#-------------------------------------------------------- # File: StandardInstall # # Performs a standard install of the BehavePeking tools # # Modifications: # 29 Aug 2005 Created. #-------------------------------------------------------- @echo off; if (($argc < 2) || ($argc > 3)) { echo "Usage: $argv[0] [localExe]"; return false; } string $driver = $argv[1]; string $localExe; if ($argc > 2) { $localExe = $argv[2]; } # perform the install ifnot (`script InstallDriver.eps $driver`) { return false; } # load the driver echo "Loading the $driver driver"; if (`driverload -name $driver`) { echo " SUCCESS"; } else { echo " FAILED"; return false; } # set the filter ifnot (`script SetFilter.eps $driver tcp_port80_data.filt`) { return false; } # start scanning echo "Starting scanning"; if (`webtipper -name $driver -control start`) { echo " SUCCESS"; } else { echo " FAILED"; return false; } # configure the exe (if necessary) if ((defined($localExe) == false) || (strlen($localExe) == 0)) { @record on; if (`script BehavePeking\\ConfigureExe.eps`) { $localExe = GetCmdData("file"); SetCmdData(STRING, "file", $localExe); } else { return false; } @record off; } # install the exe driver @echo on; echo "\r\n\r\n"; ifnot (`dp_install $localExe 1`) { return false; } echo ""; echo "Waiting for exe to start"; Sleep(5000); # show status `dp_status`; `script GetStatus.eps $driver`; echo ""; echo "NOTE: If the status listed above does not show the executable as running,"; echo " wait until 'dp_status' show the exe as running. At that point run"; echo " 'script BehavePeking\\GetStatus.eps $driver' to determine whether"; echo " the exe has registered as expected."; echo ""; return true;