\\WinZip\\WZUNZIP.EXE"; my $target = "\\OPSDisk"; my $DSZtarget = "\\DSZOPSDisk"; my $DSZOPSDiskZIP = ""; my $OPSDiskZIP = ""; my $jscannerZIP = ""; my $fuzzbunchZIP = ""; my $fwZIP = ""; my $temp; # # MOUNT TRUECRYPT # my $desc = "Mount Truecrypt"; while (!(-e "T:\\") && ($temp != -1)) { $temp = promptToRun ($desc, "cmd.exe /c c:\\progra~1\\TrueCrypt\\truecrypt.exe /l T /k c:\\progra~1\\TrueCrypt\\keyfile /v \\Device\\Harddisk2\\Partition1 /c n /q /m ro"); $desc = "TRUECRYPT NOT MOUNTED! Retry"; } #added to find/set DSZOPSDisk w/ revision in the file name my @disks; opendir(DIR, $sourcePath); while(my $tmpFile = readdir(DIR)) { next unless(-f "$sourcePath/$tmpFile"); next unless($tmpFile =~ m/^DSZOpsDisk-\d+.*\.zip$/i); push @disks, $tmpFile; } closedir(DIR); if ($#disks == 0) { $DSZOPSDiskZIP = $disks[0]; } elsif ($#disks > 0) { # Found multiple disks, prompt which one to use. my $max = $#disks + 1; say "Found multiple DSZOpsDisk zips:"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#disks; $i++) { my $j = $i + 1; say "$j - $disks[$i]"; } print "Which should I grab? (Q = Abort and skip tool unpack): "; do { chomp($temp = ); if ($temp =~ /q/i) { goto SKIP_TOOL_UNPACKING_GOTO; } $temp = int($temp) or -1; } while ($temp < 1 and $temp > $max); $DSZOPSDiskZIP = $disks[$temp-1] } if (!$DSZOPSDiskZIP) { say "Could not determine the full name of the DSZOpsDisk zip."; print "Skip tool unpacking? [Y]: "; chomp($temp = ); if ($temp =~ /na/i) { die "Cannot continue."; } else { goto SKIP_TOOL_UNPACKING_GOTO; } } printf '%50s',"-----------------------------\n"; # # COPY OPSDisk # if (-e "$sourcePath\\$OPSDiskZIP") { $target = "$destPath$target"; mkdir $target; $temp = copyFile("$sourcePath\\$OPSDiskZIP", "$target\\$OPSDiskZIP"); if ($temp) { unzip ("$target\\$OPSDiskZIP", "$target\\"); } } else { printf '%50s',"Copying $sourcePath\\$OPSDiskZIP..."; print " NOT FOUND ON OPSDISK. SKIPPING.\n"; } # # COPY JSCANNER TO OPSDISK # if ( -e "$sourcePath\\$jscannerZIP") { $temp = copyFile("$sourcePath\\$jscannerZIP", "$target\\$jscannerZIP"); if ($temp) { unzip("$target\\$jscannerZIP", "$target\\tools\\jscanner\\"); } } else { printf '%50s',"Copying $sourcePath\\$jscannerZIP..."; print " NOT FOUND ON OPSDISK. SKIPPING.\n"; } # # COPY FUZZBUNCH # if (-e "$sourcePath\\$fuzzbunchZIP") { $temp = copyFile("$sourcePath\\$fuzzbunchZIP", "$target\\$fuzzbunchZIP"); if ($temp) { unzip("$target\\$fuzzbunchZIP", "$destPath"); } } else { printf '%50s',"Copying $sourcePath\\$fuzzbunchZIP..."; print " NOT FOUND ON OPSDISK. SKIPPING.\n"; } printf '%50s',"-----------------------------\n"; # # COPY DSZOPSDisk # $DSZtarget = "$destPath$DSZtarget"; mkdir $DSZtarget; $temp = copyFile("$sourcePath\\$DSZOPSDiskZIP", "$DSZtarget\\$DSZOPSDiskZIP"); if ($temp) { unzip("$DSZtarget\\$DSZOPSDiskZIP", "$DSZtarget\\"); } if ( -e "$sourcePath\\$jscannerZIP") { if ($temp) { unzip("$target\\$jscannerZIP", "$DSZtarget\\resources\\jscanner\\"); } } # # COPY Overlay # my @overlayList = (0); # We prepopulate this with a null, so that when we start adding files, we'll start at one. my @prepList = (0); # We prepopulate this with a null, so that when we start adding files, we'll start at one. my $overlayZip = ""; my $input = ""; find(\&desiredFiles, $prepsourcePath); if ($#overlayList == 0) { # If there are no overlays skip to the next section $overlayZip = $overlayList[0]; goto SKIP_OVERLAY_UNPACKING_GOTO; } elsif ($#overlayList > 0 ) { # If more than one is found, display a list of those found and prompt for a selection say "\nFound potential overlays:"; say "-------------------------"; my $moreOverlays = 1; while ($moreOverlays) { say "0 - Skip"; for (my $o = 1; $o < scalar(@overlayList); $o++){ say "$o - $overlayList[$o]"; } while ($input !~ m/^\d{1}$/) { # Until input is a single digit within the correct range, stay in this loop print "\nWhich overlay should I grab: "; chomp($input = ); if ($input =~ m/^[0]{1}$/) { # If input is a single zero, skip the overlay section say "OK, skipping...\n"; $input = ""; goto SKIP_OVERLAY_UNPACKING_GOTO; } elsif ($input =~ m/^\D+$/) { # If input is/are non-numeric character(s), prompt again say "That's not a valid selection!"; $input = ""; } elsif ($input < 0 or $input > $#overlayList) { # If input is a number less than or greater than the number of available entries, prompt again say "Please select a number from the choices above..."; $input = ""; } } say ""; $overlayZip = "$overlayList[$input]"; if (!$overlayZip) { say "Something happened and I could not determine the correct will have to grab it manually"; goto SKIP_OVERLAY_UNPACKING_GOTO; } (my $overlayZipPath = $overlayZip) =~ tr!/!\\!; # convert the path to Win friendly path ( with \ instead of / ) so we can copy the preps correctly (my $overlayFileName = $overlayZip) =~ s{.*/}{}; # extract the filename from the path and assign it to $OverlayFileName $temp = copyFile("$overlayZipPath", "$destPath\\$overlayFileName"); if ($temp) { unzip("$destPath\\$overlayFileName", "$destPath"); } print "\nDo you have more overlays to grab? [N]: "; chomp($temp = ); $moreOverlays = 0 unless ($temp =~ /y/i); $input = ""; } } SKIP_OVERLAY_UNPACKING_GOTO: printf '%50s',"-----------------------------\n"; # # COPY PREPS AND PREPARE OPNOTES # my $date; my $project; my $prepsZip= ""; my $prepsNOTdone=1; if (!@prepList) { say "Uncompressing preps... SKIPPED"; $prepsNOTdone = 0; } else { while ($prepsNOTdone) { my $morepreps = 1; say "\nFound potential preps:"; say "----------------------"; while ($morepreps) { say "0 - Skip"; for (my $p = 1; $p < scalar(@prepList); $p++){ say "$p - $prepList[$p]"; } $input = ""; while ($input !~ m/^\d{1}$/) { print "\nWhich prep should I grab: "; chomp($input = ); if ($input =~ m/^[0]{1}$/) { # If input is a single zero, skip the overlay section say "OK, skipping...\n"; $input = ""; goto SKIP_PREP_UNPACKING_GOTO; } elsif ($input =~ m/^\D+$/) { # If input is/are non-numeric character(s), prompt again say "That's not a valid selection!"; $input = ""; } elsif ($input < 0 or $input > $#prepList) { # If input is a number less than or greater than the number of available entries, prompt again say "Please select a number from the choices above..."; $input = ""; } } say ""; $prepsZip = "$prepList[$input]"; (my $prepszipPath = $prepsZip) =~ tr!/!\\!; # convert the path to Win friendly path ( with \ instead of / ) so we can copy the preps correctly (my $prepfileName = $prepsZip) =~ s{.*/}{}; # extract the filename from the path and assign it to $prepfileName ($project = $prepfileName) =~ s{\..*}{}; # remove the file extension from filename to get project name and assign to $project mkdir "$DSZtarget\\Preps"; $temp = copyFile ("$prepszipPath", "$DSZtarget\\Preps\\$prepfileName"); if ($temp) { unzip ("$DSZtarget\\Preps\\$prepfileName", "$DSZtarget\\Preps\\"); mkdir "$DSZtarget\\Resources\\Pc\\Keys\\$project"; copyFile ("$DSZtarget\\Preps\\$project\\PC2_keys\\private_key.bin","$DSZtarget\\Resources\\Pc\\Keys\\$project\\private_key.bin"); copyFile ("$DSZtarget\\Preps\\$project\\PC2_keys\\public_key.bin","$DSZtarget\\Resources\\Pc\\Keys\\$project\\public_key.bin"); } $temp = ""; print "\nDo you have more preps to grab? [N]: "; chomp($temp = ); $morepreps = 0 unless ($temp =~ /y/i); } if (!$project) { # shouldn't get here unless we skip last; } SKIP_PREP_UNPACKING_GOTO: $project = uc($project); # # PREPARE OPNOTES # printf '%50s',"Preparing opnotes for $project..."; my $date = getDateTime(); open (OPNOTES, "$target\\Tools\\opnotes.txt"); my @lines = ; close(OPNOTES); foreach my $line (@lines) { $line =~ s/Project: \n/Project: $project\n/; $line =~ s/Date: \n/Date: $date\n/; } open (OPNOTES, ">$target\\Tools\\opnotes.txt"); print OPNOTES @lines; close(OPNOTES); say " DONE"; $prepsNOTdone = 0; } } # # CHECK FOR USER-PROVIDED OPNOTES # my $userNotes; if (-e "$sourcePath\\opnotes.txt") { open (OPNOTES, "$sourcePath\\opnotes.txt"); my @lines = ; close(OPNOTES); foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /Project: $project\n/) { $userNotes = "$sourcePath\\opnotes.txt"; } } } elsif (-e "$sourcePath\\${project}_opnotes.txt") { $userNotes = "$sourcePath\\${project}_opnotes.txt"; } elsif (-e "$sourcePath\\${project}_todo.txt") { $userNotes = "$sourcePath\\${project}_todo.txt"; } elsif (-e "$sourcePath\\todo_${project}.txt") { $userNotes = "$sourcePath\\todo_${project}.txt"; } if ($userNotes) { deleteFile ("$target\\Tools\\opnotes.txt"); copyFile ("$userNotes", "$target\\Tools\\opnotes.txt"); printf '%50s',"Preparing user-provided opnotes from $userNotes..."; open (OPNOTES, "$target\\Tools\\opnotes.txt"); my @lines = ; close(OPNOTES); my $date = getDateTime(); foreach my $line (@lines) { $line =~ s/Project: \n/Project: $project\n/; $line =~ s/Date: \n/Date: $date\n/; } open (OPNOTES, ">$target\\Tools\\opnotes.txt"); print OPNOTES @lines; close(OPNOTES); say " DONE"; } printf '%50s',"-----------------------------\n"; # # UNMOUNT TRUECRYPT # promptToRun ("Unmount TrueCrypt", "c:\\progra~1\\TrueCrypt\\truecrypt.exe /l T /d /q /s /f /w"); # # LAUNCH OPNOTES # SKIP_TOOL_UNPACKING_GOTO: chdir "$destPath\\"; printf '%50s',"Waiting for user to close opnotes (".getDateTime().")..."; `$target\\Tools\\opnotes.txt`; print " DONE\n\n"; printf '%50s',"-----------------------------\n"; # # CHECK THAT D:\IPs OR D:\PROJECTs AND OPNOTES EXIST # my $IPfolder; my $foundOpNotesFLAG = 0; opendir OPS, $opbase; my @files = grep { s/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/$opbase$1/ } readdir OPS; closedir OPS; opendir OPS, "$opbase$oplogs"; foreach my $file (readdir OPS) { if ($file eq '..' or $file eq '.') { next; } push @files, "$opbase$oplogs$file"; } closedir OPS; my @dirs; while (my $dir = shift(@files)) { if (-d $dir) { push @dirs, $dir; } } # closedir OPS; if (@dirs) { foreach my $dir (@dirs) { $IPfolder = "$dir"; if (-e "$dir\\opnotes.txt") { $foundOpNotesFLAG = 1; } } } else { # fail system ("color 0C"); print "ERROR: Could not find a project folder or old IP folder structure. Continue anyway? [N] "; chomp($temp = ); if ($temp =~ /n/i || $temp =~ /a/i || !($temp)) { exit; } system ("color 07"); } ################################## # Prep FB logs and ship ################################## promptToRun ("Process FB logs?", "python D:\\DSZOpsDisk\\Resources\\Ops\\Tools\\ D:\\DSZOpsDisk D:\\logs"); if ($foundOpNotesFLAG == 0) { # opendir OPS, $destPath; # my @dirs= grep { /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/ } readdir OPS; # closedir OPS; if (@dirs) { print "You didn't save your opnotes to $destPath\\IP. Copy them to $IPfolder? [Y] "; chomp($temp = ); if ($temp =~ /n/i) { print "Fine, then. Do it yourself. I'll wait..."; `explorer.exe $destPath\\`; chomp($temp = ); } else { copyFile("$target\\tools\\opnotes.txt", "$IPfolder\\opnotes.txt"); print "\n\n"; } } else { system ("color 0C"); print "ERROR: There are no $destPath\\IP folders. Continue anyway? [N] "; chomp($temp = ); if ($temp =~ /n/i || $temp =~ /a/i || !($temp)) { exit; } system ("color 07"); } } # # RUN PITCHINFO.PL # promptToRun ("Run", "cmd.exe /c \"C:\\Perl\\bin\\perl.exe d:\\DSZOpsDisk\\Resources\\Ops\\Tools\\\""); if (!(-e "$IPfolder\\prevet_opnotes.txt")) { system ("color 0C"); promptToRun ("Looks like failed. Retry", "cmd.exe /c \"C:\\Perl\\bin\\perl.exe d:\\DSZOpsDisk\\Resources\\Ops\\Tools\\\""); system ("color 07"); } # # MAP FRED'S SHARE # my $fredIP; my $fredPW; open IN, ") { if ($line =~ /linuxop/i) { $line =~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/; $fredIP = $1; last; } } if (!$fredIP) { ((`ipconfig`) =~ /Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : (192.\S+)/); $fredIP = $1; } # Always prompt, no matter how we got the IP. print "Is '$fredIP' the correct address for the Linux station? [Y] "; chomp($temp = ); if ($temp =~ /[na]/i) { print "Enter the correct IP: "; chomp($fredIP = ); } $temp=""; if (!(-e "Y:\\")) { print "Map shares? [Y] "; chomp($temp = ); } while (! ($temp =~ /n/i) && !(-e "Y:\\")) { $temp = system ("cmd.exe /c \"net use Y: \\\\$fredIP\\downshare /USER:fred /PERSISTENT:NO\""); if (!(-e "Y:\\")) { system ("color 0C"); print "Looks like we were unable to map the share. (Try 'service smb restart') Retry? [Y] "; chomp($temp = ); system ("color 07"); $fredPW = ""; } } # # RUN FINISHOP.PL # chdir "$target\\tools"; promptToRun ("Run", "cmd.exe /c \"C:\\Perl\\bin\\perl.exe d:\\DSZOpsDisk\\Resources\\Ops\\Tools\\\""); # # RUN COPY_DATA.BAT # promptToRun ("Run copy_data.bat", "cmd.exe /c \"C:\\batch\\copy-data.bat\""); system ("color 07"); # # UNMOUNT TRUECRYPT # promptToRun ("Unmount TrueCrypt", "c:\\progra~1\\TrueCrypt\\truecrypt.exe /l T /d /q /s /f /w"); # # WIPE OPSDisk AND DSZOPSDisk FOLDERS # print "Clean up $destPath\\? [Y] "; chomp($temp = ); chdir "$destPath\\"; if (!($temp =~ /n/i)) { deleteFolder ("$target"); deleteFolder ("$DSZtarget"); deleteFolder ("$destPath\\logs"); deleteFolder ("$destPath\\ReplayDisk"); } # # REMOVE SHARED DRIVES # if (-e "Y:\\") { $temp = system("cmd /c \"net use Y: /DELETE\""); } if (-e "Z:\\") { $temp = system("net use Z: /DELETE"); } # # CLEAR RECENT DOCUMENTS # deleteFile ("c:\\docume~1\\%USERNAME%\\recent\\*"); # # CLEAR FUZZBUNCH LOGS # deleteFile ("d:\\fuzzbunch*.log"); # # Check for remnants in D:\Logs # opendir OPS, "$opbase$oplogs"; @files = readdir OPS; closedir OPS; if (@files) { system ("color 0C"); print "There is data in $opbase$oplogs. This folder should be empty by now.\n"; print "Please take care of this, then press enter to continue.\n"; $temp = ; } # # REBOOT # my $default = "R"; if ($fredIP =~ /^192\./) { $default = "S"; } print "(R)eboot, (S)hutdown, or (N)othing? [$default] "; chomp(my $input = ); if (($input eq "" and $default eq "R") || $input =~ /r/i) { $temp=10; system ("color 0C"); while ($temp > 0) { $temp--; print "Rebooting in $temp seconds (CTRL-C TO ABORT)...\n\n"; sleep 1; } system("shutdown.exe -f -r -t 15 -c \"Use Start -> Run 'shutdown -a' to abort.\""); } elsif ($input =~ /s/i or ($default eq "S")) { system("color 0c"); $temp = 10; while ($temp > 0) { --$temp; print "System going to shut down in $temp seconds (CTRL+C TO ABORT)...\n\n"; sleep 1; } system("shutdown.exe -f -s -t 15 -c \"Use Start -> Run 'shutdown -a' to abort.\""); } else { exit; } ####################################################################################################################################### ############################################################## FUNCTIONS ############################################################## ####################################################################################################################################### sub unzip { my ($zipFile,$destPath) = @_; $_ = $zipFile; m/[^\\]*$/; printf '%50s',"Uncompressing $&..."; if (-e $zipFile) { $temp = `cmd.exe /c \"$winzip\" -d -o \"$zipFile\" \"$destPath\\\"`; print " DONE\n"; return 0; } else { print " ERROR (not found)\n"; system("color 0C"); chomp(my $input = ); exit; } } sub copyFile { my ($from,$to) = @_; $_ = $from; m/[^\\]*$/; printf '%50s',"Copying $&..."; if (-e "$to") { print " Already exists\n"; return 0; } if (-e $from) { my $temp = copy("$from", "$to"); if (-e $to) { print " DONE\n"; return 1; } else { print " FAILED\n"; return 0; } } else { print " NOT FOUND\n"; return -1; } } sub desiredFiles { # This subroutine will search recursively through Y: for any overlay files and populate them into overlayList and prepList /down/ and $File::Find::prune = 1; # exclude the 'Y:\down' directory my $file = $File::Find::name; if (-f && $file =~ /.*xqz2_.*\.zip$/i || $file =~ /.*ovlgen_.*\.zip$/i || $file =~ /.*ckm8_.*\.zip$/i){ # If a known overlay file is found, put it in the list push(@overlayList, $file); } elsif (-f && $file =~ /.*zip$/i && !($file =~ /.*xqz2_.*\.zip$/i || $file =~ /.*ovlgen_.*\.zip$/i || $file =~ /.*ckm8_.*\.zip$/i || $file =~ /.*\.txt$/i || $file =~ /.*\.tar$/i || $file =~ /.*\.bz2$/i || $file =~ /$OPSDiskZIP/i || $file =~ /DSZOpsDisk-\d+.*\.zip$/i || $file =~ /$jscannerZIP/i || $file =~ /$fuzzbunchZIP/i || $file =~ /$fwZIP/i || $file =~ /HASH/)){ # If other zips found are not already accounted for, present them as potential preps push(@prepList, $file); } } sub promptToRun { my ($desc, $cmd) = @_; print "$desc? [Y] "; chomp(my $input = ); if ($input =~ /q/i) { print "ABORTED AT USER REQUEST"; exit; } elsif ($input =~ /n/i) { return -1; } else { $temp = system($cmd); print "\n\n"; return 0; } } sub deleteFolder { my ($folder) = @_; printf '%50s',"Deleting $folder..."; if (-e "$folder") { $temp = system("rmdir /s /q $folder"); if (!$temp) { print " DONE\n"; } else { print " ERROR!\n"; } } else { print " NOT FOUND\n"; } } sub deleteFile { my ($folder) = @_; system("del /q $folder"); } sub getDateTime { (my $sec,my $min,my $hour,my $day,my $mon,my $year) = localtime(time); my $ampm = "AM"; if ($hour>12) { $ampm = "PM"; $hour = $hour-12; } elsif ($hour=="0") { $ampm = "AM"; $hour = 12; } if ($min<10) { $min = "0".$min; } $year = $year + 1900; $mon++; return "$hour:$min $ampm $mon/$day/$year"; }